All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 337: Demon hand

Seeing the scene where these two fierce ghosts were about to fight, Ying Sixue murmured.

"Master Yang..."

She looked at Yang Xuming and said, "Your dad seems to be very fierce... This Miss Wang family feels going crazy."

"This reaction, this situation, is like a wild cat that has sensed danger and exploded its hair..."

She looked at the figure in the blood-robed hat walking in the distance and said, "In comparison, your dad is very calm and doesn't have any excessive reactions at all."

"Even in the face of such a horrible secret marriage team, it is still calm as usual, such a comparison...

Yang Xuming looked at her speechlessly and said, "You are still explaining..."

Ying Sixue squeezed out a reluctant wry smile, "Don't you know that the narrator will not die? As long as I speak, then I will not be affected by the battle."

"Also, do you have a video or audio file of your mother?"

Ying Sixue asked, "Quickly turn it over and be ready to play it at any time. Maybe it can save your life later."

Yang Xuming immediately understood what she meant.

"It's probably useless," Yang Xuming said. "If my dad even kills me, it proves that he has lost his humanity and only killing and resentment are left. Even if I move out of my mother, it will be useless."

Ying Sixue looked at him speechlessly and said, "What are you talking about...Master Yang, it seems that you don't know the creature named father."

"I teach you a good boy now, that is, no matter how your child is, he will never be as good as his wife in the father's mind."

"For your dad, you are just a new pet in his family, no different from the adopted cats, dogs, and dogs. Your mother is his lifelong lover."

"Unless your parents are not in a relationship, you will never compare to your mother's position in your father's heart!"

Ying Sixue's words made Yang Xuming speechless.

But he couldn't refute it.

At this time, the situation not far away has changed.

The tall, burly, horrible figure wearing a blood coat and hat has already come close with a hoisting flag, and the crisp and sweet bells rang in the cornfield.

On its only way, there was a team to send off relatives to stop it.

The two red ghosts in the front of the team raised the suona in their hands and played the eerie and weird suona.

At the same time, the team that sent off relatives moved.

The blood-clothed and red-covered flower girl swayed the flowers in the flower basket stupidly, and there seemed to be a strange **** rain of flowers in the sky.

The blood-red petals fall in such a large area that even the area where Yang Xuming and the others are located has petals falling.

The pungent smell of blood floated in the air.

The cold and cold wind spreads around with the slow-moving family-sending team as the center.

Facing the horrible figure walking in the darkness, the team sending off the family blew a suona and slowly greeted them.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

The harsh suona, the crisp bell sound, the two sounds mixed together to form a kind of horrible and weird note, and the three living people present were all cold.

"Retreat... step back!" Yang Xuming warned.

Even though they were far apart, they still felt the lethality of this terrifying note.

If a living person stands at the junction of those two sound waves, it is estimated that they will be killed instantly.

Yang Xuming and the others stepped back again, pulling the distance again.

And in the darkness in the distance, the figure in the blood cloak had already come to the front of the family sending team.

The distance between the two sides is less than one meter!

Bell Bell Bell——Ring Bell Bell——

The crisp and sweet bell still rang.

The tall and burly blood-clothed hat, there is no sign of stopping, still moving forward slowly.

Finally, he collided with the team sending off his relatives.

The two red ghosts blowing suona had already crashed into the tall and burly blood-clothed hats at the front of the wedding party.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment.

Then, the two ghosts walking in front and blowing suona were distorted.

Amid the screams, these two ghosts turned into blood-red afterglows and were sucked into the spirit-bearing banners in the hands of the burly figure.

The bell on the holy flag is still ringing.

The figure in the blood-clothed hat took a step forward and directly into the team of sending off the relatives.

In the blink of an eye, one after another blood-red silhouettes turned into blood, and were sucked into the spirit banner.

The grief and desperate howling of the ghosts, one after another, made people's scalp numb.

When the three of Yang Xuming saw this scene, they were completely shocked by the terrifying efficiency of killing ghosts.

But even if one ghost after another was sucked into the spirit-bearing banners in the procession, the bearer carrying the red sedan chair and the blood-red sedan chair still did not respond.

The bearers still carried the sedan chair indifferently and walked slowly forward.

The tall and burly blood-clothed hat has already come to the front of the sedan chair.

Wherever it went, all the ghosts in the sent-off party were absorbed by the spirit-calling banners.

Today, only a blood-red sedan chair and a few sedan chairmen are left in the procession of sending off the family.

The moment the two sides met, they all paused for a moment.


The bearers rioted!

The blood-red sedan chair rushed out instantly.

That was so fast that ordinary people couldn't respond, and even so fast that afterimages appeared.

The blood-colored sedan chair dragged out a red afterimage in the dark.

The cold, cold wind howled in the darkness.

The figure in the blood-clothed hat that was the first to bear the brunt was hunted and hunted by the overcoat, and the red cloth on the hat was lifted directly, revealing the pale and stiff face of the dead man below.


Yang Xuming, who saw this scene with his own eyes, took a step forward with a sense of shock, with a shocked expression on his face.

That face... is it really his father? !

Even if he had guessed the result a long time ago, Yang Xuming, who had witnessed the conjecture become a reality, was still shocked.

His father really turned into a ghost...

Yang Xuming opened his mouth wide, and subconsciously wanted to shout something.

But the next second, his words were shocked and choked back into his stomach.

Because at the moment when the blood-red sedan chair was about to swallow the tall figure in the blood-robed hat, the sky of this dark world suddenly changed.

A huge ghost hand that was as large as a mountain suddenly tore the darkness and descended from the sky.

That ghost hand was beyond human imagination, and it was like a **** manipulating all beings in the heavens and the earth descending.

Just a thin, pale-skinned finger, roughly ten meters long!

This incomprehensible gigantic ghost hand suddenly descended from the dark sky and swept coldly toward the blood-robed hat in front of the sedan chair.

In tandem with the rioting scarlet sedan chair, they surrounded the tall and burly figure in it.

This huge ghost hand is in the same group as Miss Wang's family!