After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 360: Vicious dogs inside

Education has always been the top priority, and Li Zhe has always believed that the construction of elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools are supporting facilities for Li Jiaji's future children.

Before, because Lijiaji’s population was too small and there were fewer school-age children, there was no elementary school in the village, or even a teaching point. If Lijiaji’s children wanted to go to school, they had to go to the town’s primary school or In junior high school, as for high school, you can only go to Jiangcheng.

When Li Zhe was studying, the traffic was very unbounded. Is there any means of transportation? When Li Zhe was in junior high school, he walked to town. Later, he went to Jiangcheng high school and returned only once a month because of inconvenient transportation. .

Now that there are conditions, why should the future children in the village suffer such suffering and be able to go to school directly in the village?

And let’s be honest, like Li’s family house in a remote township in Jiangcheng, the teaching conditions and level of teaching are really limited, and it’s incomparable with the children in those big cities. For so many years, only a college student like Li Zhe is enough. It can be seen.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the local level of education. After all, it has a lot to do with the environment. Some families even call their children back from school to help. When the farmers are busy, no one goes to school for more than a week. This can also see some clues.

However, since Li Zhe is determined to promote the education of Lijiaji, the children of Lijiaji will definitely receive the best level of education in the future. As for whether or not the children of the future will be motivated or not, Li Zhe will manage. Not anymore, anyway, at least the best level of education Li Zhe has been provided to them!

And because of the construction of a junior high school, Li Zhe has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in it. Education is a big hole for money.

The construction funds and hardware facilities of these three schools are not mentioned. The introduction of excellent teachers in the later period is a large amount of funds, but it is also fortunate that Lijiaji now has two major industrial pillars and is fully sufficient to support the school. The required funds.

When Li Zhe went to discuss with the second uncle Li Manfu about school matters, Li Manfu also fully supported:

"No matter how hard it is, no child can be suffering, no matter how poor it is, no education can be poor. Besides, our village is now capable and rich. Life is going well, but education can't be left behind. We must do it!"

When Li Manfu said this, he was almost categorical. As one of the few elders in the village who had read books, Li Manfu knew the importance of education. That’s why he was so when Li Zhe was admitted to university. Pay attention!

After the fact that the school was to be established in the village spread, all the villagers in Lijiaji also raised their hands in agreement. Before, they didn’t pay much attention to the education of their children. It is serious to have a full stomach, and that's why the children are called back from school to help during busy farming seasons.

But in their hearts they also understand the importance of education. Apart from others, they see that those who have read are very respected and envious. Li Zhe is a living example.

And now that the conditions are available and food, clothing, housing and transportation are no longer a problem, education is naturally the first issue!

"Do it! The education of these dolls must be done, and it will be like Li Zhe in the future, with great achievements!"

"Aside from anything else, it is not convenient for the children to go to school in the town. They also suffer from going back and forth every day. It would be better if they could go to school directly in the village."

"We are all wealthy now. We are wealthy materially, but we must also be wealthy mentally! This education still needs to be done..."

"Moreover, only our village will have its own elementary school, junior high school, and high school for a few kilometers by the time. Let them envy it!"


In this way, the construction of three schools for elementary, middle and high schools was included in the overall planning and reconstruction of Lijiaji.

After the construction company's planning and design drawings were approved by Li Zhe, their actions were also very quick. A dozen excavators and bulldozers entered Lijiaji the next day and started work.

The villagers in Lijiaji have already moved into the temporary model houses prepared by the construction company for them. This type of house is usually built by the construction company for the workers on the construction site to live in. The residents are completely fine. The villagers in Lijiaji will also live in this model house until the end of the construction period, probably for a few months.

In fact, Li Zhe’s initial plan was to let all the villagers go to the city to rent houses for half a year, and there was not much money. Now the villagers can fully afford to rent houses. For all the villagers who are now millionaires It's just a little money.

But the rural people's natural small peasant thinking is starting to cause trouble again. In fact, they are stubborn. They would rather live in a board house like this for more than half a year than spend some money to rent a house in the city.

In fact, there are still some factors that make it difficult to leave the homeland. Indeed, most Lijiaji villagers can’t get used to life in the city, and if they rent a house in the city, it’s impossible for so many people in the village to rent in one place. Everyone is not accustomed to taking pictures of each other in the village.

Therefore, I would rather live in the model house provided by the construction company. Li Zhe can only ask the construction company to speed up the progress of the project as far as possible while ensuring quality and safety.

