After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 86

The order of English and math classes on Monday morning in Class 7 was reversed again.

When the class bell rang, Yang Li came in from the door of the classroom, stepped onto the podium, and informed: "Mr. Yu has something to do, I will teach her that class later."

Then sort out the knowledge points for the students, practice in class, and talk in class.

The students are used to it. There are still two days for the final exam. They are all focused on reviewing, and they don't care much about other things, and they don't even have time to discuss gossip.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't lobby Xiangtian about the gangster affairs, and the matter of the adults has been solved by the adults.

When Yu Qingtang returned from class, the morning was almost over.

In the office with only two people, Yu Qingtang asked Cheng Zhanxi, "Which day does Mr. Cheng's plane ticket go back?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Saturday."

So fast? Yu Qingtang frowned.

Senior high school students start their final exams on Wednesday for three days, which ends on Friday, and the official winter vacation on Saturday. Didn't Cheng Zhanxi stay longer than a day?

Cheng Zhanxi sighed and explained, "There is a job in the capital." The assistant asked the art dealer to meet on Sunday, which was the latest time. Her mother told her to go home immediately during the last video. She said she had something to do. Fight until Saturday.

Yu Qingtang expressed his understanding: "The work is important."

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "Will Teacher Yu stay here? Or go back to grandma directly?"

Yu Qingtang paused, then said, "Go back to grandma."

If Cheng Zhanxi didn't leave, she had planned to stay here for a few days.

Due to the upcoming parting, the atmosphere between the two was a little dignified, and even the articulate Cheng Zhanxi didn't know what to say to ease it.

At this moment, Yu Qingtang said, "Can you send me a painting?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Draw you?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head: "No, draw yourself."

Cheng Zhanxi covered his face with his hands: "I'm a little shy."

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi cleared his throat and said sternly: "Okay, I'll draw you when I go back. But I have to take a picture first, otherwise there's no reference. Are you free now?"

After half an hour.

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang sat together in the photo studio, holding the photo album given by the photo studio staff.

The staff smiled and introduced their family's shooting packages, which are complete in styles, including ancient styles, Republic of China, Korean style, and modern styles.

Yu Qingtang was dizzy, and she still didn't understand why Cheng Zhanxi took a photo, and it became that he wanted to take a photo with her.

The staff glanced at the two of them, turned back the booklet in Cheng Zhanxi's hand, pointed to one of the pages and said, "There are also wedding photos here, we have a variety of wedding styles for you to choose. "

Cheng Zhanxi laughed twice and said, "This is not necessary."

How can wedding photos be taken casually in roadside shops? But the clerk's eyes are still good.

She didn't notice Yu Qingtang's slightly dim eyes.

Yu Qingtang calmly took a breath and lowered her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi turned his head and asked Yu Qingtang, "I think this set is good, what do you think?"

Yu Qingtang kept her spirits high and followed her finger to see a group of photos with a special sense of story, similar to the close-up style of a movie.

Yu Qingtang's appearance is light and delicate, and the tear mole on the tip of her eye is soft and charming, and her gestures are a story in the red dust.

The clerk saw the needle and said: "Miss, you have a good vision. This is the most popular set of packages in our store recently. I also took a set of it myself."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and didn't pierce her.

"What does Teacher Yu think?" She only turned her attention to Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang bit her lower lip slightly, shook her head, and said, "You shoot it."

She was still a little resistant to taking pictures.

Cheng Zhanxi thought about it and said, "Okay, then you can choose a set for me?" It has to be done step by step.

She handed over the booklet, but Yu Qingtang didn't take it or read it.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Huh?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Just wear your own clothes and shoot."

Cheng Zhanxi blinked.

Yu Qingtang's ears were slightly warm, her voice was low, and she said, "You look the best like this."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

Yu Qingtang's ears seemed to be on fire.

Cheng Zhanxi reached out and touched her hot ears, raised his head and said to the clerk who was waiting by the side, "Can I just shoot like this?"

The clerk reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said in a warm and sweet voice: "You really don't want to try our set meal? It's cheap and affordable, and the price of the recent event only needs..."

