After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 53

After about ten minutes, Cheng Zhanxi woke up "youyou" in a timely manner.

Bowing his head for a long time caused the back of his neck to hurt. Cheng Zhanxi put one hand on the back of his neck and kneaded skillfully, and turned his head to look at a naughty child Yu.

Little kid Yu had a white bluetooth earphone on his ear. He was listening to a song. He looked at the opposite side of Cheng Zhanxi. He didn't know if he really didn't notice that she woke up, or if he pretended not to notice.

Cheng Zhanxi raised the corners of her lips and took off one of her earphones unexpectedly.

The headset automatically stopped playing because it left the auricle. After Cheng Zhanxi put it on, it was quiet for a while and played again.

Yu Qingtang turned to look at her with surprise in her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled at her.

Yu Qingtang moved his knuckles in the pocket of his windbreaker, but did not retrieve the earphones.

The earphones are singing old love songs from many years ago.

The two of them, each with one earphone, tilted their heads to look at the scenery of the backward car windows on both sides, and the corners of their lips rose slightly in unison.


"Mr. Yu, do you have snacks?" Cheng Zhanxi took out a bag of beef jerky from his backpack.

"No thanks."

Cheng Zhanxi opened the bag by himself, took out two pieces, and said, "Mr. Yu, help me get it."

She stuffed the bag back into her backpack, took the beef jerky from Yu Qingtang's hand, tore the package, bit her teeth lightly, and ate it on her own.

Yu Qingtang was the closest to her and could smell the aroma of the dried and roasted beef.

Yu Qingtang didn't quite understand the mentality of a girl who likes to eat snacks. Is it because she doesn't have enough food, and she only uses snacks to supplement it when she is not full? Now that she sees Cheng Zhanxi eating, she thinks it is understandable. It seems to be a dual satisfaction of psychology and appetite. Teacher Cheng eats deliciously.

Yu Qingtang swallowed indistinctly.

There is a separate bag of beef jerky in front of me.

Yu Qingtang asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows at her.

Yu Qingtang took the beef jerky and bit his lower lip, only then did he hold back the sudden burst of laughter.

The edge of the package was jagged, Yu Qingtang tore it a bit, but unexpectedly didn't tear it open. She opened her eyes slightly as if she couldn't believe it.

Cheng Zhanxi saw from the corner of his eye that she had switched to the other side of the sawtooth, and then repeated the failed process.

Tear-tooth is a metaphysics.

Cheng Zhanxi believed that the flexibility of Yu Qingtang's fingers must be the fault of the packaging.

When Yu Qingtang was competing with beef jerky, a light cough came from the side.

Cheng Zhanxi suppressed the smile in his throat and said gently, "I'm coming?"

Yu Qingtang was silent, reached out and handed it over, while staring at her slender fingers.

Cheng Zhanxi specially made a slow motion for her, tore open the package easily, and taught her: "Pay attention to the angle and strength of the force."

Yu Qingtang nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi reached into his backpack, groped for another piece of beef jerky, and raised his hand: "Try it?"

Yu Qingtang took it and tore it open.

Cheng Zhanxi cheered: "It's amazing."

The corners of Yu Qingtang's lips turned up a little, and he concealed his head and bit the beef jerky, his eyelashes drooping, and his appearance was gentle.

Cheng Zhanxi raised the back of her finger, landed on her smooth cheek, and stroked it gently.

Yu Qingtang was almost used to this level of intimacy, and continued to eat beef jerky without any special reaction.

A little hard, but the taste is not bad, the aftertaste is relatively long, and the cheeks are fragrant.

Cheng Zhanxi gave her two meals, and said softly, "I can't eat any more, my cheeks will hurt if I chew too much."

Along with this sentence, handed over a bottle of water with the unscrewed cap.

Yu Qingtang hummed, took the water and took a sip.

Cheng Zhanxi then turned out a box of chocolate bars, smiled and said, "Do you want to eat pocky?"

Yu Qingtang: "...Eat."

Anyway, the result is the same, why do you need to resist.

During sleep and feeding, the bus arrived at the bus station in Jiangning County. The brake pads screeched harshly, and there were already many passengers in the car, most of whom were migrant workers and students who were rushing home early on Sunday, as well as people dressed as migrant workers, dragging heavy snakeskins. Bags, line up at the door to get off.

Cheng Yu and the two stayed in their seats before going down at the end.

