Alien Knights

Chapter 524: The rise of the kingdom of God (9)

In Muxi Port, hundreds of ships of different sizes blocked the entire bay.

Some of them belonged to pirates, but more belonged to Froststone City.

After the earthquake, in the huge port, the sound of fighting and fighting slowly fell silent. Everyone raised their heads and cast their sights on the dark night above their heads.

Lightning split the dark sky, dark clouds obscured the bright moonlight, and an invisible dragon leaped in the sky, roaring toward the common people in the mortal world.

Withdrawing the battle axe from the skull of a pirate, Carol, with straight eyes, looked at the black dragon hovering in the sky, and asked in a daze, "Is that the son of the gods in people's mouth?"

Aldenan slowly lowered his claws and said blankly: "I always thought Randall was joking, so everything is true!"

On the deck, beside the plank road, in the port, and on the street, thousands of soldiers from Froststone City knelt on the ground in the direction of the black dragon flying in the sky.

After a short while, only the voice of prayer and praise remained in the whole city.

Those citizens of Twilight City who were hiding in their homes boldly opened the window and looked at the barbarians outside the door from the north. They were **** and brutal murderous gods for a second, but now they have become the most devout believers.

The black dragon flew around the entire city, overlooking everything on the earth, and finally flew back to the hill above the palace.

Carroll, still immersed in shock, suddenly heard the voice of Ackerman, commander of the Crusade Army.

"The sons of the gods have sent down the oracle, and the Holy Order Army regroups and marches into the headquarters of the Western Knights!"

In the same way, every commander in every Froststone battle group received their own instructions from the soul space.

"The sons of the gods send down the oracle, the Falcons will follow the order! The target-the city hall, the whole army will set off!"

"The supreme son of the gods, order us to capture the naval barracks! Let us use the blood and heads of our enemies to prove the loyalty and faith of the Red Branches!"


As one order after another was communicated to the various large groups of the Froststone Army, tens of thousands of Froststone soldiers were divided into dozens of armies and began to set out toward their respective goals.

Looking down from the sky, countless torches gathered into a slowly flowing stream, flowing in all directions from the sea to the landing site along the streets of the city.

In the barracks of the Royal Navy, the pirates who had not had time to escape, shivered at the barbarian gladiators who were covered in colors outside the gate.

A pirate with the appearance of a small leader was promoted by the crowd, and slowly walked towards the Red Branch under the white flag, begging for mercy: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I surrender to you on behalf of everyone, as long as you are willing to let us go. Go back, all the treasures on the ship are..."

The pirate leader hadn't finished speaking yet, an arrow shot into his mouth, pierced his brainstem, and nailed to the wooden pillar behind him.

A warband leader wearing a bearskin and a blindfold stood on a tall wooden box, hitting the shield with an axe, and roared: "The sons of the gods have sent down the oracles. The war tonight will not accept surrender. Death will be the only way to give you relief! Charge!"

Hearing the roar of the leader, the gladiators of the Red Branch battle group shouted the praises of the gods. Under the stimulation of faith and killing, they rushed into the barracks like a group of bloodthirsty beasts.

In front of these lunatic fanatics, the pirates couldn't even resist even a little bit, and in a blink of an eye they turned into piles of minced meat and bones.

The Muxi City Hall, the landmark building of the Muxi Kingdom, is now a veritable wartime bunker.

The rebels and mercenaries blocked the gate with sandbags, set up muskets on every window, and even launched light artillery on the balcony.

A mercenary leader hid behind a window on the third floor, and said loudly towards the Froststone army at the entrance: "I have 600 soldiers who have battled hard, and I also have the most advanced guns and artillery in the Southern Empire. Anyone who wants to capture this building will pay a heavy price! If you are acquainted, let us go now! I will pretend that nothing happened tonight!"

From the Froststone army attacking the city hall, an old soldier with a long bow walked out. It was Fried, the captain of the Falcons.

I saw him remove a horn from his waist, puffed his cheeks towards the sky, and blew it vigorously.

The dull and long sound of the horn spread all over the block in an instant.

As the mercenary leader listened to the sound of the horn, the vague premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He turned to his men and asked, "What does he want to do?!"

The mercenaries looked at each other, no one knew.

Two minutes later, there was a loud cry of griffon in the sky.

A valkyrie wearing a silver armor and a feather crown, riding a huge griffon from the direction of the sea, flew swiftly towards the city hall.

As the distance to the target got closer, the Valkyrie patted the back of the mount and began to gradually lower the height of the Griffin.