Cheng Zhanxi: "No need to thank you." She glanced at Yu Qingtang, her fair fingertips raised a strand of black long hair in front of her, and said in an ambiguous voice, "My... she doesn't like it." She looked at the clerk, politely Rejected, "I'm sorry."

The clerk's attitude was visibly cold.

As soon as she put away the booklet, she said in an emotionless voice, "Take pictures here, come with me."

Cheng Zhanxi took a photo, washed it and came out, and joked with Yu Qingtang, "You're going to be blacklisted by this store, it's a waste of people's feelings."

Yu Qingtang: "I don't know her and I don't need her feelings." She said it seriously, Cheng Zhanxi didn't know if she was serious or joking.

Cheng Zhanxi asked.

Yu Qingtang frowned and said in a serious tone, "I'm joking, can't you hear me?"

Cheng Zhanxi burst into laughter: "Hahahahaha."

Yu Qingtang raised her hand to say goodbye to her ears, and raised the corners of her lips.

The two returned to the community hand in hand, Cheng Zhanxi suddenly let go of Yu Qingtang's hand and ran forward.

Yu Qingtang's heart stagnated, and a huge panic hit her heart, causing her blood to lose its temperature in an instant, and her hands and feet were utterly cold.

Cheng Zhanxi stopped not far away, turned around and raised his mobile phone, only to see Yu Qingtang in the camera standing in a daze, looking dazed, and seemed to contain great sadness.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Yu Qingtang?"

Yu Qingtang rolled her lifeless eyes to look at her.

Cheng Zhanxi came back with worry in his eyes: "what's the matter with you?"

Yu Qingtang kept her eyes still, and said, "I'm fine. Why are you..." She slowed down, then restrained the trembling in her voice, and asked herself calmly, "Suddenly run away?"

Cheng Zhanxi raised the phone in his palm and said, "I just want to take a picture of you."

There was a flash of regret in her expression.

She knew that Yu Qingtang had no sense of security and was afraid that she would disappear, but she didn't expect that her reaction would be so big with just a small move.

"Sorry, not next time." Cheng Zhanxi took her hand again and promised seriously.

"It's okay." Yu Qingtang knew that it was her making a fuss and that it was her problem, not Cheng Zhanxi. She doesn't need to change anything, she doesn't need to be careful in order to take care of her fragile heart, she is the bright moon hanging in the sky for nine days, and she is just a prostrate believer, kissing the moonlight that spills over the world.

"I'm fine." Yu Qingtang repeated, her expression returning to normal, "You shoot."

Cheng Zhanxi confirmed that her expression was the same, and then slowly walked to the previous position, raised her mobile phone and took a few photos of her.

Cheng Zhanxi beckoned her to go over and showed her the photo.

"What are you shooting this for?"

"If I can't see you in the winter vacation, it's good to look at the photos." Cheng Zhanxi has completely adapted to the person in front of her who is her sweetheart and childhood playmate, and said, "I regret not taking pictures with you before, even over the years. You can't even remember what you looked like."

Yu Qingtang also recalled those childhood days, and said with a soft expression: "Well." She laughed and said, "Actually, so am I."

Cheng Zhanxi put the mobile phone back in his pocket and said as he walked: "Let's go back to the countryside when we have time, and revisit the old place. Well, I don't know if the mountain is still there. Go in autumn, and summer when it’s not too hot.”

There was yearning in Yu Qingtang's eyes, and those black eyes became clearer.


"I gave you a bunch of wildflowers? You gave me and I didn't give you. It's not fair to you."

" don't have to worry about it?"

"Use it."

The lady at the front desk on the first floor saw the glass door being pulled open, and the two figures who came in with a sweet smile said, "Good afternoon, both of you."

Cheng Zhanxi said something to Yu Qingtang in high spirits, and Yu Qingtang smiled and said everything.

The lady at the front desk who had just finished lunch burped.

The two who chatted all the way stopped before walking into the elevator, and turned around at the same time. Cheng Zhanxi said, "Miss, did you talk to us just now?"

The front desk nodded: "Good noon, both of you."

Cheng Zhanxi and Yu Qingtang smiled at the same time: "Good noon."

