After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 69

After lunch, a group of three came to the entrance of the haunted house.

This haunted house located in Happy Valley covers a large area, almost comparable to a large haunted house. The Japanese horror style is very famous in the local area. Many haunted house lovers come here, and the queue at the door has long been lined up.

The signboard of the haunted house is rusty, blood dripping, twisted and asymmetrical, and it is very immersive.

Yu Qingtang felt a backward force in the palm of his hand, and looked back at Cheng Zhanxi who suddenly stopped, his eyes expressing doubts.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't even dare to look at the haunted house not far away from the corner of his eye, his eyes were focused on Yu Qingtang's face, he calmly took a breath, and smiled: "It's okay."

Xiang Tianyou was extremely excited, he was the first to enter the team, and waved to the two who were more than ten steps behind.

Cheng Zhanxi maintained her expression, took Yu Qingtang's hand and took the initiative to move forward, and said, "Let's go."

...hope this haunted house isn't too scary.

Cheng Zhanxi prayed silently.

After waiting in line for nearly half an hour, the people in front came in one after another. Cheng Zhanxi got to the front of the line. Cheng Zhanxi always glanced at the side that did not face the haunted house, pretending to look at the scenery, and occasionally coming back. She passed quickly from the top of the building, and suddenly, her eyes froze, because there was a puppet on the roof.

Fortunately, it was daytime, but Cheng Zhanxi's neck was stiff for a few seconds, and then he slowly turned his eyes back.

Yu Qingtang put one hand on Cheng Zhanxi's arm and looked around curiously. She naturally saw the doll, instead of looking at the doll calmly for a few seconds, she found that it was fake, she withdrew her gaze and continued to look elsewhere.

Another group of people entered, the team moved forward, and the three came to the door.

Cheng Zhanxi took out his mobile phone to play, and resolutely did not look anywhere else.

Yu Qingtang saw a strangely dressed person standing next to her. She was wearing a long white skirt that reached to her ankles, and her long black hair was scattered, covering her face.

Cheng Zhanxi was playing Xiaoxiao Le, when suddenly her hand was patted, her nerves were tense, she shook slightly, and found that it was Yu Qingtang who patted her, smiled slightly, and said gently, "What's wrong?"

Yu Qingtang pointed to the strange white dress woman and said, "What is this?"

Cheng Zhanxi looked in the direction she pointed, just an arm's distance from her, stood a Sadako.

Cheng Zhanxi: "!!!"

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes, took his eyes away from Sadako's long hair covering his face, and introduced calmly and softly: "This is Sadako. There is a movie called "Midnight Bell", this is one of them Classic horror image."

Yu Qingtang was stunned.

She had heard of the movie "Midnight Bell", and she seemed to have heard the name Sadako, but she never knew what it looked like. It turns out that it's not scary, isn't it scary behind the hair?

Cheng Zhanxi saw her pensive face, and in order to show her girlfriend's strength, she said softly, "It's okay, she should be a puppet."

Just like the one on the rooftop of the haunted house, it was created to create a terrifying atmosphere. Whose haunted house staff is so dedicated to pretending to be Sadako at the door.

"Doll?" Yu Qingtang asked suspiciously, but she just saw that "Sadako"'s heart was slightly heaving, she was breathing.

"Yeah, puppet." Cheng Zhanxi turned his face with a smile, looked at the fake "Sadako" at the door, and even reached out and patted its shoulder.

Um? How is it hot?

Then she saw Sadako in front of her slowly raise her head.

Cheng Zhanxi's smile froze on his face.

Sadako's long hair was parted, revealing a dead blue-white face in the gap, with two lines of bright red blood on the corners of her eyes and mouth, and her gray-white pupils stared at her faintly.

The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Cheng Zhanxi's hair stood on end, her pupils shrank violently, and the uncontrollable fear made her open her mouth. Her scream just came out a short syllable, and a girl behind them screamed first: " Ahhhhh!!!"

Sadako turned towards the girl.

The people in line who saw Sadako behind: "Ahhhhhh!!!"

One after another screams resounded above the door of the haunted house.

