After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 56

Facing Yu Qingtang's calm and scrutinizing eyes, Cheng Zhanxi was clearly mentally prepared, but he still felt an inexplicable sense of shame as he took off his clothes and stood on the street in broad daylight.

Although her situation in the bathroom at the time was not much different.

This is far from what Cheng Zhanxi expected. She originally thought that according to Yu Qingtang's shy and reserved character, she would blushed instantly when she saw her, and she might even look away in a hurry. Cheng Zhanxi could continue to communicate with her in a calm and calm tone. Two sentences, let her believe that she has always been magnanimous and put an end to doubts. Or maybe Yu Qingtang hurriedly handed her things and ran out without even looking up. Cheng Zhanxi would not be surprised by the above two or similar reactions.

But Yu Qingtang didn't move at the time, and with an extremely calm look, he scrutinized her from the inside out, from head to toe.

Like appreciating a work of art, a human statue.

Those who want to molest people seem to be molested in turn.

Cheng Zhanxi's ears were slightly hot, and Bai Yu's toes who stepped on the bathroom floor tiles curled up involuntarily, resisting the urge to pull the bath towel to cover her.

If there was another playful smile on the corner of Yu Qingtang's mouth, Cheng Zhanxi would even suspect that she was pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, and that her wolf in sheep's clothing still got into the mouth of the tiger on the opposite side.

After Yu Qingtang finished appreciating it, he handed her the pure white tights in his hand without saying a word.

Turned around and walked out.

There was no eye contact and no verbal communication throughout.

Cheng Zhanxi stayed in the bathroom alone, the water mist in the glass compartment had long since dissipated, and in the slightly cold air, Cheng Zhanxi's face slowly turned red.


The shadows of the trees outside the window swayed, and so did the light spots on the wall. Cheng Zhanxi turned over without making any noise, lay on his side, and looked at Yu Qingtang on the next bed.

She thought that she had made a mistake in her judgment, that Yu Qingtang had a strong heart, or that she was not surprised. Who knew that after she came out, she would see Yu Qingtang who was like a wandering soul, looking overexcited.

In the later chat, she even admitted that she was directly cut off.

Others are drinking clips, and after watching her own clips, is she more powerful than high-concentration alcohol?

Now that it's cut off, how does she know that she is "perfect", the hazy impression left after the cut? Cheng Zhanxi likes this impression very much.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled faintly, rested one hand under his head, and traced the hazy and beautiful profile of the woman in the dark.

Suddenly, she saw Yu Qingtang's slender knuckles moving around his waist.

Cheng Zhanxi's thoughts moved slightly, and he whispered tentatively, "Mr. Yu?"

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes and turned her head to look sideways with clear eyes.

There was moonlight in the room, falling into her eyes, which was extraordinarily bright.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were soft and he said, "Can't you sleep?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Not too sleepy."

Her voice was a little less deserted in the dark, soft and sweet.

Cheng Zhanxi asked softly, "Then what are you thinking?"

Yu Qingtang didn't speak.

Just when Cheng Zhanxi thought she would not answer, Yu Qingtang sounded in a faint emotional voice: "I'm thinking of Xiao Qing's father."

Cheng Zhanxi: "!!!"

She raised her voice and almost blurted out, "What do you want him to do?!"

Yu Qingtang looked at her in surprise, the light was too dim to see clearly.

Yu Qingtang retracted his eyes and explained plainly: "I was thinking, why are they both fathers, Xiang Tianyou's father is so different from Xiao Qing's father."

Cheng Zhanxi's heart fell back into his stomach and said: "People are different from each other. Whether you can be a good father has nothing to do with education, ability and economy, but only people. If all fathers love him like Xiaoqing's father children, there will not be so many children in unhappy families.”

Yu Qingtang: "I saw a photo of her and her father in Xiao Qing's room. She must be very happy."

