After Getting A Job in the Nether World, I Became Famous

Chapter 17

Biquge, the fastest update after part-time impermanence I red the latest chapter!

As soon as the wrong door was supposed to be entered, he was caught by the two impermanence next door. It was like stealing into the police house. Lan He and Lao Bai tore the detained ropes and bound them to Juehui Temple. They were covered with mist all the time.

"Look, you don't have too many hooks. I don't know that we have an impermanent trick called impermanence. After hitting it, we hook dozens of ghosts and it's hard to escape." Lao Bai showed him, "It's not like Yincaodifu, their escape rate is much higher."

He rubbed secretly and began to diss Yinyindifu because he already knew that Yan San had the idea of ​​digging a corner. Although Lan He shouldn't be there, he must plan ahead.

Without much pressure, Lan He really learned.

Lao Bai laughed: "Also said that you don't want to be impermanent. Isn't this a serious study?"

Lan He glanced at him: "Lao Bai, have you seen four words written on my head."

Lao Bai: "I see."

Lan He: "Read it."

Lao Bai: "All come here..."

Lao Bai: "..."

...Okay, he got it.

When I arrived at Juehui Temple, I saw a lot of wandering souls. Occasionally passers-by walked through their bodies, and those wandering ghosts with low ghost power would blur out for a while, and it would take a long time to gather back.

"I'm afraid it's a way to meet today, so hilarious. That's great. I took the opportunity to get in together and spend too much time." Lao Bai listened carefully, and there was indeed a chanting sound.

The temple held the Super Dharma Meeting, and natural wandering souls were listening to the scriptures by the side, hoping to get a chance to get super. There will be a content in the chanting mantra that invites ghosts to come to the meeting with their souls. This is an invitation to let them in.

"Come on lord, come on lord!"

Lan He suddenly yelled to himself. At first glance, it was Xu Gui in a long shirt. His figure seemed to be much more condensed than last time. "It's you, Xu Gui."

"Come here, Master, and this old man." Xu Gui made a smirk, and smiled happily, "Please two of you. Come on, Master, I just ate the food inside. You are late. Come in and eat." ."

"Oh!" Lan He thought of Su Zhai of Juehui Temple, clutching Laobai, "Chong!"

After entering, Lan He realized that he wanted to go wrong. Naturally, there were offerings at the Fa, but it was not a vegetarian restaurant, but fragrant flowers and fruits. Lan He chose to eat some, but he was eating fruit at night, which was a bit boring.

"If I fluttered here to find food, would the monk be caught and beaten?" Lan He asked Laobai hesitantly.

Lao Bai: "Wearing in a uniform, what are you afraid of. If you meet a monk, you will come to the Fa conference and get lost."

Lan He: "Can be."

Lan He floated toward the living area of ​​the monks in Juehui Temple, looking for a cook. He even saw Song Futan in a courtyard. He slept casually on a wooden couch by the window. The window opened, and the moonlight and Lan He's eyes It fell on his beautiful face together.

"Huh..." Lan He wasn't surprised and wondered for a long time. Song Futan and Juehui Temple had a similar origin. It's not surprising that they appeared here.

Lan He almost didn't think, so he floated down, looked around for a while, squatted down to blow cool air to his neck, "Hoo-Huo -"

Song Futan recites the mantra and gradually falls asleep. The feeling of coldness on his neck makes him slowly open his eyes. Generally, this kind of wind blowing on the neck is a precursor to the appearance of ghosts. He has been mentally prepared and opened his eyes. But he saw Xiao Lai crouching beside the bed and scared him: "Slightly."

Song Futan was stunned for a moment, then realized that this should be his dream. When Jin Lun mantra read, he really dreamed that Xiaolai was coming.

Even in a dream, Song Futan also looked at him directly and said, "You are here."

"Ah? You are too calm, don't you feel surprised at all!" Lan He thought he could scare Song Futan away, which is too calm, it is a common ghost, "I sent it with my colleagues I came here to find the food, but I didn't expect to see you there too."

Song Futan: "?"

He was a little strange in his heart, why the dream was so complete, and even brought a plot that he didn't even know. Colleague, do you mean the yin difference of that Yin Cao Di Fu?

However, whether it is a dream, there are still absurd bugs. Dongyue Yinsi's yin difference, how to **** the wronged soul to Juehui Temple.

Song Futan ignored the bug, and just followed: "Do you want me to take the way to the kitchen to wake me up?"

