After Transmigrating into a Cannon Fodder Character in the 1980s, I Trash Them All

Chapter 711: Destiny is never fair

"You... aren't you married?" Jin Ling was quite surprised.

"Yes, not married. Thirty-seven years old! Old bachelor!" Su Dashan laughed at himself.

Jin Ling pursed his lips, feeling a little embarrassed. He was poking at someone's sore spot: "Sorry, Sanshu...I thought you were married!"

"It doesn't matter, you didn't mean it." Su Dashan didn't mind.

The woman in front of him was not malicious, he knew it.

In the past few years, the people in the village would ridicule him, laugh at him, and laugh at him, so what if he was a soldier? In the end, the unmixed person is not as good as an ordinary person?

Moreover, he made himself semi-crippled, and the girls in the village did not marry him even if they looked a little bit like.

"Uncle San, if you are such a nice person, you will definitely meet a good woman." Jin Ling comforted him.

"thank you."

Jin Ling laughed: "Don't thank me, I really wish you a blessing!"

"Yeah." Su Dashan smiled faintly.

The rain didn't know how long it had been before, and then it gradually decreased. When it was midnight, the panic wind and rain finally stopped.

Su Dashan got up and said to Jin Ling: "Let's go, take you home!"

"Thank you, San Uncle!"

Jin Ling felt that Su Dashan really deserved the name. He rode a bicycle and walked hard in the water. Several times the car was about to fall down. He stretched out his legs to support it, and did not let her legs touch the water.

His tall figure stood in front of her. From her position, it really looked like a big mountain.


Jin Ling arrived home, the night was already very deep, and she did not invite Su Dashan in to sit.

Instead, he said to him: "Uncle San, I have worked hard for you today, so hurry up and go back!"

"I'll leave soon." He settled Jin Ling and went straight to the living room. He picked up the broom and cleaned all the **** and glass on the ground.

He wiped the rainwater that poured into the house again with a mop, and looked up at the empty window. He was worried that if it rained again, he would still have to fill the water, so he just took the material on the spot and cut the rest of him. I cut a few pieces of plastic tablecloth and nailed it to the window frame with nails to make sure there was no rain. Then I finished work and said goodbye to Jin Ling.

When Su Dajiang returned to school, he took a cold shower. When he was lying on the bed, he found that it was already three o'clock in the evening. A sleepy intention struck him. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.


This night, Jin Ling suffered from insomnia.

The wound on her leg was very painful, but there was also a place in her heart that silently collapsed. Thinking of how Su Dashan's lame leg took her through the wind and rain tonight, she felt a little distressed for this man.

God gave him a cheek that looked handsome, but took away a healthy leg... Every time he thinks about this, Jin Ling feels that fate is unfair.

Just like her, God gave her a happy childhood and her loving parents and family, but let her marry a brutal man like a wolf before she has never tasted the taste of love.

He ruined her life and deprived her of the right to be a mother...

She looked sideways at Su Tong, who was sleeping beside her...If she could have children, maybe her daughter would be so old...

Fate, it has always been so unfair!

There is no way.

To be born as a human is to come to this world for a hard practice.

Jin Ling thought silently, unknowingly it was dawn, she was about to close her eyes heavily when the phone rang, and her sleepiness disappeared without a trace.