The cowardly ran back from the team, and several people couldn't help it, crying: "Mom! Help!"

Cheng Zhanxi silently closed his half-open mouth and leaned beside Yu Qingtang.

The screaming slowly subsided, and the staff member who played Sadako finished frightening the wave of tourists, pulled back her hair, and smiled at Cheng Zhanxi, who had first shot her with her pale face.

Sorry, our staff is so dedicated.

Cheng Zhanxi forced a smile and said politely, "It's hard work."

Sadako let go of the long hair and continued to stand motionless at the door, waiting for the next "victim" to die.

Yu Qingtang looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who was unconsciously sticking to him, with a thoughtful expression.

Finally reached the entrance of the haunted house.

Enter eight people at a time, follow the combination of 3+3+2, and explore separately after entering the scene.

Notices are posted on the wall at the entrance. The rest are not mentioned. One item is capitalized and bold: No violence/beating of staff.

The staff of the haunted house, generally speaking, is hiding in the scene and is responsible for scaring people. Some of them appear in unexpected places. I heard that some staff will chase after tourists, and have an exciting chase experience that will let you The adrenaline surged throughout the entire journey, scaring the soul to the ground.

Generally speaking, a haunted house with staff is much more terrifying than a haunted house with a mere prop dummy.

Cheng Zhanxi fell into contemplation while looking at the prohibited matters in this line.

There was a couple who went in with them. Both were women. The trio looked like friends who came to play, two women and one man.

Everyone met each other, smiled friendly, and had to separate anyway, so there was no self-introduction.

The theme of this haunted house is the campus. In the dim first classroom, under the flickering incandescent lights, the fans creaked and made the sound of shabby corruption. They shivered and watched the pilot film: First, a high school girl died. , and then the entire class of students died one after another. The teachers, directors, and principals were not spared. The curse spread, and the rest of the students transferred schools. The school was abandoned and became a ghost school.

And their purpose is to find out the truth about the murder of high school girls.

There is a bit of room escape and puzzle solving, but there is no strict time limit. It doesn't matter if you can't find the truth. The important thing is to experience the scene. If you are too scared, you can ask the staff to take them out. The facilities inside are very complete, and you can ask for help at any time. .

The eight people came out of the classroom, and each group of staff who read them gave them a flashlight. The light of the flashlight was extremely weak, and the light was not normal white.

The three groups are separated, and the haunted house exploration officially begins.

Cheng Zhanxi was no longer stubborn, the flashlight was held by Xiang Tianyou, he walked ahead to clear the way, Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang walked behind.

There was a thumping sound from the ceiling, as if someone was jumping on it.

The corridor was cloudy and dark, and the flashlight was too weak to make them take every step carefully. Cheng Zhanxi's height of 1.74 was shrunk to only 1.6 meters, half shorter than Yu Qingtang. size.

Yu Qingtang's eyes were funny.

Cheng Zhanxi noticed her sight, and just wanted to save her image a little bit, when she saw that the wall that was directly in front of her sight was seeping blood, Cheng Zhanxi swallowed hard and let her head slowly shrink. went back.

The three of them, two teachers and one student, were very immersed in visiting this kind of ghost school, and the terror index skyrocketed. Well, I don't know what Yu Qingtang and Xiang Tianyou thought. Anyway, Cheng Zhanxi felt that if it was an ordinary haunted house, she would be less frightened.


It seemed that the sound of something splashing on the ground could be clearly heard in the empty corridor, Xiang Tianyou stopped, and the light of the flashlight was shining on the ceiling.

As early as when he made this move, Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes tightly.


Xiang Tianyou saw the bright red color and said, "It's fake blood, it's quite realistic." He laughed, "It's not ketchup."

Yu Qingtang said "um".

Cheng Zhanxi felt a heat approaching his ears, his knuckles clenched tightly, restraining the urge to shoot, and then heard Yu Qingtang say in a voice that only two people could hear: "Okay, you can open your eyes."

Yu Qingtang's credit value was full at her place, Cheng Zhanxi opened her eyes obediently, Xiang Tianyou's flashlight returned to the normal direction, and was illuminating the ground in front of her, as if she was carefully observing something.

