Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 598: Impression score

Like is like.

Don't like it, just don't like it.

Forcing what you like is generally not ideal.

Especially snipers. If you are not interested in sniping, you cannot become an excellent sniper.

You must be talented and interested in order to become a true sniper.

Thirty 10 rings.

It's a good result.

In other words, it is a relatively ideal result.

After all, this is the first round of shooting! The shooter is not familiar with the Panlong rifle.

However, even so, the Panlong rifle all shot 10 rings. It shows that its trajectory is very stable.

As long as the target is locked by the scope, the hit rate is above 99.99.

You know, this is a distance of 400 meters!

Most of the battles were within 400 meters.

Even at a distance of 200 meters.

The 99.99 hit rate means that there is a great chance of defeating the enemy with one shot.

As long as there is a tenth of a second chance, let you use the scope to lock the target, and then pull the trigger. The target will disappear immediately.

In other words, at a distance of 400 meters, it is completely possible to win the front.

One shot one.

One shot one.

Shooting at the same time can kill several.

For the special forces, the loss of a few people is already very heavy.

If a small team is destroyed, it can almost be described as the disaster of extinction. Especially some small but extremely elite troops.

Typical are special forces such as pirates, delta, alpha, pirate flag, and royal air crew.

Continue the second round of shooting.

Everyone lights up a magazine.

The requirement is still a single shot. Cannot shoot continuously for now.



The gunshots kept ringing.

Those who fired were all veterans. The distance of 400 meters is not a problem at all.

In less than three minutes, all the 48 rounds were shot.

statistical results……

Good guy...

All are ten rings.

There is not even a nine-ringed one.

All the bullets hit the bullseye accurately.

Start issuing assessment forms.

All are anonymous. Voting by secret ballot.

The minimum is 0 points. The maximum is 10 points. The officers and soldiers scored by themselves. There are no requirements.

Just by my own feelings.

I think the points should be scored.

The final score is also for reference. Not a hard standard.

The third round of testing.

Single shot.

The distance is 400 meters.

The difference is that the number of targets has increased to fifty.

That is, twenty shooters of varying levels have been added. Liang Ge, Cheng Kailong, Meng Qingshan and others all ended up personally.

Wang Bu'an also had itchy hands. Can't help but have two more.

But finally gave up.

This is impossible.

After all, the distance is a full 400 meters!

It is absolutely impossible for him to hit such a long distance.

Strictly speaking, if you are not a veteran, you will almost always miss it. Unless it's like Xiaozhuang, the sports school shooting team comes out.

Wang Bu'an looked around.

The shooting range is really big. The depth is amazing.

In a general shooting range, the farthest target position may be two hundred meters. But here, it is more than 2,000 meters.

No wonder the barracks are arranged in such a barren mountain. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to set up such a long-distance shooting range.

Unless it is in a barren land like the Great Northwest. But the conditions there are not suitable for living.

Special forces are also people. The officer also has family members.

Continuous shooting.

The gunfire of the Panlong rifle was still very low.

It's obviously a lot lower than normal gunfire.

If it is an on-the-spot diplomatic war, the gunfire may be more obvious. If it is urban street fighting, I am afraid it will be easily overlooked.

One magazine per person.

Can single shot.

You can shoot short shots.

Can shoot long shots.

You can also light up all at once.

Do whatever you want.

Do whatever you want.

"Stop shooting!"

"Report the target!"

Soon, the results were reported.

The result is very good.

It is still all ten rings.

Including short shots and long shots, all are ten rings.

Ding Mao gave a thumbs up.

Liang Ge also gave a thumbs up.

Almost everyone gave a thumbs up.

It's too stable.

The stability is terrible.

The stability of continuous shooting is really good.

In general firearms, the muzzle will vibrate slightly when firing continuously. Thereby affecting the shooting accuracy.

AK47 is a typical example. When firing continuously, the second bullet began to deviate. The deviation of the third round is very large. The fourth shot started and went straight to the sky.

The old Mauser pistol (barrel gun) has a very serious muzzle bounce. Many masters shoot horizontally, so the bullet bounces left and right instead of up and down.

Shooting with an AK47, it is almost impossible to hit 10 rings at a distance of 400 meters.

M16 is also impossible. M4 will not work either.

The Panlong rifle definitely created a world record.

Its shooting accuracy is already comparable to some sniper rifles.

White Whale Technology is after all White Whale Technology.

Tyrannosaurus rex industry is Tyrannosaurus rex industry after all.

The products it manufactures are indeed extraordinary! No wonder the reputation will become bigger and bigger, and the status will become more and more important.

