After I was Exiled, I Became a Noble Minister

Chapter 249: 249th

The emperor himself put forward the policy topic, how to prevent disasters and relieve the victims.

These are all problems encountered at present. Disasters are frequent these years, and there are more and more refugees, which makes the court a headache.

When the students of Xiliang got the policy theory, their eyes widened. Isn't this a topic that the Qingping county magistrate often discussed with them on their way back to Beijing?

This time I won.

This batch of Xiliang students is well prepared, and their opponents have frequent problems, so they won thirteen people, and several Mu family children have won, although they are ranked at the bottom, but what does it matter , on the list is victory.

This will make everyone happy. Just wait for the temple to try it out and celebrate with a drink.

Mu Zicheng is a calm person, but her hands are shaking when she sees the strategy, which is too coincidental.

There was a wave of refugees in Xiliang, which was finally resolved perfectly under Mu Wanqing's brilliant handling.

He is also one of the participants and has quite a wealth of practical experience.

Although he is not talented, he has a big sister.

Mu Wanqing's vision is far beyond this era, and Mu Zicheng, who was influenced by her, was naturally taken away.

Secondly, the local government reported to the court at the first time, and opened a granary for disaster relief.

Third, tax reduction and exemption for health and restoration of people's livelihood. The third is to build water conservancy to reduce the number of floods.

As for the refugees, they use food for work, which will not allow the refugees to develop the habit of not earning money, but also allow the refugees to support their families with their own hands and support themselves.

He wrote a lot of articles, spoke freely, devoted himself, and did not notice a person standing behind him.

The emperor used to walk around at will, and the candidates were a little nervous wherever he went, and he wouldn't stay much, but when he saw the content of mu Zicheng's test paper, he couldn't help but take a look .

One eye, two eyes, fascinated.

The words have something to say, the opinions are special, and they have practical experience.

As expected of Mu Wanqing's brother.

Other officials saw this scene and looked at each other with mixed feelings.

The Mu family is going to have another official. The feng shui of the Mu family is really good.

But they didn't dare to do more tricks, the first assistant didn't end well, how could they be spared?

Mu Zicheng finished writing the test questions, checked it carefully, and put down the brush after confirming that there was no problem.

A big hand stretched out and took the test paper away. Mu Zicheng, who was caught off guard, was startled. It's not time yet, right?

He raised his head sharply, hey, it's the emperor.

He quickly stood up and saluted.

The emperor waved his hand and swaggered away with his test paper.

Mu Zicheng looked at her sister in a forced way. Mu Wanqing saw it all in her eyes and smiled at him, and Mu Zicheng's heart suddenly felt at ease.

The emperor returned to his seat and read it carefully again and again, and was amazed at the whimsy.

"Qingping county magistrate, have you resettled a wave of refugees?"

Mu Wanqing raised her eyebrows, "More than one wave, I brought in a population of 100,000 and drove the King of Jin, ah, Xiao Shu's popularity crazy."

The emperor couldn't help laughing, "The concept of civil affairs bureau is very interesting, does Xiliang have it?"

"No." Mu Wanqing lowered her voice, "The court has not spoken, how dare Xiliang set up a department without authorization? In recent years, the government and the people have worked together to develop the economy, industry and commerce, and the people Their lives are gradually improving, and Renji Church is still in harmony with this wave of vulnerable groups, the widowed, lonely, disabled, and disabled.”

It is the right of the court to set up a department.

“Where does Renjitang come from?”

"The government allocates a part, and the society provides some relief. The rich love to do good deeds."

The corner of the emperor's mouth twitched, why is it so strange to say this from her mouth?

"You should be the richest man in Xiliang, how much did you donate?"

Mu Wanqing said with a smile, "I pay half of the taxes, donate 10% of the profits to Renji Church every year, and 10% to the school, so it's just a glamorous face."

So, don't stare at her.

She doesn't want to be slaughtered as a fat pig, so let's make everyone prosperous together.

Your Majesty: …Even if it’s 30%, it’s still a wealthy country.

“How long can instant noodles and self-heating rice be stored?”

Mu Wanqing's eyes fell on the test paper, is this preparation for hoarding food?

Food should be stocked up, and convenience food should be stocked up as well.

"Instant noodles for two years, self-heating rice for half a year." Mu Wanqing's voice paused, "I'm asking people to develop canned food, which can last for a long time."

"Canned food?" This is a new term, and the emperor was very interested, and the officials around him also quietly pricked up their ears.

It is undeniable that Mu Wanqing is unmatched in making money.

Mu Wanqing casually gave a few examples, "Fruits in the south are plentiful and delicious, but because of the inconvenience of transportation and storage, they can only rot in the ground and can be sold after being canned It can even be sold to other countries in various parts of the country in exchange for a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, cattle and sheep, which is a good deal with great profits.”


"Like grasslands, there are many cattle and sheep, which are not valuable locally, but they are not edible in other places. After they are made into canned food, they can be sent out. We can do this, exchange canned fruit and canned fish for cattle Sheep, canned."

Canned is not as good as fresh, but better than nothing.

Everyone was stunned, how could this be? She could say such a novel idea by opening her mouth casually.

If it can be done, it will drive the development of those barren areas.

These do not occupy agricultural land, they are valuable specialties in various places, and these are made into industries…

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they looked at Mu Wanqing with admiration.

Even the official who disliked her the most admitted that her brain was good.

It is difficult for others to make money, she makes money, as simple as waving her hand.

People are just different.

A thought flashed in Mu Wanqing's mind, "When it comes to seafood, not only can it be made into canned fish, but it can also be made into condiments, such as oil-consuming soy sauce, which can be fresh when added to dishes. "

"It can also be made into seafood sauce, a must for home travel."

