All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 209: Master Exorcist

" will lose!"

On the huge screen, a huge blood-red Chinese character appeared-death!

Ying Sixue stared at the bloodshot eyes, looking at the BOSS who had reached half of the blood in the third stage, he almost didn't smash the handle with anger.

"Just a little...just a little bit!"

The girl threw away the handle and smashed her head desperately angrily, wishing to chop off her hands.

But after a few seconds, the girl calmed down.

She stared at the reborn protagonist in the game screen and snorted, "Yixin, you forced me!"

With that, the girl turned on the phone and began to search-Sekiro skipping classes.

But just halfway through the video, a message popped up on the phone.

"Man, do you want to buy tea?"

Ying Sixue froze for a moment, cut into the chat software, and saw a stranger whose head was a beautiful woman sent her such a message.

Well, Ying Sixue's gender setting is [Male], and her profile picture is a beautiful girl with two dimensions.

She looked at this strange friend who didn't know when she was added, thought about it, and then replied-still not sleeping at this late hour?

The other party quickly returned to her, "Grandpa was seriously ill and was hospitalized. I'll be with him in the hospital."

With that said, the beauty sent out a picture of a hospital ward.

Ying Sixue smiled, "Do you care for grandpa alone? You are very filial...beautiful, I am actually quite rich, do I need help?"

With that said, Ying Sixue sent a picture of his previous bank card balance.

The above figures are enough to make most ordinary people feel envy and envy.

After a few seconds, the beauty returned to her.

"What do you... mean?"

Ying Sixue smiled, "Don't say anything else, come, KKB."

The other party didn't reply any more.

Ying Sixue waited ten seconds before replying, so she replied, "Are you there? KKB."

But this sentence was not sent out, and there was a red exclamation mark next to the dialog box.

And it also shows below-XXX has turned on friend verification, and you are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first, and the other party can only chat after being verified.

Ying Sixue smiled contemptuously and deleted the guy directly.

But the chat software was all opened, and she subconsciously swiped the Moments to see if there were any sand sculpture friends in Moments.

As a result, as soon as Moments was opened, I saw that a friend with the remarks [Master of Expelling Ghosts Bronchitis] posted a Moments.

[Almighty circle of friends, has anyone ever been to Yuezhao? Who knows where the biggest cave is there? Ask the boss for help]

Seeing this news, Ying Sixue was stunned for a moment and looked at the time.

"I haven't gone to bed so late..." the girl murmured, "Is this guy looking for a ghost again?"

"And why are you looking for a cave... Is it haunted in there?"

With such confusion, Ying Sixue replied below-I have been there before, do you want me to lead the way? It's free~~

The girl also attached a smiling face at the back.

She sat there and waited for a while, but didn't wait until the [Master of Expeller Bronchitis] contacted her.

So the girl sighed helplessly and said, "The herbivorous man with bronchitis is really terrible..."

Ying Sixue took the initiative to click on that fellow’s chat box and sent a message over—Are you going to Moonlight?

So, the girl finally received a reply from the guy.

Master Expelling Ghost Bronchitis: Well, I'm going to Moonlight. I heard that there is a big cave over there. I want to see it. Have you been there? "

Ying Sixue sent a smiling face over—is that cave haunted?

Master exorcist bronchitis:...

Master Expelling Ghost Bronchitis: It's okay, you take me there during the day, and you can show me the way from a distance. It's not dangerous.

Ying Sixue: (laughs) Am I so greedy for life and fear of death? But the cave of Yuezhao is really haunted...that place is quite crowded. Have you made a mistake?

Master Exorcist Bronchitis: Uh...I'm looking for the biggest cave.

Ying Sixue: That should be the one I was talking about. There is no bigger hole nearby than that. The interior is at least twenty to thirty meters high, and the internal space is huge, almost one kilometer from one end to the other, it is very large, and it is not a problem to hide tens of thousands of people.

Ying Sixue: How about I take you to see it tomorrow, and ask the locals in Yuezhao. It's very close anyway.

Master Exorcist Bronchitis: Okay, thank you.

Ying Sixue: Then I will ask you to go to bed early at noon tomorrow.

Master Exorcist Bronchitis: Well, good night.

Seeing this message from the other party, the girl snorted softly.

Type in the chat box-it is said that every guy who says good night to you wants to sleep with you, don't you...

Halfway through this line of text, the girl stopped suddenly.

She thought about it, and deleted all of this paragraph.

Then he replied a dry good night, and put the phone down.

Lying on her back, sitting on the carpet, looking at the ceiling above her head, the girl hummed softly.

"My eldest lady is also very reserved...humph...Yang Xuming, wait for me."

"The coming day will be long, let you jump for a few more days."

"But one day, all the humiliation I have suffered from Ying Sixue will be refunded by you a hundred times in the future!"


The girl hummed, put down the handle, turned off the game console, and was about to go to sleep.

And Yang Xuming on the side of the city didn't know how happy this young lady was at this time.

He also put down his cell phone, looked at the "Record of Life and Death" on the coffee table, and rubbed his eyebrows.

"It seems that, tonight. Tonight is another **** storm."

Yang Xuming sighed, thinking that he was really a model worker.

But if the marriage candle is wrapped in red paper, the marriage candle will not burn?

Is there such an operation?

Doesn't that mean that Yang Xuming can confidently bring in the marriage candle when he is going to use the dungeon in the future, and call the plum to come out when he encounters a mortal crisis?

One more life-saving method?

But in this way, there are also great security risks.

For example, the villain ghost last time completely suppressed Yang Xuming the moment she met.

If you encounter that situation again, Yang Xuming guesses that he won't even have time to ask for help, and he will be killed immediately.

Or when encountering some kind of irresistible illusion, the spirit is deceived, without the red candle's alertness, Yang Xuming is likely to be immersed in the terrible hallucinations until he is killed by the ghost.

So this thing is actually a double-edged sword...

Yang Xuming flipped out the red candle and looked at the remaining half of the candle body, a little helpless.

Probably the "Record of Life and Death" told him that this method was also a helpless move-because the candles were almost running out.

With this candle left, Yang Xuming would call plum twice at most.

If you encounter a fierce ghost, maybe the candle evaporates directly.

If you don’t want to save the candle any more, it is estimated that this candle will not last long...

"My life is really like a candle in the wind."

"And speaking..."

Yang Xuming glanced at Li Zi's room quietly, and whispered, "...Is this candle really allowed to be refilled?"

PS: There will be a chapter later, but it is recommended to get up tomorrow morning to read it, it may be a bit late