After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 54

"Why do you... become a teacher?"

For Yu Qingtang, it must have been a whim for someone like Cheng Zhanxi to come to the school to become a physical education teacher. It doesn't matter why she started to rise, but when will her rise abruptly end, when will she leave Sicheng and go to the school. Where she should go, she will never go back.

Just like a long, long time ago, the elongated black car drove out of the village and took away the person who laughed for the first time because of her, and cried for the first time because of her.

The subtext of the question is: Are you leaving anytime soon?

And every morning she wakes up with her eyes open, she is already rehearsing for the day of parting. Even if Cheng Zhanxi disappears tomorrow, she will not be surprised.

"Why would I be a teacher, let me think about it..." Cheng Zhanxi pondered, observing Yu Qingtang's lowered gaze, she did not miss the woman's slender knuckles that were whitened by her exertion, nor did she miss her falling on her own The hand in the palm was tense and stiff for a moment.

She stopped where she was, and even forgot to move forward, clearly caring, which was the opposite of her casual tone.

This is not a question in the literal sense.

It's not like waiting for a confession. Cheng Zhanxi admits that the two of them haven't gotten that share yet. If she confesses to Yu Qingtang directly, she will probably scare her away.

Cheng Zhanxi's thoughts turned and he organized the language: "First of all, I like the city of Sicheng very much. It has a strong artistic atmosphere, and I also like the architectural style here. The old city and new districts have their own characteristics, and the pace of life is slow, which is suitable for long-term living. "

Yu Qingtang controlled herself and slowly raised her head to look at Cheng Zhanxi's face.

She heard her very soft voice: "Long stay?"

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said softly, "Mr. Yu doesn't like me being your neighbor?" Of course, it would be better to have a girlfriend as soon as possible.

There are tiny flowers blooming in unknown places.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "If you are willing to sell the house, I want to buy the house opposite you, and we can live together forever."

The wind blew through the little flower, like the swaying petal tip, Yu Qingtang's heart trembled in the wind.

"...Let's talk about it." Yu Qingtang loosened her clenched fingers, lifted up her ear hair, pursed her thin lips, and said, "You only said first, second?"

"Secondly, I love education." Cheng Zhanxi said solemnly.

"But aren't you a painter?"

"Can't painters love education?" Cheng Zhanxi raised her eyebrows, and immediately gave her two examples of painters, both of which Yu Qingtang had never heard of, but she was still persuaded more than half.

Maybe Teacher Cheng is a painter who likes to be a teacher.

Yu Qingtang's expression relaxed, her voice softened unconsciously, and asked her, "Is there another time?"

Cheng Zhanxi shook his head with a smile and said, "No, but there is the most important point."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you in the future." Cheng Zhanxi sold out with a smile.

Yu Qingtang glanced at her with anger but not anger, and continued to walk forward. Cheng Zhanxi trotted two steps and caught up with her with a smile.

Yu Qingtang used that question to ask her anxiety and fear, but Cheng Zhanxi was keenly aware of the hidden meaning and chose to tell her in a more gentle and restrained way: I will not leave you, as long as you are willing, we will. will always be together.

Maybe now Yu Qingtang still can't fully understand what she means, and she won't believe her firmly because of a word, but one day she will understand.

She will also know the real answer to that question.

-Why did you become a teacher?

- For you, only you.

After climbing a section of uphill, Yu Qingtang surpassed ordinary eyesight and saw the big locust tree that the fellow said when he was pointing the way.

When she finally saw Dawn, Rao was used to her emotions and anger, so she couldn't help but stretch her eyebrows, and there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

"It's almost there," she said, pointing to the locust tree.

Cheng Zhanxi only vaguely saw a tree and couldn't tell the difference for the time being. She took out a tissue from her pocket, wiped the sweat from Yu Qingtang's forehead gently, and asked her, "Do you want to take a break before leaving?"

Cheng Zhanxi has good physical strength, her face is not blushing or panting, while Yu Qingtang's limbs are not diligent, and her cheeks are flushed due to exercise. Of course, her skin is white and thin, so it's easy to get on her face a little.

"No." Yu Qingtang panted and decisively rejected Cheng Zhanxi's proposal. Seeing that victory is just ahead, she hangs in one breath, she may not be able to lift it up if she relaxes, and she has to work hard.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't know what colored things came to his mind, so he raised his lips and smiled.

