All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 318: Snow

With the blessing of the long-life lock on his neck, Yang Xuming knew a lot about the ability of knockers outside the door.

He can clearly understand the activation conditions of this ghost's ability and the effects after activation.

In a sense, this is indeed an ability that is almost completely unsolvable once activated.

This ability does not mean that Yang Xuming will die when he opens the door.

The door knocked by the knocker is the "door" in the conceptual sense.

In other words, even if Yang Xuming breaks the ceiling or breaks a wall and rushes out, he will still meet the conditions in the conceptual sense of "open the door" and die instantly.

People who don't know anything about it may really die tragically because of trying to break the game.

Because the word "open the door" actually has a huge trap, which can make people mistakenly think that only when you open the door will you die.

But unfortunately, because of the strange link between the longevity lock and the knocker, this incomprehensible ability has been completely analyzed in front of Yang Xuming.

He quickly found the only possibility of breaking the game from the characteristics of this ability.

Taking out Xiao Zi's diary, Yang Xuming did not make any publicity.

He walked behind the door and squatted down.

Holding Xiaozi's diary in her left hand, pressing her right hand on the floor, she waited silently.

Soon, the knocker outside the door knocked again.

Tuk tuk-

A dull knock on the door sounded as expected.

At the same time, there was a ridiculous ridiculous laughter.

"Yang Xuming! Open the door!"

As the Li ghost laughed, Yang Xuming's mouth was sneered.

White ghost fires quickly appeared around his right hand, which was pressing on the floor, and these white ghost fires instantly spread towards the gap under the crack of the door.

In an instant, it spread to the Li ghost at the door.

The sudden heavy gravity directly pressed Li Gui to the ground.

While the knocking ghost screamed strangely, Yang Xuming directly pushed Xiaozi's diary down the crack of the door.

He can't go out, but Xiaozi's diary is okay!

Yang Xuming called out directly.

"Xiaozi! Swallow it!"

Outside the door, I immediately remembered the scream of the knocking ghost.

"Let go... uh ah ah ah ah let go!"

Obviously, Xiao Zi's hands had caught the knocker, and the knocker was struggling desperately to resist.

However, there was still a pale ghost fire burning on its body. Yang Xuming still squatted on the ground with one hand, continuously sending the ghost fire to the door, firmly suppressing the knocking ghost at the door.

The knocker was struggling frantically, and the door was ping-ponged by its struggling movements.

Even if he didn't open the door, Yang Xuming could clearly feel the despair of this ghost.

But Xiao Zi's ghost hand is even Li Zi's helpless and weird ability, once caught, she can't break free.

"In this world, it's not just your ability to kill with one blow."

Yang Xuming sneered, squatting behind the door, and heard the scream of the knocking ghost completely disappearing outside the door, without any mood swings.

He squatted there and waited for a while, until he confirmed that there was really no sound outside the door, then he withdrew the pale ghost fire and stood up.

Yang Xuming opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door was empty, there was nothing, only Xiaozi's diary was lying quietly on the ground.

As for the devoured ghost, it has completely disappeared from Yang Xuming's perception.

However, the mist covering the mud **** was still dense and did not dissipate because of the tragic death of this knocker.

It seems that this fog is not brought by the knocker?

Yang Xuming picked up Xiaozi's diary and frowned slightly.

In other words, the ghost that Deng Xiangui provoked was not only the knocking ghost.

In addition to the knocking ghost, there is another ghost that created this fog?

But why can that ghost act with the knocker?

Is it also related to this longevity lock during its lifetime? If so, then why couldn't he sense the existence of that ghost?

Yang Xuming was a little confused.

Could it be that the ghost that created the fog is related to the box or the wine bottle in the box?

Standing in the mist, Yang Xuming looked around and found nothing.

Even if he had killed the knocker, the remaining three ghosts did not respond.

He did not come out to attack him.

Even when the knocker was swallowed by Xiao Zi, the other three Li ghosts didn't come to help, and the knocker didn't mean to ask for help like other Li ghosts.

It seemed that the relationship between these Li ghosts was not as harmonious as he had imagined.

They may have the same purpose—that is, to kill Yang Xuming and other people.

But it does not mean that they have to cooperate sincerely.

However, this is not very unexpected. Ghosts are special individuals who lack rationality and confused thinking.

To say that they are the continuation of life is better to say that they are the remnants of certain obsessions.

The stronger the ghost, the closer to the state before his death, and the more memories he retains.

But the more powerful ghosts, obsessions, and pain, the more chaotic, disorderly and incommunicable.

And knockers, these weak ghosts, may not have so much obsession and pain, so they are not so disorderly and chaotic, but they retain very few memories and obsessions in their lives, and the result is not very smart.

All in all, something like Li Gui is too chaotic, like a lunatic on the verge of madness and destruction, and weak, with simple logic, like a mental retardation.

After leaving this unmanned residence, Yang Xuming did not continue to walk towards the village.

He planned to go back to see Ying Sixue and the others.

The few ghosts did not appear, making him uneasy.

Although there was no screaming for help from Ying Sixue and others in the mist, it proved that they were still safe for the time being, but Yang Xuming was still a little worried.

Following the road when he came, Yang Xuming began to walk towards the house of Deng Xiangui's house.

Soon, he came under the huge Huangguo tree.

Go over here and walk a short distance, and you will reach the house of Deng Xiangui's house.

But when Yang Xuming walked out of Huangguoshu's area, he suddenly felt that the air became much colder.

The bitter cold wind was blowing silently in the mist.

His exposed skin felt the cold chill in the air, and quickly got a layer of goose bumps.

In the sky, it started to snow unconsciously.

The misty snowflakes slowly fell in the mist and landed on Yang Xuming's shoulders and hair.

He was a little surprised.


It's snowing suddenly...

Yang Xuming suddenly thought of the scene he had seen in his dream.

In the yard where the snow fell, under the withered locust tree, one person and one ghost sat under the tree and played against each other.

And all around, there were strange and inexplicable ghosts.

It snowed suddenly here, did he enter the realm of that group of ghosts again?

Yang Xuming's heart shuddered slightly.