After Escaping Marriage [GL]

Chapter 88

Cheng Zhanxi's heart was condensed, meaning there was no time...

"Uncle Wei has a terminal illness?"

Song Qingrou took the warm water that her husband brought to her hand and acquiesced without saying a word.

Cheng Zhanxi's heart sank.

Before, her mother was embarrassed by this doll. Instead of rejecting it directly, she asked Cheng Zhanxi to meet Miss Wei instead of her brother, because Madam Wei passed away, which was her last wish to some extent. Now even Wei Tingyu... is equivalent to the last wishes of two people.

Song Qingrou is soft-hearted, and out of basic morality, there is no way to firmly deny this marriage.

Cheng Zhanxi thought of one thing, and said strangely: "What about Miss Wei's own meaning? Has she never met my brother and me? Does it matter if you marry anyone?" A lifetime of people?

Song Qingrou sipped her saliva, shook her head and sighed, "She is an orphan who lost her trust at a young age and whose father is about to die, how can she have the right to choose?"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't understand.

She devoted herself to learning painting, but did not understand the twists and turns of the dignitaries in the capital.

Cheng Yi explained to her calmly: The Wei family is different from the Cheng family. The Wei family has four sons and many descendants, but the family is traditionally feudal, and the power is firmly in the hands of the old master Wei, except for the third son, Wei Ting. Yu, everyone else is eyeing the Wei family's property, the old man is not dead yet, he is probably plotting his inheritance.

After Yu Ci's death, Wei Tingyu did not marry again, and his servants were meager, with only one daughter. As for the other houses, the branches and leaves are scattered, and the trees have deep roots. Once Wei Tingyu dies, what will happen to his only daughter can be imagined.

Listening to how complicated people are here, in fact, there is only one word: fighting for family property.

Unprofitable and unable to afford it early, the second uncle and fourth uncle of the Wei family rushed to marry Miss Wei, also for the share of the family property in her hands.

Although an out-married woman does not have any property, there is a big difference between a young lady who lives in the Wei family and a Mrs. X who lives in someone else's house. Wei Tingyu was about to die, and regardless of their brotherhood, they showed their green faces and fangs, and they wanted to eat the three-bedroom family!

Mr. Wei loves Wei Tingyu, who is so fond of him, that he can evenly distribute it to the three of them.

Miss Wei, who lost her parents and was not valued by Mr. Wei, would be like meat on a chopping block, ready to be slaughtered.

Wei Tingyu is not only looking for the happiness of his daughter in the second half of her life, but also to find a backer for her, so that she can live safely without worrying about the covets of the Wei family.

Wei Tingyu has been behind closed doors for many years, and all the friends she had made before have faded, as is her relationship with the Cheng family. But it just so happened that the two of them were married. Although half of it was a joke, it was like a life-saving straw for Wei Tingyu, and the Cheng family's reputation and integrity were the only thing he could do now. people who believe.

If it were someone else, it would be impossible to guarantee that he would not be in unison with the other three members of the Wei family, or use Miss Wei as a tool for competing for interests. The Wei family is too big, who wouldn't mind?

Cheng Zhanxi was silent for a long time after listening, and Fang sighed heavily:

"No wonder……"

So all this is just the heart of a father's daughter. Even if there is a chance, you must seize it tightly.

Cheng Zhanxi sighed again: "Miss Wei is also a poor person."

Song Qingrou pressed the reddish corners of her eyes with silk and said, "Who said no."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I knew earlier..."

A thought popped into her mind and she dismissed it immediately.

Now that she has Yu Qingtang, how can she have a lot of sympathy? If she had known that Miss Wei was so pitiful, maybe she would not have run away from the marriage.

But now that this was the case, she let this thought stay in her mind for a second, it was all disloyalty to Yu Qingtang. So this thought didn't last for less than half a second.

In fact, these things were said by Wei Tingyu when he visited in person last time. As early as last March, when Cheng Zhanxi escaped from marriage, the Cheng family did not know so much inside.

The atmosphere in the living room was very solemn for a while, and no one spoke.

