Age of Adepts

Chapter 1375: Central trouble

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The magic tide is coming!

What is the magic tide...

The Crimson Conference ended in less than half a day. This magical word is like a plague that spreads quickly to every corner of the mainland.

However, the news does not have an unrestricted outward spread, and its spread is limited to the wizarding community!

The ordinary people, and even the nobles who thought they were high, still knew nothing about it. They live, hunt, trade, and are busy with the great things in their lives, but they don't know that a terrible disaster will come to this world.

The wizards blocked all the news to avoid excessive panic in the mortal society.

However, when the news broke away in the wizarding family, many of the sorcerers who heard it were all the same.

What is the magic tide? Where does it come from? What kind of harm will it cause us? Why did the legendary fire witch, which nominally ruled the entire central part, gather the 4th-order wizards to the crimson wing to specifically pass the news? Is that magic wave really so terrible? ......

The endless questions and confusions made most of the wizarding families puzzled, and they could only rush into the piles of paper, and read the data of the magic tide from the vast collection of witchcraft books.

Once in a thousand years... the magic breaks out... the space gap opens... the magic object impacts... the star beasts invade...

The words that are eye-catching are smashed out one after another, each one is so bloody, so chilling. It’s been a long time for them to be a long time. For a long time, people have made history a myth. Reality has become a legend.

Now, when the world shows them the true picture of history in another **** way, all the wizards are shocked and feel their own smallness again.

Although they are expensive people, they enjoy the extravagant extravagant life, but in the vast river of history of the multiverse, they can’t even get a small splash, just at best, they are fluent and ignorant. Walk through the water droplets of your own 'glorious' and 'brilliant' life.

Just like the summer insects can't speak the ice, they flew so many places, visited so many gardens and meadows, thinking that they have fully understood the world. They live freely and freely, live naturally, and burn their lives in just one summer.

Where do they know that they have left the summer heat, and after the autumn winds of the rustling, there are still snowy winters and the early spring of the recovery of all things in the world reincarnation...

The guy who can become a wizard has a much longer dimension of life than a mortal. In their eyes, mortals are summer worms, and they simply cannot realize the truth and cruelty of the world.

They learned about the plane and extended their sight and perception beyond the plane, where they peek into a more grand and more brilliant world scene. However, just as they thought they were once again grasping the pulse of the world, a sudden name re-entered them into a completely strange and unknown field.

In the eyes of mortals, they may already be the powerful existence of the gods. In the eyes of higher order and strong presence, they are as weak or small as ants, or even worth mentioning at all.

With their life span of hundreds of years, they have not touched this huge cosmic disaster. But now, say unfortunately, say lucky, they are very honoured to experience this mighty magical wave that can even spread the entire multiverse after ten years.

A book of crumpled and yellowed was taken out of the pile of paper, and a piece of top secret information was rummaged from the old books... When the detailed contents were put together, when the pieces of broken information were put together, they were presented in them. What is in front of you is a **** reality!

The magic tide is terrible... the horror of the magic tide has even exceeded their imagination!

According to the record of the incomplete, the last experience of the wizard in the world was still 8500 years ago. This means that the magic wave is 1,500 years ahead of schedule.

The last time the magical sea was turbulent, it lasted for a hundred years, and it experienced a dozen rounds of magical waves. The damage they bring to the wizarding world is also huge and unimaginable. The population of the entire mainland has been reduced by more than half, and even the wizards have lost 30%.

Of course, this is not the worst!

According to ancient records, the most serious casualties at that time belonged to the territory of the Wizards Association.

There was also a huge crack in time and space, from which there was an amazing number of scary star beasts. It is because of their ravages that the Wizards’ territorial population has been reduced by 2/3, and the association’s witch damage rate has reached an astonishing 50%.

I have to say that the magical tide of a hundred years has really changed the appearance of the wizarding world.

Now, the Moyuan Valley in the territory of the Association is said to be the terrible trace left by the last super strong and invading star beasts. After thousands of years have passed, the traces of the traces have not completely disappeared.

This also shows that the battle is fierce and terrible!

As for the large gap in the central Arden family territory, it was also the remains left during the last magic tide. So far, the wizarding world cannot completely complete it.

And with the arrival of the magic tide, it was a powerful voice from the Crimson Conference.