Her statement was objective and calm, without showing any yearning or envy, but her face suddenly turned to look at the ceiling still revealed her true emotions in a subtle way.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Mr. Yu."

Yu Qingtang stared at the ceiling above her head without blinking, the emotions in her heart were like a surging lake, the surface was flowing quietly, and the bottom was churning endlessly.

She clenched her knuckles, her phalanx turning white.

After a while, Yu Qingtang released his fingers, calmly adjusted his emotions, and answered Cheng Zhanxi, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Zhanxi asked in a soft voice, "What do you think is the difference between Xiang Tianyou and Xiao Qing?"

the difference?

Yu Qingtang was a little puzzled when he heard this question. In terms of the difference, the two were very different except that they were both in the same class of the same age. Xiao Qing is introverted and outgoing to the sky, and his family background and achievements are diametrically opposite.

Cheng Zhanxi added unhurriedly: "I'm asking, is it because Xiang Tianyou is naughty and mischievous that he has a father like Xiang Kang, or is it because Xiao Qing is smart and well-behaved, God gave her a Xiao Chunjin although poor She gave all her love to her father."

Yu Qingtang immediately thought this was absurd, and retorted softly, "Of course not, it's not up to them to decide what kind of family their children are born into."

"But most of the unfortunate children in the family are punishing themselves with the mistakes of adults, and they can't get rid of the shadow of the family for a lifetime."

Yu Qingtang's long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Cheng Zhanxi deliberately paused for a while, looked down, looked at Yu Qingtang's thin lips under the moonlight, and said, "For example, Xiang Tianyou. He wants to use his own efforts to let his parents see him, so he studied hard and studied hard, He tried hard to get to the top of the grade and wanted his divorced parents to still love him, but he failed."

Yu Qingtang breathed lightly.

Cheng Zhanxi continued: "They formed a new family successively, with a wife, husband and daughter, Xiang Tianyou couldn't see hope no matter how hard he tried, so he began to give up on himself and wanted to use his rebellion to attract his father's attention. , he also failed. He had to pretend to be insensitive and put on a mask to protect himself every day, as if that way he would not be sad or heartache..."

Yu Qingtang interrupted her in a low voice, "Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi stopped at the right time: "Huh?"

Yu Qingtang's voice was indifferent: "I'm sleepy."

Cheng Zhanxi still said gently, "sleep, good night."

"Good night." Yu Qingtang pulled the quilt over his shoulders, tucked his hands into the quilt, and closed his eyes.

After a long time, the breathing from the next bed was even and long.

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes and quietly looked at the moonlight on the windowsill.


Cheng Zhanxi's biological clock was earlier than Yu Qingtang's, and it was still dark outside the window when she opened her eyes the next day. She got up in the dark, turned on the bathroom light, and washed lightly.

Yu Qingtang's sleep was not deep, especially when she was outside, she didn't dare to fall asleep, so the sound of Cheng Zhanxi's walking as soon as she got up woke her up.

She took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. It was still early. She lay on the bed and listened to the movement of the bathroom.

When she woke up in the morning, the feeling of someone else in the room was strange and strange to her.

I don't know how long I closed my eyes, Cheng Zhanxi came out, and the sound of slapping water and lotion on his face came into his ears, Yu Qingtang opened his eyes a little, and from a narrow field of vision, he saw Cheng Zhanxi standing at the table in front of the TV On the side, the body is long and jade, the orange light of the bathroom shows through, and the whole body is plated with a warm halo.

After Cheng Zhanxi wiped his face, he found that Yu Qingtang was awake and looked at him calmly.

This caused Cheng Zhanxi to have some very recent associations.

She subconsciously looked down at the clothes on her body.

Long trousers, neat.

Cheng Zhanxi breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yu got up?"

Yu Qingtang propped up his upper body and said simply, "Get up."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Then I'll pack my backpack first, and we'll go straight after you wash up. There should be a breakfast stall with the door open outside."

Yu Qingtang nodded.

