Alien Knights

Chapter 147: The remains of the gods

Following the Valkyrie headed by Brunhild, Todd and Huggins walked through a huge cave and came to a tunnel made of granite.

Todd looked towards the wall of the tunnel with the light of the torch. One of the large pieces of gray fossils was exposed, and half of them were embedded in the stone wall, stretching from the entrance to the depth of the tunnel, endlessly.

He carefully observed the structure of the fossils, spines, cones, spine... This creature is a bit like a giant snake with a huge body, with some towering dorsal fins above the body.

Feeling the ground under his feet getting steeper and steeper, watching the Valkyries walk towards the ground little by little, Todd finally could no longer bear such a silent journey.

"Where are we going?"

Brunhild turned his head: "Follow my footsteps, you will know soon."

"Apart from me and you, have anyone else been here?"

"In my memory, you are the first outsider to walk into this tunnel."

Hearing this, Todd said in surprise: "I am the first?! I don't understand, why do you trust me so?"

"Trust?" Brunhild stopped, eyes in the darkness with a little light: "Listen, the leader of Muxi Town, this has nothing to do with trust. I have not left this place since I was born. The land. I have guarded my village and this ruin for a full 120 years..."

"One hundred and twenty years?!" Todd exclaimed, his feet slipped, and if Hudgens didn't help him in time, he might just fall directly to the ground like this.

Brunnhild ignored Todd's words and deeds, and continued: "...For so many years, as the Valkyrie, my sisters and I have not seen the miracles of the gods or heard the instructions of the gods. There is only such a cemetery made of bones and stones. We, who are tired of all this for a long time, want an answer!"

Todd looked at the Valkyrie who was facing him, swallowed, "Answer?"

"We are warriors, servants, not gravekeepers! We want to know the meaning of our existence! If you are really an alchemist who is rumored to be blessed by the gods, then please tell us the truth." With this, Brunhild turned around and continued the journey under his feet.

Todd stood firm, and while following the steps of the predecessor, he held his chin and thought carefully about the words of the Valkyrie.

The team moved forward for another twenty minutes, and when Todd looked at the giant snake fossil that was still extending forward in the wall, and was palpitating about how long the monster was, the Valkyries stopped.

The ruins of the gods have arrived.

In front of me is a huge space with a cylinder shape of a hundred meters high. A metal triangular pyramid similar to a pyramid emerges from the soil and stands straight toward the sky. On the walls around the cylindrical room, various biological fossils are scattered everywhere. There is a giant skeleton about four meters high; there are strangely shaped beast remains; the skeleton of the giant snake also embedded in the wall of the cylindrical room from the exit of the tunnel, spiraling upwards, and disappearing on the high roof.

Todd has been surprised too many times today, and the scene before him, who was already mentally prepared, did not show too much discomfort.

"This room existed a long time ago. The mission given to each generation of Valkyrie is to protect this place at all costs." Brunnhild walked to the triangular metal cone in the center of the room and motioned to Todd. Get closer: "Come on, alchemist, come to me. First of all, I want you to tell me, what exactly is this spire-shaped thing?"

Todd walked in front of the metal spire, and first took a look at the exterior. The spire was about eighty centimeters above the ground. The surface looked smooth and textured. With the help of light, we could still see some strange patterns floating in the metal.

Todd looked at Brunhild, with a questioning look on his face.

The latter stretched out his right hand and responded with a pleased expression.

Todd turned his head and tried to touch the surface with his fingers. The metal was icy, but the moment he touched it, there was an illusion that his soul seemed to be stuck in it.

Todd moved closer, tapping the metal surface with his knuckles first, and surprisingly, there was no echo. On closer inspection, this object is completely different from all the metals in his impression. Then, he squatted on the ground and pulled away the mud at the junction between the metal body and the ground. There was still the metal under the mud, and it seemed that the spire should have risen from the ground.

"Alchemist, how is it?"

The answer Brunhild got was just the other side's helpless shaking of his head.

