Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 733: Rat trap

"What's the matter?"

"Mrs. Zhu Rong project."

"You are still going on?"

"It was interrupted for a while. Now it's restarted."


"The Mariana Trench."

"What's the use of a bomber?"

"Cooperate with large mechas. Suppress enemy troops from entering the battlefield in large numbers."


Wang Bu'an tilted his head for a moment.

For this Mrs. Zhu Rong bomber project, he actually did not approve of it.

In theory, it is indeed a very great project. It can carry thousands of tons of ammunition across the entire earth and can reach any place on the global scale within 4 hours.

If it was the outbreak of the Third World War, it would definitely be considered a weapon for repairing the earth. The opponent's military targets can be razed to the ground at any time.

However, with the changes in the international situation, disputes on the earth have become trivial matters.

Now everyone is actively exploring outer space.

At present, competition in outer space is the mainstream. The status of the earth has seriously declined.

Speaking of strategic resources, other planets have much more than the earth.

Speaking of strategic location, other planets are also more important than the earth.

One Jupiter is equivalent to dozens of earths!

Other Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars and so on are also very rich in resources.

At present, the only irreplaceability of the earth is as the birthplace of mankind. Exist as the hometown of mankind.

If there is no accident, most human beings will eventually migrate away from the earth.

The earth will eventually become a monumental place.

Only a small number of people continue to live.

It is even possible to legislate to prohibit permanent residents.

In this context, it seems unnecessary to develop the Zhu Rong bomber. Heroes are useless!

However, the arrival of the mantis creature changed this research and development idea.

The earth can not be. But the mantis creature must be destroyed.

They must not be allowed to take root in the solar system.

Otherwise, they will definitely occupy the entire solar system.

If humans lost even the solar system, then they would really lose their homes for survival.

"Do you have a design plan?"

"There is a preliminary plan."

"let me see."


Cheng Kailong came up with relevant information.

Wang Buyan glanced.

Not quite right!

The information is incomplete!

There are even many blanks on the drawings.

Now, this is a draft! It is not a formal drawing at all. Is this going to be fooled?

Without thinking, he pushed the drawing back to Cheng Kailong.

Cheng Kailong knew it well, and said with a wry smile: "The drawings still need the white feather whale technology to improve."

"Why?" Wang Buyan asked suspiciously.

"No one is responsible for this project anymore."

"Then you hold me responsible?"


"you guys……"

Wang Bu'an shook his head.

These guys are too smart in their calculations.

What Cheng Kailong meant was obviously to share the cost of Mrs. Zhu Rong’s bomber among the research and development costs of the large mecha.

After all, the bomber was developed as a supporting weapon for large mechas.

If it was the previous China, it would be no problem.

However, the human coalition cannot.

Its audit system is relatively complete.

Such a large expenditure will not be easily approved by the audit department.

Many senior military generals often curse that the audit department should be pushed out to be eaten by mantis creatures. It is not without reason. The military expenditures of the human coalition are relatively strict.

Of course, the funding of the Human Alliance is also very sufficient. Otherwise, how could there be money to develop large mechas?

The quotations of mechas like Red Storm are all tens of billions of yuan.

To produce 500 units in one go is several trillions.

Of course, these numbers are useless to Wang Bu'an.

Now he doesn't need to use money at all.

"Let's talk about battleships." Wang Bu'an was silent for a moment before staggering the topic.

"Hey..." Cheng Kailong's face suddenly became sad.

It hurts to talk about this topic.

The Kuafu-class battleship was sunk, and the loss of naval personnel was very large.

The formation commanders, including two major generals, five colonels, and more than two dozen colonels, were all killed in battle.

The number of other officers and soldiers who died was more than 1,200. It is the worst naval loss in China's history. More than the previous 55th Army’s losses on Pluto.

Although, cloning technology can ensure that the victims can be resurrected. However, everyone knows that he is no longer the original him.

For example, the captain of the Kuafu-class battleship, You Dalong, and the political commissar Qiao Xiaonian, all died heroically.

They have archived the ontology genes and will be cloned soon.

However, the cloned them could not be the captain or political commissar.

Feelings cannot be cloned.

Skills and knowledge cannot be cloned.

The cloned body cannot have the expertise of a captain or political commissar.

They also need to go through a long process of relearning.

In terms of combat organization, they are actually "sacrifice". Because it has lost combat effectiveness.

By extension, the Navy lost 1,200 combatants.

Currently, the fighting is still going on.

In the fierce battle, there will be more losses.

The same is true for the Air Force Rabbit.

