Age of Terror: I Have a Monster Editor

Chapter 580

When I was defending Nanling before, I couldn't change anything!

To today,

Finally, with his own ability, I was able to rescue the entire population of the base city!

Ye Fan suppressed the turbulent and complicated emotions and smiled slightly.

"Then, leave it to you!"

"I am leaving!"


Ye Fan directly lifted up the dark purple Ming Gang, into the sky!


A small sonic cloud the size of a grinding disc exploded behind him.

He has soared the flying speed to the limit!

Being high in the sky, surrounded by qi, piercing the void!

Ye Fan stared straight ahead, his eyes dignified!

His eyes became sharp and sharp!

Ye Fan knows very well that if what the King Kong Demon Ape said is true, it is very likely that there will be a more difficult battle to fight next!

To kill!

Go desperately!

He was not ready, and he couldn't help but be ready!

But Ye Fan knows very well that if someone wants to attack the devil city, wants to move his mother and sister, no matter who it is, no matter what the demon or ghost, he will let him die! ! !


The dark purple afterimage of the qi, dragged out behind Ye Fan!

He flew extinct, and quickly rushed to the magic capital!


Outside Fengyun City.

All the spiritual masters in Fengyun City Base City watched Ye Fan fly across the sky, and after leaving straight away, they were a little dumbfounded!

Their expressions of excitement hadn't been fully relieved yet!

"Old Li, kill... finished?"

"Those monsters and monsters were all killed by us... No, they were killed by Captain Ye?!"

"Yeah, Captain Ye is really strong!"

"It's really incredible!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

"Slot, it hurts—"

"Really...really finished killing! Hahaha, really finished killing! Then, Fengyun City is defended!"

"Really held it!"


"Yeah, hold it, rely more on Captain Ye, we really held it!"


While everyone confirmed each other in disbelief, they finally accepted this miraculous and incredible idea in their minds.


"We are holding Fengyun City"

"We made it!"

"Much...Thank you Captain Ye!"

"Thank you so much!"


Many young psychic masters from the Demon Expelling Bureau were so emotional that they couldn't restrain themselves.

This is the hometown and land where they were born and raised them.


Everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for all the fathers and villagers in this land!


Ye Fan appeared!

The black dragon-patterned windbreaker seemed to come to life on Ye Fan's body!

Falling from the sky with purple golden light!

It's like a magic weapon is coming!

Like the God of War!

Bring hope to all people who are in despair and death!

Ye Fan took them and created a miracle!

One person, guard one city!

One person, destroy all demons!

An army of one hundred thousand monsters, three disaster-level monsters, in Ye Fan's hands, all were wiped out!

Really did it!