Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 708: The goal is the stars and the sea!

A rock hit the patrol ship.

The diameter of the rock exceeds five meters and the weight is at least fifty tons.

The power of the mantis bow rider is really terrifying. It can actually hit a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Of course, there is no air or gravity in outer space. Dozens of tons of rocks are calculated based on the gravity of the earth. It doesn't apply at all when it reaches outer space.

"and also!"

"There are also here!"

Ye Shengge, Ding Chen, Li Mu and others were all nervous.

But in front of the patrol ship, a lot of rocks appeared. They were all thrown by the mantis bow rider.

Relying on the outer space, there is no true energy, no gravity, no resistance, the stones thrown out are getting bigger and bigger, and the threat is getting more and more deadly.

If the space shuttle is hit, the consequences are absolutely very serious. I just don't know the Star Warship...

If the Star Warship is equipped with weapons, it should be able to be destroyed.

Just don’t know the weapon system...

Does it work?

It seems that Wang Bu'an can only be asked about this matter.

The Star Warship was invented by Wang Bu'an and he also made it.

It seems that only Wang Bu'an knows what kind of weapon is needed to destroy the rock in the future...

However, Wang Bu'an did not respond.

He also silently watched the rock approach.

The rocks are getting bigger and bigger, and some of them even exceed thirty meters in diameter.

Later, the diameter of some rocks even exceeded one hundred meters. Strictly speaking, it is almost called an asteroid.

If they directly hit the interstellar battleship, the consequences would be disastrous!

The speed of these rocks is extremely high!

A conservative estimate is that it is more than 1,000 kilometers per second.

On the earth, the muzzle velocity of the main gun of a tank is less than 1,000 meters per second!

This is 1000 times faster than a cannonball!

Moreover, the speed of the interstellar battleship is so fast.

If the two sides collide head-on, the consequences will be much more tragic than a bird hitting an airplane.

"Master Wang..."

"Master Wang..."

Someone cried out uncontrollably.

They are very anxious.

Why doesn't the patrol ship counterattack? Why haven't you fired it?

Don't tell me that this interstellar battleship is just a silver-like pewter spear, and it has no gunfire. Only passively beaten.

Wang Bu'an was still dumbfounded. There seems to be no reaction at all.

As a result, the rock slammed into it.

Ding Chen closed his eyes.

Li Mu closed his eyes.

Ye Shengge closed his eyes.

Only Cheng Kailong did not blink his eyelids.

Wang Bu'an didn't even blink his eyelids.

There is no impact.

The patrol ship was not crashed either.

Nothing happened. It seemed that all the rocks that had struck had disappeared.

Ding Chen opened his eyes.

Li Mu opened his eyes.

Ye Shengge opened his eyes.

They immediately saw a stunning scene.

I only saw the incoming rocks, about 500 meters away from the patrol ship, shattering one after another.

Because there is no air in outer space and sound cannot be transmitted, they did not feel the rock breaking. The crushed rocks flowed away from the patrol ship.

"Is this a protective cover?"

"Is this an energy shield?"

"Does interstellar warships have energy shields?"

Ye Shengge asked excitedly.

Ding Chen and Li Mu also looked around with great interest.

Energy shield...

What a magical thing!

With this thing, there is no need to worry about external harm at all!

Unless the enemy's attack can tear the energy shield, otherwise, the patrol ship must be safe and sound.

So, what exactly is the power of the energy shield related to?

Should Wang Buyan explain?

If he had said it earlier, everyone would not have to worry.

"Sorry, I'm not very familiar either..."

"It's also my first time on board an interstellar battleship..."

Wang Bu'an said awkwardly.


Capitalized embarrassing.

The embarrassment hung on the face.

He did not react to this energy shield.

He was in a daze just now, thinking about the various weapon systems on the patrol ship.

There is no doubt that there must be a lot of weapons and equipment on top of the interstellar battleship. Other Transformers are originally a fighting race!

The interstellar warships made from them are of course armed to the teeth.

I just don't know how to use it.

Wang Bu'an also needs a few minutes to become familiar.

Although it is only an A-class patrol ship, there are still many weapons.

Among them, the most common weapon is the particle shock wave.

It can burst out an astonishing number of particles, causing extensive damage to the enemy.

Particles are invisible and invisible, similar to sound waves. Can curve sputtering. Can penetrate into every corner.

No need to aim.

No lock required.

You only need to select the core delivery distance.

Its kill range is a standard circle. Including killing underground creatures.

