Alien Knights

Chapter 561: Go with the flow

After Cumberland left, Todd returned to his bedroom with a heart full of thoughts.

Pushing open the door at the end of the second floor, Todd first saw a large hall full of wardrobes and wooden mannequins.

Various styles of evening dresses, hunting suits, cloaks, hakama, and different styles of clothing make this room decorated into a sea of ​​fashion.

After walking through these wardrobes, Todella opened two thick and heavy screen doors and walked into a studio full of books and oil paintings.

The queen of the Holy Acropolis, Mary in Todd's memory, the beautiful woman who always stands tall, like the flower of the high ridge, now she is not wearing pink and wearing a large casual nightgown, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed. On the top, I drew the design drawings attentively there.

Todd walked to Mary and gently squeezed the latter's stiff shoulders, causing her to breathe comfortably.

"Back from the trip, I thought you were resting in bed."

Mary picked up the paintbrush and pointed the end of the pen to her neck, beckoning him not to stop: "For me, this room is my relaxing and happy place than sleeping. Here, I can let go of all the burdens on my body. And only do what I like"

Todd massaged Mary's satin-like white skin with his fingertips, smiled and said, "Only do what you like."

Mary, who was indulged in tactile joy, turned her head back with difficulty, and two red roses appeared on her delicate face. While panting, she whispered: "If you want, the bedroom is behind."

Even though he had seen this flawless and alluring face many times, Todd still sighed for her beauty once again in his heart.

Todd smiled and shook his head, let go of his hand, and sat next to Mary, put his arms around the other's waist, and circled him in his arms: "You need to rest."

"You are really different from everyone else." Mary wrapped her arms around Todd's neck and leaned her whole body against the latter's chest: "Is it the only thing like you, or the men in your world are like this."

Todd smiled, without a word, he poured some liquid from the glass bottle on the table and drank it in one fell swoop.

Recollecting the aftertaste in his mouth, Todd frowned and looked at Mary: "This smell"

"It's very similar to coffee, right" Mary said with a smile: "Some Yunhui, some Nadona fruits, plus agave powder and some condiments, to make this drink."

Mary took a sip from the cup and sighed, "However, the taste is still different from real coffee. It doesn't have that peculiar aroma, and it has no refreshing effect."

Todd smiled and said, "I think this is more delicious than coffee."

Mary smiled and hugged Todd tighter, closed her eyes, and after a while, she asked in a low voice, "Why didn't I see you earlier?"

Todd is a little weird: "See me earlier"

Mary's voice is getting lower and lower: "If we met in the Holy Acropolis of my childhood, if before I married to Silver Ring City, if before that woman saw you"

Todd was silent, and he gently patted Mary on the back, as if he wanted to comfort the woman in front of him in this way.

Mary slowly raised her head, looked at Todd's face, and suddenly asked, "You have something on your mind."

"why would you say so"

Mary sat up straight and stared at Todd's eyes: "Tell me what the **** is going on."

Todd sighed helplessly: "In the kingdom, there is indeed one thing that is bothering me."

"After the transformation ritual, human beings will become a foreign race, that is, the Holy Clerical Army that people often hear in daily life."

"These alien races no longer have anything to do with humans regardless of their physical structure or genetic genes. Now, there are various problems with the relationship between the two, such as religious status, living habits, value orientation, and so on. "

"Among these problems, the conflict between aliens and humans, I can also use faith as a buffer to reconcile the contradictions between them. But what really worries me is the combination between them, which will bring unpredictability. s consequence."

Mary's eyes widened: "Unpredictable consequences"

Todd said with a headache: "If humanoid species and humans are combined with each other, the children born may undergo unexpected mutations. In my world, this phenomenon is called reproductive isolation."

Mary asked again: "Are all the mutations produced by this reproductive isolation bad?"

"There are good and bad. I use examples to illustrate that the offspring of donkeys and horses are called mules. Although the latter have a long life span and strong environmental adaptability, they have lost their basic reproductive ability; the offspring of tigers and lions are called mules. They are ligers. They have good physical strength, but they have almost no reproductive ability. Sheep and goats will produce mixed sheep. They are good at running and can produce high milk and wool, but they are still unable to reproduce."

Mary summarized Todd's case: "So, the offspring produced by the combination of two similar creatures are likely to inherit the characteristics and abilities of both parents, but they will lose basic fertility."

"That's not wrong, so I have been worried about the combination of non-human species and humans." Todd's eyes were a little dim: "This combination satisfies the momentary joy of both men and women, but it will give them offspring. It may be an irresponsible behavior to bring indelible physical defects."

Seeing the expression on Todd's face, Mary knew what the other person was thinking in an instant.

Although Todd was talking about the combination of the Crusades and humans, he was actually talking about himself.

Todd and Deirdre gave birth to a daughter, Aurora. Todd lives in worries and self-blame for this. He has always felt that Aurora’s body is hidden and most of the responsibility should be borne by him. .

Therefore, when facing humans and the Crusades, Todd hesitated so much, and did not want these believers to suffer the same fate as himself.

After thinking about all this, Mary stretched out her finger, gently smoothed the wrinkles on Todd's forehead, and said softly: "You seem to have forgotten the most important thing."

"the most important thing"


Mary put her head on Todd's chest, and slowly said: "Humans or aliens. The union of the two parties is voluntary and no one is forced. When a creature falls in love with another creature, race, origin, Wealth, appearance, everything in the family will not become an obstacle to their love."

"Emotion is the most powerful force in the world. It can turn the most timid coward into the bravest warrior, and it can turn the most cruel mob into the most devout believer."

Mary gently kissed Todd's chin, and said softly: "Even you, who are respected as the holy king, can't stop a woman from pursuing and longing for love."

Todd lowered his head, looked at the light in Mary's eyes, and said helplessly: "So, your opinion on this matter is"

Mary leaned forward and pushed Todd down on the sofa. She slowly bent down and touched her hands with her hands. She lowered her head and smiled and said in Todd's ear: "Let's go with the flow."