All-American Collection

Chapter 851

For the guy who set himself on fire as soon as he came up, and even wanted to hit him, Uesaki Mashi had already labeled Kubage as a bad guy in his heart.

However, in the face of the two little loli who were catching up.

Directly one by one, with the power of their sprinting, they were directly thrown out.

"Hehe~ two idiots." After that, he continued to run.

Facing the ridicule, the two little loli only felt even more angry, and chose to continue the pursuit without hesitation.


Almost five minutes have passed, and Kubaki only feels that dealing with the two of them has become more and more difficult.

Even as a child...

No, just because they were children, the two of them were able to adapt very quickly. Even if they just relied on instinct to explore, they had gradually mastered some tricks.

There will no longer be a situation where the force is too strong and it directly rushes over the head.

Every time I take an attack, I will spend a lot of physical strength. If it continues like this, especially with the strength of these two little loli.

Even if you just come for a while, you can't stand it, okay?

[There must be a way. 】He murmured inwardly and looked around.

First saw Nai He.

But it is certainly impossible to ask for help.


【Have it! 】Noticing the hiding ghost-shaped Yami and a kind of child Kubaji, his eyes flashed a dim light instantly.

But there is a premise, to get close to those people, you must get rid of these two entangled little loli for a while.

So Wei Wei took a step back.

"This is what you two forced me to do." As Kubaji said, a pinch of flame spewed out of his mouth, and his hands were well raised above his head.

"Not good! True poetry.

I have seen this in the animation. When the bad guy is about to be defeated, he will say this before zooming in. "

"It seems so!

However, how do we deal with her ultimate move. "

"I have no idea."

The magical girl suit is very powerful, but the problem is that the suit that Nai He gave can only be level A, and it is also an invincible defense.

"Go to **** for me to repent." While speaking, the fireball gathered by the two-handed sword radiated fire, and threw it directly towards the two of them.

The two little loli raised their hands subconsciously to block.

As a result, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

"Yaaaaa!!!" the girl screamed.

Immediately opening their eyes, what they saw was the elder sister who had been kidnapped.

"Hmph~ You guys should be honest with me, otherwise..." Kubaji, who caught the ghost-shaped Yami's neck from behind, exerted a little strength.

"Woo~" a small whimper.

"elder sister!"

"big sister!"

"Sister Yami!"

Different calls, all the little loli became nervous.

This situation not only caused Miki Rizumi and Masa Uesaki to fall into a tangle, but also caused Kubaki to fall into a tangle.

She didn't want to do that either.

The princess of the dignified Kuba clan, taking hostages or something, it is too much of a loss of face.

mother's teaching.

Even if you do bad things, you must do them righteously.

That's right.

What she struggles with is not the bad thing itself, but the very face-saving problem.

"Don't mind me! Run!" Ghost-shaped Yami said to a group of little loli.

"Don't talk to me!"

"Uh—" Oni Yami's expression froze.

It wasn't because Kubage suddenly pulled her, which made her feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, this sudden pull made her lie down in Kubage's arms, and she could clearly feel Kubage's enviable figure.

On the other hand, look at myself... The expression of the ghost type Masami has become very sad.

The gap is too big.

Why is there such an unfair thing? Can't God distribute resources fairly?

Don't say half, as long as the thing behind is divided into one third, it is enough.

"You are too mean!"

"Yeah! Taking hostages is too despicable!"

"Hum hum hum ~ only a child would say that.

Now I will teach you a good lesson, you have to remember that as long as you can achieve the purpose in your heart, adults will not mind using any means and methods. " Kubaki said with a smile to the dissatisfied Miki Rizumi and Masaki Uesaki.

Nai He only spoke for ten minutes, but he didn't specify how he would drag out the ten minutes.

"Okay, I count to three, you have to release the transformation.


"why is it like this!"

Misaki Miki and Uesaki Masa couldn't accept it.

But seeing the bad guy in front of him, he was about to do something to the big sister who was the hostage.


"How to do?"

"Otherwise, let's get rid of it."


Just when the two were at a loss.

The sudden change made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"One... Guwu~" Kubaji whimpered.

"The game is over everywhere, it's you who should let go." Nai He grabbed Kubaki's neck.

the next moment.

Kubaki's body softened, and he let go of his hand while watching Nai He's arms.

"When!" At the same time as he asked, his expression was full of strong unwillingness, and there was a hint of disbelief, which fully showed his surprise.

"When exactly is it?" Naihe said in Kubage's ear, Kubage's face immediately began to dye a beautiful pink.

Nai He secretly smiled.

"I'm going to retreat from the monster, you two will wait here for me to know later."

"I-I see."


Thinking of the previous process of withdrawing from the mansion and treating the monsters, Miki Kaizumi and Moshi Uesaki also blushed.

1315 Formation of the Demon Ninja Squad

Kubaki's retirement went smoothly.

Of course.

As the spectators, the girls also watched very seriously.

After all, it was the first time I saw a monster, and I was attacked by a monster for the first time, so I was naturally very curious as to how the monster was retired.

Wait until Naihe comes back.

What I saw was a pair of Miki Rizumi and Masa Uesaki who were about to cry.

"Big brother, the gem is broken."


While the two were talking, a gem that had lost its original luster appeared.

Looking at the gem that has become bleak, and the magic inside has almost disappeared, but he naturally knows what is going on.

Because gems are designed to look like this.

"They're not broken, it's just that the magic inside them is almost consumed."


"About the consumption?"

"Yes, the reason why you can become stronger is because you have been consuming the magic power in the gem, and the magic in the gem seems to be only enough for you to use it freely for about five minutes."

Naihe explained.

The two of them naturally understood.

"And there are two ways to restore this thing, one is to let it recover naturally, and the other is to artificially replenish it.

Although the natural recovery is a little slower, this is the only way for the time being. "

"How to supplement artificially?"

"It's artificially supplemented..."

Nai He looked at the ghost-type Masami who was also listening in and asked a question.

"The magic of gems comes from the accumulation of desire."

"Ahhh!" exclaimed.

Naihe's words, she understood in an instant.

Especially thinking of the process of withdrawing from the monster just now, I couldn't help but look at the two loli, Miki Rizumi and Moshi Uesaki, who were very confused.

If so.

Indeed, as the man said, for the time being, the magic power can only be restored naturally.

At least in the next few years, it is definitely impossible to really let them supplement the magic power of the gems through artificial means.

At the same time.

"Big brother!" The small hand grabbed Nai He's cuff.

Naihe looked down.

Judging from her current facial features, hairstyle, and even her voice, this little loli should be Tao Nai Yoko.

"Little sister, what's the matter with you?"

"Big brother, I also want to fight monsters, and I also want to transform into a magical girl."

"You want to too?"


He nodded affirmatively.