Alien Knights

Chapter 181: Wizards and Beasts

After handing over the affairs of the perfume workshop to the Huggins Security Bureau and repeatedly emphasizing the importance of confidentiality, Todd held a three-hour meeting with the twilight academics.

The academic leader, Master Terrence, was ill, so the meeting was attended by Elijah, the legendary genius scholar.

Before the formal meeting began, Todd and the man in his early thirties chatted alone for dozens of minutes. What surprised him was that this tall and handsome scholar was not at all like a commoner born in a shoemaker's family, but more like a child from a noble family.

Todd's logical thinking and values ​​are incompatible with the oppressive Middle Ages.

On the one hand Elijah yearned for the glory of Guterre, on the other hand he denounced the darkness of the present world. His knowledge covers philosophy, art, physics, chemistry, law and other disciplines. While exchanging knowledge, he also introduced to Todd the political environment and religious ecology of the mainland in detail. There is no doubt that this is an excellent politician, artist and scientist. But leaving these outstanding points aside, what made the Monarch of Muxi secretly troubled was that Elijah highly praised the revival of humanism between the lines. This kind of contempt for authority and enthusiasm for democracy even made people smell a bit of danger. breath.

In the following meeting, Todd and academic scholars discussed the future development of the Kingdom of Muxi.

After receiving assurances that Todd would not be punished by words, scholars spoke freely, focusing on the border between religion, kingship, and democracy.

After this conference, Todd received academic support and received praise and praise from many scholars. The king himself had transferred part of his power and arranged for some scholars with real talents to step onto the stage of the kingdom.

In the transfer of power, Todd's newly established organization-the Patent Office, and a law jointly supervised and completed by many factions-the Patent Law.

At first, this law did not attract much attention from the residents of Twilight City. It was not until the verdict of the first patent infringement case that it officially attracted everyone's attention.

A scholar named Pascal from the holy city of the East invented something called a mercury thermometer based on the principles of thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, and coefficient of expansion, after spending thirty bronze stars to register a patent. The merchants in Muxicheng made a large number of imitations based on the prototype of mercury thermometer without permission.

After collecting evidence and investigating, the businessman's actions were determined to be infringement. Based on the sales profit and the number of products, the Patent Office required the merchant to pay Pascal a large amount of royalties, and prompted the two to reach an out-of-court settlement.

After this incident, there were some subtle changes in Twilight West City:

1. The residents of Muxicheng gradually realized that patents are an intangible property. People began to learn to respect the achievements of knowledge. More and more people went into colleges and libraries to try to learn and understand science.

2. Inventions and creations are no longer unsuccessful. Those scholars who hold major inventions and prototypes, lie at home and live a kingly life on patent fees. It is not a rare thing in Muxicheng.

3. Relying on 20% of patent revenues and perfumes and other emerging trade commodities, the treasury of the Western Kingdom was once again full, and the financial crisis was resolved.

4. Relying on power games and patent benefits, Todd has gained the trust of most scholars, and tied those who are skeptical of religion and kingship to the chariot of the Knights of the West.

After completing this series of actions, Todd finally had the time and energy to refocus his attention on the military.

On a warm winter afternoon, Todd sat on the throne, looked at several reports on the table, and looked up at Cumberland: "The barbarian army on the Moon Creek Plain has increased to 12,000?"

"These people cannot all be called the army. A considerable number of them are old and weak women and children of the northern barbarians. Although they are not as powerful as adult men, they are also a trouble to gather together." Cumberland touched a faint scar on his chin. , Said to Todd in a strange tone: "Compared to the number of the barbarian army, I am more worried about the barbarian wizards and beasts."

"Witcher? Battle beast?" Todd laughed unconsciously as he listened to Cumberland's speech.

In this different world, he had never seen magic and beasts before, thinking that the so-called witchcraft were nothing more than tricks of pretending to be fools. But after a while, Todd saw only seriousness on the opponent's face.

Cumberland gently brushed the scar with his knuckles: "As early as thirty years ago, I was an apprentice knight, and once followed the commander through the Watch Valley to attack the barbarian army carrying the sacrifices. Over the high mountains, After three days of rushing, my Cavaliers team encountered a barbarian sacrificial group with only a hundred people. We designed an ambush circle and made some traps with sharp woods and boulders..."

Hearing this, Alfonso, who was sitting next to Cumberland, twisted his body unnaturally. It seemed that he had a different view on the knights' use of ambushes and traps.

"In that encounter, the Cavaliers won the first move. The condescending us killed nine barbarians in the first wave of attacks. But then, the nightmare began..." Cumberland's beard shook slightly. When he got up, Todd admitted that he had never seen him before: "There is a woman who cannot tell how old she is. She is heavily protected by the soldiers of the barbarian sacrificial group. She is wearing a suit made of crow feathers. , Holding a strange wooden staff in both hands, shouting some strange words to the sky. After that..."

Todd looked at Cumberland, panting, and asked in a low voice, "After that?"

"The barbarian warriors in the sacrificial group have swollen bodies and alienated limbs, turning into lightning-fast werewolves and infinitely powerful bearmen."

Todd opened his eyes incredibly: "Are you sure?!"

The old knight nodded: "Your Majesty, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that scene. For a long time, that battle became my nightmare every night. Fortunately, I was fighting against the barbarians. In the past ten years, I have only encountered a barbarian wizard once."

wizard? Werewolf? Bear people?

Todd became more puzzled as he thought about it. Judging from his experience in another world, he had never encountered magic and witchcraft before. But according to the Norse Mythology and Jingsu’s dialogue, these seemingly supernatural things may have reasonable explanations.

Putting the wizard's business aside, Todd asked Cumberland again: "Then what's the matter with the beast?"

Cumberland compared a distance with his hand, and slowly said: "Among the tribes of barbarians, some strange beasts often appear. Some of them are like cows, but their bodies are hard and iron-like, and they can breathe fire; some are like birds. But the wings can reach up to five meters, and the beaks and claws are like sharp blades; some resemble male lions, but the blood is highly poisonous, and the roar can make people faint..."

Todd's eyes were straight. Listening to this description, it was a collection of Warcraft.

"The most frightening thing is a kind of war beast called a thunder beast. Although I have not seen it, it is rumored that it is tens of meters high and has two curved and sharp long teeth. The body impact can destroy the strongest. The city wall!"


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