After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 87

Cheng Zhanxi grabbed Yu Qingtang and went to the bathroom after flushing, and applied some scalding ointment to her.

Yu Qingtang wasn't directly scalded by hot water, her fingers were only red, and there was no blistering symptoms. She was insensitive to pain, and usually wouldn't even apply medicine. But Cheng Zhanxi held her hand, carefully applied the medicine, and her eyes were full of pity. Looking at Cheng Zhanxi's appearance, she felt a little pain.

Like an iceberg that never melts for years, it slowly melts from the inside out in the sunlight, welcoming a new life.

Cheng Zhanxi looked up from time to time to pay attention to her expression.

Yu Qingtang's beautiful brows furrowed slightly.

Cheng Zhanxi lightened his movements, his voice softer than his movements: "does it hurt you?"

Yu Qingtang didn't know how to describe the subtle but strong feeling surging in her heart, she reached out and wrapped Cheng Zhanxi's hand holding the cotton swab.

Cheng Zhanxi looked down and looked up, then raised his eyes and met Yu Qingtang.

Ge Jing has been watching the show for a long time. As an associate teacher, she has completed all the tasks for this semester except for the final revision. Basically, she is in the office all day long. Anyway, she is a single dog and after work, she is the attribute of a dead house. , at work is her only social activity.

From Wen Zhihan asking Cheng Zhanxi to go out, Yu Qingtang was jealous and absent-minded, to the burnt hand, Cheng Zhanxi rushed forward, angry and distressed, and now she started taking medicine, and suddenly began to look at each other affectionately, and the relationship between the two Pink bubbles start to pop.

They both hugged.

Ge Jing was satisfied, looked away, walked out lightly, and even brought it to the office door thoughtfully.


Final exams officially begin on Wednesday.

The exam rooms for the final exam are in random order. The natural class is no longer used as the exam room, but is ranked according to the grade of the mid-term exam, from front to back. For the students, the moment they get the exam room number, they know their ranking in the grade and the goals they will strive for in the future.

Several students in Class 7 were assigned to Exam Room 1 and Exam Room 2, which meant that they had been squeezed out of the experimental class when they entered the first year of high school, which was very encouraging. There is also a class placement opportunity in the second year of senior high school. Students whose grades are better than the experimental class are hopeful to enter the experimental class.

Cheng Zhanxi took the initiative to ask to join the invigilator team, and was assigned to the same exam room as Yu Qingtang on the first day.

The two of them went to the examination team to collect the papers, and entered examination room 1, that is, the top 50 students in their grades were all in this examination room. Xiao Qing, who was sitting in the first row of the second group in front of the door, was sitting in the seventh class, and Yu Zhou was in the second-to-last row.

Cheng Zhanxi finished the list and read out the precautions, while Yu Qingtang counted the answer sheets to check if there were any omissions.

Not a single person below spoke, they all sat upright, some looked ahead, some closed their eyes and meditated.

jingle bell -

The test bell rang, and the students picked up their pens neatly and began to answer the questions smoothly on the test paper.

In the quiet classroom, only the rustling of writing from the tip of the pen could be heard, and the atmosphere of answering questions was tense and solemn, which reminded Cheng Zhanxi of his distant student days, and unconsciously did not dare to spit out the atmosphere.

On the other hand, Yu Qingtang slowly patrolled the classroom, but his expression showed no emotion.

Cheng Zhanxi thought: The champion is just different, does she miss the exam scene?

After the exam, the two went to the exam team to hand in the papers.

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "Has Mr. Yu passed the second test?"

Yu Qingtang said lightly, "No."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled: "It's amazing."

Yu Qingtang said: "I have graduated for many years." It means not to praise things that happened so long ago.

Cheng Zhanxi took two quick steps, grabbed in front of her, walked backwards facing her, holding the test paper bag in front of her chest, and said, "Mr. Yu is also an excellent class teacher now."

Yu Qingtang smiled.

"Mr. Cheng." A male voice suddenly came from his ear.

Cheng Zhanxi stopped and looked back.

Yu Qingtang restrained her smile, looking at the young male teacher wearing blue jeans and a black leather jacket, instinctively raised hostility.