As long as she doesn't look, nothing can hurt her.

Cheng Zhanxi breathed a sigh of relief and focused her eyes on Yu Qingtang's face in front of her. Even though she could only see the hazy outline, she still felt extremely at ease. It would be great if she could turn into a figure and hang it on Yu Qingtang's body, preferably on her chest and cover her eyes with clothes, so that she would not only be stable, but also not be able to see anything.

Yu Qingtang moved the tip of the other finger hanging by his side, and suddenly wanted to make a face to scare the woman in front of him.

At this moment, Tianyou suddenly turned in front of him, the flashlight was placed under his chin, and the light hit from bottom to top, showing a blue-white face, and gave them a tragic smile.

He didn't know where he got the blood plasma. He probably fiddled on the ground while the two were chatting. He wiped a little bit under his eyes, and shed two lines of blood and tears.

Reflected in the deep corridor behind him, he was like a ghost crawling out of it.

The haunted house really failed to recruit him as an employee.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi's heart stopped suddenly, and he almost jumped on the spot.

no Zuo no Die.

Xiang Tianyou was held down and beaten by the furious Teacher Cheng.

"What kind of ability is scaring people? You have the ability to scare ghosts, why are you like this child?"

Yu Qingtang stopped Cheng Zhanxi, who was angry and scared, and said, "The child is still young, education is the main thing, don't do it."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't hit hard, and he hit his arm. Boys with rough skin and thick flesh were not a big deal at all. Xiang Tianyou is not only not annoyed, but grins. Of course, he also has a trace of regret and guilt in his heart. Who would have known that Teacher Cheng was so afraid of ghosts. Didn't she say she could do it when she was outside just now?

Tsk, the mouth of an adult, a deceiving ghost.

Xiang Tianyou: "I was wrong Teacher Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi was trembling all over because of her emotional excitement, Yu Qingtang hugged her, patted her on the back to comfort her, turned her head and glared at Xiang Tianyou.

Cheng Zhanxi calmed down, apologized to Xiang Tianyou, and said generously to Tianyou that it was okay, and then he honestly didn't dare to skin again.

Xiang Tianyou, who has been beaten by socialism: "Mr. Cheng, I'm going to look at the wall, you close your eyes first."

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes and clenched Yu Qingtang's hand.

Yu Qingtang held her with both hands, and covered the back of her hand with one hand. She opened her mouth, her throat was stagnant, and she silently uttered a word: Be good.

Xiang Tianyou found a small line of blood on the wall and a blood-stained arrow.

Cheng Zhanxi closed her eyes and listened to the gloomy wind in the corridor, feeling that she couldn't act too cowardly, so she mustered up the courage to open her eyes, and looked at Yu Qingtang calmly beside her in an attempt to recover a little image.

The three came to the door of a hidden classroom.

Such a good ambush location, it is strange that there is nothing behind the door.

Xiang Tianyou: "Cough." He turned around and winked at the two teachers.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't speak, Yu Qingtang said calmly, "Go open the door."

Xiang Tianyou: "Okay."

Yu Qingtang took Cheng Zhanxi back two steps, and when she saw her eyes were open, he blocked her eyes with his palms.

The weather stopped and the rain stopped. Cheng Zhanxi, who felt that she could do it again, gently pressed her hand and said calmly, "I'm fine."

Yu Qingtang felt the sweat in the palms he and Cheng Zhanxi clasped, and raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

"I've opened the door." Xiang Tianyou, the young man, owed money. He didn't know whether he said it to the two teachers behind him, or to the ghost hidden inside, raising his voice, for fear that the other party would not hear.

Cheng Zhanxi resisted the urge to close his eyes, his eyes were wide open, actually emptying.


The door of the classroom was slowly pushed open, and there was a dim light in one corner of the classroom, but only vague outlines could be seen. The desks were neatly arranged and empty, and under the reflection of the light, they became more and more infiltrating.

Xiang Tianyou walked in and touched the goosebumps on his arm. He wasn't frightened. It was so cold here that he had goosebumps.