"It was discovered by you. I think you must know where to eat it." Lan He took the hook, "Hey, why don't you go and eat with me, so convenient. I seem to be more used to seeing your soul body."


Song Futan is willing to come out of the soul because she is dreaming while facing Xiaolai.

Lan He pulled him off and pulled out his hand again.

Song Futan took Lan He's hand, completely separated from the body, and stood up.

The contact between soul and soul is a wonderful touch. He thought that it would be a dream to hold hands, but he felt quite real.

"Come with me, don't you eat well in your work unit?" Song Futan thought of the legendary ghostly hunger for a meal, and felt that Xiaolai was really very thin.

"It's too bad!" Lan He thought of Liu Liuyang, "Woo, my boss won't let me be full."

Although he was in a dream, Song Futan still felt too pitiful when he looked like Xiaolai. This is a reflection of reality.

Song Futan immediately took him to the kitchen. "There are some carrot cakes and vegetarian steaks here too. It's a supper prepared by my cousin. You ate it all."

The radish cake made of shredded white radish and sticky rice noodles reveals the fragrance and sweetness of the radish. It is soft and delicious. The salty and sweetness is just right, not greasy at all. The vegetarian steak is actually made of dried beans. After pouring the soup, it can be almost fake, the color and fragrance are very close to the meat dishes.

Lan He ate it happily, "I have heard that Jue Hui Temple's Su Zhai tastes absolutely delicious, and finally I ate it. I just found it for a long time. How do they cook the food, how does it taste particularly good?"

Song Futan: "The back kitchen told me that the Shurangama Sutra will be placed when cooking."

Lan He: "..."

Lan He shouted: "I don't believe it! Don't lie to us, the impermanence of Dongyue!"

Song Futan thinks he is really cute, "because of the calmness of the "Lang Yan Jing", you can burn a high level of vegetarian dishes."

Lan He: "Okay, this makes a little more sense."

Both in his dreams and without worry, Song Futan asked him: "If you are hungry later, come to Juehui Temple to eat? What do you like to eat, you can tell me and prepare in advance."

Lan He: "Good!!!"

Song Futan looked at his happy spirit and smiled. Immediately afterwards, if this is not a dream, how good.

It was at this moment that Lao Bai Piao Piao suddenly came over, "Little, have you found something to eat, and I am hungry too--who is this?"

"This is a friend of mine." Lan He waved and introduced Song Futan. "This is my colleague Lao Bai."

Song Futan: "Old White??"

His expression was incredible, and even Lao Bai was a little inexplicable, "Yes... me, is there anything wrong?"

Song Futan suddenly felt wrong. He hadn't seen Lao Bai. The man holding the golden wheel curse was the one who dreamed of night dreams, but how could he never dream of it?

He asked calmly: "Am I dreaming?"

Lan He: "Dream? What are you talking about?"

Song Futan: "..."

Lan He reacted for a while, then said in consternation: "Ah, do you think you have been dreaming?"

Song Futan: "............"

He slowly raised his head and rubbed his eyebrows. Although he wanted to see Xiaolai, this was not the result he wanted...

Lao Bai is still outside the situation: "what is the situation, what is this man doing, whether he died or not."

Song Futan said with a headache: "However, you are Dongyue Yin Si Yin, why did you come to Juehui Temple to attend the Dharma Meeting, and promised me to come often."

"Wait, you think I can't appear in Juehui Temple, so I think this is a dream?" Lan He thought he had found the point, "but Lao Bai and I came to take advantage of it."

Song Futan: "..."

Lao Bai continued to go beyond the situation: "What's the matter? Do I still have something to eat?"

Song Futan took out another dish from under the gauze cover and handed it to Lao Bai. Lao Bai took the food and said nothing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you are too funny! I said you were shocked by me, how could it be so calm, it turned out to be a dream." Lan He later recalled more, "ha ha ha ha ha Haha!"

Song Futan felt more embarrassed than Lan He understood. He tried to remain calm in front of Lan He, "but you still rarely come here, I will take you away."

He comes to Juehui Temple frequently, but he has never seen Xiaolai before.

Lan He immediately agreed, "Let's walk around and wait until Lao Bai finishes eating."


When the two went out, they could still hear the chanting sound. The monks' super-dharma meeting was still going on. If they floated higher, they could see the ghosts who prayed for superbness.

"Actually yesterday, I still thought of you and the little lame donkey, not in a dream, I didn't expect to meet again." Lan He laughed authentically, and was amused by the one just now.

When Song Futan heard his words, he unconsciously wrote a prose, well, he was thinking of me.