Lu Yubin: "Hello."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded: "Hello." She stood beside Yu Qingtang, not hiding her alienation and indifference.

Lu Yubin was embarrassed and said, "Do you want to hand in the papers?"

Cheng Zhanxi: "Yes, I'm waiting for it over there, don't disturb this teacher."

Cheng Zhanxi took Yu Qingtang's hand and left.

After meeting Lu Yubin, Yu Qingtang's mood was visibly depressed. She didn't know Lu Yubin, who taught high school biology, but she could see that Lu Yubin was chatting up with Cheng Zhanxi. This is what she saw. Cheng Zhanxi's life is so colorful. I don't know how many I haven't seen.

They all like Cheng Zhanxi. He is just one of those people who are inconspicuous. Now he is staying with her as a friend. In the future, when she has a closer person, will she still treat her like now?

There was no late self-study at the end of the term, and the math test had not yet started. Yu Qingtang passively had a lot of free time, went to the supermarket, bought snacks, and watched TV at home with Cheng Zhanxi, wasting time recklessly. In addition to going back to sleep opposite at night, Yu Qingtang can't wait to grow up in 2102, to be exact, Cheng Zhanxi.

Cheng Zhanxi handed her the painting she wanted on Friday, the paint was still wet, and told her to put it in a ventilated place.

On Friday night, Yu Qingtang almost made an excuse to stay in 2102 and sleep in the same bed with Cheng Zhanxi—the last day before she left. Holding the pillow, she hesitated for a long time at the entrance of her own porch, but finally did not take this step.

She went back to the study, where Cheng Zhanxi's self-portrait oil painting was placed. Yu Qingtang looked at the woman with peach blossom eyes and water pupils and looked at her smiling for a long time, and her mood slowly calmed down.

That's enough, she can't be too greedy and wants beauty to stay for her forever. What in the world is forever?

At least this time, she left her with an unforgettable memory in her life, as well as her paintings, her photos.

Cheng Zhanxi's plane on the weekend, Yu Qingtang took her to the airport.

Yu Qingtang didn't remember what Cheng Zhanxi said to her in the taxi, nor what she replied. She held Cheng Zhanxi's hand, restrained herself and didn't pinch her knuckles, her mind was confused. , looked down at Cheng Zhanxi's clothes, and didn't even dare to keep his eyes on her face.

The taxi stops in front of the terminal and arrives at the destination.

Cheng Zhanxi saw the numbers on the punch card from the gap of the guardrail, because her left hand was held tightly, which also affected her right hand holding the phone.

Cheng Zhanxi scanned the QR code to pay, and the driver got out of the car and opened the trunk to help her take out her luggage. The two people in the back seat were still in the car, and Cheng Zhanxi whispered to the woman beside him, "Yu Qingtang?"

Yu Qingtang looked at her and asked in a slightly erratic voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's here." Cheng Zhanxi looked at her worriedly.

"Where are you?" After Yu Qingtang finished speaking, she asked herself in a soft voice, "Are you at the airport?"

"Yes, it's time for us to get off." Cheng Zhanxi opened the door on the right and took Yu Qingtang out of the car.

The driver pushed the suitcase over.

Cheng Zhanxi: "Thank you, master."

"You're welcome." The driver got into the car and drove the taxi away, and the parking space was quickly occupied by the next one.

Cheng Zhanxi put one hand on the lever of the suitcase and looked into the airport hall where people came and went through the glass.

"Shall we go in?"

"...Well." Yu Qingtang hesitated for a second outside the door, and followed her into the airport lobby.

Two hours before boarding, Cheng Zhanxi unhurriedly went to the counter to check in, and checked his luggage by the way. The lady at the counter took her ID card, Cheng Zhanxi tilted her head and said to the worried Yu Qingtang, "Do you want to come to Beijing to play for a few days? I'll take you back in a few days."

Yu Qingtang shook her head and looked down at Cheng Zhanxi's toes.

Cheng Zhanxi pinched her face, asked her to look up at herself, and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Yu Qingtang still shook his head: "No."

Cheng Zhanxi said willfully: "I'm not going back."

