Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 495: Alien creatures to Pluto?

Five seconds passed...

Ten seconds passed...

Fifteen seconds passed...

The image is still not restored.

It seems that the attack on drones is quite serious.

It seems that the actual combat ability of the Rattlesnake is indeed very strong, indeed it is not a legend. Others are really powerful.

Twenty seconds...

Thirty seconds...

The image is finally restored.

This time, the drone was farther from the explosion point.

It feels as if you have completely left the battlefield?

Due to the angle, no trace of the enemy's F-16 fighter was found.

However, I believe that with the mobility of the F-16 fighter jet, it will soon catch up.

At that time, there must be another fierce battle.

Sure enough, the F-16 fighter jet caught up.

It bit the drone again.

The radar locked again.

The Sidewinder missile is ready to be launched again.

The drone jumped quickly.

Its speed is not fast. But the power is strong.

Its angle of attack is very large. The overload is also very large. F-16 fighter jets were completely thrown away.

It rolls backwards.

It swept over the F-16 fighter jet.

The wing seems to have a little contact with the F-16 fighter? It is too fast to be sure.

Afterwards, everyone was surprised to see that the F-16 fighter was out of control.

It seems to be injured. The movement appeared disordered.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Wang Bu'an.

Wang Bu'an cried secretly.

Transformers are dying!

They actually still have such a hand.

Others did not see what was going on. Of course he cannot be unclear.

The drone fought back!

It fought back...


It cut open the skin of the F-16 fighter jet with wing tips.

At the moment it rolled over the F-16 fighter, the sharp wingtips cut a long crack in the upper fuselage skin of the F-16 fighter.

This action is completely imitating the scalpel used in the Barents Sea in the past! It is even more subtle.

The scalpel incident over the Barents Sea broke out on September 13, 1987.

The protagonist is the Su-27 fighter jet piloted by Soviet pilot Vasily (not the sniper Vasily...).

This daring guy used the vertical tail of the Su-27 fighter jet to open the engine compartment of a Norwegian P-3B reconnaissance plane, creating the most famous airborne cold weapon fighting event in human history. This bold and careful operation is still talked about today.

If the pilots have the combat level of Vasily, then the future air combat will be really cruel.

Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of people died every minute!

However, the wingtip of the drone...

It's more terrifying than the vertical tail.

That F-16 is obviously not working. The pilot has already parachuted.

F-16 fighter jets that have completely lost control have only crashed. As for where it will fall, no one knows. There is no need to know.

Anyway, under the current circumstances, the F-16, which played as the most brilliant hunter, was killed.

The prey drones are safe and sound.

No one knows what happened between the two.

The drone did not capture this detail.

The satellite cruising in outer space is obviously impossible to capture the details.

Want to know the answer, only ask Wang Bu'an.

But how could Wang Bu'an tell the truth?

Speaking the truth, isn't this adding chaos to yourself? His troubles now are enough.

This drone is completely non-threatening.

If everyone knows that you can kill the F-16, then it's worth it?

Can you kill the F-16, what about the J-10 or J-11? Will they be killed too? Isn't this drone an extremely unsafe existence?

This is a very sensitive topic with disastrous consequences. He couldn't admit it even if he was killed.

Just like Yumeilan, it must not be released.

"I don't know." Wang Bu'an shook his head and said, "You have all the authority!"

"We have not issued any attack orders." Liu Zhenhua said solemnly, "The drone is not equipped with any weapons. How could it shoot down the F-16?"

"That's right! The drone doesn't have any weapons and equipment!" Wang Bu'an repeatedly emphasized.

"You really don't know?" Liu Zhenhua was dubious.

"Perhaps the F-16's own mechanical failure?"


"You don't know the level of logistics maintenance over there..."

"is it?"

Liu Zhenhua is still dubious.

But Wang Bu'an was already cleverly speaking, and passed all the responsibilities to others.

As long as he killed him and didn't control it by himself, then the problem must lie with the opponent! Anyway, the third brother's fighter jet crashed in the first two days. It’s normal for one to crash today!

What the news media talks about most is that there is something strange about the third brother today.

What warship rolled over in the water.

Some gantry crane broke and destroyed the battleship under construction.