Lan He chatted with him while floating on the roof, and saw a young monk sitting in the courtyard, sitting motionless in front of the stone table, as if settled.

Lan He looked familiar, and said that this is not the Sage Master. It is said that it is the youngest head of Juehui Temple in history, that is, the temple, the abbot’s left arm and right arm, the position is very important, plus the handsome and handsome, also It's been a while online.

It is said that not only the net celebrities, but also the Dharma are profound and well-known in the industry...

At this time, several monks entered the yard, and an old monk walking in the front was holding a cane in his hand, and his face was wrinkled, but his eyes were clear and he was tall, walking in the most common monk clothes. At the front.

Seeing Sikong sitting there in a daze, the old monk asked, "What is Sikong doing?"

Sikong returned to his mind and said in a hurry: "I'm thinking, how to get rid of the heat, how to meditate."

"Why don't you avoid it?" The old monk raised his cane and pumped himself at Sikong.

Don't look at the old man's age, when he moved, his sleeves rolled up, his muscles were bulging, and he was half a head taller than Sikong.

The quiet and beautiful Master Sikong jumped up at once, and his face wrinkled with pain, and he bowed to the old monk tremblingly.

Who knows that the old monk pumped over again, and Sikong received another shot, and his teeth grinned: "I know, I can't be hard-hearted, I will blow the fan to meditate!"

The old monk then put away the crutches, "Go!"

He saw Si Kong lingering away, and asked the monk beside him.

Lan He stunned, "Who is this?"

Song Futan said: "The abbot here does not move the mage and is also the master of the previous monk."

No wonder dare to think about Sikong. It turned out to be Master plus abbot. Lan He also had a little impression of the name. Sometimes he would see it in the news. The famous old monk. But the immovable mage he imagined, or every old monk, should be kind-hearted and kind-hearted, and the way he beats people with a stick is too cruel.

Lan He itched his throat and couldn't help saying: "What did that mean just now? When he talked, he beat him with a stick."

Song Futan: "That's not a walking stick."

Lan He: "Ah? What is it?"

Song Futan: "It's a stick he used to hit people."

Lan He: "???

Lan He shocked and said: "... so old, this abbot is still a monk."

Song Futan was amused and laughed aloud, "Have you ever heard of drinking in the head?"

Lan He didn’t believe in Buddha and heard this idiom, "Of course, it was suddenly scary, let them understand the truth... Hey, do you mean that the master was just drinking it right now? Was it really hit with a stick?"

"This is Lin Jizong's expertise, and the Buddhist community is known as "General Lin Ji."" Song Futan explained leisurely.

In fact, there are many kinds of monks. Not everyone is so gentle with a smile and a punch.

The style of Lin Jizong has always been very strong.

When Linji's first ancestor and Yixuan Master practiced, it was not that the bar was drunk once or twice, but was asked three times, and was beaten by the stick three times. Master Deshan Xuanjian is even more fierce, and his apprentice can play 30 sticks when he speaks, and 30 sticks if he doesn’t speak.

Deshan stick, Linji drink, is the origin of "top drink".

But everyone moves the stick to make people enlighten. After they became famous, some people imitated, beat, and drink, but if they didn't play hard, they would be useless, then it would not be called stern, it would be reckless, and it would be ridiculed.

This immovable mage is very retro and good at drinking disciples, which is rare today. Because of his ancient style, he also studied the "Vajra Sutra", and he is also known as the Vajra Master in the industry.

What's more, there are different types of Lin Jizong's sticks, there are different types, there are moves, there are sticks that allow scholars to return to the right way, there are sticks that verify the reality, and there are encouragement sticks, and so on.

The most powerful one is called blind plus blind stick. This kind of stick is unreasonable. Raise your hand and play...

"Blind with blind stick? Just hit you, don't choose the reason." Lan He knew for the first time, "Dangdang stick drink" is still such a system, and it is a special style of this genre. He swallowed and praised: "Great, Lin Jizong is the Buddha that the macho men should cultivate!!"

Song Futan: "............"

At this time, the old monk who looked down suddenly looked up and looked sharply, very sharp.

Lan He suddenly seemed to be blown by the wind of the North Pole, but the Master only glanced at it, smiled, and left the courtyard.

Lan He was silent for a while before recovering. "Did he see us?"

Song Futan said: "Always see it."

Lan He embarrassed: "Then I just said that they are strong men, wouldn't they also hear..."

Song Futan just wanted to comfort, Lan He soon came over lively, "That should be fine, I praise them!"

