After Mermaid O Got Su Shuang’s Script

Chapter 1: first aid


The muffled sound awakened Xiao Yu who was sleeping soundly. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned lazily.

Before he could open his eyes, a series of louder bangs followed.

The sound was accompanied by violent shaking, and Xiao Yu hit the cabin in the sudden shaking, and the Mona Lisa portrait that was originally hanging on the bulkhead also fell with weightlessness.

Xiao Yu subconsciously raised his hand to block, his arm was scratched by a bloodstain by the corner of the rusty frame, the pain made his forehead immediately ooze a fine layer of sweat.

"The boat has hit a reef and is about to sink. Run!"

"Nannan, Nannan! Come to Mommy!"

"I don't want to die yet..."

Noisy voice broke into Xiao Yu's eardrum wantonly, he opened the cabin door with great effort, he saw the surging crowd pushing and shoving, everyone's face was full of panic and despair.

Survival instinct drove Xiao Yu to follow the crowd to the deck. The moment he stepped on the deck, the overwhelmed hull suddenly disintegrated, and the sawdust from the broken plank flew towards him.

He closed his eyes subconsciously.

All the hysterical voices were swallowed up by the raging waves.

In a trance, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain poured down, destroying the victims' bodies and minds like the end of the world.

Xiao Yu waved his arms vigorously, such a simple action became extremely difficult in the sea water.

Wisps of blood escaped from his wound, and he could only watch helplessly as the blood-colored light got farther and farther away from him, and his consciousness and body sank into the cold seabed uncontrollably.

Consciousness seems to be tightly bound by invisible things, no matter how Xiao Yu struggles, he cannot break free from it.

He was never one to give up lightly, otherwise it would be impossible for him to pass all the way in a high-intensity boxing match and finally win the World Boxing Championship.

However, in the face of death, any effort is just a stubborn resistance, and the suffocation is like a tide that wraps him tightly. He is like a body that has lost its soul, deprived of all senses.

For a long time, so long that Xiao Yu almost forgot the feeling of being alive, a trace of belated pain finally hit him.

He gasped suddenly, and the salty sea water poured down his throat, strangely he didn't feel uncomfortable.

It was even a little comfortable, as if sea water and air were as indispensable to him.

Xiao Yu spent a little time accumulating physical strength, and with his eyelids trembling slightly, he slowly opened his eyes.

All he could see was sea water, and before he could sort out his thoughts, he caught a figure out of the corner of his eye.


Xiao Yu was convinced that he saw the tiny air bubbles attached to the nose of that person, which proved that the other party might still be breathing. Before he could hesitate, he immediately swam towards the opponent.

Well, what's going on?

His body became so light, when did his swimming skills become so good?

The doubts in his heart disappeared in a flash, Xiao Yu didn't waste time entangled in this problem, he quickly swam to the side of the drowning person and hugged him horizontally.

The weight of the drowning person was heavier than he had imagined, but fortunately the buoyancy of the sea lightened his burden a little, otherwise he really wasn't sure that he would be able to bring the person ashore safely.

The moment the sea broke through, the water splashed and fell, and the long-lost light broke into Xiao Yu's eyes.

His eyes were closed, and he breathed in the fresh air greedily.

Even though he has adapted to breathing in sea water, until now, he has not really felt the feeling of being reborn.

Leaving the sea water, the weight on his hands suddenly became several times heavier.

With a little difficulty, Xiao Yu laid the drowning person flat on the shore, and when he planned to go ashore to check the other person's condition, he suddenly found that he couldn't stand up.

what happened?

He lowered his head slowly, only to see countless dark blue scales attached to his body, extending downward from his abdomen.

Gone are the legs, replaced by a long tail.

The scales are arranged tightly and neatly, extending all the way to the tail. The wide tail fin is fan-shaped, and the internal lines are magnificent and unparalleled, just like the beautiful threads on the snail.

The scene in front of him made Xiao Yu doubt his life immediately. He couldn't figure it out, why did his long legs become fish tails?

But right now, Xiao Yu can only put aside his doubts, the body changes have become a fact, but the life of the drowning person is at stake and urgently needs rescue.

Save people first.

Xiao Yu looked around, it was more desolate than he imagined, there was no one except them.

It was unrealistic to ask for help from others, so he pressed his finger on the carotid artery of the drowning man to feel his pulse carefully.

The situation was not optimistic, Xiao Yu frowned slightly, he found that this person was no longer breathing, which is what is often called cardiac arrest in medicine.

The skin is still soft, which means that the cardiac arrest has just happened not long ago, and there is still a possibility of rescue.

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately tore off the clothes on the drowning man.

I don't know what kind of material this dress is made of. It looks very light and thin. After getting started, he found that the clothes are extremely tough. It took him a lot of effort to tear a hole, exposing the man's strong chest.

Cover the back of the right hand with the left hand and fasten the gap between the fingers of the right hand, locate the heel of the right palm in the middle of the chest, and press down vigorously.