She wore a black shirt underneath, which outlined a delicate figure, and her expression was cold and abstinent, with a unique style.

Cheng Zhanxi followed her back, and reluctantly retracted his gaze when she disappeared at the door of the bathroom.


There was a sound of a lock from inside.

Cheng Zhanxi's expression instantly became complicated, and Qi Nian disappeared.

Yu Qingtang went to wash in front of the basin, and found that the toiletry tools and towels to be used were prepared, and even the toothpaste was squeezed. Yu Qingtang was silent for a while, picked up the toothbrush, and brushed his teeth in front of the mirror.

Cheng Zhanxi's movements were quick and easy, and while Yu Qingtang was washing, she tidyed up her backpack. After a day, the load on her backpack was reduced by half. She carried it on her body with ease, reached out and took off the black windbreaker that Yu Qingtang was hanging on the hanger, and put it on. in the crook of the arm.

Yu Qingtang opened the locked bathroom door, took two steps out, and Cheng Zhanxi handed over the windbreaker.

Yu Qingtang unfolded and put it on, and just after she put it on, Cheng Zhanxi came over with her shoes.

Before she squatted down, Yu Qingtang took two quick steps to pick it up, sat on the edge of the bed, and bent over to put on her shoes.

The room card was pulled out of the groove, the lights dimmed instantly, and Cheng Zhanxi closed the door of 303.

It was cold in the morning, and the wind was blowing in from the window at the end of the corridor. Cheng Zhanxi turned around and saw Yu Qingtang put her hands in her pockets, her shoulders shrank indistinctly, and her white chin was hidden in her raised collar.

Cheng Zhanxi switched to the other side to block the wind, put her arm around Yu Qingtang's shoulder, and took advantage of her height to pull half of her body into her arms.

Yu Qingtang froze and did not refuse.

"Mr. Yu's next trip, it's best to wear windproof and warm clothes." Cheng Zhanxi let go of Yu Qingtang's shoulders in the elevator and pressed the 1st floor.

"Thank you, Teacher Cheng, for reminding me."

"Go back and I'll send you the link to the clothes. There are black ones."


"If you're willing to try it, there are actually quite a few good-looking ones in light colors. You can choose slowly when the time comes, or I'll choose it for you?"

"Let's go back and talk."

"Okay." Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Cheng Zhanxi took her hand and walked out.

There was no one at the front desk, and the door of the lounge next to it was half-closed. Cheng Zhanxi skillfully walked over to knock on the door, and said politely and softly, "Hello, we want to check out."

The front desk came out in a thick coat and checked out for them. Both parties were quiet the whole time.

After five o'clock in the morning, the darkest hour before dawn, the night was as thick as ink was splashed, the moon was so pale that only a silver-white shadow remained, the dim and invisible stars surrounded and sank, and the streets in sight were sporadically lit. A flickering lamp is a hawker who gets up early to set up a stall.

Biting north wind.

Yu Qingtang took the initiative to lean against Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi thought for a while, took off his backpack, put it on his raised toes, and took off his jacket.

"Teacher Yu..."

Yu Qingtang knew what she wanted to do, shook her head and refused: "You can wear it, you will catch a cold if you only wear a single coat."

Cheng Zhanxi laughed and said, "I just wanted to say, let's change our coats." She wanted to take it off directly to her, but Yu Qingtang had to accept it.

Yu Qingtang hesitated for a moment, a little embarrassed in his expression, and said, "Thank you, Teacher Cheng."

"You're welcome." Cheng Zhanxi smiled in a relaxed tone.

Although there is a difference in height between the two of them, it is not a huge difference, and they are of the same stature. The size is only different in some places.

Cheng Zhanxi's body temperature remained in the jacket, and Yu Qingtang warmed up as soon as she put it on, and her teeth chattering slightly stopped. She looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who seemed to be not going well.