Xiang Tianyou checked behind the door, dangled the light of the flashlight towards the ceiling, and turned around and said, "Come in, there's a person hanging from the ceiling, and there's nothing else left."

Yu Qingtang led Cheng Zhanxi in, and as soon as the three of them entered, the classroom door suddenly closed without wind, with a loud bang.

At the same time, there was a female ghost's laughter in the classroom, which was terrifying in conjunction with the tilting curtains.

The sudden sound effect startled the three of them.

After the female ghost laughed, it turned into pure horror music, creating a tense atmosphere.

Xiang Tianyou quickly calmed down and complained, "This is too low-level." Then he continued to explore the blood-stained desks and lecterns with a flashlight.

Yu Qingtang didn't say a word, but he thought about the same thing as Xiang Tianyou.

Cheng Zhanxi's heart jumped to the throat, and then fell back into his stomach from the throat, swallowing heavily, feeling that he was about to have a heart attack.

She used to be pulled by a friend to watch a horror movie, and the friend said that the movie was not scary, but that she stretched out her hand and grabbed her arm hard.

The three of them tried their best to get together without dispersing, and moved collectively with Xiang Tianyou as the center. The three of them had just left the desk and walked onto the podium. Based on his experience in searching the Internet, Xiang Tianyou raised his hands to stop and said, "There may be a possibility under the podium. There are ghosts."

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang stayed where they were, and let him go forward alone to explore the way.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at the empty classroom, the white curtains fluttering in the wind, and felt that something was about to come out of the classroom at any time. She was about to look away when she saw a person falling from the ceiling. Blood splattered.

Cheng Zhanxi was numb, and lost consciousness from the sky to the toes.

Then she started to tremble and even wanted to cry.

Xiang Tianyou looked at the prestige, and the flashlight shone on the **** man, saying, "It's a dummy, tsk, the makeup is quite realistic." The flashlight shone on the dummy's face, and he admired it carefully After a few seconds, it was a bit like a Japanese doll face, with dark pupils and no whites of the eyes, and suddenly felt a little numb in the scalp, and quickly retracted it and exhaled calmly.

Cheng Zhanxi crouched on Yu Qingtang's shoulders, gasping for breath.

Yu Qingtang patted her on the back gently, and whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid."

Cheng Zhanxi whispered a few words, half scared and half coquettish.

Yu Qingtang's heart softened even more, she touched her long hair with her hand, and touched her face with her cheek.

There was indeed someone under the podium, but it was a fake life-size doll, wearing a Japanese-style high school girls' school uniform, and the skirts and socks below the waist were stained red with blood. Xiang Tianyou found that the doll was a little strange, got in and took a photo carefully, and found that it had no legs.

Because Cheng Zhanxi's face was buried in Yu Qingtang's neck, he couldn't see it at all, so Xiang Tianyou took out the doll and said, "It has no legs."

Yu Qingtang said, "It should be a clue."

Cheng Zhanxi suddenly paused, and with such a posture he said in a loud voice, "I know a Japanese nursery rhyme."

Xiang Tianyou stuffed the doll back.

Yu Qingtang said: "You can look at us and say."

Cheng Zhanxi only dared to look at their faces and said, "That nursery rhyme is called "Zuozi", which is adapted from a Japanese folklore."

Zuozi was bullied by her classmates at school. On a snowy day, she was driving a tram home. As a result, she stepped into a dark ditch covered by heavy snow, and watched the tram approach, her waist down by the tram. With only the upper body left, Zuozi crawled to the rail with her last breath. After she died, someone wrote a prank song.

The content of the lyrics is: "It's ridiculous that Sachiko called herself Sakko since she was a child. She likes bananas very much, but she can only eat half a banana at a time. It's so pitiful that Sachiko will forget me when she goes to a distance. I'm so lonely Sako... "

There were four sentences in total, and after three sentences, Cheng Zhanxi stopped talking.

Yu Qingtang & Xiang Tianyou: "?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "I'll tell you after I go out. Anyway, I know that there is this clue."

The fourth sentence is: Zuozi's leg is gone, she will come and take your leg tonight.