The two of them are bright and elegant, and they are like two flowers blooming to the extreme, snuggling together. The front desk was dazzled for a while, but when they regained their senses, the two had disappeared at the elevator entrance.

On Monday afternoon, the seventh class of physical education is the last physical education class of the semester.

The students behaved very reluctantly. During a good physical education class, the atmosphere became more and more intense, making it seem like parting from life and death.

Tong Feifei had tears in her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help interrupting: "It's almost done, it's not like I'm not coming back, you will be crazy during the winter vacation, maybe you don't even remember my last name."

Tong Feifei hugged Cheng Zhanxi's arm, put her face on her shoulder, and said, "No, no, no, I must think of you every day."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Thank you, don't wipe my snot on my clothes."

Tong Feifei laughed: "How can there be snot?"

The other girls also giggled and laughed.

Xing Bailu fell into He Shuangjiang's arms.

Li Lan also took the opportunity...

Lian Yabing looked at Li Lan who was resting on her lap, and asked strangely, "Squad leader, are you not feeling well?"


Li Lan sat up, lips pursed into a straight line.

Lian Yabing said to herself, "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?"

Cheng Zhanxi cleared his throat vigorously, holding back the laughter that came to his throat.

Be a teacher, be a teacher.

Li Lan took a deep breath and looked at Lian Yabing.

Lian Yabing's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw her.

The corners of Li Lan's lips turned up.

"Mr. Yu!" Lian Yabing said, "Mr. Cheng, look behind you!"

Cheng Zhanxi turned around with his classmates.

A familiar figure moved from far to near, and Yu Qingtang in a black coat gradually became clear in his field of vision.

The classmates left the cushion consciously, and many people winked at Cheng Zhanxi. Cheng Zhanxi used his eyes to send them away quickly, and then smiled at the person who came.

Yu Qingtang uncomfortably hooked her ear hair, rested one hand on the cushion, sat beside Cheng Zhanxi, looked at the backs of her classmates, and asked, "Why are they all gone?"

Cheng Zhanxi said nonsense: "Mr. Yu is too beautiful, they are ashamed of themselves."

Yu Qingtang couldn't help pinching her face, it felt smooth and delicate, so she touched it twice more.

Cheng Zhanxi held her hand before she drew it, rubbed his face in her palm, and closed his eyes.

Not far away, the students who were eating melons under the big tree whispered.

Li Lan said solemnly, "It must have been Teacher Cheng who screamed that day. Does Teacher Yu still need an explanation for his abstinence?"

Tong Feifei: "What can you tell just by looking at your face? Don't go too far, you poisonous one!"

Lian Yabing: "Hehehe, hehehe."

He Shuangjiang took La Xing Bailu's hand and whispered, "Lulu, let's stay away from them."

Xing Bailu nodded.

Yu Qingtang came to see Cheng Zhanxi for nothing, and Cheng Zhanxi knew that she was all right, but he just wanted to spend more time together before the winter vacation. The two bathed in the winter sun, sat side by side, chatted one after another, and went back to the office together when the bell rang after class.

In the evening, Cheng Zhanxi entered the studio and pasted the printed photo on the opposite side. There was a blank canvas on the easel in front of him. He planned to paint a picture for himself and give it to Yu Qingtang.

Cheng Zhanxi doesn't often paint for herself, one is that she likes to use real models, and the other is that the current situation is prone to occur.

Cheng Zhanxi looked at his photo motionless, with peach blossom eyes and water pupils, a fair and slender neck, slender shoulders, slender waist and long legs, and there was no flaw in his face and figure. God's 99 points were scored by Cheng Zhanxi herself. She was afraid of being arrogant and complacent, so she deducted one point for being modest.

The premise of humility is that she does not stare at herself for a long time. This score is also under Cheng Zhanxi's objective appreciation, and she jumps up to achieve a full score.

It took Cheng Zhanxi a long time to remember to use paint to color the palette. She adjusted the color, just picked up the paintbrush, but she was stunned again and couldn't help laughing.

God made her so beautiful, didn't she? Well, only Yu Qingtang can match her, with 101 points.

