After The Villain and I Died Together

Chapter 697: Those things in the company

  Chapter 697 Those things in the company

  For Backlight Group, the closing time is the legend here.

  All the girls hope to see this rare chairman with their own eyes, and those who have met have not found a boyfriend so far.

  Even if you don’t compare the seal time, after seeing the seal time, most people don’t like it.

  It was really excellent when it was sealed. Why is it so unfair to God? It is also a man who is also standing to solve it. How can I notice that it is so big!

  "Softhearted, did you really see Chairman Feng?" A female colleague came over curiously.

  Zhou smiled bitterly, "Yes, I have seen it."

  She has answered this question more than once.

   "How handsome?"

   "When you see him, you don't want to fall in love with others, so you'd better not see him." Zhou Ruanxin chuckled softly, joking.

  Zhou Ruanxin looks very sweet, is a flower of the department, surrounded by many pursuers, not the company's executives, but she has never been rumored about any scandals, quite clean and self-conscious.

  Zhou Ruanxin itself is very capable and promising for development at a young age.

  In addition, she has a very good personality, and her popularity in the company is also very good.

Because a meeting needs a meeting note, Zhou Ruan was asked to go there. Although it was only a meeting note, this meeting was not an ordinary meeting, all of which were company executives. The meeting was presided over by CEO Chu Ming and director Feng. The long also attended.

  Therefore, this meeting is very demanding and requires extremely capable people. That was the first time that Zhou Ruanxin saw the closing time at a meeting.

  With careless eyes in those deep eyes, it seemed that he hadn’t listened to the meeting, but he pointed to the point in a casual sentence.

  His words are concise and clear, and some words need to be thought carefully, but not everyone can think so quickly, even if all the executives in this room are executives, not everyone can follow his thinking.

  Therefore, the general meetings where the chairman of the board is present are meetings where IQ is crushed. After these high-level meetings, some of them are even a little sluggish.

  Zhou Ruanxin saw with his own eyes those high-level executives who are invincible in the company, in front of this young and handsome Chairman Feng, they did not dare to breathe, and did not dare to make a voice of doubt.

  Even CEO Chu Ming is respectful, I heard that he personally acted as a driver for Chairman Feng.

  He is truly at the top of the pyramid!

  Zhou Ruanxin did not dare to disclose the content of the meeting, but it was okay to simply express her own feelings.

  After listening to some of Zhou Ruanxin’s descriptions, everyone admired it.

  Some people have only seen photos, but Zhou Ruanxin said that real people are much more handsome than photos.

   Zhou Ruanxin caught a glimpse of the walking figure, and said hurriedly: "The manager is here, go back soon."

  Everyone huffed and broke up.

  The department manager came to Zhou Ruanxin and said, "Congratulations, softhearted, I have been promoted."

  Zhou Ruanxin was very surprised. Generally, he would talk to employees before being promoted, and would not be promoted suddenly, unless he was called to leave by the upper management.

  The department manager was a little emotional, but also a little sour, "Now you are transferred to the CEO's assistant room and be an assistant."

  For positions like CEO or chairman of the board, there will be three to five assistants in the backlight. This time, Zhou Ruanxin will be the assistant to CEO Chu Ming.

  The department has cast envy eyes, many of which are very acidic and many are jealous.

  Being an assistant to Chu Ming means that you can often see Chairman Feng!

  (End of this chapter)