Yu Qingtang's mind moved, his rationality outweighed his emotions, and coaxed softly, "No, didn't you say you have a job?"

"No, I'm not short of money anyway." Cheng Zhanxi said deliberately.

"You promised."

"I regret it, can't I?"

"No way." Yu Qingtang's voice was still soft, and he reasoned with her, "No one can stand without trust, and what they promise must be done."

The lady at the counter interrupted the pair of mandarin ducks and said in a formulaic tone, "Ms. Cheng, your check-in is done."

"Thank you." Cheng Zhanxi showed a polite smile at the counter for a second, put away his documents and boarding pass, and pulled Yu Qingtang to the side.

She shook Yu Qingtang's wrist and continued to be willful: "I really don't want to go back, I can't bear you."

Yu Qingtang coaxed her softly.

After coaxing for a long time, Yu Qingtang's depressed mood improved, and Cheng Zhanxi also faked it, giving birth to a reluctance that was several times stronger than before.

Twenty minutes before boarding, Yu Qingtang urged three times and four times, and Cheng Zhanxi was reluctantly pushed halfway to the security checkpoint by her.

Yu Qingtang tidied up her collar and buttoned her coat one by one.

The air conditioner is turned on at the airport, the temperature is not low, and when you go through the security check, you have to take off your jacket, and you have to unbutton it. Cheng Zhanxi looked down at her serious and focused movements without interrupting her.

There were a total of five buttons, and no matter how slow Yu Qingtang was, he reached the last button. She lowered her head and didn't move for a long time, then put her hand back on Cheng Zhanxi's collar, and organized it a second time in an orderly manner. She raised her head and looked into Cheng Zhanxi's eyes. She seemed to have thousands of words, and finally she only said one sentence: "safe journey, take care of yourself."

"You too." Cheng Zhanxi said, "Remember to miss me and send me a message when you miss me. If you don't answer the phone, it means I'm busy, and I'll call you back when I'm free."

Yu Qingtang said softly "um".

Her fingertips gently brushed the broken hair scattered on the woman's forehead, stroking from the side of her face to her chin, and Cheng Zhanxi's beautiful and bright face was reflected in her ink-colored eyes, as if she wanted to etch this scene into her heart.

"Yu Qingtang." The woman called her in a low voice.


Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyes and looked deeply into her eyes.

Yu Qingtang fell into the woman's deep eyes without warning, and a brief blank appeared in his mind.

The facial features in the ink-colored eyes were gradually expanding, filling her pupils.

Yu Qingtang's lips became hot.

Her eyes widened, and she saw Cheng Zhanxi's closed eyes and trembling eyelashes in front of her.

The warmth of the lips continued, and the constant heat spread to Yu Qingtang's cool lips.

Yu Qingtang closed her long eyelashes and closed her eyes.

Pedestrians passing by at the airport cast a surprised or blessed look at the pair of women kissing at the security checkpoint.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't go deep, just pressed his lips lightly, but it lasted for more than ten seconds.

She straightened up, took her ID and boarding pass in her hand, looked at Yu Qingtang and said seriously, "See you next semester."

Yu Qingtang's heartbeat was out of control, her ears were ringing, and it took a long time for Cheng Zhanxi's face to clearly appear in her field of vision, and she responded, "Well."

Before walking into the security checkpoint, Cheng Zhanxi turned around and said again, "Yu Qingtang." She said, "I'll be back soon."

Yu Qingtang waved at her, and a layer of water light appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Zhanxi walked slowly and reluctantly, but his back slowly disappeared and could no longer be seen.

Yu Qingtang squatted down, buried her face in her arms, bit her lower lip tightly, and tears welled up in her eyes.

A girl passing by crouched down beside her and kindly handed over a tissue.

Yu Qingtang shook her head and declined, got up and wiped the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve, and left the airport.

Cheng Zhanxi found the boarding gate in the waiting hall and had already started to line up to check in. Cheng Zhanxi boarded the plane in order and sat in his seat. She always felt that she had forgotten something, took out her mobile phone and pointed at Yu Qingtang's chat box for a long time, before she remembered that Yu Qingtang never said "goodbye" to her.

Cheng Zhanxi felt a pain in his heart.