Jiangning County is an agricultural county, and its economic strength is not strong. The construction of the bus station is not only a long way behind that of Si City, but it is also gray everywhere. Cars are driving in constantly, running over their wheels and bringing up billowing dust.

Yu Qingtang covered her mouth and nose with her hand uncomfortably.

Cheng Zhanxi looked around, found the ticket office, dragged Yu Qingtang through the middle of the dusty square, and ran in quickly.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't let Yu Qingtang wait aside, she was worried, so she led her to the window.

"Two tickets to Baishui Township."

"12 bucks."

The bus station in Jiangning County does not require a real-name system. Cheng Zhanxi took back the **** holding the ID card in the card holder, zipped up the zipper, paid with his mobile phone, and took two bus tickets from the window.

Yu Qingtang was behind her, pursing her lips silently.

"Okay, let's go." Cheng Zhanxi took the ticket and greeted Yu Qingtang with a smile.

Yu Qingtang looked at her and whispered, "I'm causing trouble for Teacher Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi said "Huh?" and said softly, "Aren't we friends? It's not even a knife, why is it causing trouble?"

Yu Qingtang didn't speak, his eyes were clearly a little apologetic.

Cheng Zhanxi touched her face, thought for a while, and said, "Then go back and invite me to a big meal?"

Yu Qingtang responded seriously: "Okay."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

It seems that the relationship of friends is not enough. When she becomes a girlfriend, she will no longer struggle with such trivial matters.

If Jiangning County is only backward, Baishui Township is a remote rural area, and the infrastructure construction is seriously insufficient. When I was in the car, the signal began to be absent, 4G jumped to 2G, and Yu Qingtang’s mobile phone couldn’t even load new songs.

For the first time since Yu Qingtang could remember, he arrived at a place without a signal, and a cell phone without a signal was like a pile of scrap metal.

Yu Qingtang got out of the car, it was desolate all around, not to mention taxis, not even a motorbike. Departure.

Yu Qingtang looked at the sometimes-absent 4G logo in the upper right corner of the phone, tried to open the phone's navigation, and entered the address: Zequan Village.

Click Confirm.

No miracle happened, the screen went blank.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Is she going to go home?

In an unfamiliar place, no matter how Yu Qingtang didn't care, he wouldn't take the risk of wandering around.

No wonder she called Xiao Qing's father to ask for a home visit, but Xiao Qing's father persuaded her not to come. Yu Qingtang didn't take it to heart at the time.

The homeroom teacher usually selects representative students for home visits. One is Xiang Tianyou who is mischievous and disrupts discipline, and the other is poor family, especially Xiao Qing who has excellent academic performance and is a single-parent family. Even if they live far away, Yu Qingtang is willing to It takes a lot of trouble to make this trip, which is responsible for the students.

But she never imagined that she could not find Xiao Qing's family because she didn't have a mobile phone for navigation.

Cheng Zhanxi next to him untied his backpack, put it on the toes of his raised hiking boots, and took out a paper map from the inner mezzanine. It was supposed to be just in case, but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

"Mr. Yu." Cheng Zhanxi bit the corner of the folded map into his mouth, put the backpack on his back again, and pulled his hand out of his mouth to unfold, "Which village is Xiao Qing's family in? Zequan Village?"

Yu Qingtang was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes."

Cheng Zhanxi looked at the map, and Yu Qingtang also leaned over.

With the development of technology, people have become more and more dependent on technology. The last time Yu Qingtang looked at paper maps seriously was in high school geography class, um, before the division of arts and sciences. Counting down, it's been more than ten years.

The dense small characters, the intertwined roads, the east, the north, the south, are dazzling.

Yu Qingtang looked away slightly, and his eyes fell on Cheng Zhanxi's focused profile.

She suddenly had the urge to reach out and touch it.

She was like a newborn baby in front of Cheng Zhanxi, and like a deer who broke into the forest by mistake, full of curiosity about everything.

Even if you know it's a dream, you can't help but sink before you wake up.

Cheng Zhanxi saw a forefinger eager to try, approaching her cheek, she suddenly raised her eyes, just to catch Yu Qingtang's too late to hide eyes, Yu Qingtang panicked and wanted to withdraw her hand, Cheng Zhanxi caught her Fingers, the corner of his mouth smirked: "What are you doing?"

Yu Qingtang was guilty of being a thief and looked cramped: "No... why?"

"What are you doing?"


"Are you trying to hit me?"

