After the College Entrance Examination, Bring a System To Join the Army

Chapter 219

He flicked his hands and pushed the two pinched ones loose, and lifted his feet from the people who were lying on the ground.

"Cough cough~"

A series of coughing sounds came from the mouths of the two students who had been released. Apart from that, there were no other sounds.

They dare not go there.

One to four, they were instantly killed without encountering each other. In this case, their brains were replaced by pig brains, and they knew that this newcomer was a real ruthless person, not something they could afford.


Chapter 343 Hit a stick and give candy! (Please order, please support!

"Hey, brother, you are too fierce, are you from the army?

Is it a sergeant?

What kind of troop?

Not the special forces, right? "

Outside the dormitory, when the baby-faced classmate took Lin Fan to the canteen, a series of questions popped up.

"Well, the troops are here, but I'm not a non-commissioned officer, nor a special force, I'm a scout!"

"That's amazing! I just turned around and you've subdued them.

By the way, man, I haven't introduced myself yet.

My name is Ouyang Wen. My family is from Northwestern Shanxi Province. The students admitted to the college entrance examination are majoring in the command of the investigation team. How about you? "

"The commander of the investigation team?" Lin Fan looked at the baby face carefully. In fact, he had a tender face, but he was not weak in height and stature.

"Hey, Brother Fan, don't think about it, I don't dare to command you!" Looking at Lin Fan's eyes, Ouyang Wen hurriedly raised his hand and said with a smile, he was really afraid that Lin Fan would misunderstand.

"Haha, my special team commander is professional!" Lin Fan said with a smile!

"Sure enough, you can see that you are expected to be a special forces soldier." Ouyang Wen showed a look of approval, and then continued to ask: "By the way, Brother Fan, ask if the military training is fast. 03

I came yesterday and they said prepare me to suffer, three months of new training, prepare me mentally! "

Ouyang Wen is a student recruited by the local college entrance examination. This is the first time he has entered a military academy, so the real military academy career and training can only be checked online. Then he came over yesterday and asked some old students in the dormitory for advice.

Of course, the more you ask him, the less sure.

After all, those on the Internet and the veterans in the dorms said prepare him to suffer.

He is very nervous now.

"It's alright, grit your teeth, hold on for a while and it's over.

Specifically, I have not experienced it.

But if you can enter the military school, your physical fitness will definitely not be bad! "

Lin Fan didn't feel anything about the new training in the military academy!

It's nothing more than going through a recruit company.

Of course, this is a military school, not an army infantry unit, and it may not be as strong as a recruit company.

But no matter what happened to him, it wouldn't cause any trouble to Lin Fan.

"Okay, that's the commissary, I'll go shopping! Do you want to buy anything else?"

Clothes, quilts, sheets and even quilts are issued by the school, but toothpaste, shampoo and soap need to be bought by yourself.

"I've already bought it. Let's buy some food. You had a conflict with them just now. They all belong to the same dormitory. Let's buy some food and invite them to eat!"

Lin Fan looked at him.

Looking at Ouyang Wen, he couldn't help but forgive his head.

"Brother Fan, it doesn't mean anything else, that is, we live in a dormitory, and we have to stay with them for at least a year. I don't want you to have a bad relationship with them!"

"Oh, I didn't say no.

Okay, let's go together, I'll buy it! "

Lin Fan didn't think about bullying anyone, but he just didn't want to be bullied.

In the military, where men are, even in a place with a learning atmosphere like a military school, it is inevitable to speak with fists.

If he doesn't show his muscles, he has to be educated.

Of course, ordinary people don't have this ability, so they have to be honest recruits.

This is also an alternative exercise in the army.

To kill off the spirit and bad temper of some middle school students who have just entered the military academy, let people manage them and know how to obey the rules.

There is no tuition fee, there is still salary, and you can directly become an officer after graduation. With so many benefits given to you, you have to accept an identity.


Obeying the rules and subordinates obeying their superiors are things a soldier must abide by.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't need them to teach him, and he didn't want to suffer the crime of being treated as a younger brother every day, so he could only resist.

However, Lin Fan also understood the principle of giving a candy with a stick.

It doesn't matter if I can reconcile with Lin Fan, they are not in the same grade, or even a major, it doesn't matter.

Buying something for them is just a statement of one's attitude.

Soon, the goods were purchased, and Lin Fan and Ouyang Wen returned to the dormitory.

However, to the surprise of the two of them, there was no one in the dormitory at this time.

"Forget it, you have nothing to eat, I'll clean up!"

