After Escaping Marriage [GL]

~: In the fourth quarter, the preparation b

The students in the corridor returned to the classroom and sat down one after another, and they were all alone in a short time. Yu Qingtang stood in the corridor waiting for the second bell, and at the end of the field of vision, a figure appeared unhurriedly. The boy had a fair face and a height of 1.8 meters. He was dressed casually in school uniform. to the eyes.

He looked leisurely, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and swung forward with his hands in his pockets.

He's handsome and pretentious, and most girls of this age would scream for him.

This person is Xiang Tianyou, a problem student in Class 7.

There was at least one minute left before the class bell, and Xiang Tianyou calculated that this time was enough for him to wander into the classroom.

He looked around casually, and suddenly his body froze, with an unnatural look on his face.

Yu Qingtang stood not far in front of him, looking at him calmly.

Yu Qingtang is not the kind of head teacher who doesn't pay attention to poor students. If a problem student in a class is ignored, it will lead to more and more problems. Before the joint event, Xiang Tianyou was also a frequent visitor to her office, even if she didn't match her appearance and name. But her gaze had never once made Xiang Tianyou feel guilty, as if a stone had been pressed against her heart.

Wasn't it just a home visit? no big deal. Xiang Tianyou convinced himself in his heart, and summoned the courage to face Yu Qingtang's eyes.

When the distance between the two was reduced to three meters, Xiang Tianyou tilted his head and looked out of the corridor, zipping the school uniform in a very casual manner.

His heart was beating a little faster, and out of the corner of his eye, he swept Yu Qingtang's face.

Yu Qingtang looked at him for a moment, and said coldly, "Aren't you afraid of hunchback?"

She slapped Xiang Tianyou on the back and said, "Class is over, hurry in."

Xiang Tianyou was so dazed that he even forgot about Dangyou, and walked towards the classroom door.

He was tall, and appeared at the door to block the sunlight behind him, casting a shadow. The classmates inside looked at him subconsciously, Xiang Tianyou was hot behind him, he straightened his back and walked to his seat and sat down.

Guo Fang patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Xiang."

"Brother Xiang?"

"Brother Xiang Xiang brother Xiang brother."

Xiang Tianyou slowly returned to his senses, and said impatiently, "Soul, let your farts go."

Guo Fang said: "Have you done the math paper? The special paper issued last Friday is the one that everyone is rushing to do."

Xiang Tianyou looked at him with an unbelievable look, and then lowered his voice and said, "Are you sick? I usually copy your papers, so would I do this?"

Guo Fang said: "Ask, do an investigation, don't be so angry. When I asked them, they all said they did it, absolutely."

Xiang Tianyou sneered, "I'm sick."

Guo Fang smiled: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Guo Fang leaned over and was going back, opened the math textbook on the table, and took a pen and turned it around.

Xiang Tianyou's eyes flashed twice, his long hand stretched out, and he tapped Guo Fang's desk with his fingers.

Guo Fang: "?"

Xiang Tianyou asked casually, "Have you done that paper?"

Guo Fang said with a smile: "I did it."

Xiang Tianyou: "..."


He gave Guo Fang a thumbs up, laughed inexplicably, and said, "You are awesome.

Guo Fang wasn't too afraid of him, Xiang Tianyou looked like a bad boy, but he wasn't fierce. The group of them gathered around him mainly because he was rich and generous, and other reasons such as the worst grades and good looks. The most handsome girl likes them. They have developed sports cells and play basketball well. All kinds of things add up to become their boss, not by playing bravely.

City No. 1 Middle School is the top priority in the city, and it is unrealistic for them to go out and fight with people every day.

He Wenhong, a senior in high school, was a real thorn in his head. He circulated criticisms from the whole school every three weeks and five times. In comparison, Xiang Tianyou is like a child playing at home.

jingle bell -

When the class bell rang, Yu Qingtang walked in.

The fourth quarter in the morning is usually the time when the students are the most sleepy, but in the class teacher's class, everyone worked hard to cheer up and sit upright.

Yu Qingtang walked to the podium and said, "I copied the answer from last Friday's paper on the blackboard, and everyone can check it out for themselves. If you don't understand, ask your classmates after class, or go to the office and ask me."