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes wide, and her docile eyes became clearer and clearer.

She hurriedly defended: "I didn't..."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and interrupted her: "I know." After speaking, she moved her hand forward and pressed Yu Qingtang's hand on her cheek.

Not a finger, but the whole hand, Cheng Zhanxi's face was small, and Yu Qingtang held the lower half of his face in his palm.

The touch from her palm was warm and delicate, and Cheng Zhanxi rubbed her face against her hand and asked her, "How does it feel? Is it slippery?"

Yu Qingtang carefully held the woman's cheek, rubbed her fingertips, felt it carefully, and said the truth: "Slippery."

Cheng Zhanxi said in his heart that there is more slippery.

She let go of her hand, but kept Yu Qingtang's hand on her cheek, lowered her head and continued to look at the map, smiled slowly, and said, "Touch slowly, I don't mind."

Yu Qingtang's ears had a very shallow blush.

She touched it twice more, and withdrew her hand embarrassedly.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't let her go, and asked one more question: "Have you touched enough?"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, stopped teasing her, and said, "I found Zequan Village." She brought the map over and pointed to a small point in the southeast corner, "Here."

She moved her hand up a bit and added, "We're here now."

The map has a scale, which may be far from the actual distance. No matter how Yu Qingtang doesn't go out, he doesn't lack common sense, so he asked, "Is it far?"

Cheng Zhanxi nodded: "It's really a bit of a walk. I'll ask if there is a car nearby."

There are many kinds of southern dialects. "Three miles are different, ten miles are different." The staff of Baishui Township Bus Station is an old man who can only speak dialect but not Mandarin. In addition, Yu Qingtang guessed with his Sicheng dialect skills, and came to the answers of "there is a car, but we have to wait" and "unfixed time, maybe half an hour later".

It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning, and the high-hanging sun gradually revealed its power.

Cheng Zhanxi was sweating profusely when she asked the fellow. The sun was shining directly at the moment, and after baking in the sun for a while, it became even hotter. She opened the zipper of the jacket to reveal the sweat-absorbing cotton T-shirt inside.

Cheng Zhanxi fanned with the map: "Are we waiting for the bus or walking?"

Yu Qingtang said, "You decide." She looked at the woman's sweat dripping down her cheeks, her eyes flickered, and after a while, she said, "Why don't we go back?"

"Where are you going?"


Cheng Zhanxi stopped fanning and looked at her.

Yu Qingtang lowered her head and said, "I didn't think about it carefully, and I made Mr. Cheng spend time here with me. When there is a signal, I will call Xiao Qing's father to apologize." She said again, "Let's go back. "

As soon as the voice fell, his cheek was pinched and lifted gently.

Yu Qingtang slammed into Cheng Zhanxi's deep eyes in surprise.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were slightly cold: "If you're going to cause me trouble again, I'll..."

Halfway through her cruel words, she suddenly got stuck.

So Yu Qingtang forgot to be afraid and just thought: what is she?

Cheng Zhanxi grinded his back molars and said, "I'll... I'll... cry for you."

Even pinching her face is reluctant to hurt her, but this is the only way.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi pretended to be vicious and said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

A smile flashed in Yu Qingtang's eyes, and he said obediently, "I know I'm wrong."

She quietly glanced at Cheng Zhanxi again and thought she was a little cute.

Cheng Zhanxi snorted and stepped back to the main topic: "My suggestion is to go along the road first, take the part of the road where the car is driving, if you happen to encounter a car on the road, take a ride, and continue to move forward if you don't. "

Yu Qingtang replied hello.

The two bid farewell to their fellow villagers, left the bus station, and walked along the main road.

Although Baishui Township is backward, the scenery is excellent. The green hills in the distance are rolling and rolling, and the warm sun in winter is shrouded loosely, reflecting the mountains and the water, creating a beautiful picture of a paradise. "Mr. Yu, do you want an umbrella?" Cheng Zhanxi asked with ease as he walked.

Yu Qingtang looked up at the bright sun, and thought: What umbrella do you need when it's not raining?

"Umbrella." Cheng Zhanxi seemed to see what she was thinking, and smiled, "Mr. Yu is so white, what should I do if I get sunburned?"

Yu Qingtang asked, "Aren't you afraid of getting tanned?" She was also quite white.

Cheng Zhanxi asked back, "Are you afraid that I will turn black?"