She still didn't believe she would come back.

Yu Qingtang got into the taxi home, and the phone in his pocket vibrated.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Remember the first wish I made on my birthday?

Yu Qingtang's eyes were slightly red, and she breathed lightly, watching the news without moving.

"The other party is typing" is displayed at the top of the screen.

Cheng Zhanxi's second message came soon.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: My first wish is: I hope Yu Qingtang will never leave me.

Yu Qingtang's eyelashes were wet, she clicked into the chat box, the cursor flickered, but her hand did not touch the keyboard.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Can you promise me?

Yu Qingtang's fingertips landed on the virtual keyboard.

Cheng Zhanxi stared at the intermittent "inputting", and a minute later, Yu Qingtang replied.

[Yu Qingtang]: Yes

[Cheng Zhanxi]: You can also make a wish to me, no matter what

[Yu Qingtang]: I have no wish

Cheng Zhanxi held down the part of his heart, and the pain was so painful that he could hardly breathe. After a while, Fang threw his back into the seat.

The plane was about to take off. The in-flight broadcast and the flight attendant reminded passengers to turn off their mobile phones and fasten their seat belts. Cheng Zhanxi sent a message, "I'm going to take off and land to report you safe", turned off the mobile phone, and closed his eyes.


Capital International Airport, domestic arrivals and exits.

A handsome man with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, with a well-maintained figure, a noble lady with delicate makeup and elegant temperament holding in his arms, a handsome young man wearing silver-rimmed glasses, a middle-aged housekeeper in a white shirt, black vest and black pants Respectfully, he stood aside, wearing white gloves, with his hands behind his back, and his posture was straight.

This group of people stood at the exit, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

A young girl looked at the handsome young man, her cheeks were slightly red, and a shy smile appeared.

People came out one after another from the exit. Mrs. Cheng and Song Qingrou glanced inward, her eyes became more eager, but her words were still gentle and gentle, and she asked, "Why hasn't Xixi come out yet?"

Cheng's father, Cheng Yi, clapped her hand: "don't worry, you won't get lost."

Cheng Yuanxi said, "I'll call my sister."

He took out his mobile phone to dial, put it in his ear and listened for a while, looking at the parents in front of him with a slightly complicated expression.

Song Qingrou asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Yuanxi said, "The line is busy."

Song Qingrou sighed and said, "It's really a girl who can't help her." After arriving, it was not the first time to call her parents, but her sweetheart.

Cheng Zhanxi reported to Yu Qingtang that he was safe, and then dialed the number at home.

Cheng Yi's cell phone rang.

Cheng Yuanxi and Song Qingrou looked at him at the same time.

Cheng Yi took it out and looked at the caller ID, and couldn't help smiling.

A trace of resentment flashed in Cheng Yuanxi's eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Song Qingrou cleared her throat and stretched out her hand.

"My wife, please." Cheng Yi respectfully handed her the phone.

Cheng Zhanxi heard that there was a connection there, and said, "Dad... It's mom, I'm here, and I'm almost at the exit. It took a while to get my luggage. Did you wait for a long time?"

Song Qingrou said softly, "No, we just arrived."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, pushed the suitcase and ran.

"I'll be at the exit soon."

Song Qingrou heard the sound of the universal wheel of the suitcase sliding quickly on the floor tiles, her heart lifted, and she quickly said, "Go slowly, don't run." "You won't fall, I see you." Cheng Zhanxi raised Gao's hand holding the phone shouted, "Dad! Mom!"

Cheng Yuanxi stood in front of her parents and waved vigorously.

After a while, Cheng Zhanxi had come out from the inside. Uncle Deng, the housekeeper, took the suitcase in her hand. Cheng Zhanxi threw herself into the arms of the nearest brother. Cheng Yuanxi lifted her feet off the ground and turned her for a while. After a circle, Cheng Zhanxi smiled and patted him on the shoulder before he put the person down and took her wrist to look up and down.

Cheng Yi and Song Qingrou both gathered around and saw their toes from their hair.

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and walked around them like a puppet.

Song Qingrou reddened her eyes and pressed the wet corners of her eyes with the handkerchief she carried with her: "I lost weight..."