After she finished speaking, she stopped talking, folded a piece of chalk, and copied it on the blackboard against a piece of paper in her hand.

The classmates below took out the test papers one after another, and Xiang Tianyou found the blank test paper in the history book on the belly of the table.

Yu Qingtang didn't go down after copying, and didn't look at everyone's right or wrong situation.

Xiang Tianyou copied the answer in a corner of the blank space on the back of the paper. After copying it, he was stunned for a while, then smiled self-deprecatingly, and put the test paper back into the history book.

Yu Qingtang was surrounded by the podium after class.

"Mr. Yu..." They were all students who came to ask questions with papers.

Yu Qingtang's hands were stained with chalk dust, and before he could take a pat, he used the blackboard behind him to practice the problem-solving steps for them.

Guo Fang stared at Xiang Tianyou.

Xiang Tianyou was covered in hair when he saw him, snapped the math book closed, tutted irritably, and said, "Why?"

Guo Fang said, "Do you have something growing on your back?"

Xiang Tianyou: "You still have horns on your head!"

Guo Fang said, "Then why do you always turn your head to look at your back during a class?"

Xiang Tianyou stalked: "Do I have it?"

Guo Fang said, "You have it, you have it." He demonstrated to Xiang Tianyou, his neck was almost twisted to 180 degrees, and his eyes turned down.

Xiang Tianyou kicked the corner of his desk: "Go go go go."

Yu Qingtang was condescending, cast a faint glance at the back row from the podium, and when Xiang Tianyou met her gaze, he lowered his head subconsciously.


He cursed himself inwardly.

The classmates in the classroom walked almost, and there were only two or three left on the podium. Yu Qingtang was inspiring the students to think of the second problem-solving idea. Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure at the door.

"The set of function values ​​of y=f(x) on the interval [m, n]..."

Yu Qingtang's words suddenly paused, the classmates followed her gaze, Cheng Zhanxi was standing at the door of the class, with a long body and a smile on her face.

They were stunned.

"Hello, Teacher Cheng."

Cheng Zhanxi walked in, found a desk and sat down, saying, "You are busy with your work, don't worry about me."

Cheng Zhanxi, who was sitting at Yu Qingtang's desk and watching the scenery outside the window, did not noticeably speed up his speech.

"Goodbye Teacher Yu, goodbye Teacher Cheng."

The students said goodbye obediently, left the classroom with their schoolbags on their backs, hurried out of the corridor, and then started chatting and gossiping about the love between teachers and teachers.

In the classroom, Cheng Zhanxi got up from the desk, walked to Yu Qingtang, and looked up at her.

Yu Qingtang stood on the podium, and there was a height difference between the two. Standing at this angle, Yu Qingtang suddenly imagined a picture in his mind: Cheng Zhanxi stood under the podium, wrapped his arms around her waist from front to back, hugged her down, and placed her in front of him.

The next second, her waist tightened, two soft arms wrapped around her waist, her body hung in the air, and fell together, her feet stepped on the ground, and in front of her was Cheng Zhanxi with a smile.

Back at the familiar height, she needed to lift her face slightly to see her clearly.

She actually took her down!

Yu Qingtang looked at the door on a conditioned reflex, and the two students walked past with their shoulders shoulders.

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Yu Qingtang frowned and looked at Cheng Zhanxi, Cheng Zhanxi raised his hand and assured, "I noticed that when I hugged you just now, no one was there."

Yu Qingtang said in her heart: Is this a matter of no one?

Cheng Zhanxi skillfully held her hand and shook it, and said coquettishly, "Sister Yu, I'm hungry."

Yu Qingtang wanted to say seriously, "Let's not set an example", but somehow couldn't say it, and couldn't even slap his face.

She controlled the urge to raise the corners of her mouth, barely maintaining a calm expression and said, "I'll go wash my hands first, and then we'll go to the cafeteria to eat."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded obediently: "Okay."

Yu Qingtang's facial muscles twitched with difficulty, she hurriedly walked two steps, grabbed in front of her, lowered her head, and the corners of her lips raised silently.

She entered the bathroom, and Cheng Zhanxi was waiting outside the door.

Yu Qingtang turned on the faucet, the cold water wrapped around the thin white knuckles and washed away the chalk dust on it.