A life, the second half of a woman's life. Although they have no direct relationship with their Cheng family, and they have no responsibility to shoulder it, they still weigh heavily on the hearts of the Cheng family. In a family that can teach Cheng Zhanxi's character, other members are also kind and soft-hearted people.

Cheng Yuanxi looked down at the teapot on the coffee table for a long time, his lips moved, breaking the silence of the living room.

"I'm here to marry Miss Wei."

All three looked at him.

Song Qingrou's eyes were red, and she blamed herself: "You don't have to sacrifice your lifelong happiness, it's all your fault..."

Cheng Yi's expression was serious, and he disagreed: "Now it's not a question of whether to sacrifice or not, but you don't like women. What are you doing when you marry her? Do you want her to be a widow? Our Cheng family can't do such a thing."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "I agree with Dad, unless you are a double."

Cheng Yuanxi raised his eyes and said, "I didn't say that I would live with Miss Wei for the rest of my life. If Uncle Wei wants to give her a support, we will give her a support. How long can the Wei family covet Miss Wei? Three years? Or five years? As long as we help her through this crisis, we will divorce. When the dust settles, my mother will accept Miss Wei as her goddaughter, and continue to be blessed by the Cheng family, so that she will not be left alone."

Song Qingrou's eyes lit up.

"Good! This is good!"

It not only achieved Wei Tingyu's main purpose, but also did not substantially affect her two children.

Cheng Yi added: "Negotiate with Miss Wei and your uncle Wei in advance."

Cheng Yuanxi said, "That's natural."

Cheng Zhanxi looked at his brother worriedly, and said, "Then what have you done in the past few years?"

Cheng Yuanxi smiled clearly and said: "I have no plans to fall in love and get married for the time being, I concentrate on managing the company, and a few years will pass quickly. If you worry about me, it is better to worry about whether you can catch up with your sweetheart. Don't wait for me to divorce. You haven't brought anyone into the house yet."

Cheng Zhanxi threw the orange in his hand.

Cheng Yuanxi lightly raised his hand to catch it, put down his long overlapping legs, and said while peeling the orange: "Since Uncle Wei has little time, let's meet as soon as possible to discuss and settle the matter, Dad told him that I should come. Say?"

Cheng Yi said: "I'll come, you are a junior."

Cheng Yuanxi nodded: "Okay, make sure to tell me the time, I will be there at that time, and it will be more respectful."

He divided the peeled oranges into two, giving half to his mother and half to his sister. He stood up and said, "Did I go to lunch?"

Cheng Yi stood up with his wife who had finished eating the oranges, "We also went back to the room."

Cheng Zhanxi wiped his hands with a tissue: "I want to sleep too."

Cheng Yi and Song Qingrou went up to the second floor, the siblings went to the third floor, said good afternoon to each other, and walked in opposite directions.

Cheng Zhanxi entered the bedroom, took a shower, put on pajamas, and threw herself into the soft big bed. The fluffy quilt made her sink into a cloud. Fa, took the mobile phone on the bedside table, and sent a message to Yu Qingtang:

[Just finished eating and chatting for a long time, did Teacher Yu wake up? 】

Cheng Zhanxi's flight in the morning was late, and it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

Cheng Zhanxi lay on his side under the quilt, holding the phone in one hand, watching the screen with his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, couldn't hold it together, and fell asleep.

The phone's screen went black automatically, and it slanted down beside her. After a while, the screen lit up, no one responded, and it returned to darkness again.

A few days before the final exam, Cheng Zhanxi spent most of his time with Yu Qingtang, rushing to paint late at night, and never rested well, and slept until dinner.

Song Qingrou came to knock on her door.

"Xixi, are you awake? Dinner is ready."

Cheng Zhanxi sat up in a daze, took the phone in a daze, and squinted at the unlocked screen.

[Yu Qingtang]: I woke up

Cheng Zhanxi scratched his long hair and typed into Yu Qingtang: [I just woke up, let's go to eat first [Program Bixin.jpg]]

She left her cell phone upstairs, pulled her slippers out like a wandering soul, opened the door, opened her arms to the woman at the door, and closed her eyes. Song Qingrou stretched out her arms to hug her, seemingly complaining but actually happy: "How old you are, you still want to hug her every day."

"I'm going to hug when I'm eighty."