At this time, Lin Fan had already changed into his regular clothes when he went out.

Of course, it's not an officer's uniform, but an ordinary soldier's uniform issued by the school.

Put the purchased toothpaste and other things into categories and put them in the place where they should be placed.

After staying in the dormitory for a while, the other six people in the dormitory also came back together.

Seeing Lin Fan in the dormitory, the four people who were beaten didn't say anything, but the other two who met for the first time came to Lin Fan's bed together.

Of course, the two of them didn't do anything stupid.

The two came with a smile on their faces.

"Dude, my name is Lu Zhenyu, a junior in the special operations command area team and the monitor of our dormitory!"

This person looks very lean, although not strong, but it will not give people the feeling of being very thin.

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Lin Fan also got up and smiled and reached out to shake his hand.

"Lin Fan, a freshman in the special operations command major!"

"Well, Lin Fan, good name, are you a special soldier of the special forces?" Lu Zhenyu continued to ask with a smile.

He knew that although the special forces of the army now generally do not want soldiers with a degree below the university.

But there are also some special recruits, such people, if they perform well, they are not allowed to come here to study.

This is also the conclusion they came to after discussing and guessing outside just now.

"No, the scout was hired to join the army!"

"Oh? Well, guessed wrong.

Forget it, don't 410 say this.

Lin Fan, it's better to break up with each other than to get married. In fact, they are not malicious, and you are not at a disadvantage.

For the sake of my face, what happened in the past? "

"It's alright, I just remind them." Lin Fan said with a smile, and continued: "Of course, we all live together, and I don't want to make trouble.

Mosquito! "

Lin Fan looked at Ouyang Wen who was standing beside his bed and gave him a nickname in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Ouyang Wen didn't mind. Hearing Lin Fan's words, he quickly understood, and quickly walked over with the bag on his bed.

He smiled and said, "Squad leader, this is what Brother Fan bought for everyone to eat together!"


Hey, all four of you here.

They were all soldiers, big men, and Lin Fan wasn't a new recruit from the school, so let's just make some misunderstandings.

Don't take it to heart.

Come, let's have something to eat! "

What happened just now is over after Lu Zhenyu resolved it.

Of course, as for whether their hearts were truly relieved, Lin Fan wasn't going to investigate.

He's here because he really wants to learn.

When he was in the army, because the enlistment time was too short, and his own culture was too low, he was too poor in cultural theory, and now he is here to settle.


Chapter 344 Captain, counselor! (Please order, please support!

"Shhhhh~ Freshmen come down and gather!"

At 5:00 p.m., the deadline for new students to report, the horn sounded on time downstairs in the dormitory.

Inside the dormitory, Lin Fan and Xin Ouyang Wen had already prepared.

Shouting from the downstairs, the two immediately got up and ran out.

This is a reminder from the monitor Lu Zhenyu that when the freshmen report is over, they will gather.

Of course, these old students will start school two days later, so although they are in the dormitory now, they don't need to listen to the whistle.

Soon, Lin Fan, who ran out of the dormitory, saw people running out of every floor of the door-shaped dormitory building.

Go downstairs quickly, then run out of the dormitory building and come to the front of the dormitory.

At this time, there were two military officers who looked to be in their thirties waiting below.

"The first row of land warfare, the second row of special warfare, the third row of airborne, and the fourth row of reconnaissance, and arrange themselves according to height!"

After no one came out, the major in front of him shouted loudly at everyone.

At this time, there were more than 100 people running down in chaos. Many students had not even experienced military training in high school. Now, for the first time, it took almost two minutes to divide the team into four rows!

Simply, the captain and the counselor did not force everyone.

He knew very well that nearly half of the people in front of him were college students from local colleges, and they had no experience in military training, so it was useless to force too much.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

"I'm your captain, Zhang Haifeng.

Of course, you may not understand what it means when you say captain!

Let me briefly introduce to you!

Captain, you are equivalent to your grade leader when you were studying. Unlike your high school, I only care about your grade in the combat department, and next to me is your counselor! "

"Hello everyone, I'm your counselor, Liu Qiang!"

The counselor is also an officer, and is also a major of 2 Mao Yi.

The counselor just said a word, and then the brigade captain said again: "We are your direct military commanders.

In the future, I will be in charge of your administrative management, and Counselor Liu will be in charge of party affairs and political work.

In other words, Instructor Liu will help you with ideological and political education and focus on your textbook study.

And I, I will focus on your physical and military skills training.” "

After a pause, the captain glanced at the crowd, and suddenly shouted louder: "Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"I understand!"