But the fourth sentence cannot be read, as long as it is read, it will come true, and Zuoko will take the person's leg.

I'd rather believe it or not, especially in a haunted house.

Cheng Zhanxi shrank again towards Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang pondered: "So she died of bullying on campus? Is the murderer a classmate in her class?"

Cheng Zhanxi shook his head: "Not necessarily, this story can be adapted into many versions, let's continue to collect clues. And if you can find out the truth after just one classroom, it is too simple, it may be misleading, there should be other plots ."

Xiang Tianyou searched the podium while the two of them were talking and found a lesson plan that was contaminated with blood.

There should be no horror elements in the classroom, Cheng Zhanxi returned to his usual cheerfulness, and smiled lightly: "Do Japanese teachers also write lesson plans?"

Yu Qingtang & Xiang Tianyou: "..."

It's so skinny now, I'll see who is screaming in horror later.

Xiang Tianyou replied casually while flipping through the lesson plan: "I watch Japanese dramas where the teacher will also take the lesson plan, and it should be written."

Cheng Zhanxi took the opportunity to educate him: "You know how hard the teacher is, and he is naughty in class." Xiang Tianyou: "Hahahaha."

They wrote down the clues on the lesson plan and prepared to leave the classroom to explore the next scene.

As soon as the three of them turned around, a rotten face was staring at them silently outside the glass window of the classroom door, and they had been standing there for an unknown time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

A shrill scream pierced the silence of the haunted house.

Yu Qingtang's heart shrank rapidly. She didn't know if she was frightened by the ghost or the screams of the people around her. Then Cheng Zhanxi hugged her like an octopus, wishing her whole body was hanging on her, and it was still going on and on. Climbing up, he kept muttering words that no one could hear.

At the same time, Yu Qingtang's other arm was also grabbed, and it was Xiang Tianyou who grabbed her.

The pupils of this high school student who had been acting as a scary ghost just now had dilated pupils, his breathing was heavy, and his 1.8 meters shrank to 1.5 meters in an instant, which was not much better than Cheng Zhanxi, who had just come in.

Xiang Tianyou suffered a double blow: the gaze of the overtime teacher!

Could he not be afraid?

Yu Qingtang had one hanging on his body and one in his hand, struggling to lift his free hand, and waved to the staff standing at the door, signaling him to leave.

The ghostly staff grinned gloomily, and half of his rotten face fell.

Yu Qingtang looked at him blankly, even a little impatient.


After a while, Yu Qingtang patted the woman in her arms, softened her voice, and said, "It's alright, he's gone."

Cheng Zhanxi opened her eyes secretly, took a quick glance, and then released her hands from the back of Yu Qingtang's neck, put down her legs, and the koala fell to the ground.

Xiang Tianyou panted heavily while leaning on the podium.

The two who were afraid of ghosts rested for a while, and walked out of the classroom under the leadership of Yu Qingtang.

Just after returning to the corridor, there was a terrified scream in the distance.

Cheng Zhanxi trembled unconsciously.

Yu Qingtang listened and said, "It should be the couple, they are on the other side."

After speaking, she shook the torch in her hand and said, "Go to the teacher's office?" According to the clues in the lesson plan, the next step is the head teacher's office. I wonder if I will encounter the ghost at the door just now, where he is standing. , Yu Qingtang, the head teacher, is quite familiar.

According to the basic common sense that the further back you go, the more terrifying it is, Xiang Tianyou didn't dare to take the lead after the fright just now.

Yu Qingtang walked at the front, holding a flashlight to open the way.

Cheng Zhanxi hugged her left arm, and Xiang Tianyou pulled the corner of her windbreaker. The teacher and student looked at each other and looked away silently.

Coming to the front of the head teacher's office, Yu Qingtang asked the two to stay behind, and she stepped forward to investigate.


Suddenly there was a door opening in the corridor.

But they clearly didn't open the door.

Cheng Zhanxi felt that someone was blowing at her, it was chilly, but Yu Qingtang was in front of her.

Cheng Zhanxi's neck froze, she remembered...behind if...there was...a...door...