Yu Qingtang intuited that there was something in her words, but she couldn't parse it out for a while. She thought about it seriously and said, "It's okay." Teacher Cheng is so good-looking, even if she is tanned, her wheat-colored skin is more sexy.

Yu Qingtang thought about it, she is such a weak type, it really doesn't look good when it's dark.

So she pursed her lips and asked, "Did you bring a parasol?"

Cheng Zhanxi patted the backpack behind him, and said very immodestly: "This is Doraemon's treasure bag. I can make you whatever you want."

Yu Qingtang opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "I...haven't seen Doraemon."

Cheng Zhanxi paused imperceptibly, just like when she heard Yu Qingtang say that she had no parents, her expression did not show any abnormality, and she said very naturally: "It's okay, I will review it now, the next time I watch it. It's very interesting to show you together. Besides, there are still big movies in the past few years, and we will go to the cinema to watch them after they are released."


Yu Qingtang subconsciously forgot the word and reminded softly, "Umbrella."

Cheng Zhanxi said oh oh twice, and changed the backpack to the front to get her an umbrella.

When Yu Qingtang saw that she needed a map and a backpack again, she proposed aloud, "Mr. Cheng, let me carry a bag for you."

"It's too heavy, you may not be able to carry it on your back, and you have to walk a long way to save your energy." Cheng Zhanxi thought for a while and said, "You give me an umbrella? I'm also afraid of getting tan."

The umbrellas are not big, two people share an umbrella, shoulders and shoulders are almost together.

Cool breeze.

Cheng Zhanxi often had to look down at the map, and then his arm would be raised, Yu Qingtang avoided it, so several times, Cheng Zhanxi bent his arm to leave a gap, and gently suggested: "You hold me?"

Yu Qingtang looked hesitant.

There was no one else on this road except the two of them. The late rice had just been harvested, and the fields on both sides were piled up with yellow straws.

Cheng Zhanxi's arms were still empty, waiting for her reply.

Yu Qingtang bit her lower lip slightly and pulled it up.

A strange, like water overflowing from a river, full of emotions flowed through her heart instantly and filled her up. Yu Qingtang's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and he couldn't help but squeeze the woman's arms tighter, a subtle sweetness arose from the tip of his heart.

Yu Qingtang tilted her head and glanced at Cheng Zhanxi, who happened to be looking at her too, with a soft smile in her eyes.

Yu Qingtang's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and she looked away in a hurry.

Uncontrollable heat rose from his cheeks.

Lao She once wrote a passage in "Camel Xiangzi": "There are not many truths in this world. A woman's blush is better than a large amount of dialogue."

Cheng Zhanxi looked at Yu Qingtang's blushing cheeks, and was slightly absent-minded, she stretched out her hand involuntarily, and just as her fingertips touched her face, there was a sudden sound of a tractor behind her. Although the distance was not close, the voice had a special sense of presence. .

chug chug chug.

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

The atmosphere was gone.

Cheng Zhanxi retracted his hand, turned back angrily and amusedly, and saw an old-fashioned tractor in khaki color appearing at the end of the road.

Yu Qingtang followed her back.

chug chug chug.

Yu Qingtang also smiled.

With the advancement of science and technology and the update of agricultural production models, tractors have basically withdrawn from the vision of rural areas. Now tractors are basically used by retail farmers to transport food and goods, which are not common.

The tractor was driven by a nearby farmer, who had planted two acres of land, just harvested the millet, and rushed home for lunch when he suddenly saw someone beckoning to him on the side of the road and stopped the tractor.

The two approached, both beautiful girls dressed like city people.

The taller one stepped forward and asked, "Fellow, may I ask which direction Zequan Village is going?"

This fellow driving a tractor is in his 40s. He can't speak Mandarin well, but he can understand it.

Two minutes later, Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang got into the car, with bags of millet under them. As the tractor drove, both of them swayed up and down uncontrollably.

For the first time, an extremely rich expression appeared on Yu Qingtang's normally calm face.

In just a few words from Cheng Zhanxi, the villagers were willing to take them for a ride, and they took a long way less.

Cheng Zhanxi put one hand on his cheek, curved his lips and smiled: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Yu Qingtang said sincerely, "Mr. Cheng is amazing."