Clearing the Black Forest... Finding weak spots in the space... Relocating the main population to a more stable area... Building a war wuta...

This is a preparation guide from the Crimson family, and it is a strategic defense plan for the entire decade of the entire mainland!

After the middle sorcerers digested and absorbed the message of the magic tide, the entire central part immediately sighed and grievances.

You know, after every 4th-order wizard is born, they will take the most fertile region for themselves and their family as their family. Such a station is naturally far from the Black Forest and is in a safe zone among the rest of the region.

Therefore, invisible, many small and medium-sized wizard families and forces have been pushed out to those areas in the central part of the mainland. And without exception, they are in danger of being hit by the raging beasts of the Black Forest.

These small and medium-sized wizarding families have a large number of hunting teams, specializing in the depths of the Black Forest to capture and kill high-value monsters and rare beasts. At that time, the Black Forest was not only a threat, but a treasure trove of resources that they could not find.

But once the magic tide comes, I am afraid that the whole situation will be reversed.

Past hunters have become prey, and those scattered sand-like monsters have gathered together to drive a large number of beasts and fierce birds to launch a fierce counterattack on human habitats.

Without the deep foundation of a big family, it is ambiguous that many small and medium-sized families can resist the impact of the beast!

Once a witch tower falls, it means more than just a dozen wizards and hundreds of apprentices. The human towns and settlements under the protection of the Wuta are also likely to suffer from the shackles of the fish and the food of thousands of beasts.

With the minds of the wizards, based on the current situation, the conclusions can be drawn very quickly.

If the magic tide is as terrible as recorded in the ancient books, the wizarding family in the central part of the continent will usher in an unprecedented reshuffle. Most of the wizarding families or forces that do not have the strength to protect themselves will be annihilated in the tide of the beast.

As long as the remaining wizarding families can survive the first few rounds of the magic tide, and keep their wuta and territory not to be washed away by the beast, then waiting for them will be a great improvement.

Everything has its beginnings and ends, and it has advantages and disadvantages!

Although the magic tide is terrible, it will bring great disasters, but on the other hand, it also brings all kinds of unspeakable benefits.

The first benefit is naturally the proliferation of magic resources.

The fierce monsters that have been in jeopardy for a hundred years, the horrible star beasts of the millennium, will appear in the air, and the wings will be bitten from the human body and the flesh and soul will be enough. And to dry them down, the surviving wizards will undoubtedly harvest huge amounts of resources that were previously unimaginable.

With the aid of resources, with the stimulation of battlefield killing, the chances of the wizard's ascending order are many times more. In a certain way, it can be seen as a meaningful guidance and feedback of the plane consciousness!

You help the wizarding world to fight the enemy and destroy the invaders. Then the plane consciousness of the wizarding world gives you invisible feedback, allowing you to sublimate the soul and change your life in the shortest time.

This... In fact, this is a complement to each other, one thing on both sides!

The second benefit is the change in the magical environment that will stimulate the plane creatures to produce more, stronger, and better offspring.

In exchange for the wizards, it is that during the magic tide, the proportion of human babies born with wizard talent will increase tenfold and a hundredfold. By cultivating them all, the entire wizarding community will undoubtedly usher in an explosive growth.

As for the deeper benefits, only high-level wizards can enjoy it.

That is the chaos in the world of planes, it is their great time to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

The world of the gods is always guarding the iron bucket, and there is no chance to penetrate and destroy. Now that the magic tide is coming, all the barriers on the plane have become riddled with holes, not so secure, it is the perfect time for them to revenge and not rob the resources.

At least, Grim was born to go to the Farn plane to visit!

Because of the death of the drug lord, Alice pleaded with Grim to help her destroy the entire Faen plane. With the current strength of Glim, it is clear that this is not possible. However, taking advantage of the chaos of Faun's plane to go there to fight the autumn wind, there are no problems in finding a few old friends.

Especially the elf Juggernaut Agassi, the persecuted Grem screamed and fled, and also personally killed Endo... These hatreds can all be remembered!

Of course, if there is free time, the Paladin plane can also go back to harvest. Two hundred years have passed, and a new batch of paladins has grown.

Although Grimm can't use the serious devour of the soul, it can be used to train and promote the family. It is a good wizard resource.