Xiang Tianyou looked at Cheng Zhanxi, crossed her shoulders, and saw the "people" hidden behind her in the shadows. The muscles on her face twisted unnaturally, and there was fear in her eyes.

He swallowed heavily and turned his face back.

Cheng Zhanxi even had the heart to kick him. He was so majestic when he scared himself just now that he didn't even dare to hold a hand when he saw a ghost. What about five and four beauties, is this the level of contemporary high school students? China's five thousand years of traditional virtues, respecting teachers, respecting Taoism, respecting the old and loving the young, have not been practiced. Xiang Tianyou, the teacher is very disappointed in you!

Cheng Zhanxi calmed down his inner fear by ranting frantically.

The cool air had already blown on her face, and she estimated that it would not be long before she would stare at this ghost, so she closed her eyes tightly.

Can't see me, can't see me, go to Xiangtianyou.

Xiang Tianyou wasn't so disloyal, he quietly took a step forward, poked Yu Qingtang's arm, didn't dare to say anything, just pointed to the left.

Yu Qingtang saw the female ghost standing next to Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes, shivering with fear.

Why do ghosts like to look for Cheng Zhanxi, is it because she looks good?

Yu Qingtang suddenly had an indescribable emotion, and even looked at the ghost with an unkind look. The ghost noticed it and turned to look at Yu Qingtang, who stared coldly at the female ghost's bruised and scary face.

Female ghost: "!!!"

How could she be scarier than a ghost!

You should continue to scare the timid person in front of you.

At this time, Yu Qingtang said coldly: "Mr. Cheng, take a step to the right, open your eyes, and come to my arms."

Hearing the familiar and calming voice, Cheng Zhanxi did so without hesitation, and rushed forward into Yu Qingtang's arms before the female ghost could react.

Yu Qingtang reached out to catch her, and pressed her back against the door of the head teacher's office.

Cheng Zhanxi was so frightened that he didn't master his strength, and with a bang, the classroom door was slammed open.

The head teacher ghost who was hiding by the door jumped out and just appeared in front of Cheng Zhanxi, half of his rotten face was shaky.

The two looked at each other.

Cheng Zhanxi screamed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The female ghost at the door was also startled. She shut up and swallowed half of her screams. She looked at the only high school student left in the corridor, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Xiang Tianyou turned around, had a face-to-face with the female ghost, and suddenly a more miserable cry appeared: "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

Xiang Tianyou rushed into the classroom as if he was dying, and slammed the door behind him.

The head teacher male ghost looked at him, pat, the skin fell off, revealing the blood-red tendons.

Xiang Tianyou was heartbroken: "Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

The two of them screamed one after another. After you sang, I came on stage, almost toppling the roof of the classroom.

Yu Qingtang and the familiar male ghost looked at each other calmly, pressed Cheng Zhanxi's head into his neck with one hand, and pushed Xiang Tianyou with the other, turning his back to the male ghost.

Yu Qingtang's eyes urged him to leave.

The head teacher ghost never left, Yu Qingtang helplessly dragged two people who dared not open their eyes to the desk.

She used the weak flashlight to find clues herself, and the two behind her were clutching the corners of her clothes.

I don't know when, the ghost of the head teacher disappeared in the office, and he should have quietly walked away from the staff channel.

Yu Qingtang said, "Let's go."

The two of them opened their eyes in shock and heard their heavy heartbeats. Yu Qingtang asked Cheng Zhanxi to sit in the checked office chair for a while, and Xiang Tianyou stood beside Yu Qingtang.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the remaining fear in each other's eyes: Chongjin begged for a pair of eyes that had never seen a ghost.

Then there is the director's office, the principal's office.

The exploration of the haunted house is gradually reaching a climax, and the mystery of the murder of high school girls is gradually being solved. The dead classmates, teachers, directors, and principals are all murderers. Consistent with this, it is more and more terrifying.

Cheng Zhanxi and Xiang Tianyou let themselves go completely, and they called when they should, because they couldn't help it. At the same time, there were five other people who came in, screaming in layers in the haunted house, rendering the spreading fear.

