Alien Healer

Chapter 26

In the vast desert, a huge starship docked quietly, and there was a place near the starship, where people were digging and exploring.

If someone is here, you will find that the person here is actually the famous Lord Chimu from the Federation. He usually has a pair of peach eyes and exudes charm all the time. He pays attention to his good image. At this moment, it seems like a long time. The traveler walking in the desert has yellow sand on his head and body. The black leather jacket he wears is worn out in many places, and his thin lips are dry and pale. He anxiously fiddles with the instrument in his hand, constantly detecting .

Under the hillside at the turning point, a group of robots dig around day and night, and finally, a color different from the desert appeared in the field of vision.

The soldier who found the traces rolled out and rushed out, overjoyed: "Report, it is a wreck, after inspection, the rescue capsule flew out."

Chi Mu's long-hanging heart relaxed a little, and then he issued an order: "Now disperse immediately, and detect whether there are traces of the rescue capsule within a hundred miles."

"Good." A little green bug that was behind her ears moved silently, Chi Mu touched her baby strange beast with feeling, seeming to mutter to herself: "We will find the general soon. Now." He had this hunch that the general must be nearby.

The group of people quickly left here. No one noticed that something was swimming under the desert near the wreckage. After a short while, a pair of greedy and evil eyes drilled out of the ground, looking at the direction they were leaving.

The serpentine seven-tailed flower lay lazily on the wall. Under its flower wall, many shade-loving plants stood upright. Not far in front of them, a slender figure sat cross-legged, with endless energy from far away. The sky roared.

After completing a circle of exercises, He Mo opened his eyes, and the Milky Way starry sky was hidden in his dark eyes, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Finally completed the first level of exercises, but unfortunately the mental damage has not been recovered." He Mo felt the abundant energy in his body. After the first level of cultivation, his physical fitness was two or three times better than that of ordinary people, but this Far from enough.

The first level of exercises is the entry level. It can only regulate the body and attract powerful stars to wash every inch of the body. The skeletal muscles continue to grow stronger, reaching the peak of physical fitness, and lay a solid foundation for the next practice. Only the second level , Is the real cultivation, the power of the stars is atomized, and a small space is formed in the body to store energy. This is the performance of the compression of the power of the stars, and the ability to control the power of the stars is more detailed.

When he was in the realm of comprehension, he obtained this exercise. It took him only one year to complete the first-level exercises at the entry level. After he came back, practice makes perfect, and he succeeded in half a year, but this is far from enough. , There is no attack method, only when it reaches the third level can it have combat effectiveness.

This is not the realm of cultivation. There is no spiritual energy here. He has no spiritual roots and cannot practice cultivation techniques. The sense of urgency brought by the Zerg is at stake.

"It would be great if Obsidian was there." His spirit beast, who has fought side by side with him for hundreds of years, went from ignorance to strength together, experienced countless ups and downs, and finally became a giant. Obsidian's temperament is lawless. I don't know how much turbulence will be caused by discovering that he is missing.

"Brother." Xiao Ba ran over with his short legs, frowning and looking at him disapprovingly: "Don't be sad."

The chubby Xiao Ba stab flew over. It just wanted to come and was stopped by its small eyes. It was also trained to say that his brother is doing important things and should not be disturbed. The strong star power makes it almost drooling. , Licking his face and jumping vigorously to climb onto He Mo, where the power of the stars is the strongest, but Xiaoba's legs are too short, and he can't jump up after jumping hard for a long time.

Two ears studded with white hairs slumped feebly, and the hair dumplings pitifully tugged at He Mo's trousers. The big purple grape-like eyes flickered and flickered. The cute beast is the best life, Xiao Ba has always believed in This truth.

He Mo hugged the fluttering hair dumplings and touched the child's head, feeling a little bit: "Small eyes have grown taller."

When he first met, he had only reached his thigh height, and now he has grown to his waist and abdomen.

He Mo, who has no experience in raising children, doesn't know that this speed is quite abnormal. He always listens to others saying that children grow fast, and subconsciously thinks that it is normal for small eyes to grow so fast.

The child's eyes were shining, and he tightly grasped a section of He Mo's sleeve: "Small eyes must grow up quickly to protect his brother." Brother and Xiao Ba are his most important people, and he will work hard to protect them.

Recently, Xiaomou is a little bit distressed. He often has some strange dreams at night. He wants to remember the content of the dream clearly, and subconsciously tells him these are very important, but when he wakes up, he has forgotten the content of the dream. It hurts to think hard. My brother said don't worry and take your time, but he always feels that there is a big thing waiting for him to do, a very important thing.