Yu Qingtang is thin and thin, and the trench coats are also slim fit and fit the curve. Cheng Zhanxi's arms and waistline are fine, but his shoulders are only slightly tense. The most reluctant part is...

Cheng Zhanxi finally buttoned up, her chest was so tight that she almost couldn't breathe.

Cheng Zhanxi immediately released the button, like a drowning man regaining his breath.

She put her bag back on her back and tilted her head slightly, just in line with Yu Qingtang's gaze. Under the dim street lamp, Yu Qingtang looked back with the same expression on her face.

From an angle that Cheng Zhanxi couldn't see, she allowed the surprise in her eyes to be fully revealed.

It turns out that Teacher Cheng is so big!

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Let's go?"

Yu Qingtang hummed.

Cheng Zhanxi put a hat on her, revealing only Yu Yingying's small face. Yu Qingtang looked at her as meekly as a reindeer, Cheng Zhanxi scratched her soft and smooth chin with her fingertips, pushed back her black ear hair, reached in and pinched her small ears, and retracted her hand reluctantly.

When Yu Qingtang retracted her hand, she lowered her head slightly, as if she wanted to rub her hand with her face.

The bus station opens at six.

Cheng Zhanxi carried the breakfast bought on the roadside with one hand, and the other hand protected Yu Qingtang who got into the car.

There was no table in the car, Cheng Zhanxi turned the backpack over and put it on his lap, and put breakfast on the backpack.

She took off the disposable chopsticks and handed them to Yu Qingtang. Yu Qingtang took a siumai from the disposable plastic bag. She held it with her hands and brought it to Cheng Zhanxi's lips.

Cheng Zhanxi looked out the window at will, the sky was still foggy, and there was no light at all, and as soon as he turned back, there was a bamboo shoot and roasted wheat in his field of vision.

Cheng Zhanxi: "!!!"

She was surprised and delighted, afraid that she would be wrong again, so she asked, "For me?"

Yu Qingtang's eyes flashed a hint of embarrassment, she pursed her lips without speaking, and handed it forward silently.

Cheng Zhanxi pressed the corners of her upturned mouth, opened her lips, and bit her teeth lightly. The sweetness of bamboo shoots and the softness of glutinous rice were balanced together. It was delicious and not greasy. She took Yu Qingtang's chopsticks and burned the whole All the wheat was eaten.

Yu Qingtang's movements were obviously very unfamiliar. She had never fed others, and she didn't know that she had to change the angle halfway through. Cheng Zhanxi searched for her chopsticks the whole time, her neck was a little tired, but her heart was sweeter than eating honey.

Yu Qingtang waited for her to finish eating, and then took another xiaolongbao for her, blew it, and brought it over.

Cheng Zhanxi waved his hand and smiled: "You eat first."

Yu Qingtang lowered his head and ate by himself.

Cheng Zhanxi reminded gently beside her: "Be careful of oil dripping out." She reached out to touch the right pocket, and felt a few folded papers. She felt something was wrong, and she looked down and realized that the two of them had not changed their clothes.

Yu Qingtang didn't notice what he ate, and Cheng Zhanxi didn't make a sound to remind him.

In the left pocket of Yu Qingtang's windbreaker, there was a package of dismantled tissues, Cheng Zhanxi took one out and put it in the palm of Yu Qingtang's under the xiaolongbao.

The driver came up after smoking, got into the driver's seat, started the car, and drove out of the bus station.

The ink was drawn away little by little, and the sky gradually became brighter.

Yu Qingtang was wearing a jacket that was one size bigger, leaning back against the seat and sleeping with her head lowered, her hands tucked into her sleeves, and Cheng Zhanxi held one of them.

Cheng Zhanxi carefully turned to the side and slowly approached her face.

Yu Qingtang slept very deeply. Because the sleeping conditions in the car were not good, the sound of breathing was also heavy, and his heart was evenly heaving.