Cheng Zhanxi's face was pale, his soul was out of his body, and he was only one step away from ascending to heaven. Xiang Tianyou wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, but couldn't remember how many times he called "Mom".

"Is it almost time for the exit?"

Yu Qingtang put down the note in his hand and said lightly, "It should be soon."

The three came to the last passage, which was a long dark corridor.

Yu Qingtang looked at this corridor and fell silent.

Without him, there are ghosts on both sides of this corridor, some are teachers, some are students, covered in blood. Of course, there must be real staff hidden here, and they will touch you unexpectedly and pat you on the shoulder when you walk past.

Cheng Zhanxi's knees softened as he looked at the dense corridor of ghosts and ghosts, and he almost knelt down.

She looked at the ceiling, thinking about the possibility of swimming over it.

Then I thought desperately: Is it too late for me to become a ghost now?

Xiang Tianyou was completely dumbfounded, and in a trance, he wanted to find his way back, and muttered, "I don't want to go here, I want to go home... woo woo mother..."

In the end, Yu Qingtang took them both and ran out of the corridor quickly.

When I came to the room in front of the exit, a large group of ghosts were waiting here.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

With the shrill and frantic screams, the three of them finally saw the sun again.

Cheng Zhanxi and Xiang Tianyou Xianyu were paralyzed on the bench, eating the ice cream Yu Qingtang bought, and had no strength at all.

Yu Qingtang asked, "Are you still playing?"

The two shook their heads like a rattle.

Yu Qingtang said, "I'm talking about other projects." She thought softly, "For example, a merry-go-round?"

The two continued to shake their heads vigorously.

Seeing that the two of them were frightened by the haunted house and now their souls are not together, Yu Qingtang said, "Then you guys take a break and go to dinner later?"

Cheng Zhanxi nodded, and Xiang Tianyou also nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi was full of blood and resurrected after ten minutes of rest, at least on the surface. Xiang Tianyou waited until dinner. After dinner, he went straight to supper. After dinner, Cheng Zhanxi drove him home first. In the car, the two of them played "Relieving Sadness" and sang along. Yu Qingtang hummed softly beside him. , the corners of his lips smiled lightly.

A cup to the hometown, a cup to the distance

Keeping my kindness urges me to grow

The road from north to south is no longer long

The soul no longer has nowhere to rest


At nine o'clock in the evening, Cheng Yu and the two returned to the famous mansion.

The two separated at the elevator entrance. Cheng Zhanxi walked into the door of 2102 alone, cracked the switch on the wall, and quickly turned on the living room light.

Cheng Zhanxi let out a long breath.

It's terrible, it's terrible, and I won't be brave again.

She sat on the sofa, looked at the dark bedroom, and went to turn on the bedroom light.

Immediately afterwards, she also turned on the TV and played "Wulin Gaiden". She looked around the living room suspiciously, sat down on the sofa again, grabbed a pillow and took a deep breath.

After returning home, Yu Qingtang put down the things, checked the raw materials and tools for making the cake tomorrow, put them back in place, took the pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She came out of the bathroom, passed the mirror of the sink, and found a faint smile on the corner of her lips. Yu Qingtang looked slightly startled, quietly looked at the person in the mirror for a while, and continued to return to the bedroom with a grin.

Yu Qingtang did not have the habit of staying up late, and would go to bed early as long as there was no work. She lay on the bed, closed her eyes and reminisced about today's trip to the playground, with her hands on her waist, she cleared her mind and prepared to fall asleep.

The phone on the bedside vibrated at this moment.

Yu Qingtang tilted her head to look, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes, and she reached out and took it.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Are you asleep?

[Yu Qingtang]: Not yet

Yu Qingtang heard the doorbell and got up to open the door.

Cheng Zhanxi was dressed in smoky pink long-sleeved pajamas, hugged the pillow, and stood in front of her with a pale face, looking quite frightened.

"Yu Qingtang, I'm afraid..."


Cheng Chengzi: I'm afraid, I want my sister to hug and sleep QAQ

Can Cheng Chengzi sleep in the same bed tomorrow as he wishes?