Cheng Zhanxi winked at her father, and Cheng Yi hurriedly hugged his wife's waist and coaxed, "Let's go home and make something delicious to make up for it."

Cheng Yuanxi also said, "Yeah, didn't Auntie cook a lot of dishes, let's go home first."

The father and son coaxed Song Qingrou, Cheng Yuanxi squatted down in front of Cheng Zhanxi, Cheng Zhanxi crouched on the broad back of the young man, Cheng Yuanxi easily carried his sister up, looked at the front and took a few steps The parents far away turned their heads to Cheng Zhanxi and said, "Sister, why do I think you are heavy?"

Cheng Zhanxi pinched his ears.

Cheng Yi turned around, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Don't bully my sister."

Cheng Yuanxi also admitted his mistake seriously: "I know Dad."

Cheng Yuanxi's steps were steady, and Cheng Zhanxi could barely feel the bumps when he lay on his back. She stretched out the young man's ears, fiddled with it, and then turned to rub his face.

Cheng Yuanxi clicked: "Block my eyes."

Cheng Zhanxi made an "oh" sound, and his palms were covered tightly.

Cheng Yuanxi, who was in darkness, said, "..."

The brothers and sisters arrived at the car a little later than Cheng's father and Cheng's mother. Uncle Deng, the housekeeper in a white shirt and a black vest and tuxedo, was standing beside the open car door, pressing his chest with one hand and bowing his head slightly.

Cheng Zhanxi nodded lightly, bent down and sat in the back seat of the extended black Bentley.

Cheng Yuanxi then sat in.

Uncle Deng closed the door with his white-gloved hand, making only a very soft sound.

The car was quiet, Song Qingrou took the blanket handed over by her husband, spread it out on Cheng Zhanxi, touched Cheng Zhanxi's smooth face lovingly with her fingers, and said gently, "Are you tired of flying? Go to sleep for a while, I'll call you when I get home."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded obediently and yawned.

She took her mobile phone and glanced at it, confirming that there was no message from Yu Qingtang, Fang closed her eyes and lay down.

Song Qingrou gave her husband a look - did you see it?

Cheng Yi sighed.

Cheng Yuanxi took off his glasses and pinched his eyebrows.

My sister is back, but my heart is still outside.

The thick shading film of the car window could not let in the sunlight, and Cheng Zhanxi slept really well. The black extended Bentley drove all the way into a vast manor on the hillside in the east of the city, with green mountains and green waters, and the fragrance of birds and flowers. The black lacquered iron gates slowly opened from both sides. On both sides of the wide road, the servants in the garden and lawn performed their respective duties. Hearing the movement of the car, he raised his head and looked here, and watched the car drive into the depths of the manor surrounded by green plants.

Cheng Zhanxi was woken up by her brother, and he put his hands around Cheng Yuanxi's neck. Cheng Yuanxi took her half out and put her on the ground.

A row of people stood neatly at the door, all of whom were servants of the Cheng family.

There are many servants in the Cheng family, and they built a house behind the main house for the servants to live in. Usually everyone is in the same place. The aunt called, and there were several "elders" of Cheng Zhanxi standing inside.

Cheng Zhanxi woke up from sleep and said, "Don't be so grand, right?"

Uncle Deng said, "They came by themselves and said they missed Miss."

Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "Okay." She took the initiative to hug each other and called people affectionately: "Aunt Qiuer, Uncle Fang, Aunt Min..."

After some busy work, Cheng Zhanxi stepped into the house.

Smell the food first.

Cheng Zhanxi turned back and made a "shh" gesture, opened the kitchen door gently, and walked in.

The aroma in the kitchen was stronger, soup or cooking. Cheng Zhanxi's lips curled into a smile, and he crept behind the nanny. He suddenly hugged her shoulders and shouted in her ear, "Aunt Yun!"

Aunt Yun shook, and the spatula in her hand almost fell into the pot. She turned off the fire and turned around, her eyes were dumbfounded.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed.

Cheng Zhanxi came out of the kitchen, his cheeks bulging, and he smiled like a stealing cat.

Cheng Yuanxi folded his long legs, sat on the sofa, threw a washed raisin into his mouth, and said, "Aunt Yun opened a small stove for you again?"

