After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 244: The God of Gamblers' Wealth Plan

, The fastest update to the latest chapter after the ghost story prevails!

Zhou Ming looked at the three-meter-high wire fence, looked at the guard posts, walked leisurely and walked back to the side of the dock by the sea. Wang Siyan sat on three stacked suitcases on the coast, playing with it. The small dagger inside.

She is studying new moves. Although she learned to accelerate and decelerate individual parts of the body last time, she is not satisfied with this alone. It is not enough to keep up with Zhou Ming's pace. She must become stronger.

Because of the notes that Crow left Zhou Ming, Wang Siyan also had a completely new idea, and now her growth thoughts are different from before.

Before seeing the crow's notes, Wang Siyan's pursuit of spells had always been faster and faster, and had not explored other possibilities, but now she wanted to try other realms.

For example, passivation of incantation procedures.

Because the activation of speed magic is closely related to the movement of the body, it is itself a spell based on action, and the action and the spell must be performed simultaneously. Therefore, for Wang Siyan, the programming of the spell is a long time ago. Realm.

She has never named her moves since she obtained the spell.

But recently she reviewed her way of fighting and suddenly realized that she had an error in her understanding of procedural spells.

Maybe her moves can have more detailed micro-manipulations. Since different parts of the body can already be moved at different speeds, can it be possible to stagger the cost of each part to pay for the time?

For example, after the left hand accelerates the attack, the right hand immediately attacks, and the left hand enters the deceleration cooling at the same time, so that it can accelerate without gaps.

But Wang Siyan practiced for a while and found that this has high requirements for the brain's reaction speed. When using this trick, the brain will often short-circuit, and a slow shot will cause the movement to deform. In serious cases, she will be sent to the hospital like she did last time.

So she must learn to program this technique, to be precise, it should be to program certain attacks to form a fixed sword move, so she doesn't need to use her brain.

This is the new possibility she has been thinking about.



Suddenly there was a loud roar on the sea. A huge retro cruise ship approached slowly from a distance. Wang Siyan raised her head, squinted and looked at the outline of the cruise ship against the sun. As the cruise ship drew ashore, she finally saw it clearly. Lucky number!

"It's ashore! Where's Zhou Ming? Zhou Ming!" Wang Siyan yelled.

"Here, stop calling." Zhou Ming walked out from the right side of Wang Siyan's back. "It has been on the shore for a while and won't drive away immediately. Even if I'm not here, don't worry."

Wang Siyan opened his mouth to refute, but didn't think of a reason, so he picked up two luggages: "Get on board!"

Zhou Ming brought up the remaining baggage and walked up the cruise ship behind Wang Siyan. There were many people who got off the lucky number. Some people looked depressed, some looked a little panicked, and some were regretful.

Many of the people who disembarked got on this sky-high-priced cruise ship for the weird phenomenon of 300 million yuan. Seeing their appearance, they all seemed to have returned to no avail.

Before departure, Zhou Ming asked Zhang Wei about the weird information of the cruise ship, but Zhang Wei said that the owner of the cruise ship did not disclose the specific information. Only the people who disembarked vaguely revealed that the weirdness would cause people to fall into an unconscious coma.

Other than that, they didn't know anything about weirdness.

Wang Siyan carried a large baggage in each hand, and looked around and got on the ship. The two got on the deck. There were people everywhere on the huge deck. But because the ship was too huge, the unmanned space on the deck was still exaggerated. .

Half of them are well-dressed, and it is obvious that they are rich owners. As a passenger in ordinary clothes, Wang Siyan frowned slightly and slowly observed the people around him with sharp eyes, as if he was looking at a piece. Commodities, calculate their real prices.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Ming pushed her.

Wang Siyan was close to Zhou Ming and said softly: "I'm looking at the number of rich people on this ship."

"Why are you watching this?"

"I have inquired with Wei Zai. There are two casinos on this ship. One is a weird casino that uses luck as a bet, and the other is an ordinary money gambling casino. Lucky casinos cannot cheat. They must follow the rules of weird venues. Ordinary can pay a thousand!"

There was a sharp glow in Wang Siyan's eyes, and for a moment, Zhou Ming felt that Wang Siyan had the temperament of a gambling god.

Zhou Ming pondered for a while, and asked a little worried: "Don't you want it?"

"Hush!" Wang Siyan made a silent gesture and pressed Zhou Ming's neck to Zhou Ming's ear and said, "I rarely play cards, but when I slept last night, I thought that I could use speed magic to play cards. Ah! With the help of spells, the speed is fast enough, and they won’t see if I cheat!"

At the end of the sentence, she did not forget to add a happy tongue, raised her eyebrows towards Zhou Ming, and her face was triumphant.

Zhou Ming's worries became reality. He hesitated to confirm it again, but Wang Siyan took out two banknotes from his pocket, and shook it gently in front of Zhou Ming after facing them. It took only a moment, which was originally positive. The banknote facing Zhou Ming instantly turned into the back. He only saw Wang Siyan's hand and the position of the banknote teleported a few centimeters.

What a magical skill this is!

"So you were looking at the number of rich people?"

"Yes, Fat Sheep... Bah! God of Wealth should have more, if it's all about to grab the bounty, what kind of oil and water is there!"

Wang Siyan thought about it carefully, only if the God of Fortune has enough, she can earn enough money quietly, after all, if she always stares at a group of people to kill, it will definitely be easy to reveal.

But if the number of rich people is large enough, then she can pick up a little bit from them, just like a goose plucking hair, accumulating less and accumulating, the risk of exposure is small, and the money earned is a lot.

Seeing Zhou Ming still hesitating, she stood on tiptoe and leaned into Zhou Ming's ear and said:

"I have calculated as long as there are no high-speed cameras more than 20 times in the casino, no one will be able to see clearly. So, maybe we don't have to spend a penny on a trip!"

She pulled on Zhou Ming's sleeve, snickered with a look of wealth, like a child, she was stunned to see Zhou Ming.

He had never seen Wang Siyan smile so happily before. This guy's dedication to money was really exaggerated to incomprehensible.

The polite waiter came out of the cabin, helped each passenger carry their luggage, and guided them to their room. Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan were also led by the waiter to their room.

As a result, the two went into the room and froze.

"I wish you both a pleasant journey."

"Wait a minute! Are you sure you made a mistake?" Zhou Ming grabbed the guide who was about to turn around and leave.

"Sir, there can be nothing wrong."

"How do you sleep in such a small place!"