All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 306: Little devil

Facing Yang Xuming's inquiry, Deng Xiangui hesitated.

Then he said, "I... Actually I didn't fall into the cave drunk?"

"Oh?" This answer surprised Yang Xuming, "Then why did you fall into the cave?"

Deng Xiangui thought for a while and talked about the original thing.

On the day of the incident, I went to Sanchadi for a drink, and there was a sudden heavy rain on the way back.

At that time, the rain was too heavy and no one was seen on the road. I could only hide under the dripping rock and wait for the rain to stop.

When I was in Sanchadi, I drank a lot and my head was dizzy.

It was boring to sit there and wait alone. I waited and fell asleep under the stone.

When I woke up, it was all dark.

Although the rain stopped, I couldn't see anything in the darkness on the road.

Moreover, it was foggy in the mountains, and things in the distance were completely invisible.

Fortunately, there is still electricity in my phone.

So I raised my hand to illuminate the electric tube light and continued to walk home.

The wind was a bit cold at night, and I got goose bumps all over my body from the cold.

It's too cold, I want to go home quickly, but I dare not go too fast.

The road was slippery because of the rain.

There is a cliff next to it.

I continued to walk in the fog, but as I walked, I heard the sounds of monkeys on the rock above my head.

The monkey's call is very noisy and hard to hear.

But I am familiar.

When there were monkeys on the mud slope, I caught one and raised it for a while.

Those monkeys live on the cliff and often come to the ground to steal the valley. If they are found, they will run, and they will throw rocks and hit people when they run to the cliff.

There were a lot of monkeys on the cliffs and in the woods at that time, but later on, there were fewer and fewer monkeys. Nowadays, you can't even see a monkey.

So I'm very strange to hear the monkey's call.

There are monkeys here? Where did it come from?

I raised the phone’s light to shine for a while, but it couldn’t shine on the stone above my head.

The fog is too big.

I want to climb on the rock to see what's going on with the monkey on it. If I'm lucky, I might be able to catch it back and raise it for fun.

The monkey thing is quite fun.

But when I climbed onto the rock, I didn't see the monkey, and even the monkey's voice disappeared.

But I saw blood on the stone.

The scarlet blood stained a small puddle of water in the crevices of the rock red.

Seeing this blood makes me happier.

If this monkey is injured, wouldn't it be easier for me to catch it?

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by, and I can't miss it.

I started looking for the blood left by the monkey near the stone. Since it left so much blood on the stone, the wound must be big.

Soon, I found bloodstains nearby.

The monkey climbed up.

Fortunately, it was not steep around here, so I followed the blood trail left by the monkey and chased it up.

Soon, I heard the monkey's call again, right above my head, and very close.

I know that this monkey must have been injured, and the injury is serious, no wonder it screams so terribly and terribly.

I didn't dare to climb too fast, for fear that the monkey would be scared by making too much noise.

It had just rained in the mountains, the mud was loose, and the leaves on the trees were all covered with water. I soon got wet and my clothes were covered with mud.

As I climbed higher and higher, it felt colder and colder around me, and the fog seemed to fade.

Finally, I climbed to the entrance of the big hole.

In the darkness, I saw a dark figure squatting at the entrance of the cave, less than five meters away from me.

I rushed directly, trying to catch the monkey.

However, when I rushed behind it, I realized that the shadow squatting at the entrance of the cave was not a monkey at all, but a child!

As I rushed over, it heard my footsteps and turned to look at me.

The light of the mobile phone shone on his face, and I saw a cut on his face. Blood was flowing out of the wound, making his face covered with blood, making him look very scary.

I stopped quickly and asked him, "My child, what are you doing here alone? Did you see a monkey?"

I still want to catch the monkey, but I was a little scared when I saw the scar on the kid's face.

I asked him how he got hurt, but he didn't answer me.

I asked him if he saw a monkey, but he didn't answer me, it was as if he was stupid.

I was suddenly a little scared. The child's face was bleeding all the time, and his expression was dumb and scary.

How could there be a child here at night, with such a heavy fog in the mountains and on such a cliff?

I asked him, kid, where are your parents?

The child suddenly pointed to the cave behind him and said his parents were in the cave.

After looking in the direction he was pointing, I suddenly saw two blood-covered figures walking out of the darkness.

The two men, a man and a woman, with pale skin and grim expressions, all rushed towards me.

I screamed in fright and took a step back, but I stepped on the air and rolled straight down the **** until I reached the road below.

My leg was broken like this.


After Deng Xiangui finished telling his story nervously, he quietly observed Yang Xuming's reaction.

Yang Xuming frowned slightly, "You didn't enter the cave?"

Deng Xiangui nodded quickly.

"Then why do you want to say that you fell into a cave?" Yang Xuming asked.

Seeing Yang Xuming's tone of displeasure, Deng Xiangui was frightened and quickly defended.

"I didn't lie! I didn't tell anyone that I fell into a cave and broke my leg."

"Whoever asked me, I said so. But the people in the village saw that I was covered in mud when I came back. Some people say that I broke my leg when I fell into a cave because I was drunk, because the cave was all muddy. ."

"This statement became more and more widespread. In the end, I couldn't defend it, and I didn't bother to defend it, so I let it pass."

Deng Xiangui defended, "I have absolutely no lie! I really ran into a ghost that night! That kid is a ghost!"

Yang Xuming looked at him and asked, "Then when you came back, you said that you were entangled by ghosts...the ghost who entangled you is the kid ghost?"

Deng Xiangui hesitated for a few seconds, then shook his head, "I...I don't know..."

"Every time that ghost comes outside my door, I dare not open the door, let alone probe it."

"It will keep knocking on my door, it will still linger outside my house, trying to find a place to come in, and it will call my name in a terrifying tone."

"I don't dare to see what it looks like, so I don't know if it is the kid ghost I saw in the first place."

Deng Xiangui seemed to be very afraid of the ghost, and shivered when he mentioned the ghost.

Yang Xuming nodded slightly, probably understanding the characteristics of the ghost.

It seems that as long as you don't open the door and let the other person in, you can stay awake forever?

This ghost does not seem to have the ability of a ghost to knock on the door three times and open the lock, otherwise it is impossible for Deng Xiangui to be entangled for so long and not die.