After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs

Chapter 133: The father who squeezed the child actor

Xie Chu was on his way to class, thinking about going to visit his godmother with his father this weekend, and began to think about what gifts should be brought to the past.

There are big trees on both sides of the school road, and the sunlight falls on the ground through the gaps between the leaves. The dancing light and shadow brighten Xie Chu's mood.

After Xie Hui delivered the meal, he went home and saw Zhaocai lying on the corridor basking in the sun. When he walked over, he didn't move at all, still wagging his tail like before, which was rare and sad.

At the age of cats, Zhaocai is considered a very long-lived cat, but with the growth of age, the reactions of all aspects inevitably began to decline. When it was young, it would have opened its eyes to see who it was as soon as it walked in the door.

Xie Hui took Xie Chu to visit Yang Yu this weekend, and brought some snacks prepared by himself.

Gu Jingtong's own family background is good, and now he is also very good in his career, no matter how good the gift is, it is the same for them, the most important thing is the kindness.

Especially now that it is Yang Yu's pregnancy, when it is uncomfortable to eat anything, these small snacks made by Xie Hui are like sending charcoal in a timely manner.

On the same day, Gu Jingtong heard that their father and son were coming, and it was rare for him not to go to the set. He wanted to stay at home with his wife, but Yang Yu drove him to the balcony after washing the fruit.

When he saw their father and son coming, he opened his mouth and began to complain, saying that he had never left the house today, and Yang Yu still disliked him here, saying that it was uncomfortable to smell his own body.

"It's true that people who are pregnant are different than usual."

After Xie Hui said something, he sent the gift in his hand. Yang Yu's pregnancy reaction was too severe, so she stayed upstairs and did not come down. When Xie Hui talked to Gu Jingtong, he inevitably mentioned the scene he planned to shoot. play.

"Chu Chu, don't let godfather down, let's start with the supporting role first, and later, you will play the leading role in godfather's crew."

Gu Jingtong said this sincerely. Whether it is public or private, he is very optimistic about Xie Chu, and he is sure that there will be a place for Xie Chu in the entertainment industry in the future.

When he was a child, Xie Chu was so cute that it made people's heart tremble. After growing up, Xie Chu didn't grow old. He had a particularly recognizable appearance and a gentle temperament. The acting skills in the audition clips can be said to be natural.

When Xie Chu auditioned, Gu Jingtong felt clearly why his uncle would sigh when he was studying with his uncle, that Xie Chu came down to feed himself from the earth.

After the filming of the film was finished, Xie Chu also accepted an interview. Before the costumes could be changed, the interviewing reporter came over first.

"Xie Chu, this is your first filming since you grew up, is there anything you don't feel comfortable with?"

Xie Chu's face was full of collagen, it seemed that he hadn't broken free from his childishness, and he was still a little bit green. He held the microphone and smiled at the camera, and replied seriously:

"Yes, after all, it's the first time I'm filming after growing up, and there are many things I don't quite understand, which made Director Gu worry a lot."

Gu Jingtong, who had just finished a period of work, heard from the staff that Xie Chu was being interviewed, fearing that he would be fooled by those reporters with more eyes than a sieve, so he hurried over.

"It's nothing to worry about. When will this interview end? I'm still waiting for the finale banquet arranged for you later."

The reporter heard the maintenance and urging in Gu Jingtong's words, with a stiff smile on his face, and speeded up the progress of the interview without a trace.

It doesn't matter if it's someone else's words, but Director Gu is different from other directors. No matter how exaggerated the reporter's words are, other directors will temporarily endure it for the sake of peace on the surface, and everything is for the sake of their own reputation.

But Director Gu, if someone makes him unhappy, he can scold him in person. When others don't respect him, he can't wait to tear their faces off. Fortunately, he has a low-key personality in the circle and does not give many interviews.

The few incidents that caused a lot of trouble made many reporters in the circle very afraid of these incidents.

There used to be reporters who were dissatisfied with Director Gu's overly arrogant temper, and secretly blamed him for having a bad temper behind his back. When Director Gu was asked about this in an interview, he generously admitted it.

