All Girlfriends Are Ghosts

Chapter 404: Panic (3 more for blade monthly pass)

Two minutes passed quickly.

During this period of time, Yang Xuming first carried Ying Sixue in a coma to the side of the road, then took out the warning sign from the trunk and placed it 100 meters behind the car before returning to Ying Sixue.

However, Ying Sixue still did not wake up.

Although her breathing has calmed down and her expression is no longer painful, she still hasn't awakened.

Still in a coma.

Yang Xuming, who was sitting next to her, sighed helplessly when he saw her appearance.

"Although I really want you to continue to rest, there is no way."

He raised the mineral water bottle in his hand and unscrewed the cap, "Now there is no time for you to rest."

Yang Xuming tilted the mouth of the mineral water bottle, and all the clear water in it poured onto Ying Sixue's face.

"Get up and work overtime!" Yang Xuming shouted.

However, a whole bottle of water fell, and Ying Sixue, whose eyes were closed, was still in a coma and did not wake up.

Seeing her like this, Yang Xuming was speechless.

"Sure enough, movies are all deceptive... Can you wake up a comatose person by pouring cold water?"

He sat alone next to Ying Sixue, looking at the abandoned car not far away, with a headache.

"It's really finished this time."

"The car is scrapped, the eldest lady is in a coma, and I am alone now. The next time those wicked dogs come back, how should I deal with it?"

According to the law, the number of evil dogs that will appear next time is sixty-four.

At the same time, facing the attack of 64 evil dogs, let alone these evil spirits, even if the 64 ordinary dogs swarmed up, Yang Xuming would have a headache.

He felt the gloom of the future.

"Is it really only possible to ask Li Zi for help..."

Yang Xuming took out the candle and looked at the marriage candle wrapped in red paper with a tangled expression on his face.

He believes that the plum must be near him at this time, and he has witnessed all this happening with his own eyes.

But Li Zi didn't make a move. She needed Yang Xuming to summon her with a marriage candle.

The plum that hastily shot, may at any time "fail" to kill Yang Xuming because he can't control himself.

"What a painful reality..."

Yang Xuming took a deep breath and put the candle away.

"However, when things have developed to this point, the situation is already very clear."

"I'm not necessarily at a loss."

"The black hand hiding behind the scenes manipulates these vicious dogs to attack us from a long distance. Every time we take an attack, the intensity of the next attack will be even more terrifying, until it completely kills us."

"The eldest lady's plan is perfect, but I didn't expect the black hand behind the scenes to be so ruthless, directly causing the physical vicious dog to rush up and crash the car, and take us away because of the injury."

"Um... But if the opponent is really the murderer who killed Plum, then her ability should not be her own, but a certain method."

"In this case, the damage reported to her by the tragic death of the vicious dog may be less than expected."

"If these vicious dogs are really her own ability, she would have died from the damage feedback she just hit. It is impossible to have the energy to control the remaining hounds to harvest our lives."

Yang Xuming sat there, biting his finger and analyzing it hard.

Now Ying Sixue is in a coma, and the only thing she can rely on is herself.

Although he is not as clever and agile as this young lady, at any rate he is a person who has brushed copies of the Shuangga Red House and the air-raid shelter on his own, not stupid!

His brain was spinning fast, continuing to think.

"Every fifteen minutes, those vicious dogs will show up on time."

"And the places where they appear are all near us, but they are controlled by the other party."

"In the beginning, it surrounded us and appeared, and then it stopped in front. And one thing is certain, that is, the man behind the scenes who manipulates all of this can see our situation."

"The vicious dogs under her control will rush over after the out-of-control car comes to a complete stop. This is one of the proofs."

"If she can't see what's going on here and don't understand the situation on the spot, it's impossible to do this."

"So how did she see everything here?"

Yang Xuming bit his fingers and thought desperately, feeling that he had already touched some important clues.

"After those vicious dogs disappeared, nothing was following the car, so she shouldn't rely on those vicious dogs to observe us."

"And in this world, it should not be possible for the so-called clairvoyance to be able to see everything that is happening here from thousands of miles away."

"Since this kind of nonsense god-stick ability does not exist, then the other party must have seen what happened here through some kind of medium."

"Is it a drone? Or is something following us all the time?"

Yang Xuming raised his head and looked at the dark sky, frowning slightly.

"It can't be a drone, and the speed of a drone can't catch up with us. It must be something that ordinary people can't see and is fast following us."

"Apart from the evil dogs that attacked us, we have been following an invisible evil dog as a wingman?"

"Huh? There is another evil dog by his side?"

Yang Xuming was stunned when he thought of this.

It suddenly occurred to him that before the two were attacked for the first time, when they parked, the white vicious dog had been lying on the roof of their car for some time.

At that time, Ying Sixue wanted to use the [False World] to catch the opponent, but was slipped away by the vicious dog.

Then came the formal attack by the vicious dog, attack after attack, completely beaten Yang Xuming and the others into embarrassment, there was no time to think about the situation of the vicious dog that slipped away.

They all took the vicious dog as a precursor to an official attack.

But at that time, it hadn't been fifteen minutes before the vicious dog was already there, which was absolutely abnormal.

Could it be that the vicious dog lying on the roof of their car is the medium behind the scenes watching here?

In this scrapped car, there is another hidden dog following them?

Because the thing was hidden in the car and did not launch an attack, they didn't pay attention at all?

Um... if you think about it this way, that guy is probably afraid of soul attacks and immune to physical attacks.

After all, when Ying Sixue asked [False World] to catch it, it slipped away, showing fear of [False World].

And when the car accident happened just now, if the vicious dog was not immune to physical attacks, it was probably gone.


Yang Xuming stood up slowly and walked to the side of the scrapped car.

The pale ghost fire spread along his feet and instantly enveloped the entire scrapped car.

Yang Xuming's sneer resounded in the sultry night breeze.

"Old lady, in fact, the body of your vicious dog... just hide it in this car..."

Tens of kilometers away, the old man lying in the dark froze instantly.

A look of horror.