Alien Knights

Chapter 256: Secrets of the Kingdom of Shadows (1)

   hugged the blanket on his body, Todd walked out of the temple, looked at the green mountains and water in front of him, and took a deep breath of fresh air in a happy mood.

   The snow-capped mountains towering into the clouds stand tall on the lush ground; the waterfalls flying straight down are suspended between the rocky mountain walls.

   The clear stream under the feet can flow over the instep. Although it is midsummer, it gives people a frosty and transparent touch.

  Richier's right hand held Todd's arm, and when he looked up to the sky, he exclaimed in surprise.

   A beast with a lion-headed lion body, soaring among the mountain streams, the clear call resounded throughout the valley.

   Compared to Rachel who was amazed, Todd frowned.

  In this other world, the western and central regions of the mainland are like two spaces compared to this one.

   The biological system on the Moon Creek Plain is somewhat similar to the Earth in the previous life, but here, it has completely deviated from the scope of the normal biosphere.

   What caused the biological changes here?

   With this question, Todd, with the help of Rachel, continued to climb up the mountain trail along the snow mountain.

   Only ten minutes after crawling, Todd, weak and weak, was already sitting on the boulder, panting and shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Unexpectedly, maintaining the monster form would take so much energy. I climbed up the vortex from the bottom of the sea for only 20 minutes, but after this period of time, the feeling of being restored to humans was like being taken away. All the strength."

  Rachel straightened his hair for a while, looked at Todd's recovered right arm, and asked, "Speaking of which, I haven't had time to ask you, what is on the other end of the dark door?"

   Todd looked into Rachel's eyes and asked seriously: "Do you really want to know?"

   Seeing the other party solemnly nodded, Todd sighed and closed his eyes.

   In the next second, Rachel was pulled into the soul space without warning. For her, this time she entered, there was no warning, and she could not produce any resistance.

   Different from the usual soul space, this time the space is an endless darkness. Rachel's body kept falling, his limbs seemed to be tied together by an unknown force.

   She wanted to yell, but she couldn't make any sound. The entire body, even the soul in the body, was squeezed and imprisoned by a huge force.

   Just when she was about to be lost in the endless darkness, a huge eye slowly opened and looked at her position.

what! ! !

  Rachel shrieked in surprise, but after returning to reality, he saw Todd's caring face.

   "That was...?!"

   "That is the world behind the Dark Portal."

  Rachel wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in a shocked voice: "No wonder Meredith told me that people who return from the Dark Portal are not willing to mention their own experiences."

   After calming down, Rachel suddenly thought of something and asked Todd: "Is that the ability of "Soul Link" just now?"

   "That's right."

   "But this link is different from the past. Without prior perception, I can't even condense even the slightest sense of resistance..."

   After thinking for a while, Todd said, "After returning from the dark gate, my abilities seem to have changed. Moreover, the uncontrollable mutation can also be managed to a limited extent."

   After speaking, Todd stretched out his right arm. Slowly, metallic scales covered the skin of his arms, and his five fingers became like monster iron claws.

   The ability of "debilitating" is slowly activated. It should have been a pale black dark light, but now it is like a flame poured with gasoline, turning into a dark purple dark flame that is tumbling.

   Todd held a stone with iron claws, and the latter turned into a puddle of powder in less than a second.

   This process took a total of ten seconds, after which his arm regained its original shape.

Todd took a tired breath and said weakly, "I can control a part of the body to mutate, and the abilities used by the mutated part of the body will be upgraded in power and form. For example, the "weakness" just now. It was upgraded to "Broken"."

   "Splitting?! Is the ninth pick in the Legion-Jerome's ability?" Rachel said excitedly: "This also means that you have come into contact with the "tyrant"!"

   Todd scratched his head: "The theory is true, but I really don't remember when and where I came into contact with that substance after passing through the dark gate."

   "It would be great if I had laboratory equipment on hand so that I could analyze my blood and live slices."

  Rachel heard this and sighed: "The "Black Pearl" did bring a complete set of experimental equipment, but unfortunately all of them were lost in the shipwreck."

Todd patted the dust on the blanket, stood up and looked in the direction of the **** of the mountain road: "It's useless to think about it now. Before we can't return for the time being, our most important task at the moment is to find a way to survive in the country of shadows. ."

   The two supporting each other continued on their way. After walking through a 100-meter suspended small stack paved with wooden planks, and walking sideways through the lonely cliff behind the waterfall, which is only accessible to one person, it took a full hour before they finally came to a temple on the ridge.

   The temple was built directly above the cliff. From a distance, you can find that it is actually in the mountain wall, which was excavated by a little bit of manpower.

   walked down a long stone step and entered the main hall of the temple, where a ten-meter-high statue of the goddess was erected.

   The stone statue crosses its fingers and is placed in front of the chest, behind which is carved a round disc full of spikes.

  Rachel walked to the bottom of the stone statue and whispered the Luen text on the stone tablet.

  『The soul is born here, and all living beings succumb to the Lord of will. 』

   Todd frowned and walked around the stone statue. After nothing was found, he finally gave up the idea of ​​exploring.

   walked into the passage behind the **** statue, a row of neat stone chambers were hollowed out in the mountain and built together.

   Entering the stone room, the interior decoration is extremely simple, a stone bed, a stone platform, a stone bench, nothing more.

Todd looked at everything in the room and took a breath. The scene before him reminded him of the life of the Compared to Todd’s nostalgic thoughts, Rachel came to the room carefully. In front of the wall, rubbing the traces on the stone, he whispered: "There are writings on this wall. The writing is badly damaged, but it can barely be identified by touch. This line of characters is Luen writing, and this one is ancient Thai. Luo characters, this is the characters from the time of Anderson, and these and these, I don’t know them anymore."

   Todd asked curiously: "What is written on it?"

Richel tried his best to distinguish for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Only the type of text can be recognized, and the content is really unrecognizable. I can barely find out the "shadows", "little animals", and "dark doors". Words."

   The two searched in the room for a while. Hunger and thirsty forced them to give up searching and start looking for food and water.

   "There is a spring here!"

Hearing Rachel’s cry, Todd looked towards the innermost part of the temple’s corridor. In a pool of stalactites, a spring created by a well of underground water was pouring clear and sweet fresh water into the reservoir. middle.

   Rachel, who has not dripped in for a day and night, has thirsty in his throat that is about to smoke. She held up a handful of water, just about to send it into the mouth.

   A cold female voice sounded at the entrance of the corridor.

   "If I were you, I would never touch those poisonous water..."


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