After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 125: Really change something

Zhou Ming approached, Lou Zhixin stood there, without even posing for a fight, presumably he felt that he had no chance of winning at all.

But Zhou Ming did not let him go because the opponent gave up resistance. When Lou Zhixin was included in the sword enclosure, he raised his hand and drew a sword across his throat, blood spurting out, and Wu Xingxing next to him was covered with head and face.

Lou Zhixin didn't have any struggle, clutching his neck and then fell down. Wu Mingxing, who was sitting on the beautiful tiger chair, was shaking all over, his eyes staring straight at the ground, he dared not look directly at Zhou Ming.

", what do you want?" he trembled.

"Let them turn on the broadcast of the whole village." Zhou Ming picked up the long sword, and the blade touched Wu Mingxing's thigh slightly.

Wu Xingxing tremblingly picked up the walkie-talkie and asked his subordinates to turn on the radio.

"Last time I saw you carry the talking device with you, you should take it with you now, take it out."

When Wu Mingxing heard these words, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhou Ming in amazement: "It's you!"

"take it out."

Wu Xingxing hurriedly searched for him, finally found the microphone of Unicom Broadcasting, and quickly took out his hands and offered it.

Zhou Ming took it and chopped off Wu Xingxing's head with a backhand.

On the huge rooftop, only the last two people survived. Zhou Ming took the broadcaster and walked to the edge of the rooftop, looking at this dark village. The red light in his eyes had disappeared.

Although he can't see it, he knows that the red mist will always exist there. As long as Sanyang Village remains the same, the red mist of fear will never dissipate.

There is not much he can do, but he may be able to change a few things.

Zhou Ming took a deep breath and spoke to all the villagers in Sanyang Village.

"Everyone in Sanyang Village listens. Whether it's a miner, a commoner, a black market manager, or whatever, please listen to my next words. Just a few minutes ago, the Wu family, one of the Sanyang Village Mountain King's clan, Patriarch Wu Mingxing has been killed by me."

The dark village suddenly lit up, every household lit candles, and the village below the mountain was no longer pure black.

People walked out of the house with candles and looked up at the radio speakers above their heads; foreign businessmen and black market managers who talked about business in the black market stopped their work and listened to Zhou Ming's speech; miners who worked hard in the mines The pace slowed down, the hollow eyes glowed for the first time, and the overseer next to him temporarily forgot his duties and did not draw the whip on the lazy miners.

Everyone looked up and looked at the radio speakers. They heard the news of the death of the mountain king, but they couldn't believe it for a while.

"No one can't be defeated, no one can't be killed. The world is not what you see. In the outside world, many people are fed and dressed warmly.

When they are working, no one will swing their whips behind their backs, they will start to work as soon as the sun rises, they will hug their lover when they go down the mountain, and sleep until dawn, even if they don’t want to work for a few days occasionally.

This era is indeed painful, and the world is also painful, but your pain has exceeded what you should bear.

Your pain does not come from the times, nor from weirdness. All the pain comes from the mountain king family. They base their happiness on your life. Once you resist, they will send people to kill you with guns and knives.

But the mountain king is not a god. If you cut off your head and puncture your heart, you will die. Although it will be difficult, it is not impossible.

I am the first, but I will never be the last. There will definitely be someone like me among you.

The world can be changed, and anyone has a chance. "

After speaking, Zhou Ming paused, then continued: "There are several other families, are you listening? Someone like me will come to kill you, maybe some night, someone will come To kill you, none of the people standing next to you will stay."


In other villas on the mountainside, those mountain kings were furious and furious as they listened to Zhou Ming's broadcast.

"Who is it! Who is it! Find him out, I'm going to peel him off and hang him on the mine!" A mountain king was furious.

But far away on another mountain, another mountain king was lost in thought: "Wu Mingxing... is it really dead?"

As the overlord of Sanyang Village, they have never been so provocative and insulted. The mysterious people who are now broadcasting speeches are undoubtedly destroying their supreme authority. How does this make them not angry?

However, apart from the anger, the mountain kings and their families also had a trace of worry in their hearts.

As rulers, they know the rules of using violence. Although there is an enemy that needs to be solved and must be killed now, they also deeply realize that their own violence is not overwhelming for that person... The opponent even has more terrifying power than them.

"That person should still be in Wu Mansion now, can you take someone to solve it?" The Mountain King said to his confidant next to him.

The man wearing the mask leaned over respectfully and whispered his opinion: "I don't think the chances of winning are great. Lou Wenzhi of Wu Mansion is a very powerful conjurer. If I ask myself if I have three more exactly the same I am definitely not his opponent... But now, Lou Wenzhi is probably dead, which shows that that person is very dangerous."

The mountain king fell silent, and the confidant went on to say: "But if you want me to try, Master, I'm willing to go."

The broadcast continued. Zhou Ming's deep and deep voice continued to be heard from the loudspeaker. He said: "Keep on suppressing, I know what you are thinking, but don't overestimate your own strength. The display of violence is just a show. , You can’t change your own strength, you can’t frighten the real strong.

"Other people in Sanyang Village also listen carefully. Death is inevitable, but why you die? Please think clearly about this."

The radio made a sharp noise, and China Unicom's channel was closed.

The confidant next to the mountain king then asked, "Am I going?"

"Forget it." The mountain king was silent for a long time and shook his head.

At the moment the broadcast was closed, another mountain king connected to the broadcast and announced angrily: "Within three days! We will kill this person and all his accomplices!"

A brief speech, but still quite awe-inspiring.

The foundation of the Shanwang family in Sanyang Village is to do what it says.

But Zhou Ming's voice immediately followed: "I will be waiting for you."


Zhou Ming put down the microphone in his hand, stood alone on the low wall of the rooftop, standing against the wind, and had a panoramic view of the entire goat village.

Wang Siyan leaned against the wall next to him, looking at Zhou Ming's back, with a different kind of throbbing in his heart.

When Zhou Ming said that just now, she suddenly felt that they had really changed They crossed difficult obstacles, defeated powerful enemies, and finally stood here, to everyone A few very simple words were said.

Although there are only a few sentences, and even though they are simple nonsense, in order to tell these words to those suffering in purgatory, they have also experienced the test from life to death.

And this is just to let those people know what they can do.

She watched Zhou Mingli look into the distance in the night wind, as if she had seen a strange side that she had never seen in Zhou Ming.


Zhou Ming forcefully threw the microphone in his hand to the sky, clenched his fists and screamed to the sky, venting the passionate feelings in his chest.

The long roar stopped for a long time, Zhou Ming jumped back from the edge of the roof and came to Wang Siyan's side. He pulled the opponent's arm around his shoulders, put his arms around Wang Siyan's waist, and helped her up.

"You were pretty handsome just now." Wang Siyan said.

Zhou Ming: "Idiot, we should retreat!"