However, this kind of weaponry generally only has an effect on interstellar warships with metal structures. Like a mantis creature, it might not be very powerful.

Of course, whether there is any effect or not, you have to try it. What if the effect is particularly good?

After all, Transformers is a fighting race, isn't it?

Anything in their hands is a weapon to kill the enemy.


"A rock is coming again!"

"Master Wang, the enemy's second wave of attacks is coming!"

Everyone reminded.

However, a large group of praying mantis bow riders outflanked it.

They not only threw a large amount of rocks, but also directly spurred meteorites, trying to hit the interstellar warship directly.

Wang Bu'an silently manipulated the energy shield with his mind.

There are three levels of strength of the energy shield.

Different intensities require different energy consumption.

All energy comes from nuclear fusion engines. It takes a certain amount of time to recharge.

If the lowest level of protection is turned on, the forward speed of the interstellar warship will basically not be affected much. It can still reach 10,000 kilometers per second.

If the medium protection is turned on, the speed of the interstellar battleship will be reduced to one-tenth of the original speed. That is about 1000 kilometers per second. Obviously, this energy consumption is very large. After all, to protect such a large warship, it is impossible to not have enough energy. You can't have both fish and bear's paws.

If the highest level of protection is turned on, the interstellar battleship will basically stop. Most of the energy is needed to supply the protective cover.

Fortunately, the fusion engine of the Yanhuang patrol ship is very powerful. Exceeding the standard two or three times.

Now, Wang Bu'an has opened the highest level of protective cover.

The speed of the interstellar battleship is basically stopped. Float naturally and drift with the flow.

The crushing of the rock hitting the protective cover had no effect on the interstellar battleship itself. However, the meteorite that came later was more terrifying.

The diameter of these meteorites is basically more than kilometers. Some are even thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters.

Such a large meteorite cannot be stopped by the protective cover.

It must be another counterattack.

"Maybe the particle cannon is going to be used..."

"It just happens to test the lethality of the particle shock wave..."

Move the switch.

Start charging.

The nuclear fusion engine with a power of up to 50 million KW finally exerted its advantages.

Ordinary Class A patrol ships are generally 10 million KW or 20 million KW. It takes about 30 seconds to charge the particle cannon. If the energy shield is open, the particle cannon's charging time will be longer. You cannot have both fish and bear paws. Often the commander must make a painful choice between the particle cannon and the energy shield.

However, with the support of a 50 million KW nuclear fusion engine, it was completed in 10 seconds.

There is almost no effect on the energy shield.

Release decisively.

A dazzling light curtain burst out.

The light curtain shrouded all the meteorites in front, a cloud of whiteness.

Ye Shengge couldn't see anything.

Ding Chen couldn't see anything.

Li Mu also couldn't see anything.

It felt as if the eyes were blinded by white gauze.

When the white mist gradually dissipated, they were shocked to find that the surfaces of the meteorites had become very smooth and flat.

And all the mantis creatures attached to the meteorite have disappeared.

They seem to disappear silently.

"this is……"

"No? It's all done in one shot?"

"The praying mantis creatures are all broken down?"

"My goodness! It covers an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square kilometers!"

Everyone is This particle cannon is really a terrifying weapon...

If it is placed on the earth, nothing can stop it at all!

Not only were all the mantis creatures killed, but even the meteorite was severely cut off. It is conservatively estimated that the surface of each meteorite has been shaved off hundreds of meters in thickness.

What can stop such a terrifying lethality? RC? Thick air-raid shelter? Deep basement?

It is useless at all.

Only a few launches can level a city.

Buildings and the like are completely scum in front of the particle shock wave. All living things will also disappear.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of particle shock wave does not consume a lot of energy.

Therefore, it can be continuously launched. Basically once a second.

On the Yanhuang patrol ship, there are five similar particle cannons!

This is the real clearance!

Regardless of the three seven twenty one, let's talk about it first.

For example, when landing on Jupiter, I don’t know if there is any danger, so I just fire a cannon.

If there are any dangerous creatures hidden on Jupiter, as long as it is a few particle shock waves, they can all be wiped out, and none of them will be left...

But never use it on the earth...

...Think too much. With such a powerful weapon, how could Wang Bu'an care about the little earth?

I am afraid that the small solar system is no longer in his eyes.

His goal is the stars and the sea!



Wang Buyan was also shocked.

He also did not expect that the lethality of the particle shock wave was so powerful.

A light curtain went out, killing all the praying mantis creatures in front.