"Your mother will be over 100 years old, let her live."

Cheng Zhanxi closed his eyes and smiled.

"I'm so sleepy, mom." Cheng Zhanxi put his face on her shoulder and hummed, his voice was thick and nasal, as if he couldn't sleep.

Song Qingju said, "Then you sleep a little longer? I'll let Xiaoyun warm the food for you."

Cheng Zhanxi rolled his face and rolled back to act like a spoiled child: "No, I want to have dinner with you."

Cheng Zhanxi stayed for a while and went downstairs with Song Qingrou.

Cheng Zhanxi used her fingers to comb, and when she got downstairs, she just tied a low ponytail with a black hair rope. Cheng Yi stopped by and gently twisted a white stain from the top of her head with her fingers. Balls of wool, thrown into the trash.

Cheng Zhanxi looked up, raised his hand and touched: "Is there any more?"

Cheng Yi said, "No more."

Cheng Zhanxi went to wash his hands and sat down at the table.

The family had a happy meal and chatted for a while in the living room.

Cheng Zhanxi glanced in the direction of the stairs from time to time, remembering whether Yu Qingtang had replied to her news.

Song Qingrou saw that she was absent-minded and let her go upstairs.

Cheng Zhanxi walked up to the second floor unhurriedly and steadily within the sight of his parents and brother. As soon as he turned the corner, he quickened his pace and ran into the room.

She couldn't wait to pick up her phone, and a WeChat message notification appeared on the screen.

Cheng Zhanxi clicked in happily.

A public account advertisement push: [XX shopping mall big promotion, many discounts]

Cheng Zhanxi: "..."

She grinds her back molars, clicks, unfollows.

Yu Qingtang didn't reply to her, wondering if she was also eating. She seems to be watching TV with her grandparents at night. Maybe she doesn't have time to look at her mobile phone for a while?

Cheng Zhanxi clicked on Yu Qingtang's chat box and was thinking about what to send her when the phone popped out of the incoming call interface. Cheng Zhanxi's heart skipped a beat, and her brows jumped up with joy, thinking it was Yu Qingtang, she saw the caller ID and her brows drooped instantly, she picked it up, and said, "Hello, Xiaoxue." His voice was muffled and reluctant.

Cheng Zhanxi's assistant Xiaoxue said, "Am I disturbing you?"

Cheng Zhanxi restrained his emotions and said, "No, what's the matter?"

Xiaoxue: "I have a meeting with an art dealer tomorrow. Let me remind you not to forget. The relevant information has been sent to your mailbox. Please take a look."

Cheng Zhanxi sat down at the table, opened the notebook, and logged into the mailbox with one hand, and said, "I saw it. Is it the one sent at 7:50?"


Cheng Zhanxi has a gallery in the capital, and she hands over all affairs to special people, but there are always some things that she needs to come forward with. It has been more than half a year since she left, and the people in the studio managed to catch her when she came back. There is no reason to let it go easily. Xiaoxue has arranged her schedule with her, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and the line is full.

Cheng Zhanxi agreed well while reading the email, and muttered in his heart: I knew she would be back later, and I could spend more time with Yu Qingtang in Sicheng.

Cheng Zhanxi cut to the interface of the computer version of WeChat and frowned.

Haven't gotten back to her for so long?

Cheng Zhanxi sent an emoji to Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang replied in seconds: [,]

Cheng Zhanxi switched to the headset to talk, freeing up his hands to type on the laptop keyboard: [What are you doing? 】

Yu Qingtang: [Watching TV with grandparents]

Cheng Zhanxi hooked his lips: [I knew it]

Yu Qingtang: [Yes]

Cheng Zhanxi turned his head, and Xiaoxue in the earphone said, "Mr. Cheng, are you listening?"

When Cheng Zhanxi was interrupted by her, she forgot what she wanted to say to Yu Qingtang, the dancing of her fingertips stopped, and the cursor flashed in the input field. She pressed the earphone and said, "Listen, what are you saying?"

"..." Xiaoxue said, "Didn't you ask me to make an appointment with Tan Lingfei earlier? She is free next week. I will arrange for you to meet in the studio?"

