After Kicking Ming Ye, He Cried and Begged Me To Hug Him Every Night!

Chapter 148: The monthly exam slaps the face, the inv

   Chapter 148 Monthly exam slaps in the face, invisible scholar 1

   As soon as these words came out, Qin Zhe, who was always on the move, didn't react.

   Shen Jiashu lightly bumped against him with his shoulder, hooked his arm and pulled it out, "Let's go."

  Qin Zhe coughed lightly and ran out after Shen Jiashu.

   Xu Ye shouted to wait for me, rushing fast.

  The study committee and several class representatives looked at the past and present inexplicably.

   is a bad word to say.

   You will only hand in the bottom one of the blank papers. What learning materials can you provide to compensate?

   After a while, Shen Jiashu and the others came back and brought a package in.

   "Sister, I think the address was sent from the capital, do you have a friend who is from the capital?" Shen Jiashu asked while dragging his neckline.

   Sitting on the stool in the past and present, Erlang's legs are unruly, and the legs of his trousers are stretched up, revealing a thin ankle.

   She flipped through her phone and looked at it, she heard the words casually.

  Qin Zhe said while unpacking, "Sister Xi has gone to the capital to get us study materials, so thank you sister Xi."

  Xu Ye and a group of younger brothers thank you for the past and present.

  The study committee members and others looked very aggrieved. Taking Qin Zhe into consideration, they only dared to whisper, "Can the learning materials in the province be compared with the basic knowledge teaching books you bought in the library outside today and then?"

  Qin Zhe's face was cold and angry, "What do you mean? Sister Xi bought you materials enough to give you face, you don't know who the old witch is?

   Even if she goes to show her softness, can you guarantee that she will definitely give us the information? "

   "That's what you did wrong, what does it have to do with us?" The study committee member looked stubborn and couldn't help but stand up to retort, "It's your business that you don't want to study, why should we pay for your impulsiveness?"

  The math class representative slammed his pen on the desk and said venting, "Forget it, whoever of you likes to watch it, I won't read it anyway."


   Sheng Yi squatted there and used scissors to help Shen Jiashu open all the packages.

   is a stack of test questions and exercise books.

   The logo of the Beijing High School is marked in large characters on the cover.

  Shengyi thought she had read it wrong, so she took out a workbook, saw the knowledge points and the detailed process of solving the problem, and looked at the past and present with bright eyes, "This, this is the review material for the capital?"

   "Fuck?" Qin Zhe lowered his head and saw the logo of the High School Attached to the Capital.

  Jingcheng Affiliated Middle School is the best high school in the capital. It has the top teaching team. The review materials they publish are patented and only flow within the capital.

  Other provinces and cities have no right to own it at all.

   The teachers of each subject have expressed in the class more than once that if they can have the review materials from the Beijing High School, it will make learning more effective.

   "Jingcheng Affiliated High School?! This is the Beijing Affiliated High School?!" Several class representatives rushed over in disbelief and turned over the practice questions as if they were holding treasures.

The more they turned   , the more excited the expressions on their faces became.

The    math class representative raised his head in disbelief, "What are you talking about in your sleep during the day?"

   "Don't be stunned, come and see!" The study committee member was going crazy, "I never thought in my life that I would still be able to touch the study materials of the Jingcheng High School!"

The    math class representative came over curiously to take a look, and then became excited.

   There is a series of **** in the classroom!

   "Sister Xi, which of your friends is so awesome?" Qin Zhe was shocked!

   Even his family didn't have any way to get the review materials. In the past, he used to get Chinese cabbage, and he even got all the review materials for high school, high school, high school, high school, and high school.

  Qin Zhe was just embarrassed in the past, and he just went to the library to get the exercise materials, how could he know it was so scary!

   Sitting with a golden sword in the past and present, he was very indifferent, "My friend works in the attached middle school, and the school gave him a set."

   After a pause, she asked seriously, "Is it enough to compensate for the missing information in the province?"

   "Sister Xi, you can't say that." Sheng Yi looked at her with the same seriousness, her hands shaking with excitement, "The information in the province is not even qualified to compare with them."

   With such top-notch review materials as the Jingcheng High School, the learning materials that were detained by Li Dan were considered a der!

  The study committee members and the representatives of the classes held the workbook and loved it.

  From despair to hope, it's more exciting than a roller coaster ride.

   They couldn't believe that, with their ability, there was also this moment when they touched the emperor's feet.

  Xu Ye looked at the study committee members, just like Yourongyan, he sneered with his hands on the back of his head, "Didn't you say you can't read it? But let go!"

   The study committee members and others were flushed and slapped in the face!

   But letting them go is harder than reaching the sky!

   "The review materials are so precious, do you really want us to read them together?" the study committee asked nervously.

   Now and then, I glanced at everyone who was excited beyond words. Because of a set of review materials, they could be so happy.

   The corners of her lips curved slightly unconsciously, and she said succinctly, "Look well, don't embarrass me."

   The study committee members and others were instantly moved with red eyes, and said in unison towards Jin and Xi, "Thank you, Sister Xi."

   Then he went back to his seat with the information and looked hungry.

   Qin Zhe touched his chin with one hand, and the other hand involuntarily gave a thumbs up to Jin and Xi, "Sister Xi is amazing."

  These good grades in the class are usually very high, no matter how bully he pretends to be, even Brother Shengzhe refuses to call.

   Now I am actually willing to recognize this eldest sister in the past and present!

   Sure enough, no one can escape the charm of Sister Xi.

  Xu Ye clicked his tongue and said, "Brother Zhe's reputation as a school bully is completely dead in name only!"

   Sister Xi YYDS!

   After the ten classes of learning materials were divided, there was one sealed box left.

   Quietly opened the sealed box in the past and present, and inside were the handwritten test questions and answers for the required science subjects.

   comes from the teaching and research group of Peking University, the handwriting of the three major test madmen.

  The uncles are very well-intentioned.

   Jinxian's eyes flashed, he tore off his signature, and handed the test paper to Shengyi alone.

   In addition to her, the entire class is expected to be able to understand the analysis.

After    took over, Sheng Yi was amazed by the analysis of the handwritten test questions.

   When I saw it, I was out of control, and it was only in the afternoon that I came back to my senses.

   "Wow, Sister Xi, where did you come from? It doesn't seem to be from the high school attached to the capital."

   The present and the past did not answer the question, "Do you understand?"

   "It's a bit too much, I can't remember the key points, I have to read more, hurry up and write it down."

   Jinxi narrowed his eyes a little, seemingly casually, he reached out and ticked a few questions with a red pen on the handwritten paper, "You tell me this a few more times, I don't understand."

  Shengyi actively started to talk about the past and present.

   Shen Jiashu kept his head close and listened carefully.


   After school, Jinxi received a call from Ming Siyan, asking her to go to Jinyuan to eat crab.

  The present and the past refused without hesitation on the grounds that the monthly examination was required.

   She has been worrying too much about the monthly exam in the past two days, and she had to listen to Shengyi's questions for an afternoon.

   went back to the room, washed up, and a video call with encrypted software popped up on the computer.

   The only person who can use encryption software and video from past and present.

   She took the video, and a pretty face full of desire appeared on the screen.

   "Hi, baby, miss me~"

   Jinxi squinted his eyes, and said irritably and in a low voice, "Tang Li, it's okay, I'll hang up."

   "Oh, don't~ Why can't you joke like this!" Tang Li pouted, "I just want to tell you that the Yan family is checking you recently, what bad things have you done?"

   New character - Tang Li.

   Erye drops CP ~ Chasing Wife Crematorium Duo!



   (end of this chapter)