Yes, it’s just that he has a bad temper. When you come to interview and ask those questions, be prepared first. Respect is mutual. If you don’t have the face to ask those excessive questions, it’s a good thing that he doesn’t tear the reporter’s face off and step on it a few times.

After the reporter's interview, Xie Chu smiled and said on his way to the backstage dressing room to remove his makeup:

"Thank you, godfather."

"There's nothing to say thank you for that. Hurry up and remove your makeup and let's go play together. I also prepared a big red envelope for you."

Thinking of Xie Chu who liked to hold red envelopes like a baby when he was a child, Gu Jingtong still misses so many years in the blink of an eye.

What he remembers most clearly is that when Xie Chu was young, he was lying on the rocking chair where Director Xu was resting in a costume, counting red envelopes with his fleshy hands while dangling. I can't forget it now.

Xie Chu changed out of his clothes, and after removing his makeup, he turned his face to the sky, his youthful spirit was as vibrant as the morning sun.

Gu Jingtong waved at him and took him into his car. There was a traffic jam at this point, and Yang Yu was suddenly mentioned at this moment.

"Chu Chu, do you think your godmother's child will be as obedient as you were when you were a child?"

Many topics in childhood are actually quite embarrassing for Xie Chu now. When Gu Jingtong talked about it, his ears had already started to have fever.

In the eyes of others, he is quite obedient, but in fact there are times when he is naughty in private, but his father doesn't like to publicize these things.

For example, when he was a child, he threw himself into a mud puddle, and when he was still dirty, he insisted on being hugged by his father with tears on his face.

He doesn't have many memories of when he was naughty when he was a child, and he only remembers a few things, but it doesn't prevent him from guessing that he also had headaches when he was a child.

In fact, Gu Jingtong was so happy to hear the news that his wife was pregnant recently that he was stupid. He wanted to say a few words when he saw everyone, but before Xie Chu could answer, he curled his lips first.

"It's good to be skinny, at least you won't be bullied. Both boys and girls are good. It's better to look like your godmother. Then you can't go wrong with your appearance."

Xie Chu responded with a smile. He also thought that the godmother was pretty, and his younger brother or younger sister should be pretty too.

At the finale banquet, Xie Chu didn't drink much, and Gu Jingtong helped block most of them. When we finished eating and broke up, as soon as we walked to the hotel entrance, we saw a familiar figure on the side of the road.

Because he was so happy, Xie Chu even forgot to say hello to Gu Jingtong, and his steps began to speed up without a trace.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"Your godfather called me and said that you had been drinking. I was a little worried, so I came to pick you up."

Hearing what his father said, Xie Chu smirked twice, and helped his father take the things from his hands, and the two walked on the sidewalk.

"Dad, I didn't drink much, I just drank a small glass of fruit wine. My godfather said that I just became an adult, so drinking too much is not good."

"That's what Director Xu said when you were young, so I prepared milk for you. Others put it down when they touched their lips, and you drank two cups."

At that time, even toasting the little guy who had to hug and poke his head, is now taller than him.

"Hey, Dad, I was still young at that time, how could I be as stupid as I used to be now."

Xie Chu didn't remember those things, but just hearing what his father said was funny.

Because this hotel is not far from their home, they didn't take a taxi, and the father and son chatted while walking back.

"I heard, what did that Xia Li do?"

This was what Gu Jingtong had mentioned to him before, and this child seldom mentioned these things in front of him.

"Yeah, it's a little annoying."

Xie Chu himself felt a little troubled, and frowned slightly. He really didn't care that much about those things when he was a child, but now that Xia Li's actions affected him, he felt bored.

"Don't want to take revenge on him?"

When Xie Chu heard his father's question, he was a little bit troubled, and carefully glanced at his father's face.

"Just say what you think, and I won't say anything about you."

"Dad, actually, I think it's not necessary."

Maybe others think he is cowardly, maybe someone scolds him for being timid, but Xie Chu just feels that there is no need to waste time on these things.

"I think that I am good enough, standing taller than him, standing in a place that he will never touch in his life, is the best revenge for him."

Xie Chu could understand that Xia Li didn't want to see his heart, after all no thief would want to see his master.