Thinking of Yu Qingtang, Cheng Zhanxi's wandering soul returned to his body, patted his face with a sore smile, and forced himself to concentrate on observing the photos.

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes, opened them again, his eyes were clear, and he made the first stroke on the blank canvas.

2101 a corridor away, Yu Qingtang was sitting on the head of the bed, holding a photo in his hand.

It's one of the group photos taken by Cheng Zhanxi today. She took off her coat, and inside was a dark green sweater. Her long curly hair was draped behind her, revealing a clear and elegant neck line, with a particularly gentle temperament.

Yu Qingtang closed his eyes reverently, and his lips carefully approached Cheng Zhanxi in the photo. When there were still a few centimeters from the photo, Yu Qingtang stopped and opened her eyes. She took out a piece of paper from the tissue box, wiped the surface of the plastic-sealed photo, and stopped when she couldn't see any dust against the light. .

The photos were clipped into the thick professional book by the bedside. Yu Qingtang chose a beautiful and delicate photo frame from the Internet, and filled in the address of her grandparents and grandparents in the old city.

Across a book, she cherished this photo into her arms.


The moon is in the middle of the sky, and all sounds are silent.

Cheng Zhanxi yawned, rubbed his eyebrows to refresh himself, and continued to draw with a pen.

Yu Qingtang woke up in the middle of the night, her heart was beating wildly, she turned on the lamp, opened the book by the bedside, found the photos inside, and then let out a long breath and fell back to sleep.


Tuesday, the day before the final exam.

After Wen Zhihan finished the last class of the semester, he came in and went straight to Cheng Zhanxi's desk, tapping on her desk with his fingers.

Cheng Zhanxi: "?"

Wen Zhihan lowered his voice: "I have something to tell you."

Cheng Zhanxi didn't talk nonsense, put the colored pencils and sketchbook together in the drawer, got up and walked out from behind the desk.

Wen Zhihan said again, "Take the bag."

Cheng Zhanxi takes one command and one action.

Yu Qingtang's eyes fell on the two of them from Wen Zhihan's approach to Cheng Zhanxi's table, and the knuckles holding the pen tightened.

When did they become so compatible?

Cheng Zhanxi turned to Yu Qingtang and said, "Mr. Yu, I'll go out."

Yu Qingtang nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Wen Zhihan, let's go."

Wen Zhihan also nodded.

The two left the office one after the other, holding their bags respectively, and it seemed that they would not be back in a short time.

Yu Qingtang watched the two of them leave side by side from the window, Cheng Zhanxi's face just faced Yu Qingtang's direction, she saw Cheng Zhanxi smiling from the window glass.

Call her Teacher Yu and Wen Zhihan, Wen Zhihan. Do you think her name sounds better than your own?

Why did she smile at Wen Zhihan? what are they talking about? What are you about to say?

Yu Qingtang put down the pen and placed her hand on the edge of the table. When she came to the point of reaction, she had already half straightened, her feet were pointing out of the seat, and she seemed to want to catch up.

After a long time, Yu Qingtang sat down slowly, and the corners of her lips raised a self-deprecating arc.


Cafe near the school.

Wen Zhihan put down his bag and asked Cheng Zhanxi, "What would you like to drink?"

"Boiled water." Cheng Zhanxi said, "There shouldn't be any politeness between us, right?"

Wen Zhihan smiled.

Others are not polite because they have a lot of friendship, and the two of them simply hate each other.

Wen Zhihan called the waiter: "A cup of latte, a cup of lemonade." She smiled at Cheng Zhanxi, "Do you mind?"

Cheng Zhanxi shrugged.

Now is not the peak period, there are few people in the cafe, and the coffee and water that I ordered came up quickly. Cheng Zhanxi held the latte handle and brought it to him, leaving a glass of lemonade for Wen Zhihan, and said with a pure smile. :"you do not mind?"

Wen Zhihan: " more mocha."

Cheng Zhanxi sneered in his heart.


Wen Zhihan's primary school is normally enrolled. At twenty-five this year, he is two years younger than Cheng Zhanxi, who is only half a year behind Yu Qingtang.