The tractor was making too much noise. Cheng Zhanxi couldn't recognize his mouth shape and said loudly, "What did you say? I - listen - don't - see - "

The oncoming wind blows in, his long hair is flying around, and the vast wilderness makes people feel proud. Yu Qingtang took a deep breath and said in a high voice: "I--said--you--awe--awesome- "

Cheng Zhanxi replied to her: "listen-here-la-"

Yu Qingtang: "Okay--"

Cheng Zhanxi laughed, and the laughter was clear and spread far away.

Yu Qingtang also laughed softly.

Then she raised her eyes to look at Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi firmly held the car bucket with one hand and propped the other hand behind him, with a relaxed expression and half-squinted eyes, the blue sky and white clouds, the continuous green hills in the distance, and the golden rice fields below, like An oil painting, she is a stroke of thick ink and color in this oil painting.

Yu Qingtang looked at her deeply, her eyes gradually saddened.

If this is a dream...

Yu Qingtang closed his eyes.

If this is a dream, please wake it up a little later.


The fellow parked the tractor at the entrance of a village with a stone tablet, and said in crappy Mandarin: "Go along this road, turn right where there is a big locust tree, and you will see the sign at the entrance of the village. ." He pointed to the stone tablet and said, "A card like this one."

"Thank you, fellow countryman."

"Need not."

The screeching sound of the tractor faded away.

Yu Qingtang raised her foot and was about to walk forward, but Cheng Zhanxi grabbed her hand.

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi asked her, "Are you hungry?"

Yu Qingtang was startled and said, "It's okay."

"Feel it carefully."

"It seems a little bit?"

Cheng Zhanxi was annoyed: "That's why I'm hungry." It's almost twelve o'clock now, so it's strange that I'm not hungry all the way.

Seeing Cheng Zhanxi getting angry, Yu Qingtang suddenly pulled the corner of her clothes without a teacher.

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

The corners of her mouth couldn't help turning up, she barely suppressed it, and said in a flat tone, "Eat first."


I don't know if it's because of the only two of them in the wilderness, but today's Yu Qingtang is extraordinarily well-behaved, and her heart is much more open to her, unlike the previous occasions where she didn't get defensive from time to time.

There is a bluestone slab next to the stone tablet, Cheng Zhanxi asked Yu Qingtang to sit on it, put the backpack on it, unzip the zipper, and take things from it.

Curious baby Yu Qingtang poked his head and looked inside.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Want to know what?"

Yu Qingtang hummed.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed: "then look." She opened her mouth completely and let her see it generously.

There are many built-in pockets in the travel backpack, and the categories for eating are full.

Cheng Zhanxi: "take whatever you want to eat."

Yu Qingtang took two rice **** and handed one to Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at the leftover eight-treasure porridge and other dry food, and asked, "Why are you eating **** again?"

Yu Qingtang didn't speak, and ate lunch quietly.

Cheng Zhanxi understood in a flash, and it was as if he had knocked over a honey pot, so sweet that he could hardly find the north.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed silently for a while, left the last rice ball, opened a bottle of eight-treasure porridge, and ate two buns.

After a short rest, the two continued on their way.

Yu Qingtang's cell phone had a signal, but it still only had a 2G network.

Yu Qingtang wanted to call Xiao Qing's father. After thinking about how long the road was, she decided to call after seeing the stone tablet in Zequan Village.

Cheng Zhanxi's foresight in asking her to change her shoes before was reflected. The road that the villagers pointed to was the nearest path. There were no cement repairs, and there were potholes. From time to time, they had to walk uphill. Yu Qingtang was struggling to walk, and Cheng Zhanxi kept holding on. Holding her hand, the palm of her hand was sweating.

But the road is lined with green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is beautiful and refreshing.

Walking to the ridge, the field of vision is empty, and there is a cool breeze blowing from the mountains.

Cheng Zhanxi pinned his ear hair with his white fingertips, and said, "Mr. Yu."


"Why did you go back to Sicheng to be a teacher?" Cheng Zhanxi felt that the timing was right and asked.

"Because..." Yu Qingtang lightly stepped over the ditch in front of her and answered her casually, "Grandma asked me to come back to take the teacher test."

Cheng Zhanxi was silent.

Yu Qingtang said in a nonchalant tone: "They feel that being a teacher is stable, and my grandfather fell over, so I can easily take care of them at home."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, but felt a little sad in his heart: "So it is."

Yu Qingtang asked inadvertently, "What about you?"


Yu Qingtang looked down at the road on the ground, took a deep breath without a trace, held back the slight tremor of her fingertips, and summoned up her courage to ask, " become a teacher?"