After The Villain and I Died Together

Chapter 416: Her "Xiao Qian"

  Chapter 416 Her "Xiao Qian"

  Perhaps because this character is somewhat similar to Jing Dong, she carefully figured it out.

  The same environment will have different personalities, not to mention that their childhood is not exactly the same, but Jing Dong has a strong sense of substitution for this character.

  Sheng Yichuan looked at Jing Dong's serious look, and the corners of his mouth became curved unconsciously.

  His daughter can do anything.

  "In the scene for a while, you behaved a little bit more fiercely. This kind of fierceness is not the kind of fierceness, but the kind that radiates from the bones." Sheng Yichuan said.

  After finishing talking, he felt that this should be quite difficult for Jing Dong.

After all,    is a girl, even if she has an extraordinary identity, but his daughter is quiet and well-behaved, she can’t perform that kind of fierceness.

If    is just imitating, it is too fake. Wu Kelin looked at him laughing and joking, but he was very strict in acting. I am afraid his Xiao Dongdong would be difficult to pass.

Suddenly, Sheng Yichuan felt that Wu Klin was too hateful. He not only abducted his daughter into the entertainment circle, but also gave such a difficult character.

   Says what suits her very well, how could such a character suit his Xiao Dongdong.

  Looking at Jing Dong thinking hard there, Sheng Yichuan suddenly felt a little distressed.

   I wanted her to stop acting, and it was not that I could not support her, but he swallowed it when the words reached the lips.

  Jing Dong doesn’t talk much, but he is a very independent person. He can't control her thoughts, and he is not qualified.

  Sheng Yichuan did not go back, but stayed with Jing Dong here.

  In a short time, Jingdong is ready to start.

  The scene this time is that'Xiao Qian' caught a traitor, and he punished the traitor during the interrogation.

  From this process, it is necessary to be able to embody'Xiao Qian's cruelty to people, decisiveness in matters, and insight into people's hearts.

  From these aspects, it shows in depth that he experienced a complicated childhood, which distinguished him from the "Xiao Yan" played by Sheng Yichuan, two brothers with completely different personalities, together to investigate the truth, resulting in various entanglements.

  How to show these two characters vividly and vividly is very important and basic.

  Sheng Yichuan is no problem, but many people are not optimistic about Jingdong.

  The role of "Xiao Qian" feels more complicated than Sheng Yichuan.

  The scene is in a room, the light is not bright, but everyone's facial expressions can be seen clearly.

  A man is tied to a chair with wounds on his face. It is the person who defected.

  After being interrogated by the brother under his hand, he did not ask anything useful, so the eldest brother "Xiao Qian" came forward.

  Jing Dong sat on the sofa, adjusted his emotions, and then handed the script to the scene. He leaned back, put his elbows back on the back of the sofa, and supported his two long legs on the ground naturally.

  Wu Klin was also worried that Jing Dong could not handle this section of the bridge. He was wondering how to guide him, and he saw Jing Dong had entered a state, and then looked at the expression on her face, his eyes suddenly brightened.

   "Ready to prepare!"

  With the start of Wu Kelin, he officially entered the shooting stage.

  Everyone stared at Jing Dong's face, and the moment they saw her expression, everyone's heart seemed to be hit by a stone.

  'Xiao Qian's face has no expression, there is no curve in the corner of the mouth, and there is no way to create a cold look, but it gives people the feeling that strangers should not enter.

  ‘He’ tilted his head slightly, those temperature-free eyes looked at the man on the chair, as if looking at another dead person.

  That is a kind of contempt for life.

  (End of this chapter)