After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 124: Fula Town (8)

The second floor of the hotel is not high, not to mention that there is a large lawn downstairs, the ground is soft, so everyone who flew out of the explosion, except for a few unlucky knocks on the stone, they couldn't get up. , The others quickly shook their heads and got up from the ground.

Bai Jingru's extraordinary ability mainly improves physical fitness, including perception ability. She can see at a glance that there is no Zhao Xiaokui among the people thrown out.

She slammed the door and rushed down, grabbing the collar of the last person who got up and asked, "What happened? What happened to Zhao Xiaokui from China? What happened!"

"Don't--" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

Bai Jingru turned her head and saw Shen Zhifei, who had come down at the same time as her, rushing towards the hotel.

"Quickly stop her!" a person said in Chinese, he looked like a member of the Nightcrawler, "Team Zhao is out of control! If you can't let her go up, she will be dead!"

"I'll go see!" Fasley jumped out of the car, stopped Bai Jingru who was about to run to the hotel, and rushed towards the hotel.

It's just that she just arrived at the door, and a scream of pain resounded through the clouds.

All the people who got up who didn't get up, and who were sitting, all showed painful expressions in this scream.

Even Faisley, who has the highest transcendent level and the strongest resistance to this shock, was in a daze for a moment.

She raised her head, her light green eyes suddenly deepened, and at the same time, her exposed body began to show large scaly dark green scales. When the extraordinary form appeared, she felt a huge pressure on her body, Fasley's brows were twisted, but she still bit her scalp and rushed in.

When Fasley rushed in, Shen Zhifei had already arrived on the stairs of the hotel.

When the scream sounded, she instinctively covered her ears, but was surprised to find that this menacing sound did not cause any harm to her. Instead, she heard the pain and grievance from the sound.

She quickened her pace and ran up all the way.

Soon I reached the second floor, and I also saw exactly what happened.

The second floor of the hotel was already in a mess.

The roof is supported by several pillars, and it looks shaky.

There were cracks everywhere on the ground, and the wooden floor was turned up layer by layer, and in some places there was even a big crack open, allowing you to directly see the scene on the first floor. But none of these attracted Shen Zhifei's eyes. What really caught her attention was the mermaid girl who was constantly tumbling in the ruins.

Zhao Xiaokui's situation is very embarrassing.

She showed most of her extraordinary form, her legs closed tightly, and she rolled over and over on the ground.

The previous scream seemed to exhaust her body's strength. At this moment, she silently opened her mouth and made a roaring gesture. The sharp fangs stretched out, but there was no sound from her. From his throat.

Such Zhao Xiaokui is undoubtedly scary.

She is already beautiful, but her hideous expression makes her look more like some kind of beast about to choose someone and eat it.

Just looking at her appearance, there are endless fears that breed from the bottom of my heart, making people full of fear.

"Xiaokui." Shen Zhifei whispered Zhao Xiaokui's name, and then walked towards her, "Xiaokui..."

Zhao Xiaokui turned a blind eye to her arrival.

She was constantly destroying everything she could see. At the end of the two straight and long legs, there seemed to be an invisible fish tail.

This invisible tail continued to beat in the air with her tumbling, making a popping sound. Everywhere the tail reached, it shattered and broke and turned into dust.

When Shen Zhifei walked to Zhao Xiaokui's side, he knelt on the ground.

Zhao Xiaokui, who was constantly rolling, suddenly rolled in her direction, and then was held tightly in his arms by Shen Zhifei, who was holding out his hands.

She tried her best to put her forehead on the struggling forehead of Zhao Xiaokui, trying to enter her sea of ​​consciousness and comfort her who was out of control.

But Zhao Xiaokui didn't cooperate, his dark golden eyes were cruel and bloodthirsty, and he almost broke free from her hands several times.

Shen Zhifei could hear the invisible fish tail, beating the air impatiently. She hugged Zhao Xiaokui, her heart ached, "Xiaokui, Xiaokui, can you hear my voice, right? Don't be afraid. I'm by your side, don't be afraid..."

Zhao Xiaokui, who had no gods in his eyes, as if he really heard her voice, suddenly stopped moving, turned his head and looked at her with dark golden eyes.

The next moment, Shen Zhifei's neck hurt.

A large amount of blood flowed out of the blood vessels and continuously poured into Zhao Xiaokui's mouth, making Zhao Xiaokui, who originally felt like rolling in the fire, feel a bit of coldness.

For Mirage, Zhao Xiaokui has always had a way of drawing salaries from the bottom of the pan.

That is to swallow all the souls that build this illusion. Without the soul, there will be no obsession, and the illusion will naturally be broken without attack.

But this is obviously a method that can only be used as a last resort.

In the military camp in the illusion, most of the soldiers are extraordinary men who have been promoted from mortals, and their souls are not too powerful.

If it weren't for the support of strong obsessions, thousands or even thousands of souls were connected to each other, it would be impossible to survive to this day.

But when ordinary things accumulate to a certain amount, it is also quite terrifying.