Cheng Zhanxi closed her eyes and gently kissed the woman's cheek, the clothes rusted, she straightened her waist, and slowly sat back to her original position without disturbing Yu Qingtang.

The brakes of the car were deflated, and the car stopped at the Sicheng Bus Station.

Yu Qingtang slept very deeply this night. She almost never woke up during the more than one hour drive. She woke up occasionally, and fell into a groggy sleep within a while. Now she is resting on Cheng Zhanxi's shoulder, her sleeping face is quiet and well-behaved.

Cheng Zhanxi raised her hand and put her long black hair scattered behind her ears, revealing a beautiful profile.

She lingered with her fingers on Yu Qingtang's cheeks, calling her softly, "Mr. Yu, Teacher Yu?"

Yu Qingtang was about to wake up, frowning in his sleep.

"Mr. Yu." Cheng Zhanxi touched her face more and more recklessly, from eyebrow to eye, nose bridge to chin, with a smile in his eyes.

"Here we are."

Yu Qingtang's eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi took the offending hand back before she opened her eyes.

Yu Qingtang sat up straight on the armrest, sleepy eyes: "Arrived?"


Cheng Zhanxi came out of his seat and reached out to Yu Qingtang who was by the window. Yu Qingtang put his hand in her palm and let her take him out of the car. She touched her face with her free hand, rubbed it twice, it was a little itchy.

There are taxis parked outside the Sicheng bus station. The two of them took a taxi back to the famous mansion. There are many high-rise buildings in the city center, and well-dressed office workers are running on the streets, coming and going in a hurry.

The roads are flat and wide, and the city is noisy and prosperous.

Through the glass of the taxi, Yu Qingtang looked out at the receding buildings and various signboards, both familiar and unfamiliar, and somehow missed the rugged mountain road even more.

She seemed silent and worried all the way, but Cheng Zhanxi didn't bother her.

Building 19, Mingmen Mansion.

"Miss Cheng, Miss Yu, good morning." The salted fish at the front desk had already completed his rotation and was replaced by the lady who was on the day shift.

"Good morning." Cheng Zhanxi said.

Yu Qingtang nodded and walked towards the elevator entrance.

The lady at the front desk looked at the two people's completely different dressing styles from usual, and then looked at the size that obviously didn't fit, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she lowered her head and sent a text message to Xianyu.

[Miss Yu and Miss Cheng from 2102 are wearing each other's clothes! Swagger! Is this the sour smell of love? Bring me two lemons during the shift at night]


The elevator on the 21st floor opens.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Let's see you in an hour?"

Yu Qingtang nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

Yu Qingtang had a class in the morning, and last night she called Yang Li and changed the order of math and English.

The two said goodbye at the elevator entrance and went back to their respective homes to take a shower and wash their hair.

When Yu Qingtang entered the bathroom, she found that her and Cheng Zhanxi's clothes had not been changed back. The jackets were all dust. She threw them into the clothes basket and was going to wash and dry them before returning them to her.

The warm water flowed down, and a picture flashed in Yu Qingtang's mind.

The slender waist and jade legs do not have an inch of thread, the snow-capped mountains are red, and the water and grass are lush, and the most extreme scenery is hidden in it.

Yu Qingtang raised her face, and the water flowed down her cheeks, expelling the picture.

She squeezed some shampoo, rubbed it on her wet hair, and took a shower without distraction.


On the other side, Cheng Zhanxi washed his head in the shower, stepped into the bathtub filled with water, and lay down.

She sighed, submerged her hands in the water in the bathtub, and skillfully did a good thing for herself.

After one hour.

The two met at the elevator entrance on time, Yu Qingtang talked about the jacket, and Cheng Zhanxi said that, like her, the windbreaker was returned to her a few days later.

Yu Qingtang noticed that Cheng Zhanxi's hair was still dripping with water, and asked, "Mr. Cheng is busy? You don't have class in the morning, so you don't have to worry so much."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, touched the long hair behind his back, and said, "It's okay."

