All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 367: Ask ghost

When Wang Zhen met Yang Xuming, Yang Xuming was sitting in a noodle restaurant on the side of the road eating noodles.

The hot noodles, mixed with chopped green onion and oil, exudes a seductive fragrance.

Wang Zhen, who had not eaten dinner, rubbed his stomach and was a little hungry.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of spicy chicken noodles."

Then he sat opposite Yang Xuming.

"You are very leisurely," Wang Zhen said.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Yang Xuming ate the noodles without raising his head, and said, "Brother Wang, what's the matter...speak straight."

Yang Xuming's voice is very calm, like a monk who sees through the world, giving people a weird dull feeling.

Wang Zhen stared at him, and said, "You kid... how come you haven't seen each other for two days, it's like a different person?"

Yang Xuming didn't raise his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Wang Zhen shook his head helplessly.

"Suddenly it's dull gourd... Your kid is not as cute as before."

"Obviously not long ago, I was still a bear kid who didn't listen to persuasion. In the middle of the night, women went to the outer ring to catch the culprit. They got a piece of skin. In a blink of an eye, it became a dull gourd... Is this growth?"

"What happened between your kid and the girl named Lin Qiu in the past all day."

"I heard that you went to the police station to help her or something. You have known each other a long time ago."

Wang Zhen looked at him curiously, "Are you really...that one?"

Yang Xuming raised his head and said, "No, Lin Qiu and I are just ordinary friends, nothing happened."

If it was before, Wang Zhen would probably continue joking with him with a smile.

But after Wang Zhen saw Yang Xuming's eyes, he was stunned.

Yang Xuming in front of him seemed to be a different person from the inside out. This strange feeling was so strong that he even suspected that the Yang Xuming he had known a few days ago was just a false memory.

He shook his head and threw the weird sense of disharmony out of his head, Wang Zhen said.

"Well, no kidding," Wang Zhen's expression became a little more serious, "I have something important to tell you when I am looking for you this time."

"Didn't you tell me before? Let me help you pay attention to the situation in Jiujiang. Now there is new progress."

Wang Zhen said, "In the early hours of last night, someone from the Jiujiang Police Department surrendered."

"The suspect is a middle-aged woman in her forties who claimed to be the murderer of your girlfriend."

"She took the police to identify the scene of the murder and provided the whereabouts of the fragments of your girlfriend's body."

"It's just that the police have not found the remaining corpse fragments, so the case has not been finalized for the time being, and the case is still under investigation."

"Just from what I can understand so far, this middle-aged woman may really be the murderer of your girlfriend."

Wang Zhen said, "I will continue to help you pay attention, and I will notify you as soon as there is progress."

"But you kid can also go to the Jiujiang Police Station and ask yourself. Given your relationship with Li Zi, after a major breakthrough in the case, you shouldn't mind revealing more things to you there."

"After all, I am a small policeman in the field, and I don't have the authority to help you inquire more detailed things."

"So if you want to understand the situation as soon as possible, you can go to Jiujiang and ask yourself."

As Wang Zhen said, the boss came over with his order.

He began to eat noodles and said vaguely, "This is the situation. If you don't go to Jiujiang, it won't be long before the official case is reported, and I can explain the situation to you."

"But the waiting time may be a bit long, so tell you a little bit so that you don't have to tell you that I'm hiding it from you."

Wang Zhen's narration caused Yang Xuming to stop eating noodles.

He raised his head, looked at Wang Zhen in a daze, and listened to him after he finished talking about the situation.

Yang Xuming nodded, "Okay, thank you, Brother Wang."

Then he stood up and said, "Then I will go home first. See you later, Brother Wang."

Yang Xuming shouted to the boss, "He treats guests."

After speaking, he left.

Wang Zhen was left with a bewildered look, "Fuck... I kindly came to inform you of the situation, and you even knock me out."

"Xiao Mingzi, you have broken your studies."

Watching Yang Xuming's back, Wang Zhen shook his head speechlessly.

At a certain moment, when Yang Xuming passed the door of a shop, Yang Xuming's figure was reflected on the glass in the shop.

The figure of Yang Xuming was reflected in the mirror, and the red dress behind Yang Xuming...


Wang Zhen rubbed his eyes vigorously and found that Yang Xuming had already gone far.

And there was nothing behind him, let alone anyone following.

Wang Zhen was a little strange, "Did you dizzy?"

He rubbed his eyes and said, "Did you use your eyes too much and have hallucinations today?"

Half an hour later, when the sunset completely disappeared into the sky, Yang Xuming returned to the rental house.

He opened the door and walked into the living room.

Carrying an active rooster in his hand.

He threw the tied **** directly into the bathroom, and Yang Xuming sat down in the living room alone.

He took out the marriage candle he carried with him.

Because I haven't used this candle for a long time, there is still a lot of body left.

But I probably need to use it tonight...

Yang Xuming came up with "The Record of Life and Death," and slowly opened the third page.

I saw the blank space on the third page, filled with dense blood-colored text.

This is how many times he doesn't know how many times he has read the text on it...

[Ask the ghost: seek the answer to the question from the dead ghost]

[The horrible and brutal ghost in the legend can't resolve the enmity, and has a terrible resentment]

[There is no doubt that your name is on the list she resents]

[If you are mentally prepared, you can face her again]

[But there is only one chance, whether it is life or death...]

[At twelve in the morning, go back to the room where I first saw it, find the largest fixed mirror in the room, and place two white candles on the left and right in front of the mirror]

[In the middle of the two candles, put a bowl of fresh chicken blood, the blood must be fresh and not solidified]

[Take out the unburned candle and place it in fresh chicken blood]

[Then lock all the doors and windows, turn off all the lights in the house, put on red clothes and green leaves, and light the two candles in front of the mirror]

[You need to prepare a red apple and a peeling knife to peel off the skin of the apple]

[You must cut very slowly, the slower the better, whisper her name while peeling]

[Please note that once you start peeling, no matter what sound you hear, no matter what you see, you must never look back, let alone look up, you can only stare into the mirror]

[Once the peeling action of the apple is started, it must not be stopped, and the apple peel must not be peeled off]

[After you peel the whole apple, you will know the answer you want to know]