Wen Zhihan stirred the mocha in the porcelain cup with a small spoon and said straight to the point: "You two are not together yet?"

Cheng Zhanxi sighed and said, "Why do you care so much about other people's family affairs? Do you know why Xiao Ming's grandfather lived to be ninety-nine years old?"

Wen Zhihan: "I won't be in school next semester and will study abroad."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Which country?"

Wen Zhihan: "America."

Cheng Zhanxi showed her first sincere and bright smile after seeing her: "Congratulations."

Wen Zhihan took a sip of coffee and sighed incomprehensibly: "She actually likes you like this." Ai was so naive that she didn't look like a twenty-seven-year-old woman.

Cheng Zhanxi was neither angry nor angry, but smiled: "Yes, she likes me like this, are you angry?"

Wen Zhihan glanced at the glass of lemonade and said, "To be honest, there is a little bit, but there is no way."

Cheng Zhanxi said: "It is also a virtue to be a person with self-knowledge. Don't be too inferior."

Wen Zhihan smiled.

"Let me tell you a story."

"Who is the protagonist?"

"Me and Yu Qingtang."

"Do not listen."

"Only me." Everything she did was just a one-man show for Yu Qingtang.

"Tell me about it, I won't give you money if it doesn't sound good."

Wen Zhihan couldn't help but laugh again.

"If you laugh again, I will suspect that you like me, so let's die." Cheng Zhanxi bent his white knuckles and knocked on the table, urging, "Come on, I will go back to see Yu Qingtang after I finish speaking, she won't be seen in a while. I'm going to cry."

The corners of Wen Zhihan's lips turned up, and after a while, he calmed down the ridiculousness and absurdity in his heart, and said, "I liked her for seven years and chased her for seven years."

Wen Zhihan thought she would be full of bitterness when she talked about this fruitless love, but it didn't. Seven years are like running water. In addition to her studies, the only highlight in her life is Yu Qingtang. Even if Yu Qingtang never liked her, she never regretted it.

Wen Zhihan began to talk about their first meeting, Yu Qingtang was alone and withdrawn, how did she get to her class schedule, create encounters on the road, in the class, and in the library, how did she gradually become able to stand by her side The person who is about to go to the library for self-study.

Cheng Zhanxi listened while drinking lemonade, and both sides were sour.

She didn't think Wen Zhihan would be so boring and faulty that he invited her out just to tell her secret love for many years. If it was, she would throw the remaining half glass of lemonade on her face.

Cheng Zhanxi listened quietly and attentively, and slowly pieced together Yu Qingtang's figure from her story, a period of her life she had been absent from.

Wen Zhihan said, "I bought her flowers, gave her chocolates, and stayed by her side on all important days such as Qixi Festival, Valentine's Day, Christmas, New Year's Day, her birthday and so on."

Cheng Zhanxi overturned the vinegar vat, and couldn't hold back a sour sentence: "Even if she doesn't need you?"

Wen Zhihan looked calm: "Yes."

Yu Qingtang didn't remember those days at all, she didn't go shopping or watch movies, but she didn't eat cake on her birthday, she only went to the library for self-study.

Cheng Zhanxi took a bite of the straw and was in a complicated mood. Even if the opposite was her rival in love, she couldn't say too much.

Wen Zhihan: "But what I want to say is not how good I am to her, but that I have treated her like this. She didn't realize that I liked her, and I was chasing her. Until the year I graduated with a master's degree, I told her personally, I like you, love likes, not friends like, she told me, sorry, she doesn't like me."

So the company of nearly seven years is just a friend in her eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi loosened the straw in his mouth, his eyes couldn't hide his shock.

Wen Zhihan took a deep breath: "I don't know what stage the two of you have developed. Since you are not together, you must not have communicated with each other. You think she understands your intentions, but she may not. Don't. Make the mistakes I made." Cheng Zhanxi fell silent.

Wen Zhihan let go of his fist on his knee, his heavy tone relaxed a bit, looking at the woman in front of him and said, "Are you Cheng Mo?"

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes jumped: "How do you know?"

Wen Zhihan said, "I cheated on you."