The Air Force Rabbit's fighters also lost a lot.

Some pilots were shot before the skydive. The consequences are obvious. They were all sacrificed heroically.

Pang Xihua brought all the information on the sinking of the Kuafu-class battleship.

There are videos and pictures taken by the battleship itself.

There are also videos and pictures taken by fighters and other warships.

Multiple videos repeatedly showed that the battleship was broken abruptly. The mantis creature launches an attack from the bottom of the sea.

They forcibly smashed the keel of the battleship to pieces.

The battleship sank on the spot.

The whole process took less than five minutes.

The ship has more than 600 personnel. Only less than 100 people managed to escape.

In the video, you can clearly see a black paw appearing. It seemed to crush the huge battleship directly.

"It's this black giant claw..." Pang Xihua said angrily, "It passed through all the firepower blockades and was fatal in one blow. The torpedoes and depth bombs are all useless. I don't know what it is made of. It is so powerful. It’s tough. Next time I encounter it, I really don’t know what weapon to use against it."

"I lost five interstellar patrol ships." Wang Bu'an said meaningfully, "it was also caused by this black giant claw."

"Really? So scary?" Pang Xihua said in disbelief.

He doesn't know the news yet.

Only a handful of senior executives know the relevant information.

Don't shake the military spirit!

"But then two **** claws were cut off. I don't dare to show up again." Wang Bu'an said with deep eyes, "Unexpectedly, they ran to the earth to go wild."

"Then what to do?" Pang Xihua said anxiously, "Do you want to find a way to chop off the black giant claw?"

"Be safe and not restless."


Wang Bu'an had actually been in contact with Shockwave a long time ago.

But Sasser did not recover.

It is estimated that this guy is fighting everywhere again.

On earth, polar bears are a fighting nation. In the starry sky world, the title of the fighting nation is undoubtedly Transformers.

The wormhole is not closed, and this black giant claw will continue to do evil.

It is certainly not easy for the people on earth to defeat each other.

However, the people of the earth must not sit still and wait for death!

Counterattack is necessary.

At least delay the opponent's action time.

As long as Sasser has time to deal with this matter, Black Giant Claw will be finished.

From this perspective, there may be no way to fight consumption.

Trade inanimate industrial products for living mantis creatures. Who is the bargain? I'm afraid there is no answer.

However, as long as it can contain the mantis creature in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it is considered a success.

Don't ask for much. As long as it drags on for ten or eight years, it is victory.

In ten or eight years, Transformers must have time to reply.

Okay, let’s start with Mrs. Zhu Rong’s bomber.

It does not matter if the drawing is a draft.

Use Transformers to perfect it.

In less than two hours, the relevant drawings were revised.

The empty weight is 175 tons. The maximum take-off weight is 2560 tons. The voyage is close to infinity. There are a total of 12 plug-in points.

Considering that other fighters can also temporarily act as bombers. Therefore, the biggest feature of the Zhu Rong bomber is that it can carry super powerful conventional bombs.

For example, a bomb weighing 50 tons, 100 tons, 200 tons, and 500 tons.

Among them, the 500-ton bomb is a bottom line.

This 500-ton bomb is specially designed to deal with mantis creatures.

It is loaded with 450 tons of high explosives, which is almost equivalent to a small nuclear bomb.

There are also aerial bombs weighing more than 1,000 tons. The charge inside is as high as 850 tons. Such a terrifying explosion equivalent is enough to blow up a radius of several kilometers.

However, as far as the mantis creature is concerned, no one knows how powerful this super aerial bomb can be.

After all, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are the other side's greatest support.

Don't think that the 1,000-ton aerial bomb is very powerful.

It is at most causing damage to creatures 300 meters underwater.

If the opponent is hidden below 300 meters, there is nothing he can do. The equivalent of the explosion was absorbed by the sea.

"Wang Bu'an, can't you improve the performance of explosives a little bit?" Pang Xihua said suddenly.

"Why? Are you not satisfied with the current performance of explosives?" Wang Bu'an of course not satisfied! Many people advocate the use of tactical nuclear bombs. "

"Tactical nuclear bomb? 1,000-ton equivalent?"

"1,000 tons, 2,000 tons, and 3,000 tons are available. But in the end it was not approved."

"Afraid of the enemy absorbing nuclear radiation?"


Wang Bu'an nodded thoughtfully.

The people on Earth at this moment are indeed a bit of a rat! Even if there is a nuclear bomb, I dare not use it.

Since nuclear bombs are afraid to be used, they can only make a fuss on conventional bombs.

The first thing to do is to improve the performance of explosives.
