After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 195: Lost in the suburbs

Whenever she heard a car rang, she would stop, with a glimmer of hope, but no one was willing to stop for her.

It's getting dark, and the road ahead is long, she doesn't know when it will end.

Tears blurred her eyes, and just the day before, she still had a beautiful vision for the future life.

She thought, seeing Qiao Yushi's grandparents, their good marriage will be even more guaranteed.

Who would have thought that she would wander the streets alone today. If Qiao Yushi is gone by the time she returns to the hotel, what should she do? Without a passport, she cannot return home. She does not have a residence permit. Once the visa expires, she can't live here.

Fear, the boundless fear overwhelmed her.

She was very scared, maybe even if she died now, no one would know.

Maybe Qiao Yushi already regretted it at this time, maybe he was looking for her, but she couldn't contact him and couldn't find it.

If there is a public telephone booth on the roadside, or if someone passes by, she will call Qiao Yushi and tell him where she is.

Just looking around, there is no one, and there is no public phone booth, and she has no way to get in touch with him.

Tired of walking!

She squatted down and raised her feet to see that her feet had been worn out by the shoes, oozing blood.

At this moment, looking at the darkening sky, she was thinking, as long as she is allowed to return to China, she will never go abroad again.

She also vowed that no matter where she went, she must bring her mobile phone and cash.

Qiao Yushi, where are you? You will find me, right?

I am afraid, I am tired! She shouted into the air, but no one answered her.

Qiao Yushi had arrived at the airport at this time, and he walked the entire airport hall, without Zillog's shadow.

It's getting dark, and his heart is getting heavier. Where can he find her?

Without stopping, he hurried out of the airport without finding Zillog and got in the car that had brought him.

"Is there any other way to get to the airport?" he asked the driver in English.

"Yes, there are two!"

"Okay, follow the other way back." He ordered.

I hope that Zillog will go back. He doesn't dare to slack off while holding the phone, for fear of missing the call from grandpa.

As long as he finds the little things, he swears that he will never leave her half a step in his life. He will never let her be in a dangerous and helpless situation again, certainly not!

Wait for me, little Lolo, you must wait for me, don't be afraid, I will find you soon.

Zillog really couldn't walk anymore, but she knew she couldn't rest, it was too dangerous in the suburbs.

She endured the sharp pain in her feet and continued walking, her heart sinking deeper and deeper. How much she looked forward to her man's appearance, held her tightly in her arms, and told her not to be afraid.

She looked forward to it time and time again, looking back again and again, hoping that the car that came was the car he was in and the car that picked her back.

Time and time again, I was disappointed. Until later, she believed that Qiao Yushi would never look for her again. Since he was so sure that she was in contact with Lu Xiufeng, he might really think she would go with him.

Even if he didn't think so, he might not chase her. If she was really important to him, how could he watch her go without even keeping a word?

Didn't he know that she was penniless, didn't he know that she didn't have a mobile phone and had no documents?

When she set off from the hotel to his grandparents, she asked him if she wanted to bring those things. He still said to her, no need to bring it, anyway, he will be back soon.

He has such a good memory, he will not forget what he said not long ago.

He knew that he was not afraid of her taking risks at all.

Zilog, you stupid woman, you still look forward to his appearance, he doesn't care about you at all!

Thinking of his coldness, his doubts, and his ruthlessness, Zillog's heart was broken.

It's just a broken heart that can't stop the flow of time, the sky is already gray.

In a desperate and extreme fear, Zillog was at a loss. She moved her legs numbly, moving step by step towards the city.

Since childhood, she seems to have never been so tired, too tired. She doesn't know how long her life can last for such a walk, will she have no physical strength?

Will she starve to death by the roadside? Will she die in a foreign land and never see her parents again?

At the most desperate and sad time, she heard the sound of the car again and turned her head and raised her hand.

A miracle happened and the car stopped!

She was so excited that the car really stopped!

She blinked. She was right. There was a car that stopped for her before the night came.

With excitement and tears in her eyes, she dragged her painful bleeding feet and ran to the car.

The door of the car opened, and she saw a man come down from the car.

In her heart she hoped that that person was the **** Qiao Yushi, but she was disappointed.

That person was the one she didn't want to see most, and it was Lu Xiufeng who was the initiator of this contradiction.

When the woman informed Lu Xiufeng that Zilog had lost his way in the suburbs alone, he still didn't believe it. Going to Lingjue Mountain, he just listened to the woman's words and found Zilog. When I came to the United States, after listening to her instructions, I met Zillog.