With Zhao Xiaokui's current level, it is not a problem to swallow the souls of a dozen ordinary transcendents. A hundred of them can sustain it with hard work. But the souls of thousands, even tens of thousands of transcendents...Many of them are second-order or even third-order transcendents.

It is beyond the upper limit that Zhao Xiaokui can swallow.

But the fight is imminent.

She had no choice but to swallow all the souls in one breath, preparing to vomit them out after the illusion was broken.

But she did not expect that the extraordinary energy in her body would be so greedy.

Almost when the first soul was swallowed into her body, the extraordinary energy in her body cheered and began to transform and absorb the energy brought by the soul.

After leaving the illusion, she tried to spit out the soul she had swallowed, but found that she couldn't do it at all.

Her extraordinary energy is very greedy, so greedy that it is not even controlled by her mind, firmly grasping the souls that have been swallowed by her, and she will not let go when she says nothing, and she will never stop not letting me finish eating.

What else can Zhao Xiaokui do? I can only endure it.

Fortunately, the souls in the barracks have been dead for many years. They seem to be complete, but they are broken to the point that there are only a few simple pictures left in their memories. Sometimes there are impressive memories, such as the fiancee waiting at home, the child who was just born, The parents who are looking forward to his success... these scenes all flash by.

No matter how deep the obsession, with the passing of time, there is only one simplest and most primitive thought left.

Such a soul, in normal times, is like a bag of potato chips, for Zhao Xiaokui, it is one.

The flash of memory fragments would not have any effect on her consciousness at all.

But what if there are tens of millions of similar fragments?

Soldiers from different places, speaking in dialects of different places, with sincere exhortations and lines of sincere worries, all gathered together and turned into unintelligible murmurs. The voices of countless people at the same time When it sounded, Zhao Xiaokui's consciousness turned up a storm, desperately resisting this pollution caused by mortal power.

Under the harassment of countless memories, she had a splitting headache, and she wished to pass out, but she had to scan scene after scene. At the same time, the extraordinary power that was constantly absorbing external forces was accumulating to a certain extent. Later, began to transform her body.

Except when he just came back, because ordinary people's bodies can't carry Zhao Xiaokui's soul, they have undergone a mandatory promotion. Zhao Xiaokui's subsequent advancements are gentle and just right. The body is infected and moisturized by strength. A drop of growth continuously increases the intensity, but this time, with the huge energy instillation, Zhao Xiaokui once again experienced the long-lost growth pain.

She just feels like a piece of iron, caught in a blazing fire. The scorching flame wants to melt her, and then directly create the appearance she likes, bones, muscles, and blood. Nothing is not hot as if to boil. .

It wasn't until Shen Zhifei was held in her arms, the familiar taste and voice evoked her sense of mind.

When Shen Zhifei's voice sounded, the whispers that kept lingering in her ears suddenly became very far away. Although they could still be heard, they seemed to be coming from the other side of the mountain and couldn't disturb her at all. Of mind.

Shen Zhifei hugged her in her arms, and she felt an unprecedented comfort. The whole person's soul was faint, as if drunk, and she just wanted to fall asleep deeply in this embrace.

Suddenly, she felt a strong thirst.

She stared at Shen Zhifei, and there was a voice telling her that this person had the drink she wanted.

Shen Zhifei's blood entered his throat, quickly neutralizing the power that was about to boil.

Originally in the process of major transformation, the cracked bones and muscles were repaired by a gentle force in an instant.

Zhao Xiaokui couldn't bear Shen Zhifei's blood, but inexplicably didn't want to drink it anymore.

After the pain eased to a tolerable level, she forcibly pulled out her fangs.

Shen Zhifei's wound healed in an instant, but Zhao Xiaokui rubbed his fangs against that piece of skin, seemingly reluctant to give up.

Shen Zhifei, who was already a little dizzy, pressed Zhao Xiaokui's forehead and didn't let her continue.

Let Zhao Xiaokui eat it again, she is afraid that she will not be able to hold it.

She didn't mind giving her this life, but she didn't want Zhao Xiaokui to wake up and find that she was facing a seriously injured or even dying lover.

Zhao Xiaokui is very obedient, even though he is very eager to have another bite, he obediently retracted his fangs and rubbed her in her arms like a child.

The sky outside gradually brightened.

Fasley, who had been on the second floor for a while, saw that Zhao Xiaokui's situation had stabilized, and she dared to ask: "Is she okay now?"

Shen Zhifei's face was pale, and her lips were dry and skinny. She gently stroked Zhao Xiaokui's hair, and looked at her eyes, with gentle writing, "Do you know where there is water? She should need some water."

Arthur came up with the alive representative of Country Y and asked, "Do you know where there is water?"

The people of Y country looked at all kinds of things on the second floor of the hotel with horror. The gaze that fell on Zhao Xiaokui was full of fear. Hearing Arthur’s question, he shivered and said: "The town next to Fula is a lake. If you need a lot of If you have water, you can go there."

Shen Zhifei nodded to him, "Thank you."

The man said dryly, "It is my honor to be able to help you."

The tone of his speech was full of admiration.

How powerful is this seemingly gentle and harmless woman who can make an extraordinary person who has lost control become docile!