Cheng Zhanxi thought about it and said, "Okay, how many days does she have?"

"Two days are yours."

"That's good." Cheng Zhanxi smiled and said, "Good job."

Xiaoxue took advantage of the situation and sold it badly, saying how difficult this person was and how exaggerated the words were, just to make Cheng Zhanxi feel distressed and distressed for them, and give more bonuses at the end of the year to reward their hard work. Cheng Zhanxi received it, saying that everyone has a red envelope during the Chinese New Year.

Xiaoxue was happy, and then mentioned the next thing, which happened to be more important. It involved a senior that Cheng Zhanxi liked very much. Cheng Zhanxi listened carefully and didn't have time to worry about it.

The cursor of the computer version of WeChat kept flashing, but no new text was typed, and it stayed there all the time.


Sicheng, the old city.

There were short soap operas from the parents in the living room, and the daughter and father were arguing. Older people have deteriorating hearing and turn up the volume every time they watch TV, which is very noisy for young people.

The very noisy voice did not disturb Yu Qingtang who was staring at the phone in a daze.

The screen went dark because there was no response for a long time, Yu Qingtang tapped her fingertips and returned to the chat interface.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Nearly ten minutes later, "The other party is typing" appeared at the top of the screen.

Yu Qingtang held her breath.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: I'm busy, I'll call you later

Looking at the news, Yu Qingtang typed three pinyin very slowly: [OK]

Cheng Zhanxi glanced at the replies he received, clicked the [Program Bixin.jpg] emoji package to send, and continued to call.

The phone call lasted for more than an hour. Cheng Zhanxi's mouth was dry. After the call, he drank a large glass of water to moisten his throat, and then rubbed his drowsy temples. She doesn't like to handle these mundane affairs, and she can't completely let go of it. She almost fell asleep in the second half of the story.

Cheng Zhanxi patted his face, finished the emails at a glance, turned off the laptop, went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, smeared his body with frankincense and lay down in the bed, calling Yu Qingtang.

Finally, it was time for just the two of them.

Cheng Zhanxi listened to the "du--" sound of dialing, and looked up at the ceiling, his eyes did not blink, and his expression was solemn.

He hung up automatically, the phone was picked up, and a cold voice came into his ears: "Hello."

Cheng Zhanxi's expression became vivid, and he said childishly, "Guess who I am?"

Cooperate with her over there: "I can't guess."

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Look at the caller ID."

There was a pause, as if he was really obedient, glanced at the caller ID, and said, "Cheng Zhanxi?"

Cheng Zhanxi didn't know why she was so easily amused by Yu Qingtang. She bent her eyes with laughter here, from lying on her back to lying on her side, with a pillow on one side of her face, her face rosy, and said, "You are so cute."

Yu Qingtang said seriously: "You too."

Cheng Zhanxi: "Hahahahaha."

Yu Qingtang took the bath towel off the shelf, wrapped herself around her body and wiped it slowly, saying, "Is it that funny?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Yes, why is your voice so empty and echoing?"

Yu Qingtang walked out of the bathroom with the phone and asked, "What about now?" "No more." Cheng Zhanxi asked, "What were you doing just now?"

"Nothing to do." Yu Qingtang, who was half-hearted in the bath, said.

"Ah." Cheng Zhanxi spat out meaningless characters. The two of them get along day and night in Sicheng, and it is not suitable for them to communicate with each other over the air.

Cheng Zhanxi thought for a while, slender fingers rolled a strand of long hair on his chest, and asked her what she did during the day, Yu Qingtang answered them one by one.

Cheng Zhanxi then took the initiative to explain his day's activities, mainly sleeping, eating and sleeping, and waking up to eat, similar to pigs.

Yu Qingtang laughed lightly.

In the dead of night, when the conversation was almost over, Cheng Zhanxi asked her if she could make a video, but Yu Qingtang refused.

She refused not because she didn't want to see Cheng Zhanxi or her, but because she missed her too much. She was afraid that Cheng Zhanxi's face would appear in the video and she would suddenly cry uncontrollably.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "well, wait for me."

Zhanxi's breathing disappeared, but the call was not interrupted. The sound of walking around and the sound of the bed bouncing up and down were heard one after another. A minute later, Cheng Zhanxi's voice appeared in her ear again and said, "Look. WeChat."