This time Cheng Kailong brought Wang Bu'an to the Special Forces, which is definitely a huge profit.

"Sure enough..."

"Black technology is black technology!"

Wang Bu'an also nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the chance of this kind of gadget going wrong is almost non-existent.

After all, it is equivalent to asking a college student to do a one-year elementary school word problem, 11, 26 and the like. If you make a mistake, you will definitely be killed.

The performance and quality of the Panlong rifle is absolutely impossible to have problems.

The performance of the 16x lens is also very good.

As long as the target is locked, it is a 99.999999 hit.

Keep shooting

The fifth round...

The sixth round...

Seventh round...

The data increased the hit rate to 100.

After ten consecutive rounds of single-shot shooting ended, no one had dropped ten rings.

What is this indicating?

First, the performance of the gun is really good.

Second, the shooter's own skills are also very good.

However, neither of these matters.

The important thing is the third point:

Man and gun in one!

Man and gun in one!

Man and gun in one!

The important thing is said three times.

There were no deviations in more than a dozen consecutive rounds of shooting, indicating that the coordination between the shooter and the Panlong rifle was already very tacit.

The archer himself is pleasant, calm, and enjoyable.

This is a really good gun.

A gun you like.

A gun that makes you reluctant to let go.

A gun that can let you play the highest level anytime, anywhere.

Does it feel very metaphysical?

Yes, it is indeed very metaphysical.

A formal weapon testing center certainly does not have such metaphysics.

They only have cold machines and data. For example, ballistics, such as bullet distribution probability, such as the number of times the magazine wears...

However, here is the special forces.

This is where the sixth sense is most important.

Feeling good is good.

Feeling bad is bad.

Continue shooting.

Free supply of magazines.

Spend as much as you want. Fight until you don't want to fight.

Just by the way, test the life temperature of the barrel.

See if Wang Bu'an brags.


not at all.

Ding Chen played ten magazines in a row.

There was almost no pause in the middle. 480 rounds of bullets are almost continuously ejected.

If it is an ordinary barrel, it must be hot and red.

However, the Panlong rifle does not.

It just feels a little warm. It doesn't feel hot at all.

He didn't believe in evil, and he played ten more magazines in a row. A total of 960 bullets were fired. There was no pause in the middle.


The barrel is still warm.

I don't feel hot at all.

Over there, Cheng Kailong, Liang Ge, Meng Qingshan and others also played 20 magazines each.

The Panlong rifle they used, after firing 960 rounds of bullets in a row, still showed no signs of fever or redness. Feel free to touch the barrel of the gun. Don't worry about injury at all.

Using an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature of the barrel, it was only about 33 degrees. No one has a high body temperature yet.

No wonder it feels a little warm. The temperature is too low.

Ding Chen believed it.

Liang Ge also believed it.

Cheng Kailong also nodded silently.

Wang Bu'an did not brag. It is said that 10 billion is 10 billion.

What is the biggest factor affecting the life of the barrel?

It's temperature!

The higher the temperature, the shorter the lifetime.

Because the higher the temperature, the more easily the barrel is worn.

It seems like it is The barrel is completely temperatureless. If you want to wear it, how easy is it to say?

Ding Chen tried to press his hand on the muzzle, but he did not feel hot. It can be seen that the temperature of the barrel of the Panlong rifle is really controlled to the point of abnormality.

One hundred years of life...

Maybe the person is dead, but the gun is still alive...

The final statistical results.

The results are almost suffocating.

All ten rings!

All ten rings!

All ten rings!

None of them are from Nine Rings.

There is no such thing below the eighth ring.

In other words, there is no one who performs abnormally. Everyone, every gun is ten rings.

"I like it!" Liang Ge held the Panlong rifle, tut complimented.

"I hope to obtain the license as soon as possible." Ding Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"I'll go and run it myself!" Cheng Kailong automatically asked.

"That would be the best."

"I'll go back and write a report right away."

"Just write it here!"

"it is good."

All three hurried away.

Meng Qingshan was left to accompany Wang Bu'an for the final inspection of the Panlong rifle.

Mainly to check the propellant residue in the barrel.

Also, is there any residue in the magazine.

There is also the wear of the firing pin.

Of course, there are also evaluation scores for everyone.

Form data filled out anonymously.

There is only one item.

There is only one score.

Impression points.

Completely subjective impression points.

In fact, to put it bluntly, in one sentence, do you like the Panlong rifle?

Below 6 points, I just don't like it. 7 points, 8 points, just barely like it. 9 points is more like it. With 10 points, I like it very much and I am willing to choose it as my first weapon.

10 points……

10 points……

10 points……

All 10 points!