That's why the construction company will send out such a big battle, almost all of them are started at the same time, try to build the villas for living first, and then other farmer's markets and schools later.

The villagers in Lijiaji also transferred their belongings and other things in advance, and the remaining insignificant things were all thrown away in the old house and pushed away by the bulldozer.

However, Li Zhe moved a little bit with some privileges. He set up a small wooden house to live in in the mountain resort. Originally, Li Zhe let his parents live with them, but his parents refused to live with the folks in the village. , Li Zhe did not force himself to live alone in the cabin in this resort.

Li Zhe directly asked the construction company to help him build a small wooden house. This small wooden house has a simple, strong and durable structure and can be completed in one day with the cooperation of experienced workers. The decoration inside was helped by the beautiful young ladies in the resort. Yes, a simple bed is enough, and Li Zhe doesn't pick it.

When eating, sometimes I go down the mountain to eat with my parents. Sometimes I have the chef in the resort prepare it and send it to myself. If I am interested, I will bring two nasty goods, Rhubarb and Dahei, and go directly to the old forest in the mountains. Hunting, making your own game to eat, is also very pleasant.

At first there were even unsuspecting tourists who thought that Li Zhe’s cabin was a new attraction in the resort. There were several embarrassing scenes. Li Zhe was sleeping inside, but the door of the cabin was attracted by curious tourists. Pushed away...

However, in the latter case, this situation became less and less, because Li Zhe directly hung a sign outside, saying "There are evil dogs inside, strangers do not enter!"

As a result, the management team of the resort has received more reports of bad dogs. The management team employees who know the inside information can only reply to tourists with a smile. The resort will definitely solve this problem seriously.

And it took a full five months, the construction company also completed the construction and decoration of more than forty villas in Lijiaji. This speed is already fast, and the construction of ordinary villas requires two to six. It can only be completed in a month, this does not include the decoration time.

But the construction company that Li Zhe cooperates with is also a top-notch large company, and there is still some efficiency.

More than forty townhouses were erected at the original site of Lijiaji, Batty. From a distance, they were very neat and magnificent. The villagers of Lijiaji were full of praise when they saw it. The appearance is also luxurious and luxurious. .

After the villagers moved in, it was even more amazed. The decoration inside was simply decorated, just to allow the villagers to carry out the fine decoration according to their favorite style, and also to let the villagers move in, not staying in all the time Inside the model house.

Li Zhe also accompanied his parents to move all his belongings into his own villa. Li Weiguo and his wife looked at their new house and smiled. The two couples were also there to discuss how to decorate the house. Happy.

Li Zhe, the small wooden house on the mountain, left the resort there, and he would go there for a while from time to time.

On the first day when they moved into the new house, many villagers had already started planting some fruits and vegetables in the yard of the villa. Li Weiguo and his wife also transplanted their own potted plants.

The village at the end knows the big move of Lijiaji, and all the villagers in Lijiaji ran over to see all the villagers living in the big villa. The envy in their eyes is all seen. from.

The villagers in Lijiaji, especially the village chief, Li Manfu, don't even mention how proud they are. They almost burst into laughter. Seeing the envy of the people outside the village, his old man feels happy in his heart.

Now his old man feels that he is doing it right. Look at how long this big guy looks when he moves into the villa! The current Lijiaji can be said to be the envious existence of ten miles and eight townships. Who mentions Lijiaji without giving a thumbs up?

Moreover, the Lijiaji project is still continuing. The leisure plaza and the big stage in the middle of the many villas are still under construction. When the villa was built before, because of Li Zhe’s request, the construction company had to work in shifts day and night. Now the big guys are living in. For the villa, the construction company can also breathe a sigh of relief, and the villagers also have to rest at night and don’t have to rush to work at night.

And the construction of the large farmer’s market and three schools has also begun. The previous manpower and material resources were all concentrated on the construction of the villas. Now that the manpower is freed up, these projects can be started.

"When this big stage is completed, our village will invite the best troupe to sing the big stage, and let the surrounding villages see that our Lijiaji is now different from the past!"

"That's natural, of course you have to hire the best theater troupe, your old man has the final say!"

Li Zhe also accompanied the second uncle Li Manfu, waved Fang Qiu at the construction site of the central leisure plaza and stage, and followed the old man's words to flattery.

Now that everyone has moved into the new villa, Li Zhe doesn't have to worry about things in the village anymore. The project here allows him to proceed step by step.

Li Zhe has to be busy with another thing, recruiting teachers!

If we wait until the school is completed before recruiting teachers, it might be too late.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literature updates in my pens are the fastest.