She cleared her throat, quickly got rid of distracting thoughts, and said, "Then let's continue."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Zhanxi touched his chin with his empty hand. Why did he feel that the conversation was going in that direction?

Yu Qingtang only has the destination in his eyes now, and has no extra thoughts to ponder the bad conversation. Cheng Zhanxi reflected on himself, and while leading Yu Qingtang forward, he asked sternly, "Mr. Yu, if I didn't come with you. , will you come here alone?"

Yu Qingtang thought about it seriously, and said, "Should I not? Or I will go back first and check the detailed roadmap." This time it was purely because she lived in a big city all the year round, and she was used to being indifferent and lacking experience. .

Sicheng has good security under its jurisdiction. Baishui Township, Jiangning County is only a remote rural area compared to Sicheng City, but it is far from the point of "poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people".

In addition, Baishui Township has beautiful mountains and clear waters. In spring, the mountains and fields are full of large golden rapeseed flowers. As long as you don't walk on such a country road, there is basically no danger.

If Cheng Zhanxi didn't come this time, Yu Qingtang would probably go home directly, download an offline map or buy a paper map, pick a suitable time to meet Xiao Qing's father in town, and put an end to such smeared eyes. condition.

In fact, she and Cheng Zhanxi didn't know each other for a long time, not counting the two previous encounters, and they only had friendship for half a semester at school. Her trust in Cheng Zhanxi was almost blind. This trust is not only manifested in the worship of the painter's identity, but also in all aspects of life. When she first arrived in an unfamiliar place, she dared to let Cheng Zhanxi run around with her and ride a tractor, entrusting her whole body and mind without any doubt.

It was the first time I went out for a long trip without the purpose of studying, the first time I came to a place without signal and internet, the first time I walked leisurely along the road with golden rice fields on both sides, the first time I took a tractor from a fellow villager, the first time Shouting loudly in the car's all her.

Yu Qingtang looked back and thought about it, and even he felt unbelievable.

Cheng Zhanxi nodded and said, "Safety is the first priority. If you encounter a similar situation accidentally, you must take the main road, and don't take shortcuts for convenience."

"I know."

"In the future, when you go away, Teacher Yu remember to tell me in advance that I can arrange the time."

again later.

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips, looked at Cheng Zhanxi's back walking in front, her eyes flickered twice, and she lowered her eyes.

This part of the road was downhill, and the two walked relatively easily, but in some places the **** was very steep, so Cheng Zhanxi went down first, carefully holding Yu Qingtang's arms down with both hands.

It rained a few days ago, and a section of the road was washed away. The footprints that the villagers had stepped on before were gone, and there was almost no place to set their feet. Cheng Zhanxi looked down at the steep **** of nearly 80 degrees and looked around. Look and say, "From here, shall I find another way?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Let's go from here." Seeing that it was getting late, he couldn't even get out of the village until dark if he didn't find Xiao Qing's house.

Cheng Zhanxi noticed that she was far away from the steep slope. She must have been afraid. She paused and said, "I'll find another way. There should be some nearby."

Yu Qingtang took her hand.

Yu Qingtang had probably seen it with his superior eyesight, and there was no second way within his sight.

"That's it, how to get off?" Yu Qingtang pretended to be calm.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "run down."

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi gave her a demonstration, and saw that Cheng Zhanxi adjusted the shoulder straps of the backpack, stepped back with his feet, took a few steps away from the edge of the steep slope, made a buffer run, and rushed towards the steep slope.

Her figure suddenly disappeared from sight.

Yu Qingtang's heart tightened, so she rushed to the edge of the steep **** and looked down.

Cheng Zhanxi raised her hands high and waved to her from below.

"Come down-"

Yu Qingtang breathed a sigh of relief, then his legs softened, and he immediately stepped back, his face pale.

This slope...

"It's okay--" Cheng Zhanxi put his hands around his lips in a trumpet shape and shouted upwards.

The ramp is not long, and the soil after the rain is soft, which has a good buffering effect, and it is not too soft to sink the shoes, but it just looks scary.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Mr. Yu—"

Yu Qingtang swallowed in fear, not daring to look at the **** at all. As usual, she would definitely take a detour immediately.

At this time, Cheng Zhanxi raised his face, opened his arms to her, and said:

"Don't look at the road, look at me—"

A picture suddenly flashed across Yu Qingtang's mind.

It was also a steep mountain road, and two little girls of the same age climbed down one after the other. The tall girl in front was agile, as light as a swallow, and jumped down a steep **** with a running belt.