So he thought about it, and still felt that the woman shouldn't lie to her, so he took the taxi and followed the route she pointed.

He really made him see her. When he saw her, she was walking limping.

His little gege has been a little princess since he knew her. When did he suffer this sin?

What else did she say that she loves Qiao Yushi, Qiao Yushi also loves her, really loves her, can she be willing to suffer such suffering?

"Xiao Gege, follow me in the car, you see, your foot is broken." He stepped forward, trying to stoop to pick her up, and hug her into the car.

Zilog didn't move, can she go with him?

She blamed him. If it weren't for him, how could she have conflicts with Qiao Yushi, how could she have such an encounter?

"Quickly follow me, why are you like this? I will take you to the hospital in the car!" Lu Xiufeng said anxiously.

Zillog still didn't move, and with a cold face, said to him: "Thank you for being so kind. I also thank you for this. You don't need your kindness to help me."

Lu Xiufeng didn't tell her any more, bending down and forcibly picked her up. She wanted to break free, but now she didn't have much strength, her legs were sore and weak.

"You let me go! Let me down! I don't want to see someone like you who specializes in destroying other people's feelings!" She cried to him, kicking her legs, but she couldn't stop him at all.

Didn't he just confess to her when he came here?

She was injured and still alone. Even if he is a stranger, he can't bear to watch a weak girl go on so endlessly. Moreover, he also felt that this was a godsend opportunity to give him the opportunity to care about her.

Recently, that woman always told him on the phone what Zillog was doing. He was not without doubt, and knew that he might be used by others. But if he was given a chance to get close to Zilog, let him atone for his sins, and allow him to take care of her for the rest of his life, he would be willing to take advantage of it.

"I won't let you go. Am I going to watch you and just have trouble with myself? Besides, you must be quarreling today because of me. This is my fault, and I must be responsible." He finished. Zillog has been forced into the car.

"No need, you let me down!" Qiluoge tried to pull the door on the other side, but Lu Xiufeng held his hand tightly.

"Calm down, look at what this place is! This is the suburbs, and it will be completely dark soon. There is no way to stop taxis here. Are you going until dawn? In case you encounter bad guys or something at night, Or the beast, what do you do?"

Zilog said nothing, yeah, didn't she worry about this just now?

No matter how annoying Lu Xiufeng is, he is someone he knows anyway, and he shouldn't harm her.

Qiao Yushi did not find her, or did not find her at all, but Lu Xiufeng did. Isn't it strange? Maybe he really didn't look for it, otherwise Lu Xiufeng would have found it. He must have more ways to find her.

At this time, she calmed down.

Since she got in the car, stop arguing, she should figure out how he found her.

"I can go with you, you can tell me one thing." Her voice was still cold.

Even if he helped her, she wouldn't be extra grateful to him, because everything was so premeditated.

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Lu Xiufeng asked, and then he told the driver to stop at the nearest hospital and go to Zillog to bandage her feet. Her feet were bleeding.

"How did you find me? Who told you that I was going to Lingjue Mountain, and who told you that I came to the United States? And now, why did you find me. Don't tell me that all this is a coincidence, I don't I will believe this is a coincidence!"

"It's really not a coincidence!" Lu Xiufeng raised an eyebrow and admitted.

"Who told you? Why did you approach me deliberately?"

"It doesn't matter who told me. I won't tell you that person, I can only tell you that I approach you deliberately because I like you, I love you. I want to fight for you, and I want to give you happiness. Xiao Gege, you and Qiao Yushi would not be happy together, did you know?" Lu Xiufeng looked at her affectionately with peachy eyes. He wished he could touch her again and let her regain his enthusiasm for him.

At this moment, he was sitting beside her. In the past few years, he had never been so close to her now, and he was so happy.

If he could stay this close to her for the rest of his life, no, he would have to be closer.

Over the years, Zillog's appearance in his shivering pajamas had always flashed strangely in his mind.

Maybe it’s human inferiority. He knew that memory too well. He always thought that if he stripped off that pajamas... He thought, if he had her that night, she would become His woman. Because she likes him, maybe two people can talk about marriage soon.

Why is he so stupid? She is dressed like that, isn't she just hoping to be his woman?

He didn't seize the opportunity, so he let her run away, but was raped by others by accident. He was jealous of the man who meddled her, and he was jealous of Qiao Yushi.

His small gege would only belong to him.

Fortunately, she is now by his side again. Thankfully, Qiao Yushi's quarrel with her helped him Lu Xiufeng.