Well, she casually added a few more ways to make money.

"In this way, the economies of various places can be revitalized, consumption will be promoted, domestic demand will be stimulated, the country will be rich, and the people will be rich, perfect. This is a peaceful and prosperous age."

The emperor's heart was surging. In the blueprint she mentioned, he seemed to see the arrival of a prosperous world.

“What is domestic demand?”

Mu Wanqing pondered for a while and briefly explained, "Domestic demand refers to domestic demand, consumption plus investment plus court expenditure is total demand, in other words, it is the national economy."

"External demand is the demand of foreign countries. We sell things to them to earn a lot of wealth and make the country rich and the people strong."

There was a commotion among the officials. They were all excited by what she said.

Mu Wanqing said it casually.

It was not until the chamberlain came to remind him that the emperor suppressed his inner excitement, "Qingping county magistrate, please write these carefully, and the last one will be explained."


The tributes went to the east corner gate to take the scroll, and after they walked out of the palace, they immediately surrounded mu Zicheng.

"Brother Mu, is the Qingping County Lord really your sister?"

"Is that beautiful woman the head of Qingping County?"

Mu Zicheng was very low-key before. He never went out to socialize, nor participated in any literary gatherings. Other tributes were not familiar with him.

But now he's famous.

"It's my sister, she's super awesome."

This is obvious to everyone. It is not an ordinary person who can follow the emperor to attend such an occasion.

Besides, she was the only woman among all the officials, and she shone brightly in the crowd.

"She is already a senior member of the second rank at a young age, and she is in charge of the national household registration and finance, which is amazing." Gong Shi's eyes were full of envy, "When I saw her talking, those officials and the emperor were I listened very carefully, and I don't know what to say."

It's a little far away, and everyone can't hear it clearly, but you can still see the expression.

Some people feel sour, "Brother Mu, what does it feel like to have such a powerful sister? Will there be pressure?"

Mu Zicheng didn't seem to hear it, and smiled naively, "I'm very happy, I'll eat meat after listening to my sister."


The Grand Ceremony of Biography, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of officials, mu Zicheng was awarded the first place, that is, the champion.

The second place is a black-faced man in his forties, and the third flower is the suave prince Chengen.

When the officials were awarded, both the second and third candidates entered the Hanlin Academy, and only the champion was appointed as the director of the Xiliang Kapok Promotion Department.

The Kapok Lifting Division is the newly established yamen. There are four lifting divisions all over the country, and the Department of Homeownership is in charge.

The second place and the third flower were awarded to the Hanlin Academy for editing and editing, and they were the seventh grade.

But mu Zicheng actually went to the local government as an official, which is unreasonable.

Besides, the director of the Kapok Promotion Department is from the fifth rank, but the local officials are half a rank lower than the Beijing officials. Is this a clear rise and a secret fall? Or is it taboo for siblings to be officials of the same dynasty?

However, this is a foregone conclusion.

Everyone's eyes were only on Mu Zicheng, but they didn't find several other wills. The names of Mu's children were in the appointment orders of the other three kapok lifting divisions.

They are not chief officials and are not prominent.

When Mu Wanqing saw them off, one of them gave them a set of planting recipes and promised them that they would send experienced farmers and technicians.

I also collected a few masters with good character and ability to give them to help them become officials.

Come on, with the support of Mu Wanqing, they go to the future with confidence.

Mu Zicheng has nothing to worry about when he returns to Xiliang. Mu Wanqing prepared a bunch of things for him to bring to his parents.

"Sister, I'm really worried about letting you stay in the capital alone."

Mu Wanqing said lightly, "I have two thousand Qingping troops."

She is the most privately armed person, of course, she has reported to the emperor.

Mu Zicheng: Well, he forgot.

Du Shaoxuan will also go back together this time, Xiliang cannot live without him.

He was full of reluctance, "Wanqing, you are careful in everything, if you have any trouble, go to the queen mother. I said hello to the queen mother."

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips, "Understood, convey my greetings to Du Shuai, the name is already pasted on the gift, just follow it."

"Okay, you..." Du Shaoxuan looked at her eagerly, "Nothing else?"

Mu Wanqing looked at his eager little eyes, and her heart softened, "It's a smooth journey."

Du Shaoxuan was extremely disappointed, "Mu Wanqing, you conscienceless woman."

Mu Wanqing took out a brocade box and said with a smile, "It seems that this farewell gift can't be given away..."

Du Shaoxuan grabbed the brocade box with his hands, "It's mine."

The corner of Mu Wanqing's mouth twitched, this childish guy.

Du Shaoxuan's heart is full of sadness and parting, "I write you a letter every day, you must reply in time."

"Every day? I think one a month is enough." Anyway, Mu Wanqing didn't have that much free time.

"You take care of me?"

Mu Wanqing reluctantly indulged, "Okay, you can do whatever you like, it's getting late, hurry up, and if you don't leave, you'll be sleeping in the wild."

Du Shaoxuan dawdled for a long time, then suddenly opened his arms to hug Mu Wanqing, Mu Wanqing's body froze.

"Du Shaoxuan."

Du Shaoxuan whispered in her ear, "I'm waiting for you, I've been waiting for you."

Du Shaoxuan had no choice but to let go until mu Zicheng came to pull him, turned over and got on his horse, gave her a deep look, raised his whip, and drove the horse away.

Mu Wanqing watched the convoy gradually disappear in front of her eyes, she felt lost, and sighed softly, she hated leaving the most.

She was in a low mood for two days, but was quickly absorbed by her busy work.

"County Lord, tomorrow is the school military training performance. Everything is ready. Parents have received invitations. Don't forget to attend on time."