The girl beckoned from below, and said in a clear voice like a silver bell: "Come down."

Xiao Yu Qingtang did not dare to go down.

The girl opened her arms and looked up at her, smiling brightly, her youthful face shining in the sun.

"I'll catch you—"


Cheng Zhanxi: "I'll catch you—"

There was a buzzing sound in Yu Qingtang's mind, and there was a brief blurred fusion of memory and reality, and the pictures flashed alternately. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Cheng Zhanxi's face down the slope, as if trying to find a trace of familiarity on her face. After a while, she dismissed her thoughts and slowly cleared away distracting thoughts.

Not to mention any coincidences, the most important thing is that Yu Qingtang can't remember the face of that little girl more than 20 years ago.

Yu Qingtang retreated to the place where Cheng Zhanxi stayed, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

He opened his eyes again, his eyes were calm, and he rushed down the edge of the steep **** without looking sideways.

Stepping on the soft soil felt like stepping on clouds, Yu Qingtang's legs seemed to be no longer hers, she was flying and landed in the arms of the woman who had been waiting with open arms.

Cheng Zhanxi wrapped her arms firmly around her, and took a step back with her left foot to relieve the impact and stabilize her figure.

The breeze from the mountains blew, and the two of them were entangled in their hair, hugging each other quietly, Cheng Zhanxi's hand fell on the long hair behind her, and caressed lightly.

Invariably, they separated tacitly and turned their eyes away. Cheng Zhanxi also saw the big locust tree just a dozen meters away.

Turning right from the big locust tree, the line of sight suddenly became clear, and it entered the cement road again.

A stone tablet with blue characters on a gray background in Zequan Village came into view. Next to the stone tablet stood a dark-skinned middle-aged man. He was not tall, about 170, with a thin body, slightly arched back, extremely short hair, and wearing a white clothes. Blue tunic, army green labor shoes, simple but neat and clean. The exposed backs of hands and neck are darker than the skin on his face. At first glance, he looks like the complexion that has been exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. He is looking towards the road at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Cheng Yu and the two coming together, the middle-aged man stepped forward slowly and asked timidly, "Is it... Xiao Qing's teacher?"

At the same time, the button cell phone in his Zhongshan suit pocket rang.

Yu Qingtang hung up the phone, looked at Xiao Chunjin, who was at least ten years older than her real age, and said, "Dad Xiao Qing?"

Xiao Chunjin's simple face showed a nervous and somewhat embarrassed smile: "I am, teacher, you have worked hard." He bowed without warning.

Yu Qingtang was taken aback and stepped back in a hurry, Cheng Zhanxi conditioned reflexively to protect Yu Qingtang in his arms.

When Xiao Chunjin raised his head again, his eyes were flushed, and he kept apologizing to Yu Qingtang.

Originally, he wanted to invite Yu Qingtang to visit the town, but this year, the rainy weather in Baishui Township delayed the ripening of the late rice by ten days. It was finally clear in the past two days. When the weather is harvested in time, the rice will rot in the farmland. Xiao Chunjin cannot escape and must stay in Zequan Village.

Xiao Chunjin is a local retail farmer. He has contracted a few acres of land himself, and in order to save money, he cut the rice by hand. This morning, he took his sickle to work in the fields as soon as dawn, and hurried back at eight o'clock after harvesting rice, changed into the only decent clothes, and began to wait for Yu Qingtang at the entrance of the village.

From eight to ten, ten to twelve, the sun rose higher and higher, and he stood as a statue.

He was very worried that Yu Qingtang would not come.

His daughter is so good because he is a farmer and lives in a remote country where the teacher's house cannot be visited.

He is useless.

He didn't dare to call Yu Qingtang, for fear of disturbing the teacher, leaving a bad impression and affecting his daughter, so he could only wait and wait here.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, his daughter's teacher appeared in front of him, and he couldn't hold back his emotions.

Xiao Chunjin pressed the wet corners of his eyes, barely calmed down, and wanted to reach out to say hello to the teacher, but as soon as he reached out, he thought of something and retracted.

Yu Qingtang took a step forward, took the initiative to hold his calloused hand, and saw the other party's vicissitudes face up close.

There were cuts made by sharp grass leaves on his hands and face.

Yu Qingtang said calmly, "Hello, Dad Xiao Qing."

Xiao Chunjin: "Hello, Teacher Yu." He took the lead and took his hand back and looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who had been ignored by him for a long time.

