After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs

Chapter 89: Abandoned animal-shaped panda cub 1...

Xie Hui stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, and saw the cub shivering with his paws curled up inside. He stretched out his hand towards him, and after he put his paws on his hands, he pulled him out of the bed.

"Huh? Don't dare to sleep alone?"

The cub nodded his head, and then rubbed Xie Hui's palm. It doesn't look like a panda, but it looks like a puppy who is good at pleasing people.

"Don't climb on my face again tonight, otherwise, even if it's midnight, I'll throw you back to sleep alone."


The paw was sent to Xie Hui, and Xie Hui reached out to touch him.

After all, this cub is not the cutie that can be dragged by a single slap. It is heavy even if it eats too well, especially when the whole thing is pressed on his face, it is impossible to breathe.

Xie Hui didn't want to experience that deadly feeling for a second time.

Before going to bed, Xie Hui also specially helped him tidy the quilt. The cub moved its paws a bit, and Tingxiangfu moved its paws and neck, adjusted to a comfortable position and closed its eyes.

This time the cub did not give Xie Hui a panda face, but Xie Hui was woken up in the middle of the night, opened his eyes and reached out to turn on the bedside switch.

The light strip exudes a soft light yellow light, and the cub lying next to him, he... actually snores.

Unlike the soft snoring sound like before, the snoring sound is still acceptable, after all, the sound is so small that it sounds cute. Now this snoring can make Xie Hui so noisy that he can't fall asleep directly.

With the light of the lamp belt, you can see the cub sleeping in a very bold posture. When he snores, his chest rises and falls, and the whirring sound is a bit silly.

Xie Hui really wanted to be angry with him, but seeing the cub so cute, he couldn't get angry. He leaned over and reached out to pinch his mouth, and the snoring stopped for a while.

After pinching the cub's mouth for a while, seeing how uncomfortable he was, he let go. But as soon as he let go, the snoring sounded again.

In the end, Xie Hui could only force himself to ignore the sound, and after covering himself with the quilt, he silently planned to arrange the vegetables he least liked for breakfast for the cub tomorrow.

The assistant was indeed omnipotent in his work, and soon the embryonic form of an entertainment company was formed. Although they seem to have no background and experience, they have a very good advantage: rich.

Basically, Xie Hui will follow up every link. From his point of view, it is no problem to continue to develop like this. It is difficult to become rich, but it should be possible to develop to the level in the client's memory.

In the early days of the company, we searched for trainable actors from schools or Internet celebrities, signed contracts and slowly cultivated them.

It is obviously difficult for powerful actors and artists to sign a company. After all, their company is not very popular now, so they have to show their strength to be convincing.

The assistant suggested that the company could also try to cultivate Internet celebrities. After all, the ability of Internet celebrities to bring goods into cash is no worse than that of entertainers in the entertainment industry. More importantly, the threshold for Internet celebrities is lower and the choices are wider.

Xie Hui also felt that he could try it. Not long after, the assistant created an account first, planning to take some pictures of Mr. Xie's son's daily life, and accumulate some traffic first.

The bigger the cub is, the more energetic it is. Xie Hui told his assistant that he can shoot some videos and upload them on the premise of not violating the cub's wishes.

At any rate, after getting along for such a long time, the assistant saw how much Mr. Xie cared about this child, and the content of the video he shot was only daily, and he didn't force this cub to do anything he didn't want to do.

It was unintentional, but the video of this cub went viral on the Internet.

Even if it's just a video of the cub sitting on a desk peeling bamboo shoots, and his claws are not flexible enough to chew on his mouth, the number of views can exceed tens of millions.

There are videos of cubs lying on the sofa with their legs crossed and circling, or crawling around with a small schoolbag with bamboo shoots on their backs. The comment area is full of groundhogs bringing sacks and screaming at the scene.

The influence of this cub was completely beyond Xie Hui's expectations. Xie Jia's identity as a non-human cub in her infancy has attracted the attention of countless people.

Many people even commented that if their child was as well-behaved and harmless as this cub, then they would be willing to raise the child themselves instead of sending their own child to an orphanage.

The empire stipulates that each person only has two chances to have children, but even if there are only two chances, it can't change the high abandonment rate of cubs.

The main reason is a piece of news that a young couple raised a non-human cub in its infancy, which was a tiger in its infancy.

But the cub ended up gnawing off one of his mother's hands and his father's entire arm in the middle of the night.

After the news spread, everyone's desire to raise children was instantly extinguished. It's fine to raise a child, but if you even sleep for fear that others will kill you, it will be difficult for people to accept it with peace of mind.

Although the news was picked up later to reveal the truth, it was because the couple forced the cub to eat rotten meat, and often hit the cub with things, and even touched the red-hot iron with the cub's meat pad. In the end, the cub The cub resisted when he couldn't bear it.