In the past two days, Yu Qingtang's indifference to her made Cheng Zhanxi's body burn more vigorously, and she almost couldn't climb out of the bathtub during the rainy season.

Since Cheng Zhanxi said so, Yu Qingtang stopped talking, just hummed and ended the topic.

She has a keen sense of smell, and stood side by side with Cheng Zhanxi waiting for the elevator. She smelled a special smell on her body, which seemed to be familiar to her.

Aware of the sight beside him, Cheng Zhanxi tilted his head to look at her. The woman had just taken a bath, her brows and eyes were clean and clear, her long hair was half-dry, and she had a charming and lazy style.

Yu Qingtang couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

She used to be lazy too, but today is different, Yu Qingtang can't tell what is different, it's more charming than before, and people can't take their eyes off her.

If it wasn't for Cheng Zhanxi or food, Yu Qingtang would want to describe her: it looks delicious.

How can people be delicious?

Yu Qingtang felt that she must have been fed by Teacher Cheng's food recently, and she felt that she represented delicious food when she saw Teacher Cheng.

Yu Qingtang slid his throat indistinctly and took his eyes away from Cheng Zhanxi.

Before going out, Cheng Zhanxi specially sprayed perfume to cover up the smell on her body just now. She felt that she should not smell it, but Yu Qingtang looked at her thoughtfully, which made her wonder if she had found something.

Although Cheng Zhanxi is more open on this matter, it does not mean that she is willing to let Yu Qingtang find out that she is self-sufficient, and she is racing against time an hour before going out, and she can't even blow her hair. Who is she? Cheng Zhanxi thought nervously, and Yu Qingtang looked away.

In the elevator, Cheng Zhanxi rarely stood farther away from Yu Qingtang, and did not dare to meet her.

Yu Qingtang frowned slightly.

Walking to the school, Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang walked side by side, with a safe distance between their shoulders.

I don't remember since which day, the two of them have quietly narrowed their social distance. In the past two days, they hugged and hugged a lot. Wherever they could hold hands, Cheng Zhanxi would lead her away, even if she was sweating. Do not let go.

Suddenly pulling back to normal social distance, Yu Qingtang's heart suddenly became empty, and the wind came in, making her feel very cold.

The sun has risen very high, and the fine weather in Sicheng has continued. The temperature has risen, and the sun is wrapping the pedestrians warmly. Many people take off their jackets and put them in their arms.

Yu Qingtang shivered in the warm sun of early winter.

Was this dream shorter than she expected?

Cheng Zhanxi let himself blow the wind on the street for a while, and felt that the smell was completely dissipated. Fang approached Yu Qingtang and held her hand familiarly.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Cheng Zhanxi put on two hands and covered her hands with warm palms.

Yu Qingtang was in a trance for a while, then lowered his eyes and said, "No."

She replied that the bull's head was wrong, and Cheng Zhanxi pinched her face in a funny way: "Nothing?"

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips for a while, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Cheng Zhanxi thoughtfully didn't tease her, and said, "No, no, let's go to school."

She shook the hands they held together and walked side by side towards the school. The sun fell behind them, shining brightly.

Senior year group office.

Yang Li came in, looked at the two desks that were still empty in the corner, and exchanged glances with Teacher Ge Jing at the door of the office.

Yang Li whispered, "They haven't come yet?"

The corners of Ge Jing's mouth grinned to the back of her ears: "No."

Yang Li said with a serious face: "Mr. Ge, you should be a teacher, pay attention to your image."

Ge Jing: "Hahahahaha."

All her cps are doi, she can't get out of bed, she's late for both, she doesn't twist into a long worm in the chair, what kind of image do you want? !


Dear representatives, I have been waiting for a long time, sorry for the late update, bow

From the little theatre of the future:

Cheng Chengzi: What Teacher Ge said is true, but I didn't expect it was me who couldn't get out of bed.