Cheng Zhanxi: "I am also Xiao Qing's teacher. My surname is Cheng."

Xiao Chunjin became more and more nervous, why are there two teachers?

Cheng Zhanxi shook hands with him.

She was taller than Xiao Chunjin, and she looked down when she got close, so she moved back to a suitable distance after shaking hands.

A cement road was built in Zequan Village, and the road was flat. Xiao Chunjin led them to his house. He was old-fashioned and hard-hearted, and would not say too many polite words, except for the first greeting and asking, "Have the two teachers had dinner?" After the affirmative answer, there was nothing to say.

On the way, I met a middle-aged man of the same age in the village, and saw Xiao Chunjin followed by two beautiful girls dressed in the city, saying something in a joking dialect.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't understand, but he probably guessed that it was not a good word, and was hesitating whether to attack.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chunjin's face sank, and he scolded the man in the same village with foul language.

Zhanxi couldn't understand the vulgar language, but the swearing words were basically the same, and he understood the meaning without a teacher.

After Xiao Chunjin finished scolding the man, he spoke aloud again in dialect, and Cheng Zhanxi understood the word "teacher".

The man from the same village showed an embarrassed and apologetic smile to Cheng Yu and the two, and walked away in despair.

Xiao Chunjin bowed again and said sorry for the person in the same village.

In front of it is a bungalow with a small yard surrounded by a fence. The front of the yard has been cultivated into vegetable fields, which are divided into pieces of vegetable fields, green vegetables, bright red peppers, leeks, lettuce and radishes, and half a shelf of cucumbers. , Half shelf tomatoes, dazzling assortment, everything.

Yu Qingtang looked away from the vegetable floor and walked into the bungalow.

The wall facing the gate is covered with yellowed certificates of merit, from elementary school to junior high school, it is Xiao Qing's name.

Seeing Yu Qingtang standing in front of the wall and looking at the certificates seriously, Xiao Chunjin held a thermos and poured water, and couldn't help showing a proud smile.

"Two teachers, please drink water."

Xiao Chunjin learned that Yu Qingtang was going to visit his home, so he went to town to buy a disposable paper cup, which was clean.

Yu Qingtang picked up the paper cup and took a shallow sip. Cheng Zhanxi didn't drink, and put her bag on the stool next to her. She put one hand on the bag, and sat in a position where she could see far outside the door at a glance, keeping her eyes and ears alert.

Yu Qingtang put down the water glass and said, "Xiao Qing is the first in the class in the midterm exam this time."

Xiao Chunjin smiled wide-eyed: "The teacher taught well."

Yu Qingtang said calmly: "It's also her own efforts, and it's even more inseparable from the parents' teaching."

After a few words of courtesy, Yu Qingtang went straight to the topic and asked about the specific situation of Xiao Qing's family, whether they were in financial difficulties and whether they needed help.

Xiao Chunjin let out a long sigh, and his face seemed to add more vicissitudes.

When Xiao Qing was just two years old, Xiao Qing's mother thought her family was poor and abandoned her husband and daughter. She went out one day and never came back. After Xiao Qing's mother left, Xiao Chunjin didn't find anyone else to live with, and diligently raised Xiao Qing alone, father and daughter depended on each other. Xiao Qing has studied hard since she was a child. She was admitted to the county middle school from the primary school in the township, and then to the key points of the city. She is only one step away from the university.

Xiao Chunjin only has this one daughter, and he doesn't plan to marry again in this life. He wants to give her anything good. When farming is busy, he grows rice and harvests rice at home, and when farming is slack, he goes to town to do odd jobs, doing some daily manual work and making allowances.

But farming is entirely up to God’s will. If God is not happy, it is possible for you to have no harvest. When the harvest is good, it is only a few thousand yuan a year, plus the rest of the income is about ten thousand yuan a year. I didn't dare to go to the hospital, I just got through it all because of my strong body. However, in the past two years, it's obviously not as good as before. At night, I woke up with back pain and couldn't sleep.

"Difficulties are a bit difficult, but they can be overcome. Even if I break the pot and sell iron, I have to help her go to college!" Xiao Chunjin's eyes were firm when he said this, and two clumps of fire were burning in the depths of his eyes.

Xiao Chunjin took Yu Qingtang to Xiao Qing's room, and specifically told her to look at it, but not to touch it, because Xiao Qing didn't like others tampering with her things.