Occasionally when she was in the office, she saw Cheng Zhanxi drawing back and forth on the notebook. The technique looked very professional. When she thought of the relationship between the surname Cheng and Yu Qingtang, only Cheng Mo was the only one. Kind of weird, though.

Wen Zhihan smiled innocently: "You really are."

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

She has been running by the river for so many years, but she got wet shoes today.

Wen Zhihan picked up the coffee and sipped: "Then she likes you, seems to be excusable?"

Cheng Zhanxi gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't know how to use idioms, you don't have to."

Wen Zhihan smiled lightly: "I have no culture, please forgive me."

Cheng Zhanxi calmed down for a while and asked her, "Why is it excusable?"

Wen Zhihan helped people to the end, sent the Buddha to the west, put down the coffee cup, put his hands on the table in front of him, and said, "She has always liked Cheng Mo, don't you know that as a client?"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't answer, apparently by default.

Wen Zhihan's joy of regaining the victory of a city dissipated, and said, "It seems that there are still many secrets between the two of you."

This corner of the cafe was quiet for a long time.

Wen Zhihan said: "Although I have no position, I still want to say that I hope you can treat her well and make her happy. And," she picked up her bag, stopped beside Zhanxi when she got up, and whispered, "bless all of you."

She is flying back to Beijing tonight and will not appear again in the future.


——You think she understands your intentions, but she may not.

On the way back to school, Wen Zhihan's words kept echoing in Cheng Zhanxi's mind.

So Yu Qingtang still doesn't know that he likes her? How can it be? !

She thought that Yu Qingtang was not enlightened before, and did not know that there was love besides friendship, but now she understands that she is more than friendship to herself, so she also understands that she has long liked her.

So isn't it?

So what's her situation now?

Cheng Zhanxi walked faster and faster, trotted up the stairs, and rushed into the office.

Yu Qingtang took the water from the water dispenser in the corner, looking absent-minded, the hot water poured out from the edge of the cup, scalding her fingers, and her knuckles shrank reflexively.


The stainless steel thermos cup smashed to the ground and made a sound.

Yu Qingtang frowned slightly, flicked the hot water in her hands, and bent over to pick up the water cup as if nothing had happened.

As soon as her fingertips touched the shell of the water cup, her hands were held up by a pair of hands, white and delicate, with clear joints, slender and flawless, a pair of artist's hands.

Yu Qingtang's brows were naturally filled with excitement, she looked up at the woman's face, and said in surprise, "You come back..."

Cheng Zhanxi's face was sullen.

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips.

Cheng Zhanxi held her scalded hand with one hand, and pressed her shoulder with the other to let her sit in the office. Yu Qingtang looked at the thermos cup on the ground, "That..."

Cheng Zhanxi was expressionless: "I'll throw it away later."

She was obviously angry, and Yu Qingtang didn't dare to speak.

Cheng Zhanxi blew at her red knuckles and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Looking at her anxious and distressed expression, Yu Qingtang changed her words: "It hurts."

"It hurts you to pick up a thermos cup?" Cheng Zhanxi couldn't describe the nerves he had just seen bursting out of the scene. He was clearly frowning from the hot water, and he didn't care to pick up the cup. The cup is important and the hand is important?

Cheng Zhanxi was angry: "Is the cup inlaid with gold?"

Yu Qingtang shook her head, obediently: "No."

Cheng Zhanxi said angrily, "Who gave it to you? So precious?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head: "The school sent it."

Cheng Zhanxi looked down at the cup on the ground and said angrily, "It's ugly!"

Yu Qingtang agreed: "Yes, it's ugly."

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't think of anything else to say, but he was just angry and puffed out his cheeks.

Yu Qingtang's unburnt hand held Cheng Zhanxi's corner.

Cheng Zhanxi was condescending and said with a sullen face, "Why?"

Yu Qingtang looked up at her, pulled the corner of her clothes, her eyes were as soft as her voice: "Will you not be mad at me?"


small theater:

Later, Yu Qingtang made water all over his fingers.

Yu Qingtang was going to wipe her hands first, but Cheng Zhanxi gasped and held her back, her eyes flushed: "When is it? Why don't you hurry up?"