Cheng Zhanxi swallowed the beef in his mouth and said, "Of course."

Cheng Zhanxi sat down on the two-seater sofa, the servant put a glass of freshly squeezed juice on the coffee table in front of her, Cheng Zhanxi thanked him, took the juice and took a sip with a satisfied expression.

Song Qingrou immediately felt distressed and said: "It's like drinking a glass of juice, my good daughter, how much suffering did you suffer outside?"

The juice in Cheng Zhanxi's mouth almost spit out, and he said with a smile: "Mom, I don't know what to look like if you do this again. I didn't endure hardship, really, if you don't believe me, I'm obviously still heavy." She Every day I eat with Yu Qingtang, the beauty eats, and my appetite increases greatly.

Song Qingrou was still very sad.

She hadn't seen Cheng Zhanxi for too long, so it was inevitable that she was exaggerating.

Cheng Zhanxi got up and walked over, pushed her dad away, and got into Song Qingrou's arms as a little padded jacket to act like a spoiled child.

Aunt Yun opened the kitchen door: "Mr. Mrs., Young Master and Miss, it's time to eat."

When the food was set, Cheng Zhanxi said, "Don't move your chopsticks, wait for me."

She picked up her phone and took a photo, and she didn't shy away from appearing in front of her parents. She clicked into Yu Qingtang's dialog box and sent the photo out.

"Okay." She took the soup bowl and gave her parents a bowl of soup.

Cheng Yuanxi: "What about me?"

Cheng Zhanxi gave him his empty soup bowl.

Cheng Yuanxi smiled and served soup to himself and his sister.

Cheng's family pays attention to eating without saying anything, but today is an exception. Cheng Zhanxi answered questions from his parents and brother while peeling crabs. How is it in Sicheng? Is it difficult to be a teacher, and whether students are obedient? I didn't encounter any naughty people, Cheng Zhanxi said it was good, not tired or difficult, very obedient, there were naughty people, but they all learned well, there was one named Xiang Tianyou...

Cheng Zhanxi just got the meat out of a crab claws, and he has an extra bowl at hand, which contains half a bowl of crab meat with white flowers.

Cheng Zhanxi narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Thank you, brother."

Song Qingrou had been laying the groundwork for a long time, and finally asked the real question: "How about you... chasing people?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Come on, I should be fine when I go back next time."

Song Qingrou's husband looked at each other, and said indifferently, "I really want to know who the other person is, but I didn't catch up with my daughter for so long."

Cheng Zhanxi looked at her and smiled: "Mom, did you forget that Dad chased you for three years?"

Song Qingrou's expression was soft, and the corners of her lips were upturned.

Cheng Yi said gently, "your mother deserves it."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "she is also worth it."

The Cheng family is rich in infatuation, and Cheng Yi and Song Qingrou are famous model couples who have appeared in magazines. Counting Cheng Zhanxi's grandparents, great grandfather and grandma, they are all deeply affectionate and unswerving. The upper class is so hypocritical, and sincerity is extremely lacking.

Getting married with the Cheng family will not only help the company, but also gain a good husband/wife who has no regrets. How beautiful is it? But the premise of this sentence is that the Cheng family can see you.

I heard that when Cheng Yuanxi was just born, those who wanted to marry a baby broke the threshold of the Cheng family, including the third young master of the Wei family and his wife Yu Ci. Back then, Wei Tingyu was full of high-spirited spirit, dignified in appearance, gentle and pleasant in speech, and full of talent. The couple were both dragons and phoenixes.

Cheng Yuanxi held a birthday banquet, and Young Master Wei San and his wife came to celebrate. The hall was full of dignitaries, and the two of them walked in from the door, looking like immortals.

The whole place was quiet.

Not only the guests at the time, but even Cheng Yuanxi, who was still in the swaddling clothes, was attracted and opened his hands to hug him.

At that time, Yu Ci was not pregnant yet. She picked up the baby boy and teased Cheng Yuanxi while joking that she should marry a baby if she has a daughter in the future.

