Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 727: It was her

What a scary claw.

Stronger than the previous ones.

There seemed to be something shining in the dark color.

The patrol ship was suddenly unable to move.

Unable to move forward.

Can't go back.

Can't make any actions.

It seemed that there was a pair of invisible big hands that firmly grasped the patrol ship.

The black giant claws slowly fall...

"How to do?"

"How to do?"

Everyone was sweating all over.

Such a terrifying black giant claw is simply unimaginable.

It seems to have completely distorted the surrounding space. There is no way to move the patrol ship.

With such terrifying power, what kind of creature is it?

Could it be that they are really going to die?

Once the giant claw falls, the patrol ship will inevitably disappear.

Wang Bu'an is about to speak...

Suddenly, a white light fell slowly.

The black giant claw immediately realized the danger. I want to take it back in a hurry.

However, the white beam of light, as if possessing some kind of magical power, actually locked the black giant claw firmly, making it impossible to move.

Soon after, the white beam of light fell. The black claw was cut off again. Then it was decomposed. Completely disappear.

In front of the white beam of light, the black giant claw is like a pile of sand on the beach.

As long as a wave comes, the sand pile immediately collapses.

The patrol ship was instantly free again.


Sasser snorted coldly.

Obviously a bit unhappy.

Obviously it feels that this black claw is deliberately seeking death.

This time, no black claws appeared.

The white beam of light successively killed two black giant claws. It is estimated that the body on the wormhole side should be extremely damaged.

The wormhole also disappeared.

The distorted space has completely returned to normal.

The continuous stream of praying mantis creatures coming out of the wormhole was completely stopped.

However, there are countless mantis creatures that have landed on Wang Jianxing, and it is definitely not an easy task to eliminate them all.

It's a war of attrition again!

It's pure consumption again!

Whoever can persist to the end is the winner.

Space seems to be calm again.

However, five of the six warships brought by Wang Bu'an disappeared.

Yanhuang is the only one remaining.

Relying solely on a patrol ship to retake Wang Jianxing will take a long time!

"The position of the reinforcement fleet."

"They are preparing to start the fifth space jump."

"Wait slowly."


Sure enough, he waited slowly.

Two months later, the reinforcement fleet finally arrived.

There are more than 500 patrol ships.

They launched a fierce attack on Wang Jianxing.

At the same time, various weapons produced on-site by Wang Jianxing also launched a fierce counterattack.

The loss of the mantis creature is very large.

However, their number is too much.

It is definitely not an easy task to destroy them all.

Especially when the mantis biology meets the burrow, the fighting becomes more protracted. The most optimistic estimate is that it will take two or three years to eliminate them.

Prior to this, Wang Jianxing must have been in a state of war. Irrelevant personnel are not allowed to enter.

One after another, more patrol ships arrived near Wang Jianxing.

They are not exclusively troops.

There are also some special personnel.

"Mr. Wang Buyan!"

"It's you?"

With a crisp voice, a beautiful tall figure appeared.

Wang Bu'an's eyes lighted up uncontrollably.

Qin Keqing! ?

She actually appeared!

She actually came near Wang Jianxing?

how is this possible?

It was really unexpected.

While in Morocco, she mysteriously disappeared.

At that time, Wang Bu'an thought she was performing some task, or some accident happened.

Even, it may have been "specially dealt with" by relevant departments.

Unexpectedly, after eight years, she actually appeared again.

Beautiful as always.

As always mysterious.

As if the years did not leave any traces on her body at all.

At the beginning, Wang Bu'an and her first met in Chang'an Mansion. She was still very impressed with her beauty and beauty. Looking back now, it still looks like yesterday!

However, Qin Keqing's beauty, if compared with the beauties around her, seems to be insignificant.

Her style, her charm, and a little bit of mysterious strangeness...

Qin Keqing is completely incomparable.


Wang Buan's heart was shaken violently.

Immediately, his look became very strange.

But he recognized it. The other party is the beauty in the burgundy dress.

She is amazing!

It was the object of his dreams.

She is in her mind all the time. It wasn't until she left the earth that her impression gradually faded.

Unexpectedly, she appeared in the distant starry sky. Meet yourself directly.

On earth, she and him could not meet after all.

"Hello." The big beauty said calmly.

"Hello." Wang Bu calmly adjusted his emotions.

"Mr. Wang Buyan, this is Ibtihaji. He is the chief representative of the Petroleum Alliance Association." Qin Keqing said.