The Valkyrie lowered her head in frustration.

Todd said, "I don't carry any experimental equipment with me. If I can pry a sample from this, maybe I can know what it is."

Brunhild shook his head: "Don't waste your time, no weapon can leave even a scratch on it. Come on, alchemist, I have another thing you need to see."

Climbing up to the corner at the end of the cylindrical room, the Valkyrie vigorously picked up a tall stone and moved it aside. A room similar to a showroom appeared in front of everyone.

Pieces of stone slabs made of sands and obsidian are laid flat on the stone platform, and the slabs are filled with old pictures and difficult and incomprehensible texts.

Brunnhild led Todd to stand in front of the first slab, and pointed to the words inside and said: "These are Rune words. According to legend, Odin took out his left eye in exchange for a spoonful of wisdom. After the spring, the text created."

"As for the origin of these pictures and words, there is a saying. On Odin’s shoulders stood two crows, one named wisdom and the other named memory. After the dusk of the gods, the memory found the survivors. The gods—the daughters of the sun gods and moon gods, asked her to make these slates."

Todd listened to Brunhild and looked at the first picture carefully.

A deity armed with a spear and a golden ring, wearing a golden helmet and golden armor, killed a giant. Above the sky, the up arrow and the down triangle pattern gleamed. The Valkyrie read the Luen text on the slate: "It gave my master Odin the weapon and armor, and instigated him to kill the ancestor of the giant, Ymir."

The second picture: Odin knelt on one knee, the arrow triangle floating in the air, and the giant's body lying quietly on the ground. The Valkyrie read: "My master Odin swears to surrender to it, and planted a seed into Yumir's corpse."

The third picture: A ash tree grows from the giant's corpse. Valkyrie: "The seed germinates and blooms, and it grows into the tree of the world.

The fourth picture: The tree of the world is full of fruits, and the endless spring water irrigates the roots of the tree. Valkyrie: "The tree of the world bears golden apples, and clear spring water emerges from the roots of the tree. The gods eat the fruit and drink the spring water. They are immortal and immortal, and gain infinite power."

The fifth picture: All kinds of creatures gathered around the World Tree, gods, elves, dwarves, giants, and monsters. The arrow triangle floats in the air and looks down at everything. Valkyrie: "Drinking the spring water from the roots of the world tree and eating the fruits of the branches of the world, all beings in the world have power and madness, and more and more creatures mutate into heartbreaking monsters. When war, devour , Variation is everywhere, it just looks at it all."

The sixth picture: Odin exchanged a scoop of spring water with his left eye with one hand, raised his spear with the other hand, and pointed it at the arrow triangle in the air. Valkyrie: "My master exchanged one eye for the fountain of wisdom. He who drank the fountain water, under the guidance of the sage giant, saw through its intentions and determined to defeat it."

The seventh picture: Odin squatted on the ground, held up a handful of clear water, and lifted it to the sky. Valkyrie: "With the help of the three goddesses of fate, my master discovered a weapon to defeat it."

The eighth picture: Flames and seas churning endlessly, the universe collapses, time turbulence, gods and enemies sink to the bottom of the sea in the war, and arrow triangles shine in the air. Valkyrie: "It saw through everything in advance, my master failed, and the gods arrived at dusk as promised."

The ninth picture and the last picture.

The huge arrow triangle fills the picture.

The Valkyrie read the words of Luen word by word: "It foresaw the plotting fate, bewitching creatures, and erasing traces. Ignorant and small beings, we created you, But who exactly created us?"

Todd looked at the arrow triangle on the last painting and was silent for a long time.

Brunhild did not bother him, just waited quietly.

Todd raised his head and looked at the Valkyrie: "If you allow, I want to take some soil, rocks and water from the ruins and use them as samples for experiments."

"And then? Can you give me the truth?"

Todd looked at the pattern in the slate and slowly nodded, "I think, I'm getting closer to the answer."


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