Song Futan: "..."

Lan He simply sat on the rooftop and chatted with Song Futan. "I heard that there has been some chaos in the capital recently. No wonder you are always away from the soul. Be careful."

Seeing that he cared about himself, Song Futan nodded, "I know. You are busy too." There was no time for even a meal.

"It's okay. By the way, the gatekeeper who gave us a trip last time, my friend knocked off one of his teeth, ha ha ha ha ha!" Lan He shared Song Futan with Huang Quan The follow-up of the experience.

Seeing his smiling eyes, Song Futan couldn't help but feel the uneasy jump in his heart and said, "My surname is Song..."

Tell me your name? Lan He was half surprised and half clear, just like he had been waiting for this moment.

However, Song Futan just said two words, his figure moved back uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with this?" Lan He jumped up.

"...I'm going to regain my soul." Song Futan just said annoyedly, and was sent away by the breeze that nowhere came.

"Eh!" Lan He smiled immediately, even though he didn't hear the name, but at least knew that the other party had this heart, he jumped up and waved, beckoning easily, "Forget it, let's talk about it next time!"


Song Futan only felt that in a blink of an eye, he turned around and returned to his body. When he opened his eyes again, Dou Chunting was nervously lying on the bed to watch him, "Cousin, are you okay? I think you are away Soul, quickly find Master Sikong to get you back, he said that fortunately you didn’t go far...It’s terrible, and you can get away from the soul in the temple."

Song Futan looked at Dou Chunting blankly.

Dou Chunting: "Cousin?"

Song Futan stood up and began to beat her cousin.


Ying Shao Shou was so fast that the sky was so bright that he couldn't do anything about it, or nothing appeared.

He was depressed, "Are you kidding me, and said that I want to look good tonight and waste me so much money!"

The disciples were also very depressed. Not only were their enthusiasm eroded, they mainly spent money, "That is, they are so poor."

"No, it may be to paralyze us. We must come at the last moment." Ying Shao washed his cold water face and tried to open his eyes. Then the body suddenly shuddered and scared even a teacher shouted.

"Brother, what's wrong, brother!"

"Is it a curse?"

"It's okay..." Yingshao took out his mobile phone, "Here's a text message."

He opened it and saw it was an unfamiliar number. There was only one sentence in it: You are ruthless! Just wait and see!

Ying Shao: "?"

are you crazy.

When Lan He got up early to go downstairs for breakfast, he saw Ying Shao hanging two big dark circles and was also buying soy milk fritters. The two looked at each other, "Good morning."

Lan He asked: "Did you not sleep all night?"

Ying Shao reluctantly smiled, "Yeah."

Lan He deliberately said: "Hey, I sleep soundly."

Ying Shao: "..."

White Gu is confused! White Gu is confused!

I haven’t heard any gossip, and there is nothing to disturb my neighbor! It's totally helping the neighbors sleep!


Lan He rested at home for another night before meeting at the shooting location in the suburbs the next day.

The yards here are quite old, or the buildings in this area are relatively old, and there is a scenic spot of a folk village nearby.

Cheng Haidong quickly began to gossip and said that the director had originally taken a good look at the scene. He rented a house as a shooting location. Who knew that something went wrong temporarily, and some people in the village drank too much, and even hit several courtyard walls, even the house. After some damage, even the well-deployed scene is in vain.

Liu Yan Yang died, and temporarily selected another house to re-set the scene, which took two days, because it cost a lot of money.

Chen Xingyang said, "Then it's all Kang, you have to sleep in the chase shop."

During the shooting, the conditions were more difficult than this. Lan He nodded.

Lan He, Cheng Haidong, and Chen Xingyang all lived in different rooms in the same yard with Liu Chunyang. Because the yard was temporarily changed, they were not fully packed when they arrived and waited outside the yard for a while.

The host here is surnamed Yang. Zhang Luo gave them the youngest son of the family. The crew called him Xiao Yang, who was very enthusiastic.

A crew came and a lot of people in the village stood by and watched, "Oh, the money was made for the Yang family again. I said that the luck of his family was really good. If they signed a contract, they would all hit and run to his family. ."

"I heard that I have added more money. How much would he earn from a family, three or four yards..."

Cheng Haidong listened and whispered, "Then this family is good enough. Although the village is far away, such a large plot of land has a unique history. You can rent it out to make money, and you can make a lot of money by making a homestay. I feel much more comfortable."

He said, rubbing his waist again.

