After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 158: Sequel to the novel

The wind on the rooftop is very strong. A man is standing on the edge of the rooftop, looking at a certain direction. No one knows what he is thinking at the moment, no one knows whether he has his own thoughts, he just follows a certain "instinct." Driven by, here to complete the wait-and-see steps.

The door behind opened, and Lan Xinyun came up from downstairs. When he saw the man standing on the edge of the building, his mouth smiled: "You are the Ripper. I searched for fifteen possible places and finally found it. is you!"

The Ripper turned to face Lan Xinyun. He was very handsome and looked a little melancholy, but there was a certain kind of violent fire in his eyes. The clothes he wore were modern and fashionable. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. There are brightly polished leather shoes, like an office worker who has just graduated with meticulous dressing.

The two stood facing each other at a distance of 20 meters, silent like two sculptures.

Lan Xinyun was observing the other party, and his sister reminded him of the distance of the spell in her ear. The special grenade was already clenched in his left hand, and he calculated the coordinates of the explosion in his mind.

Many people think that the ability to use coordinates to determine the location of a spell is a perfect attack, but in fact, the determination of coordinates is a difficult technical task. It requires the operator to have a strong sense of space and distance. , And good anticipation.

The sun was sinking towards the horizon on the west side of the city, and the dazzling Jin Hui burst out with a final burst of dazzling light. Then the earth became gray, the black curtain fell, and the surrounding environment quickly dimmed.

The roof was foggy, Lan Xinyun did not hesitate, rushed forward, and pulled the two sides into a suitable distance range in a few steps. He opened the grip of the grenade, and a dull explosion sounded, and the grenade changed in his hand. It had to be shattered, but all the kinetic energy seemed to be absorbed, and his fingers didn't even vibrate.

The sound came from Lan Xinyun, but the explosion was born in the front. It was not only for some reason. The Ripper also moved at the moment Lan Xinyun launched the attack. The violent energy exploded beside him. He was like a golf hit by a club. The ball was lifted straight.

The power enough to tear his body to pieces did not leave any obvious marks on him, only a few small red blood flowers were dipped on his white shirt, and then his figure was blurred in the thick fog.

Lan Xinyun was slightly confused, chasing after him, feeling a little anxious, his attack just now was noticed by the other party, otherwise the detonation point of the kinetic energy should be in the body of the Ripper, rather than next to it.

"Don't be impatient, you can do it." My sister comforted in her ear.

Lan Xinyun passed through the thick fog, but could not find the opponent. He searched forward along the direction where the opponent was blown up at the fastest speed. Suddenly his pupils contracted, and his rushing feet slammed the brakes. The protruding front body pulled back abruptly.

He has reached the edge of the rooftop and almost fell from here!

"Oh shit!"

Where's the Ripper?

Where is the Ripper!



It was another night. The commissioners who had been detained for a day during the day were all sleepy. Wang Si went to sleep on the empty bed next to him under a blanket. Lu Sanqing and others had no desire to play cards and sat bored. On the one hand, Chen is proposing to him to repeat the case of Ling Chi, and engage in immersive thinking.

But Lu Sanqing refused, and anyone could see that Chen just wanted to play.

At this moment, Song Chunying’s mobile phone rang suddenly, and the boring atmosphere was instantly shattered. Everyone’s attention was attracted by that mobile phone. Song Chunying glanced at the caller ID, turned on the speaker and placed it next to him. On the table.

Li Huan's voice came from inside: "We found a sequel!"

"Find a sequel?" The others suddenly came to their minds, Wang Si sat up from the bed like a dead body, looking to this side vigorously.

Li Huan: "It took a lot of work. Who would have thought that this author not only changed his pen name, but also changed his style of work! If it weren't for someone here from the perspective of writing style, they would not find it !"

"What is the murderer going to do next?" Zhou Ming asked everyone the most concerned question.

"This sequel is actually a background introduction in another criminal investigation book written by the author. The protagonist did not even come into contact with this case. It was just the case that the protagonist’s master, an old criminal policeman, had solved, although the criminal’s name was not written. But judging from the description, it should be the male protagonist of "Killing Love"!

"The techniques mentioned in it are very similar to those of the Ripper so far. The, it should be the last girlfriend of the man in the book. She killed.

"The content is not much, I will send it to the mailbox!"

Ou Yang had already set up a projection on the side, and as soon as the email came, that paragraph was projected on the wall.

My master said that the prisoner used an incredible technique to take the internal organs and large intestine of the female victim from the body, and filled the other’s belly with whole flowers and petals. The only wound on the victim’s body was the belly button. A place the size of a coin, that place is covered with a rose.

Then the murderer went crazy. He rushed to the street with a knife and hacked and killed women who could be seen around him. Finally, he was shot dead by the police on the street. After he was shot, the police found out that he was a serial homicide. The instigator.

It was as brief as Li Huan said, but they were sure that this should be a sequel.

The follow-up action of the Ripper is hidden here!

"In other words, as long as one more person is killed, the Ripper will carry out an indiscriminate massacre?" Chen said in horror.

The faces of everyone around him sank, and Li Huan’s face jumped out of the projection screen. He looked solemn and very serious: “This is the last chance. If we don’t catch the Ripper, once he starts to kill indiscriminately on a large scale, he will be scared. Emotions will spread uncontrollably. At that time, I am afraid there will definitely be a third evolution!"

"So we must immediately start to Zhang Wei said.

Ou Yang: "Previous investigations showed that although the people killed by the Ripper were both male and female, the characteristics of the victims were very similar to those of the dead. The gym trainer who crushed the abdominal cavity at the beginning was the chef, and the one who was cooking in the back was the chef. ......Can we start from this point?"

Song Chunying played with her hair and thought thoughtfully: "But the dead person is either a male client or a prostitute. This shows that the choice of the victim by the Ripper is a partial combination of two rumors, and the identity must be sold or sold. I bought it, but my hobbies are best to be close to the dead in here."

"Such a person is hard to find." Wang Si sat cross-legged on the bed with a serious face.

Suddenly she felt the silence in the room suddenly fell, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Lifting his head, he found a group of people staring straight at him.

"Look... see what I am doing."

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