Yu Qingtang clicked on the news.

Cheng Zhanxi used an Ipad to send her a selfie. Wearing navy blue pajamas, Cheng Zhanxi sat cross-legged on the head of the bed, holding the phone in one hand to her ear and calling her with gentle eyes.

"see it?"

"...Well." Yu Qingtang tried his best to restrain the vibrato in his voice, not revealing the slightest bit.

"Does it look good?"


"Are you taking a picture of me too?"

"……do not want."

"Why?" Cheng Zhanxi coaxed her.

"Don't..." Yu Qingtang swallowed the word "ma" in his throat, and it has become more and more likely to be taken away by Cheng Zhanxi recently.

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't help laughing when he heard the half-word.

It's not early, she has to get up early tomorrow, instead of relying on Yu Qingtang to act like a spoiled child, she said after a while, "I'm going to sleep."

Yu Qingtang said, "Good night."

Cheng Zhanxi pretended to be slightly dissatisfied and said, "Aren't you keeping me?"

Yu Qingtang: "Huh?"

Cheng Zhanxi could almost imagine how dumbfounded she was. The more she thought about it, the more her heart tickled.

Work first, then fall in love. Work is temporary, love is forever.

Cheng Zhanxi calmed himself, who was about to move, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, good night Yu Qingtang."

Yu Qingtang heard her call her full name, and her heart moved lightly, thinking of the low call at the airport this morning, accompanied by a kiss.

Her crow-feather-like black eyelashes trembled in front of her eyes, and soft warmth imprinted hers.

Yu Qingtang touched her lips, and her thin lips moved: "Good night."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Qingtang froze for a while, then lowered his head and clicked into the camera app on his phone, and switched to the selfie camera.

The first digit of the bedside table clock jumped from 0 to 1, and jumped from 1 to 2. Yu Qingtang checked his selfie, and finally felt that he could barely read it, and found that he had accidentally photographed the digital clock on the right.


Just as Yu Qingtang was about to delete it, her fingertips paused, hovering over the confirmation button.

The woman's lips opened and closed.

——Did you really not stay with her out of sympathy?

Sympathy means pity, right?

Does this make her look pitiful? She didn't want Cheng Zhanxi to pity her, but what else could she do to increase her chips? She was just a lowly, cowardly, poor creature willing to crawl at her feet begging the gods for love.

Yu Qingtang moved his fingertips away from the delete key.


Cheng Zhanxi slept full yesterday, and the normal biological clock woke her up at six o'clock. She took the elevator to the negative floor and went to swim in the large swimming pool with constant temperature. After swimming back and forth a few times, she stretched her muscles and bones. She lay down on the shore, dried her hands, and took her phone to check for new news. She never had cell phone dependence before, and since she left Yu Qingtang, she couldn't wait to look at her cell phone 800 times a day.

Yu Qingtang: [I'm not good-looking]

Yu Qingtang: [[selfie]]


Cheng Zhanxi almost jumped out of the water, and she quickly went ashore from the escalator by the pool. She didn't care to wipe the water off her face, she sat cross-legged on the shore and clicked the big picture.

Yu Qingtang should be taking a selfie for the first time, but the angle is good, the light is good, and the skin is fair and transparent, so he probably checked the strategy temporarily. The lover sees Xi Shi, not to mention that the other party is originally Xi Shi, Cheng Zhanxi hugged his mobile phone and kissed him in the air.

Cheng Zhanxi: [Where is it not good-looking? It's so beautiful that I don't even want to go out today, I just want to see photos at home]

Cheng Zhanxi long-pressed the picture to save it, and went to the album to zoom in, not to miss every detail.

The photo was pulled to the lower left corner, and Cheng Zhanxi was stunned when he looked at the time on the white digital clock.

She remembered that she said good night to Yu Qingtang before 12 o'clock last night. This photo was taken after 2 o'clock. Whether she took it for more than two hours or took a selfie at two o'clock on a whim, Cheng Zhanxi preferred the former.

Cheng Zhanxi's heart was soft, both pity and love, and replied: [I see the time, don't stay up late, do you know? 】

The opposite side is "entering" immediately.