The moment it reached the sky above the target building, the Valkyrie pulled the reins, the griffon's claws suddenly loosened, and a net bag full of spore parasites dropped from the sky and fell straight down.

The earth-shattering explosions and intense dazzling flashes, like ripples in a pond, spread rapidly from the location of the city hall to the surroundings.

After the fire, the originally gorgeous and majestic city hall turned into a pile of ruined walls.

In the flames and smoke, the falcons marched into the ruins and began to search for the survivors.

The mercenary leader was pressed under a huge stone pillar, one arm was missing, and no intact skin could be seen all over his body.

Looking at the battle group leader Fried who appeared in front of him, the mercenary leader coughed up a **** sputum, and said with difficulty: "Save me... I know the mastermind behind this rebellion..."

Freed knelt down and looked at the will to survive in the eyes of the mercenary leader. He took out the dagger without a hassle, and cut the opponent's throat little by little.

Facing the horrified look on the face of the deceased, Fried wiped the blood stains off the dagger and said calmly: "We don't need your information... God knows everything."

The Knights of Muxi, the headquarters building.

"Monsters! Monsters everywhere! Our people are dead...all dead!"

A pale-faced and insane soldier sat in the lobby of the headquarters, his eyes divergent and his body twitching constantly.

The noble commander in charge of the rebel army looked at the panicked old man behind him, and asked anxiously: "Master Boance, what should we do?"

As the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Silver Ring Kingdom, Biansi, at this moment, has long lost the composure and calmness of the past. He listened to the screams of soldiers from outside the door, and said incoherently: "How can this be? How can it be like this ?!"

The noble commander walked in front of Biansi and said anxiously: "My lord! Listen to me! From my experience, any army in this world will only lose this one when facing those monsters. End! Therefore, we must abandon the barracks and escape the city as soon as possible!"

Biansi nodded vigorously while exclaiming: "You are right! We must evacuate now! As long as we can retain our strength, we can make a comeback sooner or later! By the way, Your Majesty! Get your Majesty quickly! He is the Kingdom of the Silver Ring. Hope for the future!"

"Are you looking for this?"

A cold voice came from behind everyone.

A group of gloomy silver ring nobles threw the body of a boy into the hall.

Biansi took a closer look and saw that the dead man was the young king of the Silver Ring Kingdom, the six-year-old Guy VII.

"You! What did you guys do?!!!"

Biansi knelt on the ground and picked up the boy's corpse, in distress and tears.

A silver ring nobleman with blood on his hands, toward the silent colleagues in the hall, said loudly: "Any smart person can see that the silver ring kingdom is over! Do you want to bury this kingdom, or do you want to gamble? Give yourself a way to survive?!"

The silver ring nobles in the hall looked at each other, struggling and gloomy on everyone's face.

Biansi held the corpse of the King of the Silver Ring tightly in his arms, and yelled hysterically: "Traitor! Shameless traitor! I curse you and curse your souls forever!"

In the hall there was an aristocrat who looked at Bai Ansi like crazy, swallowed, took out the dagger from his arms, and walked towards the latter slowly.

Under the old man's desperate gaze and painful wailing, the silver ring nobleman stabbed the dagger into the opponent's abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, more and more old officials of the Silver Ring took out their weapons and slowly walked towards Bai Ansi and the King of Silver Ring.

Just like a group of hyenas gnawing on carrion, Biansi and Guy VII were divided and separated by the group of nobles in a moment.

A loud noise came from the door.

The locked door of the headquarters of the Knights was kicked open by an orc.

Orcs, werewolves, elves... All the soldiers of the Froststone Holy Clan marched into the hall in a neat array, looked at the mess in front of them, and started talking in low voices.

Dark Elf Commander Ackerman, leading the Medusa sisters, walked to the silver ring nobles, and asked, "Who is your leader?"

Several nobles rushed to pick up the heads of Boens and Guy VII from the ground, and squeezed them in front of Ackerman as if offering treasures. The first evil of this disaster!"

Ackerman took a close look at the appearance of the two heads, took a long breath, and then motioned to the Patriarchal soldiers to pack them and take them away.

The silver ring nobles bent over and asked with a smile on their faces: "Respected sir, can we go now?"

Ackerman turned his head and showed a smile: "Don't worry, follow the oracle of the children of the gods, I will send you on the road..."

Seeing the orcs raising their giant sticks and the werewolves licking their claws and walking towards them, the silver ring nobles shouted in fear: "No, you can't do this! We have surrendered the first evil! We have surrendered! "

Moments later, there was a heart-piercing scream in the headquarters building of the Musi Knights.