"You want to eat hot pot every day. It is inconvenient to live here to eat hot pot." Lan He comforted him a few words.

It was quite tiring to shoot in another place. Chen Xingyu and Lao Lin were only half a day late. They deliberately took Miao Miao to see them. These days they have had a much easier time.

At this time, the Chen Xingyu couple already trusted Lan He very much. When he was holding Miaomiao, Lao Lin was chatting with Chen Xingyang outside, and Chen Xingyu also took a nap-even if it was not a big worry, such a small baby, still brought up Very tired.

Lan He took the opportunity to take Miss Hu's fingernails out, set it down a little, and wrapped it in paper to light it.

As the flame burned his nails and burst into a light blue flame, Lan He felt as if he had burst on himself. He seemed to know what to do next, and--

Lan He raised his left hand, his nails did not know when he had grown a big cut like the girl Hu, sharp and extremely cold.

Lan He glanced behind him, fortunately, there was no fox tail.

He seized the time, and the hand with the nails covered his head, and Miao Miao saw his hand, not afraid, but laughed instead.

"Don't you recognize this hand, too?" Lan He smiled at him, and then he cursed three times: "Golden light of merit, Huihui open the dark, Dinghuisheng lotus, Yongan..."

Miao Miao fell asleep.

Lan He went out to greet Lao Lin, and went back to take a shower.

Not long after, Miaomiao woke up and cried, and Lao Lin hugged him quickly, and did not disturb Lan He immediately. He coaxed up first, and after seeing that he might be a little hungry, he fed milk, and after feeding Miaomiao, he quieted down naturally. Big eyes looking around.

Slowly, Lao Lin felt something was wrong.

Wait a minute, Miao Miao cried, fed her milk, and stopped crying. There was no Lan He or Lan He video in the middle!

He thinks silly, this is not a coincidence, Miao Miao, is this... well?

By the time Chen Xingyu woke up, Miao Miao hadn't cried or made trouble for an hour. Chen Xingyang and Lao Lin were holding him excitedly and sharing this news with Chen Xingyu.

It was also at this time that Lan He came over.

When Miao Miao saw him, he clapped his hands and hugged him. Obviously, although Lan He was no longer his medicine for crying, he was still one of his favorite people.

"Lan He, Miao Miao is ready!" Chen Xingyu wiped her tears and handed Miao Miao to him. From the bottom of her heart, she felt that it was because of Lan He that Miao Miao was getting better!

Lan He took Miao Miao and hugged him softly, "Is it right, crying ghost?"

The couple was hard to hide their excitement. Lao Lin also made a small video and turned his head to be posted on his Weibo by Chen Xingyu. He spoke passionately: "My son's favorite person!!"

If there is no new drama, Chen Xingyu rarely sends a Weibo. The original Weibo can bring pictures and videos less. As soon as she posts, fans immediately flock.

It's just a bit confusing to read the content. Chen Xingyu's friends are just three or two kittens. Who is this? How did she become her son's favorite person?

And with everyone's analysis of Chen Xingyu's previous Weibo, if she wrote it herself, she rarely used exclamation marks...

Netizens have great scouting ability. They quickly dug out to be the partner of Chen Xingyang's new drama. Some time ago, Chen Xingyu went to make a guest appearance.

Did you get this way? But with Chen Xingyu's character, it is very rare to be able to make friends with people in such a short time.

At this time, I didn't know whether it was the group performance of the film and television base or the staff. I also stood up and burst a photo. It stands to reason that it cannot be flowed out.

And this is exactly in the previous set, Chen Xingyu's family of three plus Lan He's photo at rest, Miao Miao lying on Lan He's chest, Lan He holding a baby bottle, Chen Xingyu and Lao Lin also gave him sweat and water, the source said : Lan He always brought children to Chen Xingyu's family during the break.

The hungry reporters quickly wrote reports with suspicion.

Netizens also read it with suspicion:

【why? Bring children? Watching this set footage for the first time? ? 】

[The pupil earthquake, has Chen Xingyu changed his mind? Let a new acquaintance bring it to himself! child! child! Give him back! sweat! 】

[And is it particularly good? Doubts, I think the celebrity is so rich, it should be okay to ask a professional babysitter, if it weren't for him, I can't figure out why I would ask my peers...]

[I found that this actor’s news is too... strange]

[Who said no, or pretend to die-it’s still unclear what it means to pretend to die, or make up the pig’s head, or... use the rest time on the set to help the Star Goddess take the children? He has a lot of skills! 】