A minute later, Yu Qingtang replied to her: [I can't take good pictures]

Cheng Zhanxi: [You look good no matter what, can I use this photo as a WeChat avatar? 】

Yu Qingtang: [Not good]

Cheng Zhanxi: [Screensaver? 】

Yu Qingtang didn't reply, just acquiesced.

But Cheng Zhanxi was not willing to be a screen saver. She had to go out to work recently, and she would be seen by others, so she set it as a chat background with Yu Qingtang, and took screenshots for the other party to see.

Yu Qingtang's face was red and her ears were red. She "typed" for several minutes, but she didn't type out a single word of reply.

Cheng Zhanxi laughed out loud.

Cheng Zhanxi's good mood for a day started when Yu Qingtang took the initiative to send her a selfie.

At the breakfast table, the Cheng family looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who was holding a spoon, but didn't drink porridge, and only looked at Cheng Zhanxi, who had lowered his hair and smiled, almost burying his face in the bowl, with a complicated expression.

Cheng Zhanxi raised his head, saw three pairs of eyes staring at her, and asked curiously, "Why don't you eat?"

Cheng Yi said, "Eat." He looked at his wife and son and said, "Eat all."

Cheng Zhanxi scooped a spoonful of porridge into his mouth, and after a while resting his chin in one hand, he began to laugh inexplicably again.

Cheng Zhanxi was the last to eat, took the car key from the drawer under the TV cabinet, and said, "I'm going out."

She entered the garage, pressed the unlock button on the car key, looked around, walked to a silver supercar, drove it out from the innermost part of the garage, the engine roared, passed a silver glow, and left in a hurry manor.

Cheng Zhanxi first went to the studio to show his face, soothing the hearts of the employees. The boss is still alive and well, and the bonus will be issued at the end of the year.

Afterwards, he followed his assistant Xiaoxue to see the art dealer. Cheng Zhanxi was not short of money, but he didn't think too much money.

A successful art dealer has a unique and thorough understanding of art. Cheng Zhanxi and the other party spent the whole morning chatting with each other in the tea room, ate together at noon, and went to meet another person with the other party in the afternoon to make an appointment. Friends of —— the painter who cooperated with Cheng Zhanxi Gallery.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Cheng Zhanxi shook hands with the art dealer to say goodbye, and her friend asked her to have supper, but Cheng Zhanxi refused.

She waved her hands too fast, and her friend asked curiously, "What are you rushing to do?"

Cheng Zhanxi walked to the parked car on the side of the road, opened and closed the door, fastened his seat belt in one go, and said, "Go home and call your girlfriend."

"Oh", her friend was about to gossip, but before she could speak, a silver car shadow swept past her, throwing a look of car exhaust on her face.

The friend choked.

She looked at the shadow of the car in the distance, blending into the night and quickly disappearing.

Cheng Zhanxi went out of the garage and called Yu Qingtang. When she was connected, her voice was still panting: "I'm home from work."

During the day, she replied Yu Qingtang three sentences in total, one of which was still in the bathroom.

The night is cold as water.

The window of Yu Qingtang's bedroom was open. She sat on the desk in front of the window, watching the moonlight and bamboo shadows shaking in the yard, and said, "Don't worry, I haven't slept yet."

"I'm not," Cheng Zhanxi gasped, "are you afraid you're sleeping?"


"What did you do today?"

"Cooking, watching TV, in a daze." Yu Qingtang replied.

I was thinking of her when I was cooking, thinking of her when I was watching TV, and thinking of her was in a daze for a long time.

"I went to see an art dealer today and made several deals. In fact, I'm also half an art dealer. By the way, did I tell you that I have a gallery named Yiqing."

"I didn't say it, but I've been to this gallery."


"I bought your painting."

Cheng Zhanxi had been busy all day today, and her mind was a little fuzzy. She only remembered it and laughed twice.

Yu Qingtang lowered her head, digging her fingers under the desk, and said in a low voice, "It's so expensive."

The author has something to say: Cheng Chengzi: Okay, the money will be arranged immediately, with the money and the person, the body and the heart, and the water and the fingers together (//▽//)