They purchased a total of 976 MiG-21 fighters, and as a result, more than half of them fell from the sky due to various accidents, and their crash rate ranked first in the world!

There is also the world’s first "Sindurakshak" submarine that sunk itself...

Such funny things are too numerous to list.

What is a falling F-16?

Anyway, the third brother has money.

The title of "Polar Bear Cash Machine" is not for nothing.

It fell off here, and just bought a new one over there. You can get rebates again. You can also fill your pockets. What a wonderful thing. Pakistan will drop a few more frames.

Of course, these matters must be kept serious.

Must hold back the laugh.

"Call to ask outside if the Development and Reform Commission has adjusted oil prices..."

"Don't mess around."

"It's really none of my business."


Liu Zhenhua had to believe it.

Wang Buan did not look like cheating.

He is right under his nose, how can he cheat?

With so many people staring at Wang Bu'an and so many surveillances, what methods can he use to cheat?

Besides, the drone is not equipped with any weapons. This is also an iron fact!

It is a peaceful drone, a harmless drone for humans and animals, and is used to maintain world peace...

In fact, this matter really has nothing to do with Wang Bu'an.

He also didn't know that there would actually be counterattacks in the drone control program.

No way.

This thing is weird.

You have to ask Sasser. Don't be fooled by this guy.

"Counter attack? Is it weird?" Shockwave said disapprovingly, "Of course the drone will fight back! If it feels that its safety is truly threatened."

"What does it mean to be truly threatened?" Wang Buan felt it necessary to clarify the meaning of each word.

"It is shot down, the probability of being destroyed is greater than 50%."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Then you mean, the autonomous driving system still has autonomous consciousness?"

"No. How is it possible?"


"What do you think of autonomy? It can be generated casually? It is just a slightly more complicated logic process. If it is judged to be really dangerous, it will fight back. If it is not dangerous, it will not fight back. You can rest assured , We Transformers have no interest in your human earth."


"Your earth does not have the resources we need."


"Now even the belief value is getting less and less. It's too weak."


"Your current civilization development speed can't keep up with the average development speed of the universe at all."


"If this continues, some creatures in the galaxy may actually invade your earth. You are too weak. You will be invaded by others."


"Pay attention to Pluto in your solar system. There have been some changes on it."


Wang Bu'an looked dumbfounded.


Are there really aliens?

Are there really alien creatures about to invade the earth?

Have you reached Pluto yet? how is this possible? Didn’t it say that the earth is not dangerous?

"Yes, there is no danger!" Shockwave replied affirmatively.

"Then..." Wang Bu'an hesitated to speak.

"They can't beat your earth."

"you sure?"

"At best, it causes some damage."


Wang Bu'an discovered that Sasser also ran the train with his mouth full!

This guy's words are even worse than his own.

The enemies have come to Do you still say there is no danger to the earth? Just cause some damage?

Who knows where these damages will fall?

If it fell on the other side of the ocean, it would be fine.

But, what if it falls in Yucheng? What if it falls anywhere in China?

I don't know if NASA will have any new discoveries?

This news must also be kept secret.

Otherwise, the doomsday theory of the earth will skyrocket again.

The end of the earth has not known how many times it has appeared. Shouldn't it be true this time?

Go back to reality.

The F-16 fighter jet crashed. The Su-30 in the dual-aircraft formation appeared.

In other words, the formation of the air force of the third brother is indeed a bit complicated!

So many Russian-made fighter jets and so many American-made fighter jets are still mixed together. Don't know how to manage it?

The two camps are completely different. I don't know how its logistical maintenance is done.

Changing to another country is probably exhausting.

Don't look at the third brother buying and buying all day long, the quantity seems to be a lot, but there are not many that really come in handy.

Even the rifle bullets cannot be produced. Both have to be purchased. The military production capacity can be imagined. It just so happens to breed population. It seems that the total population is about to surpass Huaxia?

Can two Su-30 fighters be able to kill drones?

Never threaten drones...

Otherwise, two Su-30 fighter jets would have to crash mysteriously.

While thinking about it, the red confidential phone rang suddenly.

Liu Zhenhua answered.

Very short call.

He put down the microphone and looked back at Wang Bu'an.

Wang Buyan had an ominous premonition again. Do you want to put yourself on the fire again? What are you going to do by yourself?