Xiao Chunjin smiled tenderly: "Don't look at this messy thing, Xiao Qing said that she knows where everything is. I usually clean her and put it back in its place. What happened when she left, and what happened when she came back."

The room is tidy, the windows are bright and clean, the cabinets and table tops are spotless, at least once every other day.

Yu Qingtang didn't touch the contents inside. After looking around, his eyes swept lightly over the photo frame on the table and fixed it.

Xiao Chunjin, who looks to be in his thirties, is riding Xiao Qing, who is wearing a braided horn and a floral skirt, and behind him is the set of the photo studio.

There is also a picture frame next to it, Xiao Chunjin, who is in his forties, and Xiao Qing, who is wearing a junior high school uniform with a single ponytail and a handsome face. Xiao Qing is standing beside her father, holding his arm intimately. Behind is the gate of Jiangning County No. 1 Middle School. .

The frame is wiped clean.

Xiao Chunjin followed her line of sight.

He suddenly turned his back and raised his hand to cover his wet eyes.

Yu Qingtang turned around when she heard the movement.

Xiao Chunjin put his hand on his eyes and didn't take it down. Two tear streaks washed over his dark face, and choked up in his throat: "I just... miss her a bit."

With tears all over the man's face, he nodded apologetically, hurried out the door, and went to the well in the yard to draw water and wash his face.

Yu Qingtang looked back at the two photo frames and stood there for a long time.

Before leaving, Yu Qingtang said that he would try his best to obtain policy subsidies for Xiao Qing, and once again thanked the parents for their cooperation. Xiao Chunjin nodded and thanked him again and again.

Cheng Zhanxi put the backpack back on his back.

"Are Teacher Yu and Teacher Cheng going back?" Xiao Chunjin looked at the sky, the sun had already started to set in the west.

Yu Qingtang hummed.

Xiao Chunjin said, "Which way do you go back?"

Cheng Zhanxi just wanted to ask him, "We're going to the countryside to take a car back to the county. How should we go?"

Xiao Chunjin said, "I'll take you there. It's hard to walk when it's dark." Immediately, he lowered his voice and said cautiously, "Is a tricycle okay?"

Tractors are already sitting, are you still afraid of tricycles?

Cheng Zhanxi immediately smiled and said, "Yes, please trouble Dad Xiaoqing."

"You're welcome, it's the two teachers who have worked so hard to make this trip all the way." Xiao Chunjin was elated as he cleaned up the sundries on the tricycle in the yard, washed it with water and wiped it with a cloth, with quick movements.

When Yu Qingtang was chatting with him just now, he explained why she came so late. It was difficult and dangerous to travel by car, tractor, and over mountains. Knowing this earlier, Xiao Chunjin had to drive a tricycle to pick them up at the bus station despite his shame.

Yu Qingtang didn't say anything on the phone, only said that he wanted to visit his home. He thought that Teacher Yu was from the city and would drive or take a car.

Xiao Chunjin regretted not asking more, making the teacher work so hard.

He rubbed the body of the tricycle so hard that he wanted to polish it.

Yu Qingtang stood beside Cheng Zhanxi, looking at the father in front of him, his eyes fixed.

Seeing this, Cheng Zhanxi reached out and waved in front of her.

Yu Qingtang recovered: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Zhanxi said dissatisfiedly, "Look at me."

Yu Qingtang looked at her with puzzled eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi touched her face and said softly, "Good."

Yu Qingtang: "?"

I don't understand Teacher Cheng.

Cheng Zhanxi took advantage of Xiao Chunjin's busy work, put the backpack in front of him, opened the zipper, and asked, "Are you hungry?" It was almost time for dinner.

Yu Qingtang walked a lot of mountain roads after eating at noon, exhausted his physical strength, and nodded.

"Would you like to have dinner?"

"Hmm." Nod again.

Cheng Zhanxi handed her the rice ball and decided to cook more kinds of food next time, so that Yu Qingtang would not have three meals a day.

Xiao Chunjin put two small benches in the car bucket, Cheng Yu and the two got into the car, Xiao Chunjin took them to the bus station, just in time for the last bus. The car left Baishui Township and returned to Jiangning County. When they went out of the passenger exit to buy tickets at the ticket office, they found that the ticket office was closed.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at Yu Qingtang, her voice could not hear the secret joy in her heart at all, and sighed regretfully: "It seems that I can only stay here for one night."


Cheng Chengzi: I sigh

Cheng Chengzi: I installed it