All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 330: Lin Zongli

Ying Sixue's violent spurt directly stunned Yang Xuming.

He stood there sluggishly, looking at the eloquent girl in front of him, and even the feeling of frustration was frightened and forgotten.

This eldest lady who is always unhurried...Is there such a side?

Yang Xuming looked at Ying Sixue blankly.

Ying Sixue glared back at him and cursed, "What do you look at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman? Look at it and dig out your eyeballs!"

Yang Xuming sighed, "You spit wildly during this meal, and you have the demeanor of a Ninth-Rank Sesame Official...Even Lin Qiu who was in a coma was awakened by you."

Ying Sixue was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

She tilted her head, only to realize that Lin Qiu, who had been lying on the side, had sat up in a daze, rubbing his head with an uncomfortable expression.

The two girls looked at each other, Lin Qiu looked blank.

"I...I'm all right?" Lin Qiu touched his leg and found that there was indeed no pain.

She looked at the two people next to her with some surprise, "Did something happen when I was in a coma?"

Yang Xuming sighed, "Actually it's very simple. I heard the and and so..."

Lin Qiu looked dumbfounded, "So, so... so, so, so? What the hell?"

Ying Sixue glared at him and said, "When will I be in the mood to joke."

She pulled Lin Qiu up first, and then said, "Let's go first and talk as we go. The situation is a bit bad, and we can't stay here for long."

Then Ying Sixue quickly and concisely explained what happened during Lin Qiu's coma, including everything that happened just now.

Walking in the mist, Ying Sixue said.

"It seems that Master Yang's girlfriend of ghosts is extraordinary. In this mist, all contact with the outside world is cut off, and there is no response to that weird book. However, your girlfriend of ghosts is able to enter the arena strongly and wants to kill you in advance. "

"Well, probably this is the limit she can cover."

"Going further in is the area she can't touch. If you die in it, she must be very unhappy."

"That is to say...Master Yang, your strongest killer move-it's useless to call your wife."

"In it, you probably won't be able to call out your wife to save you. If you really encounter an unsolvable crisis, you will definitely die."

Ying Sixue said seriously, "If your determination and courage to get inside come from your girlfriend who can come to rescue you at any time, it's better not to go in. She probably won't be able to get out inside."

Yang Xuming glared at her. Although she knew that the rich lady had deliberately stabbed him, she was still a little unhappy.

"Didn't I have you with me when I died? No loss," Yang Xuming also stabbed.

The two looked at each other with bad eyes.

Lin Qiu on the side lowered her head quietly, not daring to say a word, feeling that she was simply superfluous.

Ying Sixue grasped Lin Qiu's hand tightly and hummed, "Xiao Qiu, what happens later, you remember to protect me. I'm a poor person who doesn't have a ghost girlfriend to protect me. If you don't care about me, I will die. deal."

Lin Qiu was stunned for a moment, "Huh? I protect?"

Lin Qiu suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Ying Sixue curled her lips, "Maybe there is something in this mist that is related to your Lin family's blood, so the bruises on your body will be dispersed when you get close here."

"In the dark, there must be some kind of power to help you."

"This is probably the reason why your brother can calmly play against the fiercest old ghost of the Wang family under the eyes of a bunch of ghosts."

"It's weird that the old ghost played chess with your brother, because that old ghost doesn't have to play chess to kill your brother."

"Even if the old ghost's ability to kill people really needs others to play chess with it, but there are so many ghosts around him, and some of them are used to deal with ordinary people like your brother."

"So there must be some power in this place to help your brother. It is with this power that your brother can enter the Li ghost's lair unharmed and directly force the strongest old ghost in the palace."

"Their chess game is definitely not as simple as who lives or dies. There must be a bigger bargaining chip."

"Because your brother came to Wangguan Camp, he didn't come without preparation. He clearly knew there was a ghost here, but he still came.

"I would rather enter the Li ghost's lair alone, risking his life, either he is a madman who wants to survive, or there is some important motivation to push him."

"Even he already knew the truth of the Wang Family's Destruction Case with a high probability, so he wanted to come here to change something."

Ying Sixue calmly analyzed, "The fastest way for us to solve the supernatural incident in the Wangguanying camp and turn dangers is to find your brother, ask the truth about what he knows, and help him accomplish his purpose."

"This may directly solve all the current ghosts... or escape."

Ying Sixue's deduction made Yang Xuming frowned.

What's so special... Why didn't I think of it?

He looked at Ying Sixue who was aside, and felt an illusion-it seems that since meeting Ying Sixue, he has become more and more stupid?

Sure enough, you can't stay with such a smart person who can read scripts, and after a long time, he will appear stupid.

People are more angry than people.

Yang Xuming sighed long and said, "Speaking lightly, how can we find Lin Qiu so easily..."

After that, Yang Xuming choked back alive.

Because when he said this sentence, they had already stepped out of the fog.

There was no trace of mist in the world ahead, and all the white mist was surging behind them.

The icy snowflakes quietly fell from the dark night sky.

They are standing outside a small courtyard.

Through the gate of the small courtyard, you can see a withered locust tree in the white small courtyard full of snow.

Under the twisted locust tree, a person and a ghost sat quietly opposite each other.

The young male sat stiffly, and the body below his neck was covered with blood-red, densely packed worms. Those worms were madly burrowing into him and devouring his flesh and blood.

But his face was pale and his eyes were hollow, like a corpse about to decay.

It wasn't until Yang Xuming and several others appeared out of the mist that his eyes moved a little more.

"Are you here again..."

In the wind and snow, the young man uttered a hoarse whisper.

He stared at the chessboard in front of him in a daze. He didn't look back, but he seemed to have seen the three living people outside the courtyard.

Under the locust tree, he sighed.

"It's my fault... I should have made it clear to you at the beginning. Even if Xiao Qiu is entangled by a ghost, don't be afraid."

Between his fingers covered with blood-red worms, he gently pinched a chess piece.

Then, fall.


"All the ghosts of the Wang family, including the blood-clothed butcher... their lives are not long..."