All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 204: Bloodcoat Hat

But this painful feeling did not last long.

Soon, the hands that madly tore Yang Xuming's body in the dark disappeared.

It seems that all the weird and inexplicable things have retracted.

Yang Xuming's body is still falling continuously.

His ear became quiet again.

Those strange and harsh noises disappeared completely.

No sound can be heard in this gloomy dark world, it seems that Yang Xuming has fallen into a more terrifying and inexplicable depth.

But his body is still falling continuously.

The feeling of weightlessness made his heart beat faster.

The fall that seemed to never reach the end made him inevitably panic.

If I continue to fall like this, where will I fall...

In the deepest area, there is nothing more terrifying, right?

Yang Xuming's original calm mood gradually became a little anxious.

The unknown is even more daunting.

The more Yang Xuming's body sinks, the more irritable his mood becomes.

The name he called in his mouth seemed to gradually become another person's name.

Mingming Yang Xuming was indeed calling his father's name, but the indescribable awkwardness made him very uncomfortable.

It's like writing a word repeatedly for a long time, and suddenly I don't recognize that word.

Yang Xuming felt that what he was calling was no longer his father's name, but the name of someone he didn't know.

This strange sense of dislocation made his mood even more irritable.

However, "The Record of Life and Death" explained that no matter what happens or what sound you hear, you must never open your eyes.

Yang Xuming endured the uneasy feeling and kept calling his father's name.

Gradually, he seemed to hear a familiar voice.

That voice was calling his name softly.

Very familiar, very kind, it seems... is the father?

Yang Xuming was slightly startled, and subconsciously wanted to open his eyes.

But the next second, he forcibly forced himself to calm down again, ignoring the seeming call.

In his mouth, he continued to mute his father's name.

"Yang Jing Yang Jing Yang Jing Yang Jing Yang Jing Yang Jing Yang Jing..."

Yang Xuming read it very hard.

He felt that he almost didn't recognize these two words.

But he still tried hard to identify, trying to prevent himself from making a mistake.

After another, I don't know how long, Yang Xuming was already dry and unable to read, his body finally stopped sinking.

It seems to have bottomed out.

But what he lay under him was still not the cold floor.

Soft and soft, as if lying on the soil.

Even a faint floral scent can be smelled between the nose.


Yang Xuming was slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp bell rang beside him.

The sound of the bell was far away at first, but gradually approached.

At the same time approaching, there are two footsteps.

It seems that two different people are swaying the bell and approaching Yang Xuming's place.

Lying on the ground, Yang Xuming's heart shrank suddenly.

This thing close to him... is for him?

Those two footsteps and bells were getting closer and closer.

Gradually, Yang Xuming felt that a faint blood began to appear in his vision.

He was stunned.

Did he open his eyes unknowingly?

But after feeling the eyelids, Yang Xuming could clearly feel that his eyes were still closed tightly.

But the blood in the field of vision was getting brighter and brighter.

This feeling is incredibly weird.

Obviously he closed his eyes, but he could clearly see everything outside.

And the sound of bells in the distance was very close.

As the blood in Yang Xuming's vision gradually brightened, he finally saw an indescribable weird scene.

In a gloomy red blood mist, there is a loess road leading to the depths of the blood mist.

Yang Xuming is standing beside this loess road.

Under the feet, there is hard soil.

Not far from him, two weird figures were slowly approaching.

The figure walking in front is very tall, even taller than Yang Xuming, more than 1.9 meters.

He carried a strange homing banner in his hand with two bells hung on it.

As the figure walked, the two bells kept making a crisp sound.

The blood mist gradually faded away.

Yang Xuming saw it more clearly.

The figure in the front was wearing a blood-red coat and a rain-shielding hat on his head, and his face could not be seen from a distance.

And behind this tall man in blood, a small figure followed.

It seemed to be a young girl, a long white dress pierced in the scarlet world shrouded in blood mist.

Her face was extremely pale, and her movements were strangely stiff, not like a living person, but like a robot with uncoordinated movements.

As the two figures, one large and one small, approached, Yang Xuming heard the tall figure wearing a blood coat in front of him whispering constantly.

The stiff little girl was following him slowly and sluggishly.

Both of them walked slowly, but they had already come to Yang Xuming's side.

The tall figure in the blood suit and hat was carrying the hoist flag, and slowly walked forward, seeming not to see Yang Xuming.

In his mouth, murmured dark words.

"By way of the deceased... please open the blood door..."

"By way of the deceased... please open the blood door..."

The murmured voice was inexplicably familiar.

Yang Xuming looked at the tall figure abruptly, but could only look at the back of the other person who was slowly leaving.

In the **** mist, the girl following had already walked to Yang Xuming's side.

The moment Yang Xuming turned his head, he found the pale girl staring straight at herself.

Yang Xuming's heart suddenly slammed...

This is a dead body!

Yang Xuming, who had had enough dealings with the dead ghosts, recognized at a glance that this was a dead body!

But the other party is actually moving?

And the moment the eyes of the two sides crossed, the corners of the little girl's mouth suddenly split.

In Yang Xuming's ear, a girl's low laughter was heard.


In the next second, the world of blood mist disappeared from Yang Xuming's vision.

He was standing on a hillside full of blood-colored flowers, and beside his feet, there were all blood-colored flowers that were shining like blood.

Ahead is a roaring river of blood.

The river water was red and sticky, like surging blood, one after another hideous and terrifying faces boiled in the river of blood, and the screams were endless.

The terrifying sight made Yang Xuming subconsciously take a step back.

Then, he bumped into something.

Behind him, the girl's low smile sounded again.

The laughter was so weird and familiar, it seemed to have been heard not long ago.

...Yes, I did hear it not long ago.

While in the air-raid shelter.

Yang Xuming stood there stiffly, losing control of his body.

Behind him, the girl's ghastly whisper sounded.

"Amin actually came... hee hee... it's really interesting."

"Amin, do you want to be a guide?"

The cold feeling gripped Yang Xuming's whole body...

PS: Recommend a friend's new book, "Blind Dates Are All Ghosts"

Recommended words: The online live-streaming of contemporary Ning Caichen’s ghost journey, paper girl, rip girl, faceless girl, can choose from all kinds of ghost wives. Don’t miss the car when you pass by!