Song Qingrou remembered the way Yu Ci raised her head to talk to her from a long time ago, her delicate eyebrows, delicate eyes, nose bridge, lips, all of which were beautifully drawn with charcoal pen. They were so beautiful.

So that day she agreed.

Song Qingrou is half a person in the literary and art circle, and has a friendship with Yu Ci, who is a painter, and she has no regrets after agreeing on impulse. Wei San and his wife are so good-looking, and the daughter they gave birth must also look like a heaven and a human being. What if her son grows up and falls in love at first sight? Even if you don't fall in love, what if you get along with each other over time and gradually fall in love?

Taking 10,000 steps back, he really doesn't like Miss Wei, so Song Qingrou shouldn't regret it with this face, what a big deal?

Modern people still engage in arranged marriages, which is too feudal and not advisable.

But Song Qingrou did a thousand calculations, she didn't calculate that Yu Ci would die, and she died on the operating table.

After Yu Ci's death, Young Master Wei San stayed out of the house, almost cut off communication with the Cheng family, and her daughter, Miss Wei Qi, had no chance to see the Cheng family. This half-joking half-hearted marriage was put on hold until last year when the Wei family suddenly brought up the old affair and asked the Cheng family to fulfill the contract. Song Qingrou only remembered in a trance, oh, I promised my son a marriage.

Not to mention what happened later, Cheng Yuanxi slammed, and Cheng Zhanxi ran away without even seeing her face. The Cheng family was ashamed of the Wei family. When Wei Tingyu came to visit, Song Qingrou couldn't lift her head. Because Yu Ci died early, she was even more at a loss. Otherwise, face-to-face with gongs and drums, the two parties who made the marriage contract are present, and they will regret their marriage. Even if Yu Ci wants to pull her hair, she will never resist, but she is dead.

Especially in Wei Tingyu's current situation, she was so worried that she didn't know what to do.

Cheng Zhanxi has been thinking about the marriage contract. Although her parents will not force her, it is always an unstable factor. In case she brought Yu Qingtang to the capital to play, and met her friends in the circle, she said to her and Yu Qingtang, "Is your fiancee, Miss Wei, by your side?"

Yu Qingtang turned her head and looked at her in disbelief: "What Miss Wei? Which Miss Wei? You already have a fiancee?"

Cheng Zhanxi chased his wife's crematorium on the spot, and not even ashes were left.

Or maybe she brought Yu Qingtang to her house to meet her parents, and the Wei family came to her and said they wanted her to go to Wei's house to get married.

Cheng Zhanxi chased his wife's crematorium again.

As long as Yu Qingtang enters Beijing, the probability of Cheng Zhanxi entering the crematorium is as high as 99.9%.

So before this day comes, Cheng Zhanxi must eliminate all potential safety hazards and give her a clean self without a marriage contract.

Cheng Zhanxi finished eating the crab, washed his hands and came back, and asked, "Yu Jianxing went to my place a while ago and said that he hadn't heard about my divorce. Mom, didn't you tell me to deal with it? I If your girlfriend finds out that I have an Oolong engagement, your daughter's lifelong happiness will be gone."

Song Qingrou's face was full of sadness, and the chopsticks in her hand were put down.

Cheng Zhanxi: "?"

Cheng Yi put the chopsticks back into his wife's hands and said, "It's a long story, let's eat first."

After the meal, the family sat on the sofa in the living room. The servants, including the nanny and aunt, all retired, leaving only the Cheng family of four.

Cheng Zhanxi: "what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Cheng Yi just spoke, Song Qing said: "Let me tell you, it's all my fault that I was obsessed with sex."

Cheng Zhanxi burst out laughing, why is there such a thing as lust?

Song Qingrou didn't talk about the impulsive marriage, and said, "It was an accident."

Cheng Zhanxi guessed: "Uncle Wei doesn't agree?"

Song Qingrou nodded.

Cheng Zhanxi was puzzled: "Why? He has to marry his daughter into our family?"

Song Qingrou nodded again: "He can't find a better family for the time being." There may not be a better family in the capital than the Cheng family.

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes jumped and he caught the key: "For the time being? What's wrong with him?"

Song Qingrou sighed, her eyes seemed sad, she looked at her and said, "Your Uncle Wei, he has no time."