After My Death, The Villain Blackened Again

Chapter 975: After Ascension

Xiao Meng's words fell into the size of a cat and jumped on the chest of Yan Ge.

Yange reached out and hugged him in time, and prevented him from patting his chest with his paw ...

She didn't want to be beaten by this guy's paw in front of so many people!

The little cute beast slammed, closed his eyes stupidly, and murmured: "I am really going to die, my eyes won't open, I am dead ..."

When the words fell, the eyes really closed, and the snoring sound of Zhentian sounded at this time.

Yan Song looked up and matched the man's gaze.

Several elders in the divine realm have surrounded their gods and Buddhas. What are they saying? The faces of the gods and Buddhas are indifferent, and they can't see the slightest expression. When they sing and look to him, he also speaks Singing.

When Yange was about to avoid his eyes, he nodded slightly towards Yange and even smiled.

Although the smile seemed to disappear immediately, and immediately he turned his head to talk to the elders, but the song seemed to be chopped by Tian Lei, and half a moment couldn't reflect from the gentle and incomparable smile.

So shocked that this guy would laugh.

Yange is covered with goosebumps.

How do you feel that this guy suddenly has something wrong.

Is it Jiulu who is leading his body now, or is it the so-called magic heart?

Yange stepped in front of the ascendants. Although everyone experienced this, they were not afraid. Several people were exchanging information, while ten people including Ziyi were practicing during this time, so that they could be ascended in a while. They can also play a role when fighting with people in the divine realm.

Everyone already knows that they are saved by Yange, and thank you immediately when Yange comes over.

Yange asked them about their condition and when they left, were there any companions in the place where they had been imprisoned before.

After a few words, I suddenly noticed that everyone was silent, and Yan Ge looked at him, and the man had stood by her side.

The rest of the divine realms retreated under the leadership of the elders in each tribe.

Although some people were curious looking in this direction, no one stayed.

Yange said to Jiulu, "I will take the ascenders out of the realm of God and return to their former place."

This divine realm is too exclusive. The ascendants have ascended into small worlds. Most of the small worlds will rob these ascendants into their own martial arts, and they will treat the ascenders as citrons. Everyone has never been Never encountered a small world like Divine Realm.

The words of the words and Jiu delusion are also one-sided declaration of war. If the people of the divine realm want to stop the ascendants, she will take the lead to overthrow the divine realm.

The surprise song was that Jiu delusion only nodded slightly after hearing it, saying, "I have sent all the ascendants who are detained by them to this place, and the boundary lake from the kingdom of God to the outside world is lost. In the land, if they want to leave, they can stay. "

To Shang Yange's surprised look, he softly explained: "The matter of the Lost Land has been resolved, and the people in the divine world will not do the same thing as before."

One thing that Jiulu hasn't said is that the population of the **** world is no longer one or two of the former, and the seal of the lost land is now broken, and the next generation of the **** world will no longer be a natural unsullied body. Naturally, also They will no longer be xenophobic, and they hope that these ascendants can stay and develop together with the people of the divine realm.