Yu Qingtang looked down at her waist, her cheeks filled with warmth.

She came out of it, Cheng Zhanxi took the unfolded tissue and wanted to wipe her hands, but Yu Qingtang took it and said softly, "I'll do it myself."

Teacher Cheng took care of her a little too well. If this goes on, she will even lose her ability to take care of herself. I wonder if she is so considerate to other friends.

Yu Qingtang tilted her head and glanced at Cheng Zhanxi, the emotions in her eyes were complicated and difficult to distinguish.

On the way to the cafeteria, Cheng Zhanxi's phone vibrated again.

She took it out when it was time to eat and unlocked the screen.

[Lu Yubin]: Has Mr. Cheng been to this store? [Share link]

Cheng Zhanxi's eyes were cold, he deleted the message without hesitation, and put down his phone.

Before that, she also deleted a greeting.

Cheng Zhanxi has never been short of suitors, and has a variety of methods. For a basic rank like Lu Yubin, she can see through the purpose with a single sentence. Cold treatment a few times, as long as the other party is not stupid, it is impossible to understand her meaning.

Cheng Zhanxi took a sip of soup and looked at Yu Qingtang who was using chopsticks to bring rice to her mouth. She chewed with small mouthfuls, her cheeks bulged slightly, like a small furry animal, and her expression couldn't help softening a bit.

Xu is because her gaze was too intense, Yu Qingtang stopped his chopsticks, raised his head and asked her in a low voice, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Cheng Zhanxi flicked the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks and said with a smile, "Eat."

She ate with Yu Qingtang's beauty and smiled freely.

Yu Qingtang's drooping eyes glanced at the phone she put aside, and pursed her lips indistinctly.


"About Xiang Tianyou, does Teacher Cheng have any suggestions?" On the way home at noon, Yu Qingtang asked Cheng Zhanxi's trust.

The hot sun was melting, Cheng Zhanxi raised his hand to unbutton the white casual suit jacket, Yu Qingtang's eyes stayed on her chest for a second, and quickly looked away.

"Huh? Are you talking about his father or himself?" Cheng Zhanxi unhurriedly untied the last button and turned his head to look over.

The movement of turning her head greatly moved her body, and the curve wrapped by the embroidered white shirt fluctuated with her breathing, blatantly appearing in front of her eyes.

Yu Qingtang's mind was blank for half a second, she tried her best to keep her eyes on her face, controlled her peripheral vision not to glance at her, and said, "...Both."

Cheng Zhanxi grabbed the cuff with one hand, Yu Qingtang raised the handle naturally, Cheng Zhanxi took off the jacket lightly and put it in the crook of his arm, leaving only a classic white shirt inside, which outlined a slim figure. Linglong, she reached out and brushed the long curly chestnut hair behind her, and said, "Xiang Kang is stubborn and basically unable to communicate. It is very unlikely that a person in his forties will change his mind. It is recommended to give up."

"What about Xiangtianyou?"

"I think about it, in two days, no, I'll give you the answer tomorrow, okay?"

"You don't need to give an answer, I'm just asking casually." Yu Qingtang said seriously, "This is my responsibility, not yours."

"Yours is mine."

Cheng Zhanxi said this with no serious expression or serious tone. She said it casually while walking, as if it was a matter of course, and there was no need to discuss it.

Yu Qingtang looked at the woman's profile expressionlessly, but her heart was churning and extremely uneasy.

A question is almost taking shape.

She followed Cheng Zhanxi back to the famous mansion in silence, took the elevator upstairs together, and separated in the corridor.

"good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, see you later." Cheng Zhanxi waved to her.

Yu Qingtang held the doorknob of 2101, was quiet for a while, and closed the door.

Yu Qingtang put on his pajamas and lay on the bed, closing his eyes, the thoughts in his mind were disorganized and could not make sense. She often takes naps like this recently, and she has to force herself to repeat "sleep" in her mind before she can fall asleep in a daze.


quarter past two in the afternoon.

Senior year group office.

Cheng Zhanxi put his index finger on the center of his lips, and "shhh" the chemistry teacher who came to pour water with a water glass. The chemistry teacher nodded knowingly when she saw Yu Qingtang in the office chair with her eyes closed.

Ge Jing sent a text message to Yang Li: [Mr. Yu has been in a bad mood recently, so she has to rest for a while every time]

Yang Li vaguely felt that she was about to start smoking again, waiting for Teacher Ge's next post.

Ge Jing said: [In the past, Teacher Cheng slept, is this a husband and wife relationship? 】

Yang Li thought to herself: Teacher Ge, as expected of you.

Ge Jing said: [And the two of them went home together at noon. Could it be that they did something and were tired? 】

Yang Li: [I don't understand, start talking? 】

Ge Jing: [[Squint eyes]]

Yang Li: [[Squint eyes]]

Yu Qingtang rubbed his sore brows, returned the U-shaped pillow to Cheng Zhanxi, and went outside the corridor to blow air.

A trace of worry appeared on Cheng Zhanxi's face.

Yu Qingtang woke up the chaotic brain, and during the process of returning to Zhanxi's desk, Cheng Zhanxi smiled at her, Yu Qingtang nodded politely, her eyes were as calm as water, without waves.

Cheng Zhanxi groaned slightly in his heart.

Yu Qingtang had evening self-study tonight and refused Cheng Zhanxi's invitation to dinner. She ordered a takeaway and went to the school gate to take it to the office.

A serving of fish-flavored shredded pork rice was filled with shredded carrots, shredded bamboo shoots, and fungus at a glance. The meat was pitifully small. Yu Qingtang ate it without changing his face, just like her past year, every month, every day. , every moment.

The door of 2102 is wide open. Today, Cheng Zhanxi is stewing black chicken soup, and the corridor is fragrant.

Yu Qingtang kept walking and walked towards the door of 2101. When Cheng Zhanxi stopped her, she had already opened the door of 2101.

Cheng Zhanxi: "does Teacher Yu drink soup?"

Yu Qingtang's knuckles turning white while holding the doorknob, slowly turned around and politely refused: "Thank you, Teacher Cheng, I'm sleepy and want to go to bed early."

Cheng Zhanxi's smile didn't change: "Okay, then I'll save the little wontons for you tomorrow morning, come to my house in the morning, and we'll agree."

Yu Qingtang's thin lips moved, as if she wanted to say something to her, and lowered her eyes.

"I... went to bed." Her voice was soft.

Cheng Zhanxi really didn't hear it, and said, "By the way, I thought of a way about what you said about Xiang Tianyou during the day."

Yu Qingtang's eyes lit up a little bit, and it was very little. She walked into the corridor, holding the doorknob behind her, and asked, "What?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Take him out to play."

Yu Qingtang entered the work mode in a second and sincerely asked for advice: "Where are you going?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "You can investigate. I think the playground is good, both adults and children. Has Mr. Yu ever been to the playground?"

Yu Qingtang shook his head.

Cheng Zhanxi said that it would be better.

"Let's just go to the playground. If you like excitement, you can take a roller coaster or a jumping machine. If you can't, let's go to the carousel."

"We?" Yu Qingtang sharply grasped a word.

Cheng Zhanxi's big eyes were watery, and he pretended to be pitiful: "I haven't been to the playground for a long time, can't you bring me one?"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Cheng Zhanxi hit the railroad while it was hot: "In case neither of you have been there, I can still be a consultant for you."

This point undoubtedly moved Yu Qingtang, but the candidate for the consultant...

Yu Qingtang bit her lip: "...Let's talk about it." The big deal was that she went to step on the spot in advance, and she first figured out the playground by herself, so she couldn't find Teacher Cheng anymore.

She invisibly allowed Cheng Zhanxi to occupy too much of her private space and time, which caused her to close her eyes and everything was related to her. Although she couldn't remember what it was, it had seriously affected her life and work. .

She has to figure out a way to solve this problem.

Yu Qingtang calmed down and said, "Thank you Teacher Cheng for your suggestion, I went back to sleep."

Cheng Zhanxi reminded her with a smile: "Don't forget tomorrow's breakfast, I bought shepherd's purse and ready-made small wontons in the evening."

Yu Qingtang looked at her for a few seconds, and finally lowered her eyes and replied softly, "Okay."


The solution to Mr. Yu's poor sleep at noon: go to Mr. Cheng's house to sleep (*/ω\*)