Alien Knights

Chapter 395: The spread of religious influence

Todd glanced at Rachel's head, remembering the "Resurrection Worm" in the iron box, and was a little curious for a while. What was this woman like before taking Mia's body?

Regardless of her appearance and temperament, the current Rachel is a rare beauty. But Todd couldn't imagine what she looked like in the past.

Maybe she is very ordinary, her voice is not as pleasant as it is now, and she may be very bloated...

and many more!

Todd suddenly remembered something terrifying. Was it possible that Rachel was a man before? !

She (she) only said that she and Mia were good friends, but she never mentioned her past gender.

Todd screamed in his heart, oh my god! If she (he) is really a man! I also did so many unsightly things with this person, and played so many embarrassing postures...

Looking at Todd's face, Rachel thought that the other party was shocked by Mia's things, so he explained: "I didn't tell you about Mia in the past because I didn't know how to speak."

Todd settled down and nodded calmly: "Who is it? It's hard to talk about such things."

After an awkward silence, Rachel and Todd were drinking. The two didn't know what to say, just thinking about their own thoughts.

When Rachel finished drinking a can of beer, he suddenly asked Todd: "That world has advanced theories and advanced science, so can you tell me what the soul is?"

Todd was a little surprised by this question. After thinking about it for a while, he said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't know."

"Isn't there a definite answer to the soul in your omnipotent world?"

"Yes, even in my world, the soul is considered an unsolved puzzle, but if you use the interpretation of a philosopher, the soul should include two major connotations in its definition: logic and memory."

Richelton lives in the form: "Philosophy? Logic and memory?"

"This is the theory I heard from a philosophy professor: If human beings have a soul, then it should contain two major connotations: logic and memory in a broad sense. Logic in a broad sense includes thinking orientation, value ethics and decision methods; And memory in a broad sense includes life experience and truth cognition."

Rachel shook his head: "Sounds very complicated. These are the theories of that professor?"

Todd touched his chin, recalled his past elective career, and said uncertainly: "If I remember correctly, these theories come from a scholar named Hegel."

Richel bit his lip, hesitated over and over, and suddenly asked a weird question: "If there is an evil person, for some purpose, creates a copy of her. Then, the soul of this copy, too Will it be evil?"

What Rachel said made Todd completely bewildered.

"Sorry, Rachel, there are too many professional subjects involved, including genetics, physiology... Moreover, the soul itself is something no one knows, and I can't give you an accurate answer."

The depressed Rachel threw the can on the table, stood up, and wanted to leave the soul space.

Thinking of the "Resurrection Worm" and the identity of the other party, Todd said: "Rachell, there are some things I want to ask you..."

"Todd, sorry, I'm really in a bad mood right now, I'm afraid I can't answer your question..."

Seeing Rachel's pale face, Todd swallowed back what he said to his mouth.

Todd nodded to Rachel and said, "Take a good rest. We will talk again when we have the opportunity."

Rachel's figure disappeared into the space.

After drinking beer in the institute, Todd sighed while looking at the empty room.

Back in the real world, Todd watched Rachel push open the door and leave quietly, calling out Hudgens who was on standby at the door.

"Your majesty, your face is not good, what happened?" Huggins looked at Todd and said with some concern.

Todd motioned to the other party not to care, and asked, "How are you preparing for the ceremony of establishing Protestantism?"

"The overall layout of the cathedral has been completed, the doctrine interpretation booklet has been printed, and the list of Protestants has been drawn up..."

"Has the invitation letter for the ceremony been sent?"

Hearing Todd mentioning this matter, Huggins hesitated when he answered: "Seven hundred invitations to the ceremony were sent out a month ago..."

"How is the feedback?"

"There are 130 reply letters confirming participation, most of them are scholars, chambers of commerce and priests..."

Todd frowned and asked, "What about the reply of the secular royal family?"

As Huggins said, he took a careful look at Todd's expression: "There are only two copies, one is Queen Mary from the Holy Acropolis, and the other is the Regent Jennings from Lone Rock City."

Hearing an unexpected name, Todd suddenly became interested: "Guyan City?"

Huggins nodded and said: "Jennings' reply is that since the Queen of Lone Rock City is still young, he will attend the inauguration ceremony of the Protestant religion in his personal capacity."

"Young age? Personal status?" Todd smiled helplessly: "This Jennings will shirk responsibility. He doesn't want to offend the church, but also wants to flatter us."

Huggins added at this time: "Your Majesty, I don't think you need to worry about the attitude of the secular kingdom at all. We have just won the battle of the Holy Acropolis, and the results of the war have not spread. Wait until the secular kingdoms know everything. Naturally know how to stand in line."

Todd listened to this and nodded unconsciously in agreement: "It makes sense, anyway, there are still two months before the Protestantism was established. Waiting for a while is not necessarily a bad thing."

In fact, the news of the defeat of the church coalition was spread much faster than Todd had imagined.

A great battle in the diocese that has not occurred in hundreds of years has touched the sight of countless people before it started.

The outcome of the war was beyond everyone's expectations. No one could have imagined that the coalition would be defeated so badly and so quickly.

With an army of 15,000 people, less than half of them returned home in peace. Among them, fewer than ten of the troops directly under the church returned alive.

After the war, the power situation of the entire diocese has changed greatly.

The power and influence of the church plummeted, and the power class of the secular kingdom gradually rose. The latter took advantage of teaching taxes and scandals to let the people in China set off a wave of On the other hand, the advantage of alien power entered the military halls of various kingdoms for the first time. Reaper knights, sniper heirs, elemental heirs and heterogeneous heavy infantry and other powerful troops have completely opened their eyes to those kings who were immersed in swords and shields in the past.

The major kingdoms began to pay more attention to the use of heterogeneous powers, and the hunts and slaughters aimed at heterogeneous forces were abolished one after another. Alien species with powerful abilities also ended the days of hiding in Tibet, and became the chief adviser and the guest of the royal family.

But compared with these, there is one of the biggest new things in everyone's field of vision-Muxi Protestantism.

With a strong military and economic strength, Twilight City intends to establish a Protestant religion aimed at reforming religion, restraining theocratic power, and exempting taxes, and has almost become a savior for everyone.

Farmers who join the Protestant religion can no longer suffer from tithes; merchants and nobles who join the Protestant religion can get rid of the trouble of indulgences; the king joins the Protestant religion without worrying about the kingship.

After Muxicheng sent out the Protestant worship invitation, there were only a few hundred letters, but more than 4,000 receipts were received.

Dignified figures from all walks of life have asked for the establishment of Protestantism, and repeatedly emphasized in their receipts that they are willing to convert to Protestantism.

Too many guests, coupled with increasing momentum, made Muxicheng have to reconsider the process and scale of the ceremony.

The ceremony, which was originally only three days, was expanded to ten days; the original audience of 1,000 people was temporarily increased to 5,000.

In order to deal with this huge religious ceremony, the time originally scheduled for early February took more preparation time and had to be postponed to the end of March.

With the passage of time, the winter of Twilight West quietly passed by in the hustle and bustle of the sky, and the spring that represented the new life of all things came with it.