"Daddy respects all your ideas."

Upon hearing Xie Hui's words, Xie Chu opened his mouth and smiled happily.

Although sometimes he would worry about being reprimanded by his father when his thoughts were inconsistent with the public, but in most cases, he dared to tell his father directly.

Since he was a child, his father has been doing "respect", which is Xie Chu's greatest confidence.

Later, Xie Chu's development in the entertainment circle was smooth sailing, with few setbacks. The biggest headache for fans is that he is still the same as when he was a child, only filming dramas and rarely appearing in variety shows.

After graduating, he participated in director Xu's Fengshan work. Director Xu, who has been filming costume dramas all his life, was self-willed for a while when he was getting old and was planning to quit the industry, and made a literary film that he liked.

After the film was broadcast, even with Xie Chu, the box office was not very good. When being ridiculed by the crowd, Xie Chu also accepted an interview.

"Facing the unsatisfactory box office results of this movie, do you feel a sense of gap?"

"No, I think this movie is actually really good."

"Then are you worried that this movie will affect your subsequent development?"

"Of course not. The big deal is that I will sell fried skewers as I said before, so I won't starve to death."

After this interview was released, some of his fans deliberately found the video of him saying this sentence before, and the picture quality was a little blurry.

Little Luobotou stood next to Gu Jingtong when he was young, not even up to his waist, holding a water cup, drinking water with his head down, the voice of the reporter's interview could no longer be heard clearly.

"Huh? Then I'll go back and sell fried skewers with my dad."

Xie Hui, who was lying on the rocking chair leisurely making tea and listening to the opera, when he received the video sent by Gu Jingtong, looked at it carefully, feeling a little disgusted in his heart, but the corners of his lips raised uncontrollably.

How old are you, and like when you were a child, all you want is to sell fried skewers.

Although the box office of director Xu's Fengshan was not satisfactory, it won many awards at the awards ceremony and became the best-known work of the year.

This is a script that director Xu wanted to shoot but didn't dare to shoot when he was young. They are all people who plan to quit the circle, and they don't really care about the results so much. The script is very in-depth, and it is incompatible with the status quo of fast food.

But I didn't expect that I was able to win the award in the end, which was a surprise. The happy Director Xu insisted on having another celebration banquet, just to be happy.

Although the box office of that movie was not high, Xie Chu's acting skills in the movie were very good. In addition, the company he signed with was also good, and he was favored by another director. movie of.

Xie Chu was very happy when he received the news, but his assistant was a bit confused. After a while, seeing Xie Chu so happy, he didn't say what he wanted to say.

In fact, he had heard from someone he knew in the circle before that it was the one named Xia Li who had a lot of relationships, attended a lot of receptions, and even used improper means to get the audition. Chance.

Who would have thought that after the director watched Director Xu's Feng Shan's work, he directly appointed Xie Chu and announced that no other auditions would be used.

For that movie, Xie Chu asked his agent to push away some announcements in front of him. He was very grateful that his father had a good vision at the beginning and helped him sign such a good company.

There are many unscrupulous companies in the entertainment industry, but there are also conscientious ones. At the very least, the company his father helped him choose was pretty good, and it was one of the rare companies in the entertainment industry that could retain several first-line stars.

I was signed by the company when I was a rookie, and I didn't change jobs or open a personal studio after I developed to the front line.

Just before Xie Chu Anxin was about to go to the set, suddenly one day, he received a call from Gu Jingtong.

"Have you watched the trending searches?"

Xie Chu, who was reciting his lines, hadn't paid attention to these things for a while, and when he heard his godfather's words, he was taken aback before replying:

"I've been reading scripts recently, but I didn't pay attention to those. What happened?"

Ever since he became popular in the circle, Xie Chu has long been used to some of his fake scandals being exposed from time to time, but he has been too lazy to care about it, and he has to correct and clarify every one by himself, and he can't do it without sleep.

After seeing it, my heart was blocked and panicked, so I just didn't pay attention to it like his father said.

"Would you like to go and see?"

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Chu clicked into the software he hadn't used for a long time, glanced at the content on the hot search entries, and his face instantly became ugly.