Xiao Yu's pressing can be said to have used the strength of breastfeeding, not only the palms are exerting force, but also his elbows, waist and even the entire upper body are exerting force together.

The key to cardiopulmonary resuscitation is to be ruthless. If the chest compressions are not strong enough, the patient's blood circulation will not be maintained, and the rescue will inevitably fail.

Of course, it is not to say that the greater the pressure, the better. Excessive force is likely to cause secondary injury to the patient.

Although Xiao Yu has received first aid training, he has never had the opportunity to put it into practice and can only rely on his feelings.

Besides, the drowning person has a strong body and tight muscles, so it shouldn't matter if you use a little force, right?

Thirty times of chest compressions ended quickly, Xiao Yu withdrew his trembling hands because of excessive force, and lifted the man's head.

This link is a crucial part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is required to open the patient's airway and use the jaw-lifting method to make the mandible perpendicular to the ground.

Then clean up the dirt in the patient's mouth, and then perform artificial respiration for the patient.

Xiao Yu rescued him strictly according to the steps. From his perspective, he could have a panoramic view of the man's facial features.

He rarely pays attention to the appearance of others. As a boxer in his prime, he cares more about whether the opponent can fight and whether he is qualified to be his opponent.

But the appearance of the other party is really outstanding. When God created him, he must have devoted a hundred times of effort to make his facial features pleasing to the eye and at the same time extremely aggressive.

Although the sea water soaked the man's face slightly pale, and a scar at the corner of his eye destroyed the overall perfection, but precisely because of the existence of flaws, the impeccable **** fell into the mortal world and became a flesh and blood human being in front of him instead of no longer It is a lofty, elusive existence.

Xiao Yu, who was thinking about saving people, just lost his mind for a moment, and then immediately re-invested in the rescue work.

The heel of his palm maintained the motion of pressing the drowning man's forehead, his index finger and thumb pinched both ends of the man's nose, and then took a deep breath, leaning over to give the patient artificial respiration.

It has to be said that the man's appearance is really good. An ordinary person's skin should at least be swollen and white after being soaked in sea water for so long.

But the patient's skin was still firm and shiny. If it wasn't for the fact that the other person was not breathing, he would have wondered if he had made a mistake in his judgment.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and when he was about to put this breath into the man's mouth, the patient suddenly trembled, his face was ferocious, as if he was enduring great pain.

The sudden change made Xiao Yu subconsciously take a defensive posture. The zombie movies he had seen flashed through his mind. Human beings would behave abnormally before being infected as zombies. The weakness of zombies should be the brain. Bar?

The reality did not satisfy Xiao Yu's desire to beat zombies violently.

The man turned sideways, spit out a mouthful of fishy water, and then raised his hand to wipe the dirt from the corner of his mouth.

It appears his CPR was successful.

Xiao Yu was quite happy, saying that saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and he can be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

"How are you, do you feel better?" He said, reaching out his hand to help the man calm down.

But I didn't expect that the other party not only didn't appreciate it, but also precisely grabbed Xiao Yu's wrist and dragged it to the ground.

Xiao Yu never thought that the man who just woke up could have such great strength, he was caught off guard and couldn't resist, and fell heavily on the shore.

The strength of the man was surprisingly great, and the pinched wrist was in a dull pain. No matter how Xiao Yu struggled, he could not break free from the man's restraint.

"Let me go! Are you crazy? I saved you, and this is how you repay me?"

His speech is fast, if this continues, his wrist will be crushed!

Hearing this, the perpetrator turned his head to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu finally saw the other party's eyes.

Those are definitely not a pair of normal eyes, except for the white of the eyes, there is only a circle of light gray pupils, and the focal length cannot be seen.

Could it be that this is a blind man?

Xiao Yu didn't have the heart to pity each other, he only knew that the blind man was about to break his arm, out of boxer's instinct, he used his other hand to fight back.

The fist hit the man's cheek, but the expected picture of blood spurting did not appear.

Xiao Yu just felt as if he had hit a stone wall, his fist was trembling with pain, but the opponent was motionless, not even a reaction.

No, there is still a reaction.

The man probably thought that Xiao Yu still had one hand, so he turned over and threw Xiao Yu down, and stepped on his other hand with the sole of his foot, not giving him any chance to resist.

Hiss, it hurts!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, it was the first time he met such a difficult opponent, who would have thought that the opponent had a cardiac arrest ten minutes ago and almost died.

If I had known earlier, I would not have saved him.

Xiao Yu hated his teeth itching, he tried his best to escape from under the man, he could only watch the man's fist smash down.

He closed his eyes without fear, and he always firmly believed that as long as he had a breath, there must be a chance to turn things around.

So even if the opponent is very strong, he might die with one punch, but he has to keep his eyes open and look for a chance.

To his surprise, the fist did not land on him as he expected, but sank into the sand beside him.

Immediately afterwards, he felt warmth on his cheek.

is blood.

But not his blood.

The author has something to say:

Opening a new article, I like that everyone likes this story, I will try my best to tell it well mua—