Alien Knights

Chapter 495: Meet a deceased in another country

Leading Todd back into the tavern, Rachel asked the bartender for a bottle of water and poured a glass for each of them.

Todd picked up the cup, took a sip, and asked, "When you sneaked into the Presbyterian Church, the old man named Iliad knew that you had entered his library privately and copied his notes, even though they arrived. In the end, he put you in jail, but he didn't seem to intend to embarrass you?"

There was a touch of sentimentality in Rachel’s soothing tone: “In my impression, Iliad is an eccentric old man. He gave me life, but he didn’t treat me as an experiment. When I was young, he would provide me with food and clothes, and would allow me to move freely. Perhaps, in his opinion, my existence dispelled some of his loneliness and made him feel the warmth of family."

"So, do you know anything about Meredith, the leader of the Legion of Discord?"

"Speaking of Meredith, I was shocked when I heard her say her identity in prison. I never thought that the crow girl in the Kingdom of Shadows turned out to be a woman who has lived for thousands of years. The ancient Tyrolean, not to mention that she was the grand commander of the Legion of Strife, or the daughter of the sage Sutherland..." Rachel said incredibly: "I have heard many rumors about the leader of the Legion in the Presbyterian Church. Some people say that she is an alien hero from a thousand years ago. Others say that she personally slaughtered thousands of people and wiped out several countries from the territory."

Todd recalled the woman whose words and deeds were impossible to guess, and sighed: "I heard her say that Iliad is resurrecting her father, the sage Sutherland, but she doesn't sound like this. matter."

Richel bit his lip, and said after many thoughts: "Todd, promise me one thing, about Sutherland, you try not to interfere."


"Because we don't have to fight against Sutherland... After Eleanor's copy experiment was successful, Iliad found a way to resurrect Sutherland. Not only that, he also used a special thing to improve and strengthen The effect of the experiment. This kind of thing is a tyrant."

Rachel said quietly: "For decades, Meredith and Iliad have been cooperating. The former provides tyrants and the latter leads experiments. Sutherland has grown into an anomaly under the constant supply of tyrants. A powerful and invincible monster. He lives in the magma of the Supuha Mountains, growing bigger and stronger. When he recovers, it will be a day when the whole world will change."

Todd stared into Rachel's eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Do you think that Sutherland's resurrection is a good thing for the different races?"

Rachel grabbed the broken hair in his ears, while making a circle with his hands, said: "In the past period of time, my confirmation was the resurrection of the sages, which is a good thing for the different races. Because of the different races. Power is jealous of the world, and after all, they cannot integrate into this society. Only when a powerful alien leader appears, leading the alien to overthrow other countries and eliminate other races, can we completely usher in the age of aliens."

"However, with the passage of time and the development of things, I began to doubt my previous thoughts. Can a monster that can destroy everything really bring a peaceful world? Even if the aliens wipe out the rest of the races and destroy all Kingdom, can we really usher in peace and stop fighting?"

Rachel shook his head mockingly: "The answer is naturally no. So, I try to change my mind, try to find a suitable leader in the secular kingdom to reconcile the contradiction between the alien and ordinary people, hoping to find one. Balance point, let the heterogeneous and normal people sit together and live together peacefully like neighbors and colleagues. After years of searching, I did find a suitable person, and that person is you..."

Todd nodded slightly and motioned to Rachel to continue.

"Todd, your wisdom, tolerance, and foresight in this matter of racial compatibility are qualities that many kings and leaders do not possess. As long as you control the overall situation, there will be no difference between aliens and ordinary people. A scene of unbearable water and fire."

Speaking of this, Rachel smiled bitterly and stroked his forehead: "But I still forgot one thing after all, and that is the heir."

"Todd, sooner or later, you will die. Whether it is your child to inherit your throne, or the way of a democratic cabinet to continue the rule of the country. The contradiction between aliens and ordinary people will sooner or later It broke out again. At that time, no one can guarantee that the leader of the country has the same vision and tolerance as you. The greatest possibility is that things will return to the starting point again."

Todd listened to Rachel's words, and said thoughtfully: "That's why you want to crack the secret of the beacon tower, leave the world with the different races, and find a new place to live again?"

The latter closed his eyes and slowly said, "Whether it is the church or the gods. Eleanor, Iliad, Sutherland... If these people want to fight for this world, then let them fight. I What I hope to do is to bring all the aliens who yearn for peace and are tired of fighting through the beacon tower to another distant time and space, so that they can start a new life there."

Todd gently held Rachel's hand, and said softly: "If there really is such a day, I can also take off the burden of my body, find a field between mountains and rivers, and spend the rest of my life..."

Rachel held Todd's hand back, his eyes blurred, and he unconsciously began to approach the opponent.

At this moment, a young man wearing a black cloak stumbled into the tavern, saying something in a hurry.

Rachel frowned, turned his head, and said a few words to the man in imperial language.

As the two talked, Rachel's expression became more and more serious, and his speech speed became more and more rush.

Seeing them finish their conversation, the young man left the tavern, Todd asked Rachel, "What happened?"

"A wanted criminal from the Presbyterian Church appeared in the city."

"The wanted?"

Rachel looked at Todd and said, "You also know this person. He is the murderer of Theodore, the president of the Murder Relief Society. His name is Throatbone."

Todd recalled for a few seconds, and finally remembered the owner of the name.

The gloomy young man with a thin body and pale face always likes the circus leader who hides in the dark.

Rachel hesitated for a while, and then said: "Beside the throat bone, the spies of the Alien Species Association also found another person, another person you are familiar with..."

Todd looked at Rachel's hesitant expression, and couldn't help frowning: "Who is it?"

"Old monk of San Sidlo Monastery, Myris, your first teacher in name, do you still have an impression?"

Todd was taken aback and stayed where he was.