But what most people pay attention to is only the lively gossip itself, and no one cares about the clarified truth, and it is even firmly believed that this is a fact fabricated by the king in order to cover up the truth.

The explosion of Xie Jia's cub made many anxious parents-to-be settle down. If it is as cute as that cub, it seems that it is acceptable to be non-human in childhood.

The entry [Like Jiajia is willing to raise] was even on the top searches for a while. Because the popularity was too high, Xie Hui also saw the discussion about this matter.

Probably because he has become a father more times, he has softened a lot, and he is not very able to accept this status quo. So when the popularity of my cub was the highest, I took this cub and started a live broadcast at my home.

Before the broadcast started, Xie Hui turned off the option to give gifts, and he himself didn't want to make money from this. The start of the broadcast was early in the morning, which happened to be a live broadcast of this cub's day-to-day life.

"Hello viewers, first of all, I'm starting this live broadcast. My purpose is not to bring goods, nor to receive gifts. I just want you to see, a non-human cub in its infancy, a whole day's daily life."

For this live broadcast, Xie Hui did not go to the company for a day, and stayed with him at home. In order to restore the daily life of cubs in ordinary families, the nannies and housekeepers were not asked to help,

This account is very popular now. Although it was early in the morning, after the broadcast started, many viewers still entered the live broadcast room.

Early in the morning, Xie Hui went to change his home clothes first. He took a stand and put the mobile phone on the bedside table to let the audience watch the cub sleeping on the big bed.

It is lying on its back like a human being, its claws are placed randomly, and it purrs very lightly.

In the bedroom, Xie Hui usually doesn’t open the curtains before the cub wakes up. In a slightly dark environment, the hair is slightly shaken by breathing, and the sense of tranquility of the years is very healing .

Xie Hui changed his clothes and went back to the bedroom, gently pushed the cub's shoulder to wake him up.

After the cub was woken up, he sat there leaning against the pillow, rubbed his dark circles with his paws for a while, and then reached out to Xie Hui to hug him.

The cub who just woke up and was still dazed did not wake up, but was a little clingy. Every day after being woken up, I have to lie in Xie Hui's arms, or I will be humming for a long time without stopping.

Xie Hui hugged him with one hand, and walked out with the phone in the other. Before the assistant came over, he was patting the cub while preparing breakfast, looking a little flustered.

After the assistant knocked on the door of their house, it would be much better for the assistant to take pictures with the mobile phone.

After arriving downstairs, Xie Hui picked out a bamboo shoot and handed it to him. The cub sat on the carpet, peeled off the bamboo shoots, and gnawed on it twice. After peeling clean, he bit off the tenderest bamboo shoots with one bite. It was crispy. There was a chewing sound.

After he finished eating the bamboo shoots, Xie Hui fed the cub another bowl of milk. Even if it's so big, still drink a bowl and sprinkle a small half.

Xie Hui gestured to the assistant with his eyes, and asked him to go and take pictures of his son, while he turned around and started to make breakfast first.

The cub was lying on the table, leaned over to drink milk, and splashed a lot. After finishing the drink, he even carefully poked his head to see if his father was there, to make sure that Xie Hui was not here, and immediately licked the table twice again, the action was extremely urgent.

"Thank you!"

Xie Hui turned around, just in time to see him licking the milk on the table, and called his name in a cold voice.

The cub was terrified instantly, lay down on the spot and groaned, covered his head with his paws, and covered his eyes by the way.

"Go by yourself."


Hmph, acting like a baby is acting like a baby, but she still didn't dare to disobey her father's order, obediently jumped down from the small table, walked to the wall next to the carpet, and began to face the wall and think about it.

Facing a white wall and doing nothing, it's really hard for this kind of energetic pup. The cub stood there well-behaved and didn't dare to look around, only the little tail behind him was wagging happily.

Every time Xie Hui came to the living room, the cub would grunt to attract Xie Hui's attention. Xie Hui left after taking his things, he didn't want to talk to this kid at all, just pretending that he didn't hear anything.

It's easy to talk about other things, but the doctor said that this kind of cubs are in good health when they are young, but they need to be extra careful about what they eat, such as snacks dropped on the floor and milk spilled on the table.

But this cub is very good in other places, but in this matter, no matter how many times I tell him, he will still do it next time.

Maybe it was because he stood for a long time, but the cub had a temper at the back, and without wagging his tail, he just stood in front of the white wall and sulked.

Xie Hui could see the way he was angry at a glance. He brought the prepared breakfast to the table in the dining room, stared at the glutinous rice dumpling in front of the white wall, and coughed.

As soon as he finished coughing, he saw the cub's tail wagging.

"time to eat."


Nuomi Duanzi hurriedly used all four short claws, saying that it was not appropriate to run over, it was like taking off from Wuhu.