"Ibtihaji?" Wang Bu'an looked up and down intriguingly.

People look for him thousands of Baidu.

Suddenly looking back.

The man is there.

The lights are dim.

The name that I have been asking for but couldn't have just appeared.

Ibtihaji, a very special name. No wonder there are so many scruples. The name itself is a kind of scruples!

What Petroleum Union Association...

There is no such organization.

So, who exactly does she represent?

Why is there such a powerful and scrupulous energy behind her?

Also, why did she appear in China?

Also, why did she choose herself?

"Hello. Miss Ibtihaji. Welcome to Wang Jianxing."

"Hello. Mr. Wang. We, the Petroleum League Association, want to cooperate with Mr. Wang to jointly develop the rich resources of the Milky Way.

"what do you want?"

"Wang Jianxing's exclusive management rights."

"What do you mean?"

"We want to contract all resources of Wang Jianxing. For fifty years."

"is it?"


Ibtihaj answered in the affirmative.

Wang Bu'an nodded thoughtfully. He already fully understood the other party's intentions.



This is the most primitive way to take huge profits.

In the past, it was a monopoly on a certain mine, a certain industry, and a certain resource. Or it may monopolize a certain technology or a certain market.

Now, it is directly obtained the exclusive right to operate a certain planet. No one else is allowed to take over.

In short, it is to turn the planet into your own private domain.

Proxima Centauri is not the sun.

The number of planets around it is very large.

Of course, not all planets have so many resources.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because it is not reliable to find others."

"is it?"

"of course."

Yes, anyone else's promise is not as effective as Wang Bu'an.

Because Wang Jianxing was discovered by Wang Bu'an. He will discover more planets. Discover more resources.

All businessmen know two things very well.

First, only by following Wang Bu'an can we make a fortune.

Second, as long as you follow Wang Bu'an, you can definitely make a fortune.

Nothing is more profitable than monopolizing all the resources of a planet. For example, monopolize Mars.

Many resources on Mars are very popular. The profit is very lucrative.

"You go first. I will talk to Miss Ibtihaji in private." Wang Bu said slowly.

"You go back first. I will speak with Mr. Wang alone." Ibtihaj said casually.

Everyone present left one after another.

Qin Keqing also curled away, leaving a beautiful figure.

Wang Bu'an was unmoved.

He is no longer who he was at the beginning.

In eight years, many people and many things can be changed. He already has enough women.

He is not a stallion.

His energy and desires are actually limited.

When the number of beautiful women reaches a certain level, naturally there is not much attraction.

But Ibtihaj is different.

She is his first woman.

In a sense, she is Huang Ruoxi's only competitor.

Only she can make Wang Bu'an really take a little time away from Huang Ruoxi's body. Not pretentious. But sincerely.

It's a pity, good luck makes people...

Eight years have passed. They missed eight years.

In eight years, many people and things can be changed. No matter what was left, it may be changed now.

"Are you married?" He asked slowly.

"No. I don't have any other men either." She answered bluntly.


"Huang Ruoxi talked with me. I can't be with why?"

"The people behind me will be against you."

"Who are these people behind you?"

"It's no use you know. These things have nothing to do with you."

"If you have nothing to do with me, you won't show up here. They clearly know your relationship with me. Why do you want to cover it up."

"You said it well. I want to cover it up. What they need is such an effect. Otherwise, their face can't stand it."


Wang Bu'an suddenly understood.

She represents a collective—the collective of interests of western countries.

They cannot openly surrender to China.

However, the huge benefits make them have to bow their heads.

How to do?

I can only find an agent.

Ibtihaj is their agent.

They want to get a piece of it. Only start from Wang Bu'an.

Wang Jianxing, can be divided among them.

Of course, there are conditions in exchange.

The specific terms of exchange should be in Qin Keqing's hands.

Qin Keqing has taken refuge in China 100%.

In other words, it is actually the acquiescence of relevant parties in China, and the conditions have been negotiated.

However, for this matter, Wang Bu'an must nod his head to be officially effective.

If Wang Bu doesn't nod his head, no one else will nod. If Wang Buyan refuses to cooperate, whoever promises is no good.

In the distant bright starry sky, only Wang Bu'an was the final decision maker.


Wang Buyan agreed.

Since everyone else has agreed, he doesn't care.

It doesn't matter who Wang Jianxing gave it to. The important thing is that his Wang Bu'an industrial park is here.

Where there is an industrial park, it is Wang Bu'an's foundation.