After Escaping Marriage [GL]

~: The second physical education class.

Cheng Zhanxi pulled over a loud speaker, and when the shocking and dynamic music sounded, all the gym classes on the playground turned their heads to look.

Cheng Zhanxi took his classmates to stand under the shade of the tree, and like last time, he danced as a whole first, and then dismantled the movements. Those who had dance skills had already danced well. There was a boy who danced Popping, there was a segment on the scene, as a fun show, the students were all cheering, and the scene was screaming constantly.

The boy blushed a little after the dance, and Tong Feifei applauded vigorously and said loudly, "Great!"

Others chimed in.

The boy returned to the back row, and several boys took turns to punch him on the shoulder, saying that he had secretly hidden such a powerful hand.

Class 17 of Senior High School is a new class group. It has only been more than a month since the military training. The active physical education class has greatly enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the class.

The physical education class of Class 7 was lively and interesting, with a lot of laughter.

The other classes onlookers were envious.

The school post bar has opened post after post, all discussing the new physical education teacher.

Before leaving, Lian Yabing, the math class representative from Class 7 who came to pick up the papers, whispered to Cheng Zhanxi at the desk next to her.

"Mr. Cheng, other classes are envious of us having such a good physical education teacher as you."

"Really?" Cheng Zhanxi was surprised, and immediately said seriously, "Then I have to work hard and continue to make them envy you."

Lian Yabing seems to be possessed by Tong Feifei, and she confuses her face and says, "Mr. Cheng, you are too cute."

Cheng Zhanxi looked back at Yu Qingtang, who continued to prepare lessons with his head down, and called her, "Mr. Yu."

Yu Qingtang looked up.

"Your class representative said I was cute, are you jealous?"

Yu Qingtang: "???"

Lian Yabing: "!!!"

Seems to know something amazing.

Lian Yabing returned to class with the test paper, and divided the paper.

The class bell rings, this class is self-study.

Lian Yabing wrote the paper for a while, and whispered at the same table with her: "Guess what shocking gossip I just heard in the office."

"What gossip?"

Lian Yabing's cheeks turned pink with excitement, and she talked like that.

The same table said: "Why do I think Teacher Cheng means that her class representative praises you, so Teacher Yu is jealous of her."

Lian Yabing immediately made a solemn statement: "No! I don't deserve it!"

Deskmate: " don't have to belittle yourself so much?"

"It's not that I belittle myself." Lian Yabing lowered her voice and said, "Let me tell you a secret, don't tell others, Teacher Yu doesn't even remember my face."

The same table shocked face: "This..."

Lian Yabing nodded: "It's true." As the representative of the mathematics class who has had the most contact with Yu Qingtang, Lian Yabing has confirmed this cruel reality through getting along for the past month.

The tablemate patted her on the shoulder.

Lian Yabing said, "I'm not sad, the cp I'm drinking is real!"

Deskmate: "what about Mr. Wen?"

Before Cheng Zhanxi was elected as the most popular teacher in Class 7, this title belonged to Wen Zhihan.

Wen Zhihan is beautiful, but not as cold as Yu Qingtang. He is soft and gentle, and his face is pleasant. The seventh class in physics is among the best in the whole grade.

Lian Yabing struggled for a while, unable to choose the level, she gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't Teacher Wen stay with me."

The tablemate pushed her with a smile: "You want to be beautiful." She held her chin, her thoughts were flying, and she imagined, "I still hope that Teacher Yu and Teacher Wen can be together. The two of them graduated from college and come here to teach together. , as soon as you hear it, there is a story.”

Lian Yabing wanted to say more, but suddenly saw the head teacher's face from the back door window of the class.

Lian Yabing: "!!!"

Even Ya Bing didn't dare to look carefully, she slapped the tablemate's hand under her chin with a slap, and while she lowered her head to make a paper, she winked wildly at her from the corner of her eyes.

The same table immediately sat upright, writing and writing, only regretting that I didn't have four hands!

Yu Qingtang walked from the back door to the front door and appeared at the door.

The buzzing sound that had been humming before the self-study class suddenly fell silent.

Yu Qingtang came in and took away two comics, a novel, and a kindle—the school is not allowed to bring any electronic products, and said lightly, "Continue to study by yourself."

The whole class was silent until after the self-study get out of class, when they let out a sigh of relief and became agitated again.

As soon as Yu Qingtang entered the office, the biology teacher at the desk near the door asked casually, "What did Teacher Yu take back?"

Yu Qingtang raised his hand and said, "A few books."

Yu Qingtang sat in his seat and flipped through the comics and books he had collected.

When she turned to the last comic, she was taken aback.

When I received it, I didn't pay attention to the cover, but now I found out that it was a cartoon of two women. It turned out to be a cartoon of Lily. The same-sex marriage bill was passed two years ago. Available in physical bookstores and online stores.

Yu Qingtang opened the first page, and his pupils contracted slightly.

It's still the two women on the cover, but the version without clothes.

Intuitive and bold, the expression is in place, the water splashes everywhere, and there is no buffer at all.

Yu Qingtang's eyelids jumped, and Cheng Zhanxi, who was sitting in front of him subconsciously, who was reading quietly, looked over.

Cheng Zhanxi felt her gaze, looked up at her, and blinked suspiciously.

Yu Qingtang snapped the book closed.


Unknown classmate: After the incident, I have to hide my merits and fame.

Very "